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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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I mean you don't get to play those expensive spells right now and only Entomb is playable, I'm not sure if anyone is crazy enough to put mind control and holy fire in their decks right now. Getting ~3 mana creature still isn't bad but with rest of priest deck yeaaah rip.


I mean you don't get to play those expensive spells right now and only Entomb is playable, I'm not sure if anyone is crazy enough to put mind control and holy fire in their decks right now. Getting ~3 mana creature still isn't bad but with rest of priest deck yeaaah rip.

That 5 mana aoe is still played in some lists. Even 3-mana spells yield nice value for long matches.

But yeah it's a neutral legendary and not super powerful. I would never play it over Antonidas in mage.


turn 8 medivh turn 9 firelands portal and ping

That 5 mana aoe is still played in some lists. Even 3-mana spells yield nice value for long matches.

But yeah it's a neutral legendary and not super powerful. I would never play it over Antonidas in mage.

the thing about that is antonidas has to live to be effective, its unlikely you can combo multiple spellcasts on the turn he's played.
second of all you still have to pay to cast those fireballs he gives you. the shit medivh gives you is free.


the thing about that is antonidas has to live to be effective, its unlikely you can combo multiple spellcasts on the turn he's played.
second of all you still have to pay to cast those fireballs he gives you. the shit medivh gives you is free.

Usually you play Antonidas with emperor and two or more fireballs is GG most of the time.


That's a cool card. Probably strongest in Druid, innervating it out then nourishing seems really strong. Unlike other big stuff you can innervate its effects linger.

It's neat with Doom!, 10 mana, kills everything, draw cards, free 10 cost minion, and you still have the weapon...that is such a ridiculous swing it might actually make Doom usable.


I mean you don't get to play those expensive spells right now and only Entomb is playable, I'm not sure if anyone is crazy enough to put mind control and holy fire in their decks right now. Getting ~3 mana creature still isn't bad but with rest of priest deck yeaaah rip.

Shadow Madness / Mind Games gets you some good 4-cost minions like Shifting Shade, ASP, the 4/2, and Holy Champion. (Also Tazdingo, Yeti, Tournament Healer.) Heck, even Thoughtsteal might get you 4/7 Injured Blademasters! Good thing Shaman doesn't have a lot of 4-cost spells...

Good thing no one is running weapon removal in this meta

Yeah, can't wait to get Harrisoned as a Priest now.

Looks like a fun card, and I'm going to play it, but it's slooooow as sheet. Not crazy about the art though...

I like the Silverware Golem! All we need now is a new hero portrait for Warlock and I'll play discard or Renounce Evil!


That's a cool card. Probably strongest in Druid, innervating it out then nourishing seems really strong. Unlike other big stuff you can innervate its effects linger.

It's neat with Doom!, 10 mana, kills everything, draw cards, free 10 cost minion, and you still have the weapon...that is such a ridiculous swing it might actually make Doom usable.

Yeah Druid could use him. I'm excited.


I like Silverware Golem, glad that discard is starting to become a thing for Warlock. It also reminds me of my old MTG deck back in the Odyssey set with Wild Mongrel + Basking Rootwalla combo. Gonna be fun doing it here in Hearthstone.


Thijs hate that discard card, seem OP.. And made soulfire and doomguard bad effect into positive

Yep, it seems playable solely because the 3-butt is sticky for a 1-mana guy. Replace argent squires with them and it wouldn't even cripple zoo much power-wise.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I feel like if discardlock becomes a thing it'll be super frustrating due to the sheer amount of wildly varying power it would put it out based off the random throws.

Like, turn 1 flame imp, turn 2 librarian that discards/plays the 3/3 is DISGUSTING.


I feel like if discardlock becomes a thing it'll be super frustrating due to the sheer amount of wildly varying power it would put it out based off the random throws.

Like, turn 1 flame imp, turn 2 librarian that discards/plays the 3/3 is DISGUSTING.

It's just double Mechwarpers basically (and yes it's annoying).


So Warlock class card is trash (just salty they get all the zoo card)n confirm blizz only support lock as zoo class

Mage is meh

Watch Druid goes 3/3


I assume you still draw a card from the imp if the 3/3 gets summoned. Turn 2 have a 1/3, 3/2, 3/3 on board and still 3 cards in hand. Turns the Librarian into a best-case Tuskar Totemic that draws you a card.

Of course, you're at the mercy of discard rng..but you win immediately when it does happen, and there is no big loss if it doesn't.


I hope discards won't become a thing, the last thing we need right now is another broken aggressive deck. I'm not sure what goes in their heads.


I hope discards won't become a thing, the last thing we need right now is another broken aggressive deck. I'm not sure what goes in their heads.


Leeroy Jenkins created a strategy that revolved around trying to defeat your opponent in one turn without requiring any cards on the board. Fighting for board control and battles between minions make an overall game of Hearthstone more fun and compelling, but taking 20+ damage in one turn is not particularly fun or interactive.

Don't you see, it's fun and compelling to blurp out your minions and battle between them hit face.


The more I think about it the more I despise that card.

I play zoo I frigging knew so many opportunity to use insáne synergy of that card with Soulfire or Doomguard.

Fuck.. that card is broken as shit its probably just as broken as mad scientist

Holy shit blizz

You gonna see some doomguard play like its frigging Call of the wild

How the hell this is interactive.. you can't play around this shit at all


The biggest problem with Medivh is that if he does become popular everyone will just run weapon removal and then he's most likely a vanilla 8 mana 7/7 which is very mediocre.


The more I think about it the more I despise that card.

I play zoo I frigging knew so many opportunity to use insáne synergy of that card with Soulfire or Doomguard.

Fuck.. that card is broken as shit its probably just as broken as mad scientist

Holy shit blizz

You gonna see some doomguard play like its frigging Call of the wild

How the hell this is interactive.. you can't play around this shit at all

How do you play around Mechwarper, Innervate, Flamewaker or other old as shit tempo engines? When these decks get the nut draw, there's not much you can do.

And it's not like Doomguard was ever very balanced. Often you just empty your hand before playing him so he was just a 5-mana 5/7 charge, which on paper is broken. But Hearthstone is full of broken things that are supposed to be balanced against the other broken shit your opponent has.


Got good loot from this week's Brawl. Got my 1st Doomsayer at long last (didnt want to burn dust crafting it since I rarely go control deck)


I wish Medivh was cheaper, I've always wanted to see "staff" weapons for classes like Mage and Priest but spending 8 Mana for an overcosted minion and a limited Summoning Stone effect isn't super exciting but maybe it could work in Yogg Druid. Still exciting to see they're willing to develop non-regular weapons at least.

Silverware Golem seems like an actual good discard incentive card unlike Fist of Jaraxxus, maybe it will finally be enough for a more discard focused Warlock. Would you play stuff like Tiny Knight of Evil then?


I think people might be underrating Medivh a little bit. I think he could be pretty strong. Summoning Stone, despite its absolutely terrible body, was still almost playable in the right deck. It turns out, being able to cast removal spells while simultaneously developing your own board is very powerful. Medivh is a good body and can setup an insane tempo swing turn with Atiesh. It's also a very high value card as it will require multiple cards to deal with both the body and the weapon. The fact that his effect is a Battlecry and thus can't be silenced is also a plus.


Medivh is cool I hope it sees some play. Probably not but it's hard to say.



Thijs hate that discard card, seem OP.. And made soulfire and doomguard bad effect into positive

Yeah I am not a fan of that stuff, like how they made the Overload mechanic a positive for Tunnel Trogg (overload cards are already inherently strong, hence the overload).


If Medivh had taunt I'd have considered it but I really don't think that's worth running right now.

At least in mage, if you want to play 8 mana 7/7, Rhonin is better to go with Antonidas. I'd rather get 3 fireballs and 9 damage to end the game than some random dudes and even that is not played right now.

In other classes it might have potential. People played summoning stone rogue, summoning stone is probably still better than this in rogue. It locks your daggers and only works 3 times when you have to play a lot of cheaper spells. Stone is bugged in a way that if you prepped before playing it and then sprinted you'd get 7 cost minions for example. You probably can't even do that with this.

In priest? Priest has other problems. I'm not sure who'd play this. The game gotta be way too slow for cards like this. The turn you play it, it's only a 8 mana 7/7, the value comes later, it's so bad. Same reason Rhonin never caught on and that card is still better than this.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Kibler will love putting Medivh in his Reno Mage deck. I think he'll be experimented with in Priest and maybe even Paladin as well. It's a lot of value packed into one minion and the fact that the effect is tied to a weapon gives it a leg up that most slow, giant minions don't have. However if Ooze and/or Harrison become popular in the meta that stifles the card pretty hard.

Silverware Golem is the final card that makes you actually think Discardlock could actually be a thing now. I don't think he'll be OP, now it's just a question if that deck is better than normal zoo. It might be the more inconsistent version of zoo. If you don't get the discard synergy off, you're just playing underwhelming minions.


looking forward to discard cards actually. since I dont have Leeroy (and dont wanna craft him with all my meager savings)- I sometimes run doomguard. And soulfire is always getting packed on my zoo. might be interesting if I can finally use Librarian. I use to have her gold but dusted her thinking she'd never see light of day

We'll see though. Right now having more fun with my shaman.


If Medivh had taunt I'd have considered it but I really don't think that's worth running right now.

At least in mage, if you want to play 8 mana 7/7, Rhonin is better to go with Antonidas. I'd rather get 3 fireballs and 9 damage to end the game than some random dudes and even that is not played right now.

In other classes it might have potential. People played summoning stone rogue, summoning stone is probably still better than this in rogue. It locks your daggers and only works 3 times when you have to play a lot of cheaper spells. Stone is bugged in a way that if you prepped before playing it and then sprinted you'd get 7 cost minions for example. You probably can't even do that with this.

In priest? Priest has other problems. I'm not sure who'd play this. The game gotta be way too slow for cards like this. The turn you play it, it's only a 8 mana 7/7, the value comes later, it's so bad. Same reason Rhonin never caught on and that card is still better than this.

Rhonin is not better than Medivh. For one, you need to combo him with another powerful late-game card (Antonidas, Malygos, etc.) to get any sort of value out of Rhonin. That is difficult to do. Rhonin also is a Deathrattle which means he is more vulnerable to silence and there is no way to get immediate value out of him.

Medivh is the much better card IMO. It's also neutral, so even if it doesn't end up in Mage decks, it could still see play.


I think people might be underrating Medivh a little bit. I think he could be pretty strong. Summoning Stone, despite its absolutely terrible body, was still almost playable in the right deck. It turns out, being able to cast removal spells while simultaneously developing your own board is very powerful. Medivh is a good body and can setup an insane tempo swing turn with Atiesh. It's also a very high value card as it will require multiple cards to deal with both the body and the weapon. The fact that his effect is a Battlecry and thus can't be silenced is also a plus.

But it wasn't really playable and that's only 5 mana. You're talking 8 mana in a faster meta. You might need ~2 turns to make up the loss of tempo and I think that's problematic.

+ everyone is running Ooze/Harrison and now they'll just save it against weaponless classes instead of playing it for the body alone.
I like Medievh, I can see trying it out in a bunch of different classes to try and make it work well. Even rogue has assassinate or sprint. Mage has firelands portal and fire lance. Paladin has lay on hands. It'll be interesting to see what sort of decks come out trying to use this guy. Hopefully it isn't just another legendary that works largely in druid, cause that'll be most boring outcome.

It could read: turn your spells into late game.
While I really like Medievh, and I've always wanted to see some spell weapons, I just feel like he's going to help out people who tech in Ooze and Harrison. Against weaponless classes, they're just played for their bodies but with this, people will just hold onto them. As well, it's not like said weaponless classes can play something else to bait those out too.

But as other people have already said, it all just depends if he ends up being good / popular. If players don't expect him, other players will continue to play out Ooze and Harrison for tempo and not their effects. Shame Blingtron got rotated out!

Also, congrats on the tag Karticles!
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