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Hearthstone |OT7/7| _ Give Tyrande | _ Blizzard: Give Amazon Money

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fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I will never beat my double golden legendary pack. Even at the time I don't think I realized how insane that actually is to get.


Fatigue Warrior should be a dead thing, honestly. Fatigue shouldn't even be an obtainable quantity unless you're facing a Mill deck or are playing a combo deck. That games naturally go to fatigue with any kind of frequency, I think, shows poor design in the game. I've never had any other card game result in fatigue matches.


I like outlasting my opponent, and watching as they run out of options. When my win condition is being immortal and living until my opponent is out of cards, that was very satisfying to me.

I also really enjoying facing control decks because every single card mattered. Making one wrong decision on turn 4 could cost you the game on turn 22... it's intense.

Elise was the first nail in that coffin--fatigue matches turned into "who gets better Elise RNG" and then Standard came and removed Deathlord and Sludge Belcher and other tools that were very useful in lengthening games.

With how fast games are now, fatigue is a complete nonissue 99.99% of the time. Sucks for me!

I like outlasting my opponent, and watching as they run out of options. When my win condition is being immortal and living until my opponent is out of cards, that was very satisfying to me.

I also really enjoying facing control decks because every single card mattered. Making one wrong decision on turn 4 could cost you the game on turn 22... it's intense.

Elise was the first nail in that coffin--fatigue matches turned into "who gets better Elise RNG" and then Standard came and removed Deathlord and Sludge Belcher and other tools that were very useful in lengthening games.

With how fast games are now, fatigue is a complete nonissue 99.99% of the time. Sucks for me!

When fatigue warrior was a thing I conceded as soon as I realized it. No point in wasting the time playing it out.

I like outlasting my opponent, and watching as they run out of options. When my win condition is being immortal and living until my opponent is out of cards, that was very satisfying to me.

I also really enjoying facing control decks because every single card mattered. Making one wrong decision on turn 4 could cost you the game on turn 22... it's intense.

Elise was the first nail in that coffin--fatigue matches turned into "who gets better Elise RNG" and then Standard came and removed Deathlord and Sludge Belcher and other tools that were very useful in lengthening games.

With how fast games are now, fatigue is a complete nonissue 99.99% of the time. Sucks for me!
I agree that Elise was a poor addition just because of the RNG factor killing control deck mirrors. I understand the joy of being immortal and living until your opponent is out of cards. I think Control Priest, as annoying as it is, is as close to healthy as that kind of play can be for a metagame.

I don't think games need to be fast, but they do need to be decisive. I also think that it's important for any game that acting > reacting, and if reacting is stronger than acting, it will lead to an unhealthy meta. Ideally, reacting is slightly weaker than acting so that players can potentially flip the game without fatigue being a legitimate strategy.


Welp, I only managed to reach 610 before he finally got me, it was weird because even though I had an animated armor on the board the game ended with me having 11 hp after getting hit by the 20-20 minion.

Ha! That's a bug. Wonder if it is bugged like that in PvP play too? Or just a PvE thing?

Edit: A quick Google search seems to indicate it is a bug relegated to only this Tavern Brawl.
Ha! That's a bug. Wonder if it is bugged like that in PvP play too? Or just a PvE thing?

Edit: A quick Google search seems to indicate it is a bug relegated to only this Tavern Brawl.

I think the game just registers whatever fatal dmg and ends the match automatically, just tested ice block and it also doesn't work.

elder scrolls legends is now in open beta.
oh well maybe I should try it.

Thanks for the reminder, downloading right now.
Grinding through brawl I let the client fill a rogue deck... I miss autobarber. Not many rogue decks ran it, and often I didn't, but I liked the card since it felt okay to play on turn 3, especially if you could fill out with deadly poison. Sometimes I was even okay with playing it on turn 4.


elder scrolls legends is now in open beta.
oh well maybe I should try it.

Following the good old strategy of Blizzard of releasing something jsut on the same day that the competition will make an important announcement/release

or maybe blizzard always knew that today was the release of elder scrolls?


Following the good old strategy of Blizzard of releasing something jsut on the same day that the competition will make an important announcement/release

or maybe blizzard always knew that today was the release of elder scrolls?

It's been blizzards MO for a long time. They did it when new MMO's hit or had betas and shit. As nice as they are at times, they can be vicious to their rivals.


It's been blizzards MO for a long time. They did it when new MMO's hit or had betas and shit. As nice as they are at times, they can be vicious to their rivals.

Heck, the most recent and effective example of this was releasing the open beta of overwatch the same weekend of battleborn release

edit: great another client, I hope to see a steam release soon
I haven't played elder scrolls in a while. I think it's a good game. I should be doing the daily quests but I've been lazy about that.

Heck, the most recent and effective example of this was releasing the open beta of overwatch the same weekend of battleborn release

edit: great another client, I hope to see a steam release soon

I know someone who bought that. They were playing OW though.


Control decks need a win condition that isn't Elise Starseeker.

Handlock/Renolock has win condition of Jaraxxus. Nowadays it even has Nzoth finisher.

Priest also has Nzoth finisher now which is very strong in Wild.

Warrior kinda has Alex into Grommash but that of course doesn't work in the mirror. Instead now they have the triple Cthun win condition against Control.


holy shit, this client is taking a long time to download

btw, I tried to play shadowverse the other day, is kinda fun, but feels even more tempo oriented than HS.

I loved that the legenderay of priest was holy nova but in the form of an 8 mana minion


Speaking of, ever notice that every hunter player is a high-rolling piece of shit that BMs you after you outplay them but they top deck quick shot into kill command for lethal?
I actually like midrange Hunter as a deck. It's not completely degenerate.

The people who play it though.. oh mah gawd. It's only hunters that have to rope the turn they have lethal while BMing the whole time, meanwhile I'm sitting here like "just kill me" but unwilling to concede in case they are bluffing.

The only time I was ever added after a loss was by a Hunter. "thanks for the free win scrub" or something.

I hope you don't do that. :mad:.
This sounds pretty much like my one experience less than a month ago.

Just playing a f2p Priest somewhere between rank 18-20, go against a face hunter with a golden hero, I somehow manage to outlast him because I pack so many health buffs for my minions so they clean everything up, until I get down to 6 health and am about to finish him off next turn.

Topdeck Quickshot into another Quickshot. I get a little irritated admittedly, but fuck it, Hearthstone things, right?

So, then the guy adds me and I accept.

But he doesn't gloat, like yours did. He starts raging in English so broken I could barely read it. About how his deck is top tier Legend, and how I should have conceded the moment I started a match with him, and how he apparently reported me to Blizzard. Okay.
Still baffling that I can consistently lose to Patron Warrior. Their ping damage game is too strong. It's the only deck that lol's a blade of cthun out of no where.


So I downloaded the Elder Scrolls game. Ah, wouldn't be a Bethesda game if the one same guy didn't do all the voicework, lol. Is he like a full time employee? He was like 400 different characters in Skyrim too.
I haven't played elder scrolls in a while. I think it's a good game. I should be doing the daily quests but I've been lazy about that.

I know someone who bought that. They were playing OW though.
Any time it gets to the point where I can be too "lazy" to play a videogame, I take it as a sign that the game isn't fun anymore.

Control decks need a win condition that isn't Elise Starseeker.

Handlock/Renolock has win condition of Jaraxxus. Nowadays it even has Nzoth finisher.

Priest also has Nzoth finisher now which is very strong in Wild.

Warrior kinda has Alex into Grommash but that of course doesn't work in the mirror. Instead now they have the triple Cthun win condition against Control.
Sounds like control decks have their alternative win conditions!

I wonder if Handlock would want to run N'Zoth with Sylvannas and Sludge Belcher.

holy shit, this client is taking a long time to download

btw, I tried to play shadowverse the other day, is kinda fun, but feels even more tempo oriented than HS.

I loved that the legenderay of priest was holy nova but in the form of an 8 mana minion
Shadowverse is so similar to Hearthstone that I couldn't justify playing both. The best part about the game was the bouncy girl, anyway.
Any time it gets to the point where I can be too "lazy" to play a videogame, I take it as a sign that the game isn't fun anymore.

So because I don't want to play it every day or week it's not fun? That'd be an incredibly weird metric to judge whether I find a game fun or not. Even right now I sometimes let quests slip past date because of laziness, and I still find hearthstone a ton of fun. I just sometimes don't feel like playing it.

I think the reason I am not playing legends right now is because I am excited about the hearthstone expansion.


The other problem with shadowverse is that even though the droprate of legendaries is higher than hs (I got 3 legendaries in only 12 packs) each deck requires 3 copies of each legendary so in the end is as expensive or maybe even more than HS.

Well, at least in HS i reached the point where I don't really need to pur money anymore, this will be my first adventure bought using gold instead of real money.

I'm playing legends just for curiosity, from what I saw in some videos and friends comments, it's similar to adventure time card game, which wasn't that entertaining


I hope that this adventure includes another rogue card that could give him cards from the oppsite class to justify the archetype


man I should wait after all card revealed before crafting for Token Druid, got Onyxya from pack and instantly craft Cenarius and mulch to complete deck lol

hopefully deck still good after this adventure


Man I don't know what it is about mages that make them all assholes with roping out their final turn aiming their lethal burn spell all over the board to gloat like a cunt..


I call foul on his re-review of Murloc Tidehunter. The card is not bad.

Yeah, he is a little too forgiving of some of his borderline predictions. Like saying Tidehunter is bad even though it saw a ton of play in Flood Zoo. There was another card, and I'm blanking on what it was right now, which saw roughly the same amount of play that he predicted as being good and then was basically like "yep, got that one right" lol

Trump says Ethereal peddler is a better ET if it hits 2. That's pretty high praise in my opinion tbh. Maybe it'll be pretty special for rogue once ET is rotated out too.

Thijs was also really high on the card for some reason. He said the stat line was good and would alone make it playable, apparently forgetting that Pit Fighter exists.
Ethereal Peddler has the potential to be an absolutely nuts card once the next expansion rolls around, depending on how much Blizzard wants to push the burgle archetype.

Hell, Rogue still has two more cards to be revealed for this adventure. If one of them is a decent burgle type card then that deck could absolutely be a thing. There's a good chance we might see one as well considering Warlock got two cards to support Discardlock.


Any time it gets to the point where I can be too "lazy" to play a videogame, I take it as a sign that the game isn't fun anymore.

Sounds like control decks have their alternative win conditions!

I wonder if Handlock would want to run N'Zoth with Sylvannas and Sludge Belcher.

Shadowverse is so similar to Hearthstone that I couldn't justify playing both. The best part about the game was the bouncy girl, anyway.
I use Nzoth in all my control Warlock lists in Wild now and even put in Chillmaw. It's a bit sketchier in Standard but still works.
I'm proud of this and just want to share since I post here a lot:

So because I don't want to play it every day or week it's not fun? That'd be an incredibly weird metric to judge whether I find a game fun or not. Even right now I sometimes let quests slip past date because of laziness, and I still find hearthstone a ton of fun. I just sometimes don't feel like playing it.

I think the reason I am not playing legends right now is because I am excited about the hearthstone expansion.
I specifically mean that when you refer to it as "lazy", as though it takes effort to play.

The other problem with shadowverse is that even though the droprate of legendaries is higher than hs (I got 3 legendaries in only 12 packs) each deck requires 3 copies of each legendary so in the end is as expensive or maybe even more than HS.

Well, at least in HS i reached the point where I don't really need to pur money anymore, this will be my first adventure bought using gold instead of real money.

I'm playing legends just for curiosity, from what I saw in some videos and friends comments, it's similar to adventure time card game, which wasn't that entertaining
As far as I know, every DCG besides Hearthstone lets you put just as many "legendaries" in the deck as every other card type, and I actually strongly prefer it that way because it helps keep card power in check. I mean...can you imagine if decks could run 2x Ragnaros or 2x Sylvannas? 2x C'Thun, Yogg, or N'Zoth? 2x Reno Jackson?

man I should wait after all card revealed before crafting for Token Druid, got Onyxya from pack and instantly craft Cenarius and mulch to complete deck lol

hopefully deck still good after this adventure
Definitely wait.

Ethereal Peddler has the potential to be an absolutely nuts card once the new expansion rolls around, depending on how much Blizzard wants to push the burgle archetype.

Hell, Rogue still has two more cards to be revealed this expansion. If one of them is a decent burgle type card then that deck could absolutely be a thing. There's a good chance we might see one as well considering Warlock got two cards to support Discardlock.
I wish they would just do this with Rogue.

I use Nzoth in all my control Warlock lists in Wild now and even put in Chillmaw. It's a bit sketchier in Standard but still works.
Last page people were saying we might see the remaining karazhan cards tonight. If thats the case, where and at what time are we expecting to see them? If its soon I might just stay up a little longer..

EDIT: Oh, found it, looks like it'll be a couple more hours. I'll just catch up tomorrow.


I don't use Dreadsteed anymore in the Nzoth deck because it's very likely that when Nzoth comes down you will have a board full of Steeds. That's not better than having Sylvanas and a couple of Deathrattle taunts in there.

It's not bad but when you need Nzoth to save a game, Steeds don't cut it. Useful tech option against control decks but Jaraxxus has that covered usually.

I am fine with HS only allowing single Legendaries. That way they can design them to be strong. I don't want to deal with double Tirions in a match. I am sure Wild people don't want to deal with 2 Dr Booms either.


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
Question: When playing Ranked Mode, if I reach level 17 one day, but through the month I end up being on level 20, do I get the rewards from my highest rank during the season (in this case level 17) or do I get the ones from level 20?
Question: When playing Ranked Mode, if I reach level 17 one day, but through the month I end up being on level 20, do I get the rewards from my highest rank during the season (in this case level 17) or do I get the ones from level 20?

You get rewards from your highest rank, be it either in Wild or Standard.
I specifically mean that when you refer to it as "lazy", as though it takes effort to play.

All games take effort to play. These type of f2p games take effort to finish your quests every day (or 3 days). Sometimes I do that even when I don't feel like playing. When I don't feel like it and then don't complete them, that's what I am referring to as being lazy.

Been playing it for like an hour or two, having fun.
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