Here's the YouTube archive of the Q&A if anybody missed it.
Most of community always calm down when Brode talking, despite still gonna bitching
Ben Brode is just that charismatic
And they still gonna nerfing too late, new unfun broken card introducing, people bitching again, that's the cycle.
I just eally don't see what the problem is with stonetusk boar.
The major problem of HS is
It's TOO EXPENSIVE to play and update the game.
Everyone is protecting their investment.
is my solution.
I just eally don't see what the problem is with stonetusk boar.
They are either going to nerf STB or Patches or both. I don't think any other pirate warrants a nerf.
And STB is only really powerful because of Patches. We have had cards like that in the past and arguably even now, it's not that strong. IMO the reason that Blizzard is more focused on STB than Patches is that they have been working on Patches for way too long and they don't want to change the card again after so many iterations.
The cynic in me says they want to nerf the package without giving the Legendary dust refund.
One free ping early in the game is the difference between having board control and not having it, everything snowballs from there. It's a very big deal if that totem golem dies or lives another turn, because you had or didn't have that one extra damage.
If stonetusk boar was 0 mana it would see a lot of play, now if it drew itself too... Shiv was considered broken at 1 mana for example...
What does PPP mean? I think I've tried googling twice but didn't see any obvious answers.
Patches Pirate Package?
They are either going to nerf STB or Patches or both. I don't think any other pirate warrants a nerf.
And STB is only really powerful because of Patches. We have had cards like that in the past and arguably even now, it's not that strong. IMO the reason that Blizzard is more focused on STB than Patches is that they have been working on Patches for way too long and they don't want to change the card again after so many iterations.
The cynic in me says they want to nerf the package without giving the Legendary dust refund.
It would be pretty amusing if Blizzard actually balanced behind the scenes by affecting deck draw order like that. I wonder if they'd ever admit it if so.I think I'm gonna dust my patches. Last 10 games he's in my hand 6 times in 1st turn.
Just a fancy boar for me![]()
It would be pretty amusing if Blizzard actually balanced behind the scenes by affecting deck draw order like that. I wonder if they'd ever admit it if so.
People all the time claim blizzard rigs the game, but they never put forth evidence. People have tested draw order though, and found it to be random.
I do question how good Blizzard's random number generator is. Not all RNGs are created equal, some are just bad. I wonder which Blizzard uses.
yeah I guess some of us that are actually having fun tend to stay away from this thread at times.
I do question how good Blizzard's random number generator is. Not all RNGs are created equal, some are just bad. I wonder which Blizzard uses.
If I had Patches, I'd want to try like 100 games and record the percentage to see if it's really different or not. Sadly I don't.Like 3 in a row I had patches in my hand. Out of 30 cards, 3 in a row.
I'm down to 15. Wanna throw my phone.
I really need to learn more about this miracle rogue.
What is your miracle rogue decklist with QA?
best counter to jade druid ?
best counter to jade druid ?
Jade Druid can consistently beat aggro tho
Jade Druid can consistently beat aggro tho
the correct answer is actually Rogue
I miss "Minions, servants, soldiers of the cold dark, obey the call of Kel'thuzad"
I won so many games playing Kel'thuzad. I really would like it if they brought it back. It was sooo underrated tbh.
Jade Druid can consistently beat aggro tho
the correct answer is actually Rogue
holy shit this pack i just got
Speaking of patches... get him opening hand 2 games in a row =(
And they were in matches where it matters. Aggro shaman and dragon warrior. But at least dragon warrior seemed to draw his in his opening hand too. I won both games too, so I'm not that salty about it!
Who in their right mind chooses to take 6 additional damage from a 1 drop? And then wins the game starting at 15 health on turn 3?me
And they say only aggro can use health for tempo
oh and 3rd game in a row where I drew patches
Yes it is perhaps wise to actually keep Patches in hand to help buff Edwin if that is the goal. maybe you will get lucky and murder the opponent before turn 6 like this
yeah excellent pack
wow if that Dragon Warrior had mortal strike he could have got ya with a Blackwing Corruptor + Mortal Strike. Been meaning to try out Dragon Warrior but I'll have to craft a Twilight Guardian. Been putting that off. I have only 1 Twilight Guardian atm. Eventually I'll make a 2nd one for Dragon Priest/Warrior (I think)