Glass Shark
Rank shaming is like not buckling up.
i only rank shame myself
Rank shaming is like not buckling up.
Whoever didn't name this "Kazookus" should be banned for life.
I just fought a super insanely quick zoo deck that just pumped me (renolock) with minions. Then he suddenly slamdunks Ragnaros on turn 8, right after I've coined a twisting nether.
Ragnaros. Zoo.
This game is awful and I wish, I literally pray each and every night before going to bed, for this game to die. I don't mean ill to the developers, I would want them to transfer to another studio @Blizz but I sincerely, with all my passion and soul, want Hearthstone to evaporate from existence. I am absolutely convinced that there is no person on this planet who truly loves playing this game; they've either 1: invested too much on the game, thus allowing themselves to never quit and/or 2: don't realize how shit the game truly is because of lack of knowledge, and/or 3: they don't give a fuck. They've got nothing else to do with their time and they might as well spend their time playing a digital card game.
Ok, here's my match history going from Rank 20 to 15:
(result =1 means that i won that match.. yeah i gotta improve my spreadsheet i know)
Pretty varied meta .. at least until Rank 15.
Also my decks are not exactly Kibler's Evolve Shaman and Water Rogue since i had to replace some missing cards.
what deck you playing? I've only gotten BM'ed by a Dragon Priest back when I was stomping folks with Pirate Warrior pre-nerf. that silly dragon priest probably could've won if he actually played the game
and oh yeah got BM'ed in a Wild casual game once by some awful mage cause I was on a Shaman.
I tell ya man Hearthstone community be discriminating
Good riddance.Control Warrior wouldn't be be played if Jade Druid didn't exist anyway. It loses to the majority of what's on ladder right now. Control Warrior is essentially dead.
Man sometimes I see Control Warriors on Hearthstone tournaments. Man Control Warrior mirrors are the worse. just makes Hearthstone look like a boring game to play when you see people just 'tank up' for 15+ mins waiting to see which guy goes into fatigue first. just plain awful ;(
edit- lol I think even Frodan complained the last time I saw that crap
I mean I can understand that too much to ask for average aggro player
this bullshit self-righteous attitude is pretty much what i've come to expect from the hearthstone community.
Control Warrior wouldn't be be played if Jade Druid didn't exist anyway. It loses to the majority of what's on ladder right now. Control Warrior is essentially dead.
Freeze Mage, the scummiest deck in Hearthstone history, complaining about Control Warrior lol.
I have the most important exam of my life this friday and I've had it extremely rough the past few weeks. This made me smile, and I feel like I really needed that. So thanks man, thanks a lot.normally I get annoyed by salty posters but I always enjoy reading your posts. Its been rare I've spoken (or rather posted) to you directly in the various threads I've seen you post in but it's kinda funny cause I've noticed this pattern
I think if I played any game as much as you I'd be super salty too (only game I think I wouldnt get salty at would be a Dark Souls game). If I didn't know it was you I'd assume this was a drive by troll post. But it's a yoshi post. I'm gonna toast to you bro. let the salt flow man its all good. Not trying to troll you or anything. You probably dont remember me but I think I've first noticed ya in Heroes of the Storm over a year ago lol
edit- Thanks bro I was kinda of having a slightly rough day but your post brought an instant smile to my face
Rerolled 40g win 3 games with any class, got play with a friend for 80g.![]()
Who dares wins!
yeah really patchday you hate control warrior because you play freeze mage all day
ok then I understand
At Karazhan meta I remember there is stat that show average turn played before winNever played Freeze Mage, CW is the worst. Freeze Mage has the quality to win quickly when they are winning.
At Karazhan meta I remember there is stat that show average turn played before win
Mid shaman number one deck at that moment is showed averaging 8 turn iirc and control warrior is 10 turn
Is 10 turn or just 2 turn more behind midrange deck average really too much for some of you
Hearthstone will in much better meta if in average there is 10 turn each game
The meta back then was universally hated not sure what point you're trying to make here.At Karazhan meta I remember there is stat that show average turn played before win
Mid shaman number one deck at that moment is showed averaging 8 turn iirc and control warrior is 10 turn
Is 10 turn or just 2 turn more behind midrange deck average really too much for some of you
Hearthstone will in much better meta if in average there is 10 turn each game
It's crazy that Patches was exactly as broken as I thought it was. My initial instincts said that you could play Patches in your deck if you had as little as two pirates in your deck. It took us several months to get there but now I'm now starting to see competitive decklists where this is happening. For example, the /r/Wildhearthstone tier list is showcasing an Egg Druid list that runs Patches with two Bloodsail Corsairs in it. Friggin' Bloodsail Corsair! One of the least played pirates! But Patches enables them!
Patches is being run in renolock with one bloodsail corsair. That kazookus list.
There is anti aggro renolock that savjs and fibonaci run that use patches with just corsair tooWell kazookus isn't competitive right now, is it? And that seems suspect to me, given the stats we've seen on how much decks suffer whenever they draw Patches. You probably have something like a 40-45% chance to draw Patches before your Corsair in a deck like that.
Yeah, China got this brawl last week because there was something stopping them from running the heroic brawl last week. Guess they're just swapping them.So they finally changed up this tavern brawl.
And you get a free Un'goro pack.