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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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Man, people underrate Hunter so much. Easily the second best class in the game right now.

It's a boring, mediocre pile of sad minions and memories of times when people respected Rexxar. It's completely carried by Highmane and Call of the Wild. It's also possibly the most boring deck to play in the history of HS.

RIP hunter.
Above Shaman? Hell naw.

The main reason why Warrior is on top with Dragon Warrior is because they have one of the very few ways of dealing with turn 1 Trogg, turn 2 Totem Golem and turn 4 Faceless. Dragon Warrior is the best Shaman "counter" in the game. And I put counter in quotations because we are talking about a 6/4 match up here, that's the best you can hope for in this meta.

And guess what? According to Blizzard, Shaman STILL has a better win percentage than Warrior.

I think midrange Hunter is better than midrange Shaman right now. I also think hybrid Hunter is insanely underrated currently and while probably not on the level that aggro Shaman is, really isn't all that far behind.

I wouldn't be shocked to see Hunter take over soon.


I've loved Hunter since the day I started playing. Since before that even, I played Hunter in WoW TCG (nearly 10 years ago now).

Shaman's better.


I think hunter is more than strong enough right now but I just don't care about the class, it's the most boring linear one way class there is, it's just awfully designed, I wouldn't shed a tear if that "9th class" at the bottom is hunter. Nothing of value would be lost.

Nice trade bjaelke! thanks. See guys, this is how it's done, get on our levels.


The proportion of bad 6 drops to good 6 drops is really, really low, both in class cards and in neutrals. I went through and counted the cards that I would not want to see under any circumstances and only came up with:

Void Crusher
Corrupted Seer
Mogor's Champion
The Skeleton Knight
Windfury Harpy

Every other card is at least a 4/4 (which is obviously bad but at least isn't junkbot bad) and many other cards have extremely powerful effects. Even cards that rely on battle cries still end up being 4/6, 5/5, 6/7, etc.

It's questionable given how fast the meta is whether this card would be good enough, but if you could heal a tree, wrath and heal the tree with this, that would be a good day

you're happy with 4/4s but you dont want to see skeleton knight. what?


I think hunter is more than strong enough right now but I just don't care about the class, it's the most boring linear one way class there is, it's just awfully designed, I wouldn't shed a tear if that "9th class" at the bottom is hunter. Nothing of value would be lost.

Face hunter was much more interesting than the gimped shit we now have. Sure every noob out there whined about it, but it kept other classes in check and the games were over quick. It was always rewarding to stay alive as a control deck and beat the hunter.

This abomination that plays 2-mana 3/2's and 3-mana 2/5's is a goddamn travesty to the legacy of the class.


yeah, it might come as surprise to some, to be consistently good with face hunter in those metas, it needed the player to be somewhat calculating, there were a whole bunch things to play around and the whole deck was high risk high reward style of deck, sometimes yeah bad players could do well with anyways but not consistently to reach higher winrates.
Now hunter just plays pile of stats and sticky cards into call of the wild, you either win there at that point or you lose. It's more dumb than ever.


Hunter is easily the most boring class in Hearthstone and the worst designed.

And we are going to see a lot more of it in the next adventure.


Freezing trap is one of the most satisfying card to use strategically, and slow terror of hunter hero power feel good too

but fuck that class, boring shit

I do wish they given fix for their draw weakness tho, card like barnes, curator, and into the hunt is enabler for sick malygos combo deck


Hunter is easily the most fun class in Hearthstone and I miss Face Hunter dearly.

Priest might be boring, but at least you know if you're playing against it you've got yourself a win waiting at the other side. If you're the one playing Priest, I dunno, you're a masochist or something. I've given up trying to win with Priest for a while now.


hunter isn't priest.
Of course, Hunter doesn't have interesting spells and the ability to play reactionary. It doesn't have good board clears, card draw or healing.

Hunter has Call of the Wild as its best spell. Yup.. a spell that summons a bunch of beast minions. Wow... so interesting.

Hunter was fine before standard.
Hunter was never fine, it was always a class shoehorned into playing very specific archetypes because they don't have the tools to play anything else. Their hero power means that they are forced to play midrange at its slowest and lack of heals/card draws/good board clears means they will be forever be the aggressor. Terrible design all around and Blizzard has decided to make Hunter the annoying deathrattle beast class by giving them like 10 Deathrattle beast cards.

What's the last interesting deck that Hunter had? God damn OTK Hunter deck in BETA.


Priest is all about that "You Need Corn" list right now.

I've never really liked hunter outside of Beast Hunter (TGT) and the gimpy control variants they have going on now with Renogg Hatson.
I should have enough dust to move back into another class again soon. Debating between Warrior and Hunter. Could also complete mage but don't particularly like the way t
he class plays


Hunter was never fine, it was always a class shoehorned into playing very specific archetypes because they don't have the tools to play anything else. Their hero power means that they are forced to play midrange at its slowest and lack of heals/card draws/good board clears means they will be forever be the aggressor. Terrible design all around and Blizzard has decided to make Hunter the annoying deathrattle beast class by giving them like 10 Deathrattle beast cards.

What's the last interesting deck that Hunter had? God damn OTK Hunter deck in BETA.

We have 9 classes. It's completely fine to have one or two that focus on either aggro or control. Midrange hunter was always fun to pilot. Face hunter brought the best salt and sweat in tournaments. The matches were nailbiters when the control deck barely stayed alive while the hunter exhausted his resources.

I do agree that Blizzard has failed to give control tools to hunter, but I for one never asked for them.


I don't know what you guys are talking about Hunter not having a Control deck, MIdrange Hunter is practically a control deck because almost every other deck on ladder is faster and more aggresive than it so you have to play the control game. Hunter is running Doomsayers FFS.


It's not like Blizzard hasn't tried to give Control or value oriented cards to Hunter... they have given them a ton.

Just look at these cards, they could be sick in another class:

King's Elekk
Explorer's Hat
Ball of Spiders
Lock N Load
Giant Sand Worm
Call of the Wild

The problem is a fundamental one.

And Hunters are only running Doomsayers because all of their other 2 drops options are garbage. Go look at Wild and see how Hunter plays there when they have Mad Scientist to play on turn 2 or Haunted Creeper. When this Adventure is out they will go back to playing a real 2 drop with Kindly Grandmother like they actually want to be doing.


It's not like Blizzard hasn't tried to give Control or value oriented cards to Hunter... they have given them a ton.

Just look at these cards, they could be sick in another class:

King's Elekk
Explorer's Hat
Ball of Spiders
Lock N Load
Giant Sand Worm
Call of the Wild

The problem is a fundamental one.
Acidmaw, Infest,Ball of Spiders,Lock N Load and Giant Sand Worm wouldn't see play in other classes either and call of the wild is an amazing card, so of course it would be good other classes,too.


Yeah I meant to say that Blizzard indeed has tried to give hunter control tools, but failed to create a combination that works.

I don't know what you guys are talking about Hunter not having a Control deck, MIdrange Hunter is practically a control deck because almost every other deck on ladder is faster and more aggresive than it so you have to play the control game. Hunter is running Doomsayers FFS.

The lists everyone runs are midrange plain and simple. Like the most cookie cutter boring midrange lists possible. A few doomsayers don't change that.


Lock N Load would be SICK in Mage. Actually it would be broken because of Sorcerer's Apprentice so it's good that it's only in Hunter lol.

Acidmaw would be tight in Warrior. Use a WW effect with it to clear the board without having to worry about Brawl RNG..

Infest could be nice in Druids with Token play. Or in Zoo. Though this and Ball of Spiders really only can work well in Hunter because Hunter is the main beast class.

Yeah Sandworm won't see any play... people would just rather play Ragnaros. Maybe fringe tech choice in Beast Druid but that's fringe already lol.


Of course, Hunter doesn't have interesting spells and the ability to play reactionary. It doesn't have good board clears, card draw or healing.

exactly, it doesn't rely on making the game less fun in order to eke out a meager win here and there.
blue is for absolute fuckers and priest is the closest thing there comes to blue in hearthstone. fuck priest and everyone who plays it.

the only way priest should ever be allowed to crawl out of the gutter is on the back of more proactive play.
exactly, it doesn't rely on making the game less fun in order to eke out a meager win here and there.
blue is for absolute fuckers and priest is the closest thing there comes to blue in hearthstone. fuck priest and everyone who plays it.
it's alright in the end everyone becomes a blue mage, it might take lifetimes but drawing cards is the meaning of life. Still fuck priest.


Lock and Load could see play in some combo Mage decks, but it wouldn't be close to staple in the class. Most decks are still playing majority minions, and the average cost of good Mage spells is higher than Hunter. Sorcerer's Apprentice or Thaurissan would be necessary for anything huge.


Lock N Load would be SICK in Mage. Actually it would be broken because of Sorcerer's Apprentice so it's good that it's only in Hunter lol.

Acidmaw would be tight in Warrior. Use a WW effect with it to clear the board without having to worry about Brawl RNG..

Infest could be nice in Druids with Token play. Or in Zoo. Though this and Ball of Spiders really only can work well in Hunter because Hunter is the main beast class.

Yeah Sandworm won't see any play... people would just rather play Ragnaros. Maybe fringe tech choice in Beast Druid but that's fringe already lol.

blizz will print the mage spell version and its common card then


I forgot to talk about the new warrior weapon.
Since we have never seen anything quite like this, it's hard to evaluate.
The closest thing we got is Doomhammer in control shaman deck.
It never worked that well, because a) 2 attack often isn't enough and b) shaman don't have enough good way of healing themself.

The new weapon has 1 attack more and warriors have a ton of ways to get a shitload of armor.
Chances are that control warrior are going to love this weapon since it's rare that they want to attack face with their weapons anyway.
Although, it's possible the the weapon is outclassed by gorehowl, since both weapon are great at killing minions.
I suppose it will depend on the meta.

The card might even be good enough for tempo decks, but it's very possible that the drawback is too big in these decks.
Pirate Warrior defeintly isn't going to play it since dealing direct damage with your weapons is too important.


So I read there is a stream today, maybe showing off the rest of the cards? Or at least a batch?

Some cards will be revealed + a show match. Any unannounced cards should appear on their Facebook page after the stream has ended.


Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/playhearthstone
CotW turn 8 and 9 stops working if your opponent runs brawl and this weapon

Turn 8, you take 5.
You respond with brawl. It leaves huffer
Next turn, you take 10.
You use the weapon to clear, taking a further 16 damage and not clearing.

Seems good.
Typical rank 13 zoo

Fun and interactive
Zoo is very interactive. Decks like Freeze Mage are non-interactive. IMO, in many matchups Aggro Shaman is also non-interactive in many cases.

It's a boring, mediocre pile of sad minions and memories of times when people respected Rexxar. It's completely carried by Highmane and Call of the Wild. It's also possibly the most boring deck to play in the history of HS.

RIP hunter.
Hunter needs draw and a hero power rework. Then again, every class needs the latter.

Hunter is easily the most boring class in Hearthstone and the worst designed.

And we are going to see a lot more of it in the next adventure.
It's also the only class I almost have a golden portrait in. :p

I would kill for Hunter to play like Faie in Duelyst. Give Hunter Snowchaser. :-D
120 wins away from golden rogue.

Paladin, Priest, Warrior, Mage, Slowly grinding away. Don't think I'll ever make it with hunter, warlock , or shaman.


Why the stream is so late, are they still in China? That's like in middle of Olympics opening ceremony I think? Not a good time either way.


I have golden warrior and druid, and I want golden Mage and Warlock, but I don't actually like the current decks for either.

I hope someday they show wins past 500 since it fucking sucks that Ive capped my progression and have nothing to work towards.


Hmm, I don't see it yet. Battle.net is on EU server but im playing hearthstone right now on US, you'd think I'd be able to receive the friend request.

reset your client prolly? I don't see you in my friend list either

if its that much of bother tho, maybe the EU fellow is better for this

fertygo#1258 is my tag
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