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Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Aw come on Blizzard. Why you gotta buzzkill my 28hp OTK with Heroic Strike?

Truthfully though, the Warrior weapon looks pretty good but it's also possible that Brawl is just better as a board clear. I guess the weapon is nice in that it's more flexible.

Moonglade Portal looks okay I guess. Feels like a 6 mana Earthen Ring Farseer. It's theoretically solid value but Druid doesn't really need to heal much when it runs so many taunts around that mana cost. I feel like that card would be absolutely sick if it were a Warlock card.


Druid Portal seems ok if you're planning to get extra value by healing your high health taunts but if you're looking to gain hero health, Feral Rage is a much better choice. Ramp Druid is pretty dead at the moment so I don't know if it will see any play.


that warrior weapon seems insane

RIP Call of the Wild, I guess

What are you smoking? I'm gonna hit Misha twice, huffer once, and Leokk twice? With my face? After already taking God knows how much damage?

Some shitty meme weapon isn't helping the hunter match up at all.


the problem of the weapon is that by turn 5, hitting your face against minions will make them set lethal easier for them. this could be compensated if warrior could armor up steadily by then, but the 2 best options for this only could happen after turn 6 and 7 (justicar and ancient shieldbearer) and with this meta you will be already dead


the problem of the weapon is that by turn 5, hitting your face against minions will make them set lethal easier for them. this could be compensated if warrior could armor up steadily by then, but the 2 best options for this only could happen after turn 6 and 7 (justicar and ancient shieldbearer) and with this meta you will be already dead

that warrior have incredibly shit start if almost dead at turn 4


that warrior have incredibly shit start if almost dead at turn 4

Do you even play this game? I just finished a game where a dragon warrior had me at 2 life on turn 8. I won because I had Alex in hand and tank up as my hero power, but if I couldn't Alex myself? Game over.

Anyway, this weapon is shit. After turn 5, what 3 health minions am I clearing? This weapon would be an auto include at 4 attack. At 3? I'd rather run double brawl and gorehowl.


Do you even play this game? I just finished a game where a dragon warrior had me at 2 life on turn 8. I won because I had Alex in hand and tank up as my hero power, but if I couldn't Alex myself? Game over.

Well I pilot Warrior to rank 5 at last 3 month, have some dead at turn 5-6 moment.. but yeah.. there's good reason why Warrior is the best at this meta

Even that OTK warrior that only play below 4 hp minion had no trouble surviving 10+ turn


Warrior already has a good match up against zoo I thought.

Though if you don't draw your Ghouls you're boned

Whirlwinds, early war axe and brawls win that match up. I dont think killing 4 tokens is that impressive.

I do like this weapon against Shaman, clean up a bunch of annoying Totems, but still, not too impressed at this as a control card.

Baron Geddon is a much better clear against a bunch of small health minions. Brawl is 100x better.

This also nerfs Malkorok. If I need a couple extra damage for lethal and I get a weapon that can't hit face?

😔 🔫


Whirlwinds, early war axe and brawls win that match up. I dont think killing 4 tokens is that impressive.

I do like this weapon against Shaman, clean up a bunch of annoying Totems, but still, not too impressed at this as a control card.

Baron Geddon is a much better clear against a bunch of small health minions. Brawl is 100x better.

This also nerfs Malkorok. If I need a couple extra damage for lethal and I get a weapon that can't hit face?

😔 🔫

But you can remove the board for your ragnaros by the next turn.

or in other case, being able to hit face and remove minions could help.


Less chances of cursed blade or 2 attack weapons, is fine by me, heck assasins blade is an ok drop from malkorok imo, and this card is better


It's a nerf. It's another junk weapon that makes it even less likely I'll get a good result from Malkorok.

If you're playing a control list, its a buff, if you're playing aggro warrior, its a nerf.

Either way, it's a control card and just another tool to hopefully prevent zoo from running amok, nothing wrong with that.


This weapon is not trash and it does not nerf Malkorok. If anything it dilutes the pool and decreases the chance of getting Concede Blade.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The average result from Malkorok is something like a Fiery War Axe, and this is better then that. By a longshot.


If you run malkorok for finisher instead tempo gain might as well run Leeroy,

very surprised Dragon Warrior not do that yet tbh

this weapon is the ultimate tempo play especially if you getting it from malkorok

its gg if you flip the board that instance
Both of those cards seem pretty solid to me.

Can't imagine you'd want to run two copies of the weapon but as a one of it seems pretty good.

Druid card seems really nice as the 6 drop slot is generally pretty strong. Druid has never been a class that runs much healing but I could see this card fitting in some decks. I'll be trying it out for sure.


Priest portal is most likely hard removal summon-x minion

4 mana pls, I actually like 8 mana destroy minnion summon 8 mana minion, than 5 mana destroy an minion and summon 5 mana minion

if its not at 4, might as well 8 mana spell, 5 mana minion is weak, 8 mana tho, its pretty known as perfect spot for forbidden shaping, slow as shit but might as well


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The translation on that weapon is "Fool's Bane", btw. Both cards are on their Facebook page.
This weapon is not trash and it does not nerf Malkorok. If anything it dilutes the pool and decreases the chance of getting Concede Blade.

It also nerths wrathguard.

The weapon is meta specific in constructed. If there is a lot of zoo, it is an auto include.

So it is an auto include.

Priest portal 11 mana, destroy a minion, summon a minion for that cost. Costs 1 less if you control a beast, dragon and murloc


This weapon is not trash and it does not nerf Malkorok. If anything it dilutes the pool and decreases the chance of getting Concede Blade.

It's not great. The vast majority of cards played mid through late game have 4+ health. What am I cutting to run this?

Good point on cursed blade, but still, why would I want Malk to give me an inflexible weapon?

If you run malkorok for finisher instead tempo gain might as well run Leeroy,

Again, instead of getting a good weapon, I might get a situational one. Fuck that. Sure, sometimes it's going to be awesome. Other times its going to flat out 100% lose me the game.
Warrior tends to get interesting weapon cards. Rogue gets trash like poisoned blade. Paladin got a decent one with shield synergy. Maybe rogue gets one with deathrattle or... even combo synergy. I'd prefer combo or some combo text. I've also always wanted something like like life drain text or card draw attached. Maybe blade flurry would be worth running if when paired with a certain weapon healed the rogue.

Harrison Jones getting more value in each set.

Or zero value after the warrior uses all the charges in a single turn.


Harrison Jones getting more value in each set.

Actually with this weapon you can use all four charges the turn you equip it and completely deny Harrison value.

That's pretty cool.

I still hate it.

Everyone imagining all these best case scenarios. Shit, in the right circumstances Tentacles for Arms is OP.
Harrison Jones getting more value in each set.


But really that fools bane could result in some scary combos.


Again, instead of getting a good weapon, I might get a situational one. Fuck that. Sure, sometimes it's going to be awesome. Other times its going to flat out 100% lose me the game.

Funny one mate

even getting light justice made Malkorok awesome

sureeeeeee you always need that ping lethal that made light justice better drop from malkorok

cut this crap man you know card is not trash, ormaybe not even played but fuck these not even worth getting from malkorok bullcrap

and you know you can hit same minion multiple time with this right

I hit twice on twilight guardian if its gain me tempo


It's a nerf. It's another junk weapon that makes it even less likely I'll get a good result from Malkorok.

I don't agree. It's a four-durability weapon that is unique in that you can attack up to four times the turn you play it.

You'd typically play it in the mid to late game and I can think of one example off the top of my head where it would help: Dragon Priest.

Control Warrior has a slightly unfavored match up against Dragon Priest because of the strong curve. Now you can this weapon to trade life to clean up the board.

You fight to contest the board, play this weapon, then clean up the Priest's low-atk, damaged high-health doods on the board and then the Dragon Priest LOSES.

Same against Shaman, you can punch through Feral Spirits or clean up all of his totems (including Mana Tide and Flame Tongue).

It's extremely powerful because you can trade life for tempo / value and you can use it all in one turn (sidestepping the vulnerabilities that other weapons have).

It's far from a "meme weapon". Aggro Warrior can play a bunch of early shit, then throw on this weapon and destroy your board.


Corporate Apologist
Priest portal is most likely hard removal summon-x minion

4 mana pls, I actually like 8 mana destroy minnion summon 8 mana minion, than 5 mana destroy an minion and summon 5 mana minion

if its not at 4, might as well 8 mana spell, 5 mana minion is weak, 8 mana tho, its pretty known as perfect spot for forbidden shaping, slow as shit but might as well
7 mana, destroy a minion, summon a random minion of the same cost.


Priest portal is most likely hard removal summon-x minion

4 mana pls, I actually like 8 mana destroy minnion summon 8 mana minion, than 5 mana destroy an minion and summon 5 mana minion

if its not at 4, might as well 8 mana spell, 5 mana minion is weak, 8 mana tho, its pretty known as perfect spot for forbidden shaping, slow as shit but might as well

2 mana, destroy a minion, summon a 2/3 (with taunt)


3 mana, destroy a minon, summon a Deathlord

Off malkorok... could be game winning. After all, you can put out 12 damage in a single turn and you still have malkorok's huge body. Sure, you can't hit face but we're talking about a 5 mana card paired with a 5 mana body and a powerful weapon at that. Saying it makes malkorok weaker is insane imo, even if situationally it's not great.

Lets say you're behind on initiative. You've been trading fairly equal all game. You drop malkorok, you get this, then you can probably clear board while establishing a large minion, exactly what malkorok's job is. And you can feasibly remove 12 health to do it... or enable multiple executes or whirlwinds etc.. Seems great.

Thankfully it has a high hp cost, otherwise it'd be completely broken. Oh wait, it's in a class with the highest health.


and you know you can hit same minion multiple time with this right

Yeah, I can hit Deathwing or Ysera four times, remove them!

Anyway, I think I'm still triggered by the guy who said it was a counter to Call of the Wild. That was so upsetting. This weapon's four charges can't even clear CotW.

I'll test it when it comes out and maybe I'll end up liking it.

I don't know what ladder everyone else is on but I see more Renolock than zoo these days so I'm not excited by a card thats good against a match up I rarely see and already dominate when I do.
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