Druid draws full Aviana Cthun combo with innervate inside 12 cards and turn 8. Feels bad.
hmmm, that actually seems relatively easy to activate. deathrattles count as summons right?
I think the biggest problem is it turns your hero power away from SMOrc by turn 5 or 6 or later when you want the non-smorc hero power early on and the smorc later on
This is not a control hunter archetype lol... it's a play beast on curve Hunter deck aka Midrange Beast Hunter deck.Blizzard pushing dat control hunter archetype pretty hard
I just wonder if having the ability to Adapt your minions is actually worth 2 mana per turn, and getting rid of your original hero power. The hero power does shit if you don't have a board.
Normal hero power can often win you the game with a few burn spells in hand, with this you are at the mercy of draws and keeping something on the board.
Almost forgot that you're not just giving up a one drop ability for quest cards, but an entire early game card draw too.
I thought quests draw themselves at the start of the game, effectively being a free draw if you don't start with it.
It shows up in your mulligan, not as a turn 1 draw. Huge difference.
Posted yet? Got it from Lothar's Twitter, no idea if it is legit or not.
Hearthstone leak ruie #1:
If the pic is potato quality, it's 99% fake.
Shouldn't have to play around Velen's Chosen 10 days after Standard was introduced yet I have encountered 2 today.
Is now the best time to quit hearthstone? I'm really not looking forward to having to shell out 210+CAD in the next year buying expansions and for every year after that until the end of time. its a hamster wheel and I want to get off.
Can someone help my poor brain understand again how it isn't possible to game the system and profit from Sylv and Rag going Wild?
If I craft one in golden now, that costs me 3200 dust. Then I get 3200 dust back when they go wild. Then I can DE the card for 1600 in pure profit. Right? What am I missing.
Is now the best time to quit hearthstone? I'm really not looking forward to having to shell out 210+CAD in the next year buying expansions and for every year after that until the end of time. its a hamster wheel and I want to get off.
Is now the best time to quit hearthstone? I'm really not looking forward to having to shell out 210+CAD in the next year buying expansions and for every year after that until the end of time. its a hamster wheel and I want to get off.
Ironically this is going to make him even more popular.
As if Sac Pact vs Sjow wasn't enough lol
If you have rag or sylv in non-gold you already get 1600 dust in pure proit.
If you don't already have rag or sylv then yes craft them golden.
From what I've been reading, this is true.Hearthstone is only hard for newbie, any vet with decent library at these time will only need get like 3-5 legendary from each expansion
Is now the best time to quit hearthstone? I'm really not looking forward to having to shell out 210+CAD in the next year buying expansions and for every year after that until the end of time. its a hamster wheel and I want to get off.
Oh. Fuck right. So I would get 1600 in profit from the golden crafting process, but then wouldn't get 1600 from having reg Syl/Rag already.
But it's a way to get a free golden for Wild mode I guess...?
Is now the best time to quit hearthstone? I'm really not looking forward to having to shell out 210+CAD in the next year buying expansions and for every year after that until the end of time. its a hamster wheel and I want to get off.
That still costs you 1200 dust over just keeping your normal rag or sylv. It's a discount on a golden version though.
Gwent is very boring. If I played another card game right now that Would be eternal