Got a 80g play-a-friend quest finally. Quote for Blizzard ID (NA server).
They expect people to burn gold before a expansion?
They did this last time too. I guess people are at least more likely to have gold.They expect people to burn gold before a expansion?
LOL curious timing there Blizzard...
Putting Devolve in my Jade Shaman deck was a mistake. Concealed Auctioneer turned into White Eyes.
Ranked floors is making climbing ladder a joke.
Ranked floors is making climbing ladder a joke.
This makes basically zero sense.
Means it's super easy to climb ranks since you can't fall past each floor. I didn't really notice what a difference it made when they introduced it because I had finished my climb long ago.
That has almost zero impact on any reasonable climb.
So I just played a golden face hunter in wild who played Malchezaar. Trash ranks wild players seriously put Malchezaar in every single possible deck.
This one really baffles me. So many wild players put Malch in. Why? What is it about wild that makes people do that? The amount of times I've seen it, and have seen other people comment on it is amazing.
This one really baffles me. So many wild players put Malch in. Why? What is it about wild that makes people do that? The amount of times I've seen it, and have seen other people comment on it is amazing.
Kill the flamewakers is general advice. Hate those bastards, they won't just clear the board they also read spell damage +2
Shifting shade or shredder in nzoth priest? I almost feel like shifting shade is better.
Jade Druid would have been fine if they had rotated Auctioneer. With Auctioneer it's a super fun but also obnoxious deck.I would be very optimistic about the future of Hearthstone if it weren't for Jade Druid.
That deck is going to be a cancer IF they don't introduce powerful aggro cards in Un'Goro, and I really don't want powerful aggro cards in Hearthstone anymore.
They really need to drop the shuffle option from Jade Idol.
I would be very optimistic about the future of Hearthstone if it weren't for Jade Druid.
That deck is going to be a cancer IF they don't introduce powerful aggro cards in Un'Goro, and I really don't want powerful aggro cards in Hearthstone anymore.
They really need to drop the shuffle option from Jade Idol.
I would be very optimistic about the future of Hearthstone if it weren't for Jade Druid.
That deck is going to be a cancer IF they don't introduce powerful aggro cards in Un'Goro, and I really don't want powerful aggro cards in Hearthstone anymore.
They really need to drop the shuffle option from Jade Idol.
Hah, that's the problem with the deck. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
The whole point of the Standard system is so they wouldn't balance themselves into a corner, yet they keep doing it.
I also find any tempo/midrange to be pretty strong against jade as well.Aggro will always be in the game and it will always be powerful. Zoo or Hunter can easily pickup the slack if pirates fall out of favor.
Aggro will always be in the game and it will always be powerful. Zoo or Hunter can easily pickup the slack if pirates fall out of favor.
Night and day different between Zoo and Hunter and Pirate rushdown.
Jade Druid has 4 big taunts, 2 swipes, 2 Wraths, 2 feral rages and develops more than one thing in one turn once it gets to turn 4-5. Zoo is almost certainly going to lose that match-up - especially with Power Overwhelming gone.
It's quite favored towards zoo according to vicious syndicate.
The most important Zoo card in the game isn't going to be there post rotation. They're going to, what, run Blastcrystal? How else do they get past 3-6 taunts that spawn minions or 5-10 taunts?
I'm not even sure Zoo will be viable in a vacuum without it right now tbh. The early game control cards actually have gotten better. The sheer existence of Maelstrom Portal and Volcanic Potion nerf that deck immensely to begin with.
Zoo doesn't even run PO right now. When it's played it tends to be discard build.
Discardlock and Zoolock are two different decks in my mind.
I can see Discardlock working against Druid, but I'm not sure it's very good in general. Maybe with Reno being rotated out, but right now it seems like ass.
Point is right now it's going to take a tier 1 aggro deck to keep the Druid population down and stop control decks from being entirely marginalized. That sucks ass IMO.
Midrange, combo and tempo decks compete very well with Jade druid.
Aw yeah
Is it a great idea to be crafting non-refundable legendaries right now, with the expansion only a month off?
I'm sitting on ~3000 dust right now, don't have Ragnaros, but do have Aya/Kazakus/Patches. I'm also not a big fan of most of the older cards' golden animations, but kind of want a golden legendary for novelty's sake.
Jade Druid would have been fine if they had rotated Auctioneer. With Auctioneer it's a super fun but also obnoxious deck.
Even other jade decks have to resort to racing it.
This is what I'm running right now
Aw yeah
This time I can play..