Arena Changes:
- They're testing a 20% increase in spells, and feel it should help winrate with the coin as the coin has favored more reactive decks in their statistics. Since Arena is mostly minion battles right now, that makes the coin a lot less useful.
- They want to move Arena to Standard.
- They're still figuring out if they want to increase the occurrence rate of the newest set, because with the two above changes, you might frequently end up with Mage decks with four Volcanic Potions or Shaman decks with 5 Jade Lightnings.
- They have a variety of other changes they're trying, but they don't want to publicly announce them yet, presumably because they're less sure of shipping them.
- They intend to announce the full set of Arena changes "in the nearish future".
I really don't want arena to go to Standard.
having all of the cards available is one of the fun things about that mode