I started a fresh F2P account on the Asia server a couple days ago to mix things up and see how bad the pay to win aspect really is.
I'm already rank 16, and I haven't even crafted a single card yet. Beast Druid has been fantastic for me, even though there's only one beast synergy card in the deck at the moment.
So far I've bought 6 packs with gold and done 3 arena runs, on top of the various free packs they give you at the start, and am sitting on 495 dust until I can open a few more epics to help figure out what deck to settle on.
Only epics i've opened so far are Snake Trap and Rat Pack, which are good they're both in the same class, but bad that the class is Hunter. It's a shame that Menagerie Wardin is so deep in ONiK, or maybe I'd go all in on beast druid. That deck is super cheap otherwise.