A Paladin beast? Interesting. Wonder if they are going to push the Menagerie decks for Pally. They already have decent Murlocs and Dragons.
I just fought a super insanely quick zoo deck that just pumped me (renolock) with minions. Then he suddenly slamdunks Ragnaros on turn 8, right after I've coined a twisting nether.
Ragnaros. Zoo.
This game is awful and I wish, I literally pray each and every night before going to bed, for this game to die. I don't mean ill to the developers, I would want them to transfer to another studio @Blizz but I sincerely, with all my passion and soul, want Hearthstone to evaporate from existence. I am absolutely convinced that there is no person on this planet who truly loves playing this game; they've either 1: invested too much on the game, thus allowing yourself to never quit and/or 2: don't realize how shit the game truly is because of lack of knowledge.
Dragon package is not going to be very impressive with everything that rotates out, and there is not a good way to shoehorn new ones in if the theme is Un'goro.A Paladin beast? Interesting. Wonder if they are going to push the Menagerie decks for Pally. They already have decent Murlocs and Dragons.
Youtube people seem really mad with the new video. Down votes everywhere!
I thought the video was okay, and funny in places. I guess if you wanted to see cards then I understand why you would be annoyed.
You have to be the weirdest poster on this forum that I'm pretty sure isn't actually just a gimmick account.
Made it to around rank 10 this month with my current Warlock deck. 3 out of my last 4 games were pirate warrior.
I went 1-2.
I also went 1st once and 2nd twice.
Basically I'm SOL if I go 2nd now it appears.
I just fought a super insanely quick zoo deck that just pumped me (renolock) with minions. Then he suddenly slamdunks Ragnaros on turn 8, right after I've coined a twisting nether.
Ragnaros. Zoo.
This game is awful and I wish, I literally pray each and every night before going to bed, for this game to die. I don't mean ill to the developers, I would want them to transfer to another studio @Blizz but I sincerely, with all my passion and soul, want Hearthstone to evaporate from existence. I am absolutely convinced that there is no person on this planet who truly loves playing this game; they've either 1: invested too much on the game, thus allowing themselves to never quit and/or 2: don't realize how shit the game truly is because of lack of knowledge, and/or 3: they don't give a fuck. They've got nothing else to do with their time and they might as well spend their time playing a digital card game.
I thought Pirate Warrior actually did better with the coin.
I just fought a super insanely quick zoo deck that just pumped me (renolock) with minions. Then he suddenly slamdunks Ragnaros on turn 8, right after I've coined a twisting nether.
Ragnaros. Zoo.
This game is awful and I wish, I literally pray each and every night before going to bed, for this game to die. I don't mean ill to the developers, I would want them to transfer to another studio @Blizz but I sincerely, with all my passion and soul, want Hearthstone to evaporate from existence. I am absolutely convinced that there is no person on this planet who truly loves playing this game; they've either 1: invested too much on the game, thus allowing themselves to never quit and/or 2: don't realize how shit the game truly is because of lack of knowledge, and/or 3: they don't give a fuck. They've got nothing else to do with their time and they might as well spend their time playing a digital card game.
you are either too salty or just miserable by playing this game.
in any case, full stop.
New keyword: Poisonous - Minions with Poisonous will destroy any minion they inflict damage to.
Pit Snake, Patient Assassin, Emperor Cobra, and Maexxna have been updated with the new keyword.
Must mean more poisonous minions inc.
Yoshi is too salty or miserable to play any game. This is a cycle for him. Every game is both the most amazing game in the world and also the worst game in the world.
I just noticed this from last patch
Must mean more poisonous minions inc.
On a winning streak to 10, one star from crossing over.
Playing against a Jade Shaman, I'm Reno Mage.
I'm behind, I play Cabalist's Tome. I pull 2 Ice Blocks... I have one in my hand, my hand is terrible. Somehow I pull every card I need to delay. I get down to my last IB, 3 health, pull Reno. Heal up and throw the third IB up. Now the guy thinks I've used them all...
I get him down to 1 health, he doesn't care because he calculated not knowing the IB was there...
When this game is satisfying it's hilariously so.
I just fought a super insanely quick zoo deck that just pumped me (renolock) with minions. Then he suddenly slamdunks Ragnaros on turn 8, right after I've coined a twisting nether.
Ragnaros. Zoo.
How scrubby are you that you not only can't make the read that your opponent is playing Kazakus zoo by turn 8, but when you lose a game because of your own misplays you post this insane rant?
Turns out playing real decks instead of secret paladin is actually hard, huh?
The salt is strong here, did you get hurt somewhere on your way to the submit reply button?
Regarding your last "question", I'm 6 times legend since ranks started giving rewards. All of them with reno lock, reno mage, tempo mage and (most recently) jade druid.
What about you buddy? Doing alright in the mid 15's?
Good counter buddy, looks like you got me defeated. See you in the 20's in-game when ladder reset occurs!I don't spend my time playing a game I hate or telling strangers they are lying or deluded for liking something I don't, so I'm already doing better than you.![]()
Good counter buddy, looks like you got me defeated. See you in the 20's in-game when ladder reset occurs!
So since the Paladin quest reward is 5 mana, might it be a safe assumption that they'll all be 5 mana? 1 mana quest into 5 mana reward?
is jade druid losing something important with the rotation?, because is getting anoying
"Kazakus Zoo" is a thing?
"Kazakus Zoo" is a thing?
Anywho... I beat a Freeze Mage as a Jade Druid earlier. More luck than judgement, but I'll take it.
Ummmmm..... Living Roots? That's all I got.
is jade druid losing something important with the rotation?, because is getting anoying
You've probably played against it and thought it was regular zoo because of the low curve, and didn't see the reno or Kazakus. When I started my climb this month every warlock I saw was running one of these Reno Zoo variations.
So since the Paladin quest reward is 5 mana, might it be a safe assumption that they'll all be 5 mana? 1 mana quest into 5 mana reward?
Emperor is also rotating out, though that's not seen in all Jade Druids.
This is usually something a low skilled player would say. I mean, it must be true because Reynad confirms my statement.Rank shaming is particularly pathetic lol.
It's true though.Rank shaming is nothing compared to accusing someone of playing Secret Paladin!
Is there a mage deck that's worth playing right now (fun, viable at least up to rank 5)?
It's true though.
Haha don't worry man, I've pretty much stopped playing s.pally for the past three or four months. Mostly because I don't do wild anymore :3Yoshi no D: Come back to the light while there's still time.
"Kazakus Zoo" is a thing?