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Hearthstone |OT8| Elise's Extremely Irresponsible Field Trip To Un'Goro

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It's hard to evulated the cards right now.
If you play 4 jade golems summoner, Aya Blackpaw should be great. If you summon 1 golem before you play her she is Highmane levels of stat and can only go up from there.
The spirit seems too week, lightning and blossom should be good enough to find a deck.


It's like C'thun again pretty much. They probably have some stronger card that pays off on having a big golem otherwise golems by themselves are not worth it.

I'd be shocked if rogue touches a mechanic like this for one ever. It's lose tempo again and again then maybe start coming back hopefully. Yeaaaah...


Aya is at minimum 14 points of stats. Have a single jade golem spell before her, and she's 18 points of stats for 6. I don't think you can dismiss that as instantly unplayable. You need to see what other cards are there that can create jade golems.
It's cool that they're giving each tri-class it's own thing.

I could see rogue using shadowstep to really ramp the jade golem up fast. And shadowcaster too... I wonder if jade golem ramps up when you play from hand. If not, you can at least use the battlecry minions to summon extras. Imagine getting shadowcaster on aya, basically getting a 1 mana 1/1 that summons 2 jade golems... nice.

Oh, then imagine getting brann to hit on these guys.... damnnnn



Friday looks like a Shaman weapon. Jade Claw. Savjz' card is probably a spell.

Shaman weapon will be: 3 mana 3/2: Deathrattle: Summon a Jade Golem


Why use Pandaria lore if we don't have monks, tho?

Guess it's nice to see a new mechanic at least. Wonder if the golems increase in power upon summoning as well a la Kel'Thuzad or Moat Lurker.


Uh, what's wrong with it? Dealing 4 damage is already a 3 mana card. You pay one more mana for the golem.
Yeah I don't see how it's unplayable especially in a Jade Shaman deck. At one Jade proc it's already solid, at 2 it's better than Firelands Portal on average and above 2 it's the best card in the game.

Hell you can throw this in Aggro Shaman and point it to face.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Blackpaw has good sinergy with a couple of Rogue cards: Shadowcaster, Gang Up, Shadowstep, Unearthed Raptor.

The dream of a new Rogue deck ...


Uh, what's wrong with it? Dealing 4 damage is already a 3 mana card. You pay one more mana for the golem.
Exactly. Bomb Lobber is a pretty good card ,so I don't why a 1/1 (in the worst case) deal 4 damage for 4 would be bad card.
Besides, shaman are already playing Spell Damage.


Unconfirmed Member
Your disappointment game is on point, rather than enjoy the new stuff you get disappointed about what could happen in 4 months. Props!

Thanks for being a jerk about it, but sure I can explain my feelings a bit more and include some positivity for you.

I think it sucks that Blizzard is constantly abandoning their cool ideas every expansion instead of fleshing them out in future sets. There are lots of cool mechaincs that have been brought out in other expansions that have had promise and then were summarily abandoned. They have said the C'thun cards are not going to be supported going forward, for example. I get the "lore" reasons why they do that, but given that its a card game and there isn't really a story, who cares? Publish a couple extra C'thun cards to fill holes in those decks or give them something new to do. Or they could make an Inspire card that isn't hot garbage. That sort of thing. It seems they are at least keeping Discover as part of the game going forward which is good IMO. I just hope they don't give up on the Tri-class stuff or whatever other new cool thing comes out in this expansion.

That said there is lots that I am excited for in MSG, the Tri-class cards and the Reno deck themes seems really awesome. I'm glad they are keeping the idea of Reno decks alive, even if they aren't going to be as good without Reno Jackson, I'll always have Wild to live in the Glorious permanent Reno meta. The Goons effect to buff cards in your hand is an interesting twist on the C'thun stuff, but it seems kind of hard to make work well, hard to say it will require lots of testing probably. The Kabal stuff seems more directly obvious how to use it (play a Reno deck), but I'm sure something cool will come out that makes use of the spells (dat Rogue coin so good). The Jade stuff is all TBD with only a couple cards its really hard to say, but historically that stuff has lived or died based on the presence or lack of a few powerful cards. I don't think we've seen those yet so I'll hold off.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The Jade Golem mechanic seems even more snowballey than the Grimey Goons. I don't think I will evaluate this until we see the whole curve for all 3 classes, though.

Hozen Healer is decent in arena. Fight Promoter is like pre-nerf Ancient of Lore if you can pull off the condition but that's a pretty tough condition to meet imo. I'm going to call that a bad card.


I'm pretty sure Jade Golem decks are going to be good.

Remember that this is CurveStone. If this deck finds a way to curve out, it will be on the level of Secret Pally. It will be full of cards that do not lose power in the late game, but instead grow in power. The cards revealed so far are cards you just play out when you can. Play them on curve and your Jade Golem gets better and better.

Jade Lightning is as good or better than Implosion. Anycard that combines removal and minions is probably good. This card is great value when it summons 2/2, anything higher is insane and will be a nightmare to deal with.

Aya Blackpaw is a bunch of stats. She also buffs your Jade Golems by 2. She is equal to or better than a Savannah Highmane in pure stats. Splitting her Golems across the Battlecry and Deathrattle makes her much harder to deal with.

Those two cards go a long way towards making a powerful deck.


The Jade Golem mechanic seems even more snowballey than the Grimey Goons. I don't think I will evaluate this until we see the whole curve for all 3 classes, though.

Hozen Healer is decent in arena. Fight Promoter is like pre-nerf Ancient of Lore if you can pull off the condition but that's a pretty tough condition to meet imo. I'm going to call that a bad card.
Jade Golem has the advantage that you don't need the cards in hand to ramp up the Golems. You need to have Goons in hand to buff them.

Advantage of Grim Street is that they can buff non Grim Street cards too where as Jade Golems just work off of other Jade Golems. Also you only buff one Jade at a time, in the case of Paladins you can not only buff hands but you can buff cards +2/+2 or more.

Have to wait and see to be honest.


The Jade Golem mechanic seems even more snowballey than the Grimey Goons. I don't think I will evaluate this until we see the whole curve for all 3 classes, though.

Hozen Healer is decent in arena. Fight Promoter is like pre-nerf Ancient of Lore if you can pull off the condition but that's a pretty tough condition to meet imo. I'm going to call that a bad card.

That PW:S value though if a minion sticks for a priest beyond turn 6.


ok Jade Lighting hits face, maybe it's not that bad. Still same deal applies it's only going to get good after the 2nd jade card is played. That seems like how they budgeted all of them. Still in shaman there are so many better cards that this Jade mechanic has to be good for you to even consider the card, otherwise it's not going to make it by itself.

The other thing is how many summon jade golem cards are even there. The 2/3 for 4 is trash, that's out. That leaves the legendary as the only neutral one. We've seen like 6 druid cards already only one interacts with Jade. Unless every shaman card interacts with Jade Golems it seems that there might not be enough cards to ever hit those big numbers they have in the gif.
One class must be getting summon a number of Jade Golems as an spell and that's probably the class you want to try. It looks a shaman mechanic right now since they didn't reveal a single shaman card until now.
Hozen healer seems pretty bad. 2/6 isn't a great statline, especially on curve. And the battlecry doesn't make up for it.

Fight promoter could be okay. It's almost like ancient of lore, if ancient of lore required you to be winning to get value out of. I don't think it sees play though, at least in a competitive deck.

ok Jade Lighting hits face, maybe it's not that bad. Still same deal applies it's only going to get good after the 2nd jade card is played.

The first jade will always be weak.


Something interesting about the Jade Lotus tribe is that every single card with the text "Summon a Jade Golem" will be powerful as a top deck in the late game.

I also don't understand why Jadegolem is written this way instead of Jade Golem in the actual card.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Thanks for being a jerk about it, but sure I can explain my feelings a bit more and include some positivity for you.

I think it sucks that Blizzard is constantly abandoning their cool ideas every expansion instead of fleshing them out in future sets. There are lots of cool mechaincs that have been brought out in other expansions that have had promise and then were summarily abandoned. They have said the C'thun cards are not going to be supported going forward, for example. I get the "lore" reasons why they do that, but given that its a card game and there isn't really a story, who cares? Publish a couple extra C'thun cards to fill holes in those decks or give them something new to do. Or they could make an Inspire card that isn't hot garbage. That sort of thing. It seems they are at least keeping Discover as part of the game going forward which is good IMO. I just hope they don't give up on the Tri-class stuff or whatever other new cool thing comes out in this expansion.

That said there is lots that I am excited for in MSG, the Tri-class cards and the Reno deck themes seems really awesome. I'm glad they are keeping the idea of Reno decks alive, even if they aren't going to be as good without Reno Jackson, I'll always have Wild to live in the Glorious permanent Reno meta. The Goons effect to buff cards in your hand is an interesting twist on the C'thun stuff, but it seems kind of hard to make work well, hard to say it will require lots of testing probably. The Kabal stuff seems more directly obvious how to use it (play a Reno deck), but I'm sure something cool will come out that makes use of the spells (dat Rogue coin so good). The Jade stuff is all TBD with only a couple cards its really hard to say, but historically that stuff has lived or died based on the presence or lack of a few powerful cards. I don't think we've seen those yet so I'll hold off.
Thanks man!

Peléo;225221364 said:
I also don't understand why Jadegolem is written this way instead of Jade Golem in the actual card.

Probably a UI typo, hah. Maybe it'll get fixed before release.
Confirmed by Ben "The Laugh of Life" Brode to be a mistake on the site, it shows Jade Golem on the game.
With all these statpile jade golems and hand-buff cards coming in the expansion, the aoe heavy focus of kabal cards starts to make sense. I'm interested in just how out of control a jade golem deck can get.
I really want to push the jade golem concept in rogue due to shadowstep and shadowcaster. Getting aya shadowcaster'd could be backbreaking. Plus brann synergy. People see that 2/3 4 drop and say underwhelming?

It could be a new way to play the c'thun rogue style deck I've been running. Gotta see the rest of the cards rogue gets to see how good it could be. Because right now I don't see a clear end game for the deck beyond just dumping more and more jade golems on the board.


With how minions scale we may see a rise in the use of stat independent removals in the next expansion. polymorphs and deadly shots all around


I really want to push the jade golem concept in rogue due to shadowstep and shadowcaster. Getting aya shadowcaster'd could be backbreaking. Plus brann synergy. People see that 2/3 4 drop and say underwhelming?

It could be a new way to play the c'thun rogue style deck I've been running. Gotta see the rest of the cards rogue gets to see how good it could be. Because right now I don't see a clear end game for the deck beyond just dumping more and more jade golems on the board.

If Rogue ends up receiving a Deathrattle Jade Golem, they can probably use N'Zoth as their finisher. (Even though it lacks any burst).
So basically aya is a cairne on steroids. If somehow you manage to play 1 jade golem per turn up to turn 6, you get a 6/6 and a 5/3 with deathrattle summon a 7/7. That would be insane. And when you get this back from n'zoth, who knows how big your jade golem will be by then.


When the site was down, I thought about jade golems a lot and I actually starting to like it a lot. We will see how it goes with rest of the cards but they are all better than what they might seem imo, there is a lot of implications to these cards that could be very strong. I think we might have something here, I'm not going to make a fool out of myself by calling them unplayable trash, nope. Grimy Goons are still the worst. This easily blows that away. Nothing is really unplayable here, it's very hard to say but I'm now leaning toward quite good actually.


The rogue card might not seem much but I like it. It's direct damage, it can save your evis and it has tons of other uses that have nothing to do with Jade Golems, yeah, 2 mana deal 2 damage isn't so terrible in the right deck. When you look at it, rogue hasn't received any burn spells since classic and for good reason. Shadowstrike was a minion only card (99 percent of the time at least) and I feel a card like this while it might seem mediocre it has a lot of potential. How often you find yourself using evis for 2? yeah it happens quite often. I'm going to play these in maly rogue and I'm certain I'll like them a lot. If I get Jade Golems in there, good if not, it's not a big deal.


the goons have the least interesting mechanic of all, but I wouldn't be surprised if they end up being the most powerful for that consistency
Man, lots to catch up on.

The Jade Golem mechanic is really interesting and makes the cards pretty tough to evaluate. Hard to really pinpoint how much of a trade off you're making to summon the golem. I don't think Jade Spirit is good enough but Jade Lightning and Jade Blossom seem solid. Aya Blackpaw seems really good if you're investing anything at all into Jade Golems. Jade Shuriken also seems pretty good. I think removal like Lightning and Shuriken get quite a bit stronger when they put something on the board, similar to Maelstrom Portal.

Hozen Healer seems decent. Fight Promoter seems really good if you can reliably take advantage of the battlecry.


Jade Golems are essentially anti control. It will get out of hands eventually. The investment is a lot lower than Grimy Goons too, you don't need to have the right hand either. Grimy Goons lose to a board clear or hard removal. Jade Golem is a permanent investment.

So the card on the site, is white eyes. In blizzcon they showed him and he is Aya's body guard apparently. So he must be shaman legendary I guess.
How can you play a traditional control heavy removal per threat style deck if jade golems become meta? You can't right, it just snowballs too hard in the late game?
I guess the real nice thing about Jade Golems is that drawing your low mana golem cards in the late game isn't such a disaster. Probably adds a little bit more consistency to the deck at least.
A lot will depend on how many "summon a jade golem" cards there are. If it's easy to fill out a 1-6 mana curve with jade golem summons, it will get out of control very fast. But I highly doubt they'll do that. Also the stats on "summon jade golem" cards seem quite low for mana cost, but I imagine situation will change after 3 summons or so.

So I suspect if you go too heavy into jade golems, you will die to aggro decks. So if meta is control heavy, jade golem decks will be nice. But if aggro is the meta, I can't see jade golems doing well. But I guess that'll depend on rest of the cards.
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