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Unconfirmed Member


It's not as good as the 2/4 Taunt from priest, but its probably a LOT better than museum curator in dragon decks. Given that most of the dragon decks I've seen from priest run at least 1x Museum Curator, then this should be at least worth a shot for that spot.

And while we're comparing it to Museum Curator, discovering a Dragon is often quite a bit better than finding a deathrattle. There are lots of Deathrattles that have interesting effects, but most of the minions are not strong stat wise: Loot Horder, Harvest Golem, etc. Dragons overall seem to very often have higher HP than attack which naturally helps the Priest hero power. Seems good. I'll give it a shot for sure.
Shadowcaster pretty fun. Copied sylvanas. Later the warrior plays grom and I use the 1 mana sylvanas with si7 agent to steal it. And when I finally dropped n'zoth, it got an extra sylvanas.

At this point you just cut out the secrets and challengers and just go for a full aggro paladin deck.

My thoughts were this tbh. I've also had the pleasure of seeing it on ladder. Watching MC pull 2 secrets because they had already drawn and played one... just a pleasure.

So yeah, there is a reason why you don't see the deck. It sucks. And there is a reason why the deck is erroneously placed at tier 1 on that site, because the stats are not really representative of how good the deck is.


You guys are making want to play this dumb aggro deck just to see if its any good...

But I shall refrain. I'm way too much of a tryhard to take Paladin on ladder at the moment.


And there is a reason why the deck is erroneously placed at tier 1 on that site, because the stats are not really representative of how good the deck is.

They actually took the time to explain their ranking.
The numbers we report are the expected win rates of each archetype based on their matchups against the field, factoring in the frequency of all potential opponents on ladder at different rank groups over the past week.
Secret Paladin jumps to Tier 1 at the overall power rankings, even though it barely scratches 1% of the Metagame. Its performance against the field is only getting better.

How is an archetype that is theoretically so good get played so little?

It can take time for high profile competitive players to embrace an archetype, much longer than for a formula to calculate a number, because when the stakes are high, people generally minimize risks of the unfamiliar.


But it's tier 1, that is tryhard ;)

Seems like the few people who play it are really good at it. If the only person playing Priest was Zetalot, Priest would be considered a high-tier deck as well, because he wins games most people would lose. If a bunch of people started playing this deck, the VSS numbers would be more realistic, I think.

Even if Secret Pally is tier one, I'm not skilled at playing aggro (yes, playing aggro optimally is a skill, shut up) and I haven't played Paladin in months.

When I'm in full tryhard mode I generally pick Druid or Warrior, as those are the classes I feel like I am a decent pilot at.

I'm also decent at zoo but I don't think Zoo is good in this meta. That might change after ONIK since the new Warlock cards seem like they might be very powerful.

My worst class is Rogue. I'm terrible at playing Rogue and I don't care to get any better.


Welp got my golden warrior, now it's time to golden shaman since I feel that by the next rotation he will not be as good as now (unless tomorrow they give him even more op cards)


Welp got my golden warrior, now it's time to golden shaman since I feel that by the next rotation he will not be as good as now (unless tomorrow they give him even more op cards)

Welcome to the Golden Warrior club! Remember to always emote "I WILL CRUSH YOU" at the end of every game, and be sure to only use the golden Fiery War Axe, because if you don't the Fiery Pleb Axe will dodge your mulligans.


Welcome to the Golden Warrior club! Remember to always emote "I WILL CRUSH YOU" at the end of every game, and be sure to only use the golden Fiery War Axe, because if you don't the Fiery Pleb Axe will dodge your mulligans.

I already used the golden fiery war axe, it triggered me when a dragon warrior without it won at me. in the other hand, it was cool at rank 1-5 beating guys with golden portraits.

I will not use warrior in ranked though, I'm farming the portraits but at the same time trying to ladder, I will change my mind if control became great again since is my favorite style in the class


Unconfirmed Member
I already used the golden fiery war axe, it triggered me when a dragon warrior without it won at me. in the other hand, it was cool at rank 1-5 beating guys with golden portraits.

I will not use warrior in ranked though, I'm farming the portraits but at the same time trying to ladder, I will change my mind if control became great again since is my favorite style in the class

Pay2Warrior. lol.

For real tho, grats. I have been playing since release and still don't have any Golden portraits. I'm getting really close on several classes though (Paladin - thanks Secret Pally, Mage - Yogg Tempo mage is pretty fun still, and Druid - no explanation, this class is bad atm).

I'm also facing golden portraits at basically all levels now. Rank 20 goldens, rank 10 goldens, its all the same.


Welp got my golden warrior, now it's time to golden shaman since I feel that by the next rotation he will not be as good as now (unless tomorrow they give him even more op cards)

dang I hate that attitude man. Shaman better not get weaker that will suck so much. Unthinkable!!!!!


I'm also facing golden portraits at basically all levels now. Rank 20 goldens, rank 10 goldens, its all the same.

Game has been out three years at this point, lots of people have golden portraits. It's nothing to be intimidated by. I've seen lots of people with golden portraits make game-losing misplays, and people without them play perfectly.


C'thun priest deck destroying the non-yogg decks. I like it a lot. Haven't lost to a shaman yet.

nice thinking out of the box there. most priest run same decks (lots of removals and that one card that turns their heals into dmg). Still looks a bit control-y

I see you couldn't resist packing Entomb. that card must be in bout 95% of priest decks

crud, I am winning almost every game against warriors and shaman, but getting crushed by everything else.


C'thun priest deck destroying the non-yogg decks. I like it a lot. Haven't lost to a shaman yet.

nice thinking out of the box there. most priest run same decks (lots of removals and that one card that turns their heals into dmg). Still looks a bit control-y

I see you couldn't resist packing Entomb. that card must be in bout 95% of priest decks


nice thinking out of the box there. most priest run same decks (lots of removals and that one card that turns their heals into dmg). Still looks a bit control-y

I see you couldn't resist packing Entomb. that card must be in bout 95% of priest decks

I would consider cutting one of the Entombs.. in an aggressive meta there aren't that many great targets.


It's amazing when people beat themselves. I was very passive, only reacting, as CW vs C'thun warrior is pretty unfavored for me.

He played, onto an empty board, his Doomcaller, before he played his C'thun. A few turns later he did the same thing with his Sylvanas. I removed both easily, and at that point I had no chance of losing.

His only way to win would be to only play C'thun when fatigue damage has made that lethal damage. He plays it as soon as he's out of cards. I steal it with Sylvanas, he uses his last removal on it, and at that point all I have to do deal enough chip damage to make sure I win the fatigue battle. His hand, after removing the C'thun I stole, is acolyte, war axe, and two brawls.

The game ended up resolving fairly quickly, as he played his acolyte and I played a C'thun I got from the monkey, putting him really deep in fatigue damage.


(just saw this pic --- getting home from work).

LOL that guy must've panicked so hard.


Since Dahbomb hit rank 5 with Handlock last month, I want him to hit rank 5 with Discardlock next month. :-D
Have to wait until all the cards are released which might mean mid September.

But challenge accepted!

And I don't know where DataReaper got that Secret Paladin list but that's not the one you see online. It uses Secret Keepers, two copies of each secret and doesn't have Argent Commander in it. The idea is somewhat the same where it's like an aggro divine shield deck but also with Secrets and MC. Using just 3 total Secrets is not enough of a reason to run two MCs.


Discard Lock 1.0.

Fist of Jaraxxus is too sketchy to include two of IMO. Put in one Dark Bargain in there to see how it performs. Rest is all typical stuff to be honest. Didn't include many buffers because this seems like a fragile aggro face deck so I don't see myself trading too much with it.

Might put Abusive Sergeants in it in version 2.0 but first version you always go ham with the synergies and see how well that works and then start cutting the under performing/bad cards.


Ran into like 4 Reno Mages today


Reno Mage is a lot of fun. It has a very control-based playstyle that some priests have turned to in these dark times...

The new 1/3 will be OK in Dragon Priest. I think most Priests aren't looking for Dragon Priest buffs, but at this point will take anything they can get.
Discard Lock 1.0.

Fist of Jaraxxus is too sketchy to include two of IMO. Put in one Dark Bargain in there to see how it performs. Rest is all typical stuff to be honest. Didn't include many buffers because this seems like a fragile aggro face deck so I don't see myself trading too much with it.

Might put Abusive Sergeants in it in version 2.0 but first version you always go ham with the synergies and see how well that works and then start cutting the under performing/bad cards.

It either will not work or it'll be the new cancer.

Win/win. Thanks blizzard!

The new priest dragon cards are very good. Of course they are not actually priest cards since Blizzard said they don't need strong cards and they couldn't possibly be made to look silly.

Medivh? Seems like the new Elise to me. It isn't all that good but if you want to play Druid or non-dragon Priest it'll win some games. I look forward to trolling with tree of life.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Discard Lock 1.0.

Fist of Jaraxxus is too sketchy to include two of IMO. Put in one Dark Bargain in there to see how it performs. Rest is all typical stuff to be honest. Didn't include many buffers because this seems like a fragile aggro face deck so I don't see myself trading too much with it.

Might put Abusive Sergeants in it in version 2.0 but first version you always go ham with the synergies and see how well that works and then start cutting the under performing/bad cards.

This looks buttcheeks to me, dude. If you don't draw your stuff in the right order the deck looks like it falls apart. Especially when you're playing stuff like Succubus.

The right idea might be to not go all-in on the discard strategy. I'm not convinced about Succubus or Tiny Knight of Evil. Their stats trend towards attack enough that they don't really grow in the right way. Too easy to get punished.


Can't wait for my Succubus to get killed by a War Axe!

The only way to test is to first go all in and then start scaling back. Like when MC came out, we put all 5 Secrets in a deck to see if it might work. And it ended up working out LMAO!

Warrior weapon: Unlimited attacks each turn, Can't attack heroes.

Restore 6 Health, summon a random 6 cost minion.
(From Kripp's Twitter).

I like the Warrior weapon for Arenas.
Druid card seems alright. There's a lot of good 6 cost minions out there, but it's hard to say if healing for 6 and getting a random one is good enough.


A random 6 cost minion is worth maybe 4.5 mana (just looking at what you can get)... restoring 6 health worth about 1.5 mana.

So you get 6 mana value for 6, but the random minion is a problem. Of course, there are some crazy cards like Highmane or Cairne, but also Corrupter Seer and Justicar...

Mage one is better because it can kill something and get a 5 drop on the board. It can also go face and be used as a finisher. It can be played on an empty board and still get value from the damage.


Holy sheet, how is that warrior weapon fair? You can even upgrade it and just wreck everything.

Where the faq are all those new, powerful rogue weapons that we're supposed to get now that Blade Fury is gone?
Druid Portal is meh, significantly worse than Mage's Portal.

Warrior weapon is nice, good enough for Arena at least.

Warrior weapon is nuts in arena.

Druid portal? Healing is always better than you think and a six drop is very nice. If you compare it with healbot it is a lot stronger so I think it will get a lot of play in druid decks that don't exist or when people are messing about with medivh druid.

Heal for 6 + 2 6 drops seems pretty good.


Warrior's a decent Arena class as is and it's main weaknesses are: A) Not always getting weapons in the draft, B) coming back after you've lost the board and C) Having no good reason to use your hero power.

That weapon is a common, so addresses A. It's basically a board clear, so it addresses B. It costs life more than anything else, so armor up becomes a bit more useful. So yeah, card is good.
Holy sheet, how is that warrior weapon fair? You can even upgrade it and just wreck everything.

Where the faq are all those new, powerful rogue weapons that we're supposed to get now that Blade Fury is gone?
It's coming:

Endless Blade
1/1 weapon
Your Hero Power adds 1 to the durability of this weapon.
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