what do u think could improve this deck? It can pull off some dumb shit against pirates but i feel there's a tweak or two to be had. i had shadow word pain but it felt like it was difficult to get rolling starts with them in, since it's very dependent on having a minion on the board by turn 3 to get velens chosen or talon to hit on, those are the games i can do some stupid inner fire shit. stuff like potion of madness and deathlord just always take out more than one pirate versus spending 2 mana for just dealing with one, idk. i think the guy i faced that i based it off of ran 2 giblin stalkers instead of sludge belcher but i donno. i see the merit kind of since having a stealthed t2 minion gives you an almost certain card to buff t3, maybe i should go back to that. i've been thinking unstable ghouls for shadow boxers (doing that right now, i think that's a given since i just want to harass ppl i play consecutive times in ranked wild which happens alot)? zombie chow? nerub weblord (LOL)?