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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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I suppose it could work in beast heavy Hunter decks since it would effectively be a Shattered Sun Cleric with +1 Health, but that text is just odd.


This is a cool Brawl, I want to see how long I can survive in.

Too bad I don't have all the Legendaries to make it work. I was thinking of a massive flood type deck and powering up minions with double Mukla Champion every turn to keep pace with the opponent. Also have a Hogger set up to block the attack.

I feel like there has to be a way to force the game to finish by fatigue.

But the city gains health as it takes damage, so wouldn't fatigue just increase its health?

BTW, hate the art on that card. There are 3 beasts and a dragon but no murloc reoresentation


But the city gains health as it takes damage, so wouldn't fatigue just increase its health?
Yup that's exactly what happened lmao!

When it went to fatigue he just kept getting more and more HP. I survived for 18 turns and it was in Fatigue. He had no cards left in hand either but the weapon and minion spawn every turn finished the game.

Issue is that he has a 40 card deck so it's harder than normal to start fatiguing him. I was still able to do it. Weapon removal is key so stuff like Sabotage was MVP. Betrayal was very good too.

Game froze there, could have gotten higher but I kept DC'ing every turn and reconnecting.

You won the Brawl.


Unconfirmed Member
The new card is pre-nerf Cleric at worst. I think if you're running an aggressive deck with any of these tribes you at least consider this. If you have 2 of them its pretty great, and all 3 is insane. Considering that Cleric is almost good enough in a lot of zoo-ish decks these days, this could probably see play in whatever that aggressive beast druid becomes. Just assume its only ever going to hit 1 minion and if you can play with that then the card is worth it.

Not an exciting card, but possibly playable. Borderline for sure atm. If we see more "multi-tribe" synergy cards it would have a better shot.
This brawl really should have a leader board.

I think there is one dominant strategy as xanathus is showing.

This is the best I did with paladin


Really fun brawl. There is a bit of RNG to it though. I had one round where I double MCT'd and had a huge board by like turn 8 with tirion on board and then it played enter the colloseum so I only managed around 100 damage.


I wonder if you can trick the AI to keep using Divine Spirit with Lorewalker Cho and get a large number of Divine Spirits on a big taunt then hit him with like 10k attack at once. He does have a Silence though.


Is there anyway to turn the City of Stormwind into Jaraxxus or Majordomo?
It's possible to give him Majordormo.

He carries Mind Vision and Convert in his deck so you can run a bunch of games and hopefully he gets it. Also uses Mirror Entity.

Otherwise you can play Priest and Lorewalker him some Thoughsteals and put Majordormo in your deck.

I don't have most of these cards or I would've tried it already.

I think easiest way is with Hunter, use King's Elekk to grab Majordormo. Survive until turn 9 then put down Majordormo when Mirror Entity is up, then kill his Domo.


This is a cool Brawl, I want to see how long I can survive in.

Too bad I don't have all the Legendaries to make it work. I was thinking of a massive flood type deck and powering up minions with double Mukla Champion every turn to keep pace with the opponent. Also have a Hogger set up to block the attack.

I feel like there has to be a way to force the game to finish by fatigue.
max score is 1000 from reddit


bjaelke posted someone getting 33k

Does that come in coins? Did it yesterday and I am not even sure how to check if I got it.

It's supposed to eventually send you an email telling you you got the credit. I don't know if it comes in coins or whatnot. People in the thread are saying they haven't received the email yet, might have to wait until the promotion is over.


Free $10 Amazon AppStore Credit, should be able to use it on Hearthstone

these are the kind of things I love to read in this thread. Thank you

I'll get dat adventure are $10.. scratch that, even less since I had $2 in credit stored

It's supposed to eventually send you an email telling you you got the credit. I don't know if it comes in coins or whatnot. People in the thread are saying they haven't received the email yet, might have to wait until the promotion is over.

from the info page:

Please note, it may take up to 48 hours for you to receive an e-mail confirming that the $10 Amazon credit has been applied to your account.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
It's supposed to eventually send you an email telling you you got the credit. I don't know if it comes in coins or whatnot. People in the thread are saying they haven't received the email yet, might have to wait until the promotion is over.

I got the email saying I got the credit but didn't get the credit so who knows.
damn still a week til the first wing... wish they did 2 wings a week or something. Maybe 1 wing every 4 days.

Also, we know there is a free 2 card wing. Does that count as a full wing? If so... damn.
Got the credits after e-mailing Amazon. You can't buy coins with them. What you have to do is go to the Hearthstone app (has to be downloaded via the Amazon app store) and purchase the packs like normal and it should use the credits to fund the purchase.

Check your credits balance here.


I think I read basically this same paragraph about Elise. How unplayable she was and even worst you needed to play 3 cards...statistics and charts all over the place saying how bad and terrible the card was.

All know how that ended.

If you think PM is going to turn out anything like elise you're deluding yourself.


The Worgen OTK deck only kinda works right now because of all the other Warrior decks out there. It skates by on people expecting other Warrior archetypes.

Kinda like how Malylock was a thing briefly because multiple Warlock archetypes were viable at the time.

Though as far as combo decks go you can do a lot worse.


I got 157 with tempo mage that could have been ~175 if I had thrown my fireballs at his face on my last turn.

2 ooze, antonidas, 2 echo of medivh
regular tempo mage stuff.
when you get a board with an antonidas and 2 apprentices and you've got oozes and replacements in hand you can apparently go for a very long time.

They're sheep. Plain as that. Started running Dragon Priest and it's an auto win when they mill the shitty deck down to the worgen and faceless and I have two big taunts on board and harrison already dismissed the weapon.

so you're saying worgen combo is bad and people are playing a bad deck...... because it loses to a dragon priest deck that's full of taunts.
ok, sure buddy.
so you're saying worgen combo is bad and people are playing a bad deck...... because it loses to a dragon priest deck that's full of taunts. ok, sure buddy.

I'm not sure I get your point... It's a bad deck. It's a shitty combo that relies on "newbs" not figuring out what the deck is to win. You can execute and shout commander your acolyte til thy kingdom come, once someone knows your strategy and you have no other win condition, then yes...it's a shitty deck.

Edit: I should add I started laddering late so I'm currently in the 18/17 rank. Perhaps the pros in the single digit ranks run it better, but I'm still confident I'll be alllll right against them.
I wonder if you can trick the AI to keep using Divine Spirit with Lorewalker Cho and get a large number of Divine Spirits on a big taunt then hit him with like 10k attack at once. He does have a Silence though.

Let's just say, yes.

First attempt with Thief Priest:

I died to fatigue. Also it played Mind Vision and wiped my board with the Excavated Evil it got. Sideshow Spelleater too good in this Brawl.
They're sheep. Plain as that. Started running Dragon Priest and it's an auto win when they mill the shitty deck down to the worgen and faceless and I have two big taunts on board and harrison already dismissed the weapon.

yea agreed. and whenever i play it i can't figure out how the hell people actually win with it. and whenever somebody says "draw your whole deck by turn 10" i know they're full of shit because you can maybe pull that off every 1/5 games.
I'm not sure I get your point... It's a bad deck. It's a shitty combo that relies on "newbs" not figuring out what the deck is to win. You can execute and shout commander your acolyte til thy kingdom come, once someone knows your strategy and you have no other win condition, then yes...it's a shtity deck.

Maybe you're playing against shitty players? I've lost to the deck before, even knowing what it was. Even at max hp with a 4/6 taunt I still lost. That's not the sign of a shitty deck.


I tested Secretpaladin in this brawl,I didn't even change the decklist at all and dealed 121 points of damage.
Turn out, it's pretty good.
Kelthuzad and taunt is bugged, so just use that and Malganis as Warlock to make yourself immune to fatigue damage. Include a couple Scaled Nightmares, copy them, and infinite damage?

Bloodsail Corsair is also good for this brawl as he removes 1 durability from your opponent's weapon.

Has anyone tried Blingtron?


Unconfirmed Member
Not sure what to do with this Dragon/Beast/Murlok cross synergy. None of the effects seem good enough to build a deck around it, and can't really think of a deck that just happens to already run beasts, dragons, and murlocs.

Does make me want to try Dragon Hunter or Dragon Druid, just for fun.


Curator is really good, I can see it being played in at least fringe/niche decks.

The new card though... nah man. At least not yet anyway. There might be some new card that turns all your minions into additional tribe classes but right now this is not a real thing.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
If you think PM is going to turn out anything like elise you're deluding yourself.

Even Gang Up saw fringe play even though it's a "2 mana do nothing" card.

Increasing the size of your deck can have value in Hearthstone. The card should not be immediately dismissed, even if its competitive viability is questionable.
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