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Now I am listening to all kinds of disco, haha. :-D

for that to happen they'd have to fix attackers having the advantage
It's hard to think of how this could work. I thought about buffing hero powers if you're behind, but what is "behind"?

Also, we don't want it to become too hard to snowball, because fatigue is a horrendous thing.


Non Dragon tempo warrior is the best, you play kinda curvy but still play cool high cost card

dragzz warrior finisher is common adventure card, fuck that


thijs posted these



well, they're interesting.

you have to buff Moroes so it doesn't die to everything, so I think it should be playable for druid, but is it worth it? they have that 3 mana 2/2 beast that buffs everything other than power of the wild, I'm not sure how good is that. not very? In priest you can buff it with pw:s, it could be ok. Priest can't deal 1 damage easily, having an endless source of token is pretty good. I think it's ok card.

The dragon, depends on the meta if it has good targets, seems kinda like Cabal of course it doesn't swing but it's still strong. I think it has a whole bunch of targets against other dragon decks for one.
thijs posted these



well, they're interesting.

can see the dragon in some sort of dragon control as a 1 of, not sure about the other card since it depends on what a 1/1 steward is. But it's 3 mana for a 1/1 stealth and maybe a vanilla 1/1. Doesnt seem all that great since it doesnt trade into other 3 drops.

Actually I can see it in an offshoot of miracle rogue. Don't need to conceal it so it's got that going for it
You guys are overhyping the hell out of Barnes.

Troggzor cho gall status confirmed

It puts 4/5 worth of stats on board with the potential to put a ridiculous ability on board for 4 mana. Even if you just get a baby Rag, Tirion, or Cairne, just their ability alone is worth at least 4 mana. I think it easily becomes a Paladin staple just for the chance to get Tirion or Light Rag. And it will absolutely get played in N'Zoth decks to double up on some of the more powerful deathrattles.


Super Sleuth
thijs posted these



well, they're interesting.

you have to buff Moroes so it doesn't die to everything, so I think it should be pretty good for druid, but is it worth it? they have that 3 mana 2/2 beast that buffs everything other than power of the wild, I'm not sure how good is that. not very? In priest you can buff it with pw:s, it could be ok.

The dragon, depends on the meta if it has good targets, seems kinda like Cabal of course it doesn't swing but it's still strong. I think it has a whole bunch of targets against other dragon decks for one.

Dragon kodo with selectable target.


Corporate Apologist
They both seem pretty bad IMO. Why would I want Moroes at all? Most decks have AoE these days. And what deck would want Book Wyrm, 6 mana card that's a 4 drop with a conditional Shadow Word Pain?


You guys are overhyping the hell out of Barnes.

Troggzor cho gall status confirmed

Troggzor was only unplayed because Miracle Rogue got nerfed and the cards introduced by GvG made the meta more minion-based. Chogall is only unplayed because Warlock didn't get any good spells, lost Dark Bomb and Implosion, and Molten Giants got nerfed.

Predictions about the cards themselves based on the available cards and state of the game at the time were spot on.


I like Book Wyrm, even after BRM rotates out it could be playable, it's just pretty good and there are bunch of dragons people will still play in some decks.


book wyrm is so overcosted, why can't its just 4 mana 2/4 or something close?

6 mana is way too late, Kodo already struggle enough to play


The dragon is very solid, 3/6 Dragon type for 4 mana is premium stats plus Shadow Pain attached to it. A lot of classes would love to have something like that. Honestly I would play this over Kodo in any deck I can afford to pick up some dragons. This fits well into the 6 mana Dragon slot for slower Dragon decks that don't want to be playing Drakonid Crusher.

The Moroes card has OBVIOUS synergy with Steward Darkshire (hehe both have Stewards in their name). Like you use them both then you have have Stealth Divine Shield Moroes on the board that is popping divine shield Stewards. That is difficult for many classes to deal with. This is clearly a card meant for flood type decks aka Zoo/Aggro Pally.


Corporate Apologist
Wait, I did think of one deck that Moroes may fit in. A Steward of Darkshire deck. If you can get a Divine Shield onto Moroes, he would be really hard to kill, and the constant stream of tokens fit the deck well.


Kodo destroys a 2 attack minion not 3. It's a huge difference, 3 attack covers a whole bunch of midrange minions that see play.

You can pick a target with this. It's more like Cabal but instead of a swing it destroys larger minions.

The funny part is that it can counter itself lol.
They both seem pretty bad IMO. Why would I want Moroes at all? Most decks have AoE these days. And what deck would want Book Wyrm, 6 mana card that's a 4 drop with a conditional Shadow Word Pain?

Agreed. Moroes has to sit on board for at least 2 turns just to get you the equivalent stats of a mediocre 3 drop. Even then, the fact that it's split up into 1/1 bodies means that the other player can either wipe them with any AOE or make smart trades so that he doesn't even trade 1 for 1. And with the sheer volume of Warriors on ladder, you're basically guaranteed to get Ravaging Ghouled every time you play him. Book Wyrm only works in Dragon decks, and he's even questionable there.


Being in the 6 slot is pretty nice for dragon decks, pretty good after a Dragon Consort. And after WOG Deathwing this seems to confirm that they will continue to support dragons next year when BRM rotates.


Book Wyrm seems like a good replacement for Cabal Shadow Priest in a Dragon Priest deck for Standard since you don't have Shrinkmeister. It also being a Dragon helps enable the Dragon synergy cards that Cabal wouldn't. Unfortunately it doesn't really solve the bigger problem with Dragon Priest in Standard which is that the minions don't really trade favorably with other midrange minions because of the low attack. It really doesn't feel good trying to fit in Abusive Sergeants or Lance Carriers into the deck.
Both of those cards seem really good. Moroes seems absolutely insane in bubble Paladin, like brokenly so. If you don't have a board clear you probably just lose, especially if they go Steward into Moroes. Probably the only thing holding it back would be the insane amount of ways Warrior has to deal with it.


Yeah Boom Wyrm is an obvious replacement for Cabal in Dragon Priest. Dragon Priest kinda needed that 6 drop dragon and neither Drakonid Crusher nor Scaled Nightmare fit that bill.

Priests need an over powered early game buff to make Dragon Priest strong again. Velens Chosen carried that deck so hard.


Moroes reminds me a bit of dreadsteed.
Infinity value if you can't conuter it.
Obviously he his much easier to counter, but he also cost 1 mana less.
Since dreadsteed isn't that great at the best of time, I don't see him getting much play either.

You can play him together with Steward of Darkshire ( and hobgoblin in wild), but that's not exactly reliable and they are both high priotity targets, so they won't stay on the field for long.
What will probably condem the card is that he get countered really hard by other 3 mana cards ( Fan, Ghoul, Flamewaker).

First of all book wyrm is pretty hilarious, but nevermind.
The card is pretty good. The effect is good, the stats are fine and fits the curve of a dragon deck.
It will probably competed with Cabal in dragon priest and they will switch places when the meta changes.
Dragon Paladin are probably also going to love this card, because the synergy with peace keeper is very strong
It's possible that the card is too slow to be great, but it definitely has potential.
Both of those cards seem really good. Moroes seems absolutely insane in bubble Paladin, like brokenly so. If you don't have a board clear you probably just lose, especially if they go Steward into Moroes. Probably the only thing holding it back would be the insane amount of ways Warrior has to deal with it.

Yep it is one of those cards that can't be strong, because if it became strong it would easily be countered.

That said, it is nice to see Blizzard giving aggro/zoo decks a lot of love this expansion. At least they are actively trying to ... well completely fuck up the game further I suppose.

The dragon is a bit too clunky. You wouldn't want to keep it in your hand since it is too slow, but it also isn't high cost enough to be the dragon that sits around and makes your synergy work.
Might as well try it in Priest though, because what else are you going to do? Playing a 3/6 and shadow word pain on turn 6 is a pretty crappy play (you needed to kill that 3 attack minion 4 turns ago), but you probably don't have a better one.


I am not convinced that book wyrm is a good card

Excited to try Moroes though, any deck that can leverage those 1/1s can do well with him


I like Moroes, and it'll fit in Pally but waiting until 6 for the guaranteed Darkshire combo is a tough ask when you've got Bilefin on 5.

Currently 6-0 in my arena run... normally that wouldn't be a big deal but I am absolute trash in sealed in every game so I'm pretty pleased. Only card I regret is Volcanic Drake.


Got it done on the last day, was ready to throw my pc out the window when i went on a losing streak from mid 6 all the way to mid 8. What seemed to have helped was teching in a ooze and a fire trap to combat all the Warriors,Shamans and Warlocks that seem to infest 10 and below.
Got it done on the last day, was ready to throw my pc out the window when i went on a losing streak from mid 6 all the way to mid 8. What seemed to have helped was teching in a ooze and a fire trap to combat all the Warriors,Shamans and Warlocks that seem to infest 10 and below.

Yeah I teched an Ooze into my midrange hunter just to handle the handful of weapons the more popular decks have.

What's your deck list? I might make a mad dash to crank ten lol.


Super Sleuth
Moroes should have like a deathrattle give +1/+1 to all stewards or something like that. Ravaging ghoul, which i hear is pretty common, is not going to be kind to that card.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Lost 8 brawls in a row, utterly dumbfounded how impossible those games were to win


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Moroes is cute but probably not playable. You need him to survive something like 3 turns to get value unless you have some other way to get value off the tokens like Divine Shield or Juggles or something.. And the Steward of Darkshire combo is 6 mana. Too slow for aggro pally.

Book Wyrm is pretty good but not particularly OP. Water Elemental stats + Shadow Word: Pain is worth 6 mana. The problem here I think is that when you're looking to build a tribe deck you need cards that are basically OP once they meet the condition. Pretty much every other dragon synergy card in Dragon Priest is like that but not this. I don't think he's aggressive enough for Dragon Warrior. He might be a consideration for a Dragon Paladin deck. It still doesn't solve the problem that Dragon Paladin lacks early game but maybe this is the tool that enables Dragon Paladin to catch back up on board? Not sure. Dragon Paladin could use a solid 6 drop.
Book wyrm, definitely dragon paladin. It'll work with aldor/humility/keeper even better than kodo since no RNG plus it also enables other dragon cards and hits more targets than kodo. The dragon consort will make it easier to get this kind of combo to hit as well.

It's pretty bad attack but the health is alright.


I'd say 9 out of 10 times, Imp master would give you more value than Moroes. I thought maybe it could have some niche use at first, I think it's really underwhelming right now.


I just see some crazy yogg at rusian streamer stream that made him comeback from 2 hp winning against 45hp C'thun warrior lmao


Super Sleuth
Playing patron warrior against zoo, i have two full health patrons on board and a full health frothing at 11 attack. Dude plays forbidden ritual. I top deck whirlwind. Things went poorly for him.


Well, it's huntard day again.

No point trying to counter pick cause I'm going to get fucked on match ups no matter what.


What rank you up to?

Thanks for asking. Now everyone can point and laugh.

I'm 8. I was 7.

Now facing fourth hunter in a row. Beat the shit out of the last one so bad he friend requested me.

Unfortunately I don't always have axe on 2, Justicar on 6, twin emps on 7 and bran/shieldbearer on ten.


Welp, the first of my disappointing season reset awards is here:


I'll have rares on EU and NA at least, I'm sure they'll also be unplayable garbage cards. Plus this cardback is hot garbage. :p

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