I hated renolock early on in Gadgetzan but I've really come to love it ever since I crafted Jaraxxus and took out the combo. PO is truly OP good that it rotates.huh, shadowflame has gotten me a few times. I guess most renolock decks play that combo. man control lock is so devastating. just turn after turn they have board wipes. But for some reason I feel they are much more 'fair' then Dragon priests so I never complain about that deck. It just feels honest. The only thing thats dirty is now there are zoolocks and I cant tell them apart til like turn 4-5
^ what does that mean you dont worry bout completing quest anymore? Do you no longer grind for gold?? not worried bout saving up for ungoro packs?
The Brawl is particularly bad because the minion that spawns is bugged. It always goes face and everyone is just playing a face strategy in which the second player has a huge advantage.
I haven't made it a priority to complete every quest for over a year tbh.
I only have like 500 gold. I'll have like 5k dust. Not worried about ungoro. I'll get the cards eventually. It always works out some way. I've been playing more arena due to the changes so there is also that.
Also with rotation, I'll probably dust a bunch of cards I don't care about. I don't play for wild and while I won't dust everything, there are classes I don't mind dusting for.
The Brawl is particularly bad because the minion that spawns is bugged. It always goes face and everyone is just playing a face strategy in which the second player has a huge advantage.
The text on the minion clearly says "attacks unpredictably" not "this minions attacks the enemy hero only".Has this been confirmed as a bug? I would certainly hope so. It does not feel like the brawl was designed to have those party crashers going face each turn.
The best time in Hearthstone.One more day until we can call everything broken or unplayable
It says "You don't control how this minion attacks", which is accurate, but I don't know why they didn't just say it goes for the face. Maybe they're planning to reuse it, and it'll have different attack behavior each time?The text on the minion clearly says "attacks unpredictably" not "this minions attacks the enemy hero only".
So either the text is wrong or it's a bug.
Trump is now TrumpoStorm... yeah, he's now part of Tempo Storm
Legit huge
This makes me sadI thought tempo storm was full of degenerates?
This makes me sadI thought tempo storm was full of degenerates?
This makes me sadI thought tempo storm was full of degenerates?
Time to get another free pack.
Anyone got a link to their decklists?
This makes me sadI thought tempo storm was full of degenerates?
Time to get another free pack.
Picked Fr0zen...
liked the name, liked the face, like the attitude... let's go!
Guess I will go full netdeck for the first time in months, just because I want to hit 500 wins with shaman before all the OP cards are retired.
Guess I will go full netdeck for the first time in months, just because I want to hit 500 wins with shaman before all the OP cards are retired.
Picked Fr0zen...
liked the name, liked the face, like the attitude... let's go!
I went with DrJikininki. I like his decklist and it looks like he won the last Americas tournament so it also feels nice to cheer for the home team.
The "obvious" pick last time was Thijs and he let me down pretty hard, so I'm gonna avoid the same mistake and not pick Pavel, lol. Seems like Hearthstone is not a game where you can repeat performances.
I'm either in the Shadowverse OT, the seasonal anime thread or the OT of whatever gameI'm playing at the time.can you answer where you have been? I think I saw you post at Shadowverse-gaf forums but cannot be sure. your avatar is a cute waifu so maybe I'm thinking you were playing Shadowverse cause its waifu-heaven lol
The text on the minion clearly says "attacks unpredictably" not "this minions attacks the enemy hero only".
So either the text is wrong or it's a bug.
I'm either in the Shadowverse OT, the seasonal anime thread or the OT of whatever gameI'm playing at the time.
Also, I played a bit Duelyst, which is a great game, but many minors sucked the fun out of it for me, so I stopped playing.
I was playing a QA Rogue recently and in case he was going to go for a conceal turn I just played out any minions I had to be able to PO Shadowflame. Predictably he just walked right into it and got blown out.
Also played with Pally against Reno Dragon Priest in wild and because I knew as greedy as the build was he'd have an entomb I played Tirion into my opponents Doomsayer to kill him with Ashbringer, Ooze was already gone.