Don't mention Devolve cause I freaked out when that card was announced and gaf basically lol'ed at my hysteria. They thought it was the rantings of a mad man. I seem to recall a certain gaf threatened to feature me in their video but not sure if they really did
And here we are- Devolve is the troll card I feared. It even sees pro play!!! May I say I called this as soon as the card was revealed... My main point though at the time was that it really screws over zoth / deathrattle minions which do nothing unless they actually die
See- I really hate removal / polymorphs in this game cause unlike Eternal we cannot play on opponent's turn to block it. We just sit back and get screwed. dont get me wrong I love HS just sayin'
lol @ Hearthpwns bingo card for tomorrow's card reveal stream.
lol @ Hearthpwns bingo card for tomorrow's card reveal stream.
No Ben Brode. So hahaha is out.
Shoulda been Cho'gall. Biggest whiff I can remember.I like that the art for bad card with great reviews is Malchezaar
Ego Check with The Id DM - Episode 10 - Dr. Peter Whalen & Dr. Tzachi Zach said:This weeks MEGA Hearthstone episode celebrates the annoucement of the next expansion, Journey to UnGoro. First, Peter Whalen, Senior Game Designer for Hearthstone, joins me to discuss his experiences working for Blizzard since 2015 and his role as Lead Designer for the Journey to UnGoro expansion. He provides additional details about the Adapt and Quest mechanics, and discusses the realities of designing content for a passionate fanbase with access to data analytics to attack Ranked play. Around the 30-minute mark, Dr. Tzachi Zach joins me to talk about the his role as Co-Owner and Data Analyst for Vicious Syndicate. He explains how the weekly Data Reaper Reports are created, and comments on how players and the Hearthstone designers can benefit from the analytics provided by Vicious Syndicate.
lol @ Hearthpwns bingo card for tomorrow's card reveal stream.
Party crashers now seems to be limited to 1 copy on each side of the board. Respawn if killed, doesn't spawn a second one if silenced.
Got 3900 gold and 1 pack from brawl. So 40 packs.
Hopefully can get another 500 until release date.
Can't watch the announcement. It will be over midnight in my time zone.
^ frankly that sounds awful. I'm probably going to settle for rank 11 this month. got too many other games to play
yeah will make my decision who to vote for when I get to work so I can debate it with coworker. probably just go Pavel. Loving Fr0zen's deck lists but it looks so risky esp the Kun/Avianna.
Yeah that Aviana/Kun list requires some brass balls when it seems like everybody is bringing two or three aggro decks each. Big part of why I didn't choose Fr0zen.
Blizzard hotfixed the Brawl it seems. I haven't tried it myself but according to Reddit;