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Hearthstone |OT8| Elise's Extremely Irresponsible Field Trip To Un'Goro

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Unconfirmed Member
I guess the real nice thing about Jade Golems is that drawing your low mana golem cards in the late game isn't such a disaster. Probably adds a little bit more consistency to the deck at least.

It actually makes the effect insane in a control v control matchup. Even potentially garbage cards can become summon a 6/6 or better and do some mostly irrelevant stuff for 3 mana. Kinda nuts actually. But given how rarely control v control happens in this maybe it isn't so relevant.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Jade Golems seem especially hard to evaluate before seeing all the cards supporting it. Redundancy will be really important.
I feel like the topper to the Jade Lotus set would be an expensive minion that changes your hero power to Summon a Jade Golem. It'd be like getting Infernals from Jaraxxus, or that one adventure boss that basically does the same thing as Jade Lotus.

We already saw the Jade Lotus legendary though so it probably won't happen.


I guess the real nice thing about Jade Golems is that drawing your low mana golem cards in the late game isn't such a disaster. Probably adds a little bit more consistency to the deck at least.

That's true. Jade Blossom, especially, becomes really good in the late game (I'm assuming it gives you the Excess Mana card like Wild Growth). 3 mana to summon a 6/6 or something and you draw a card? Preeeeetty good.
I'm surprised no one brought up evolve shaman, cause people were saying they were pushing evolve shaman based on dopplegangster (still doubt that'll be a thing). But now with jade golems, I think it actually could be a thing (at least a lot more now than before).

That's true. Jade Blossom, especially, becomes really good in the late game (I'm assuming it gives you the Excess Mana card like Wild Growth). 3 mana to summon a 6/6 or something and you draw a card? Preeeeetty good.

I think it may not give excess mana because it does something at max mana. Like using mire keeper for mana at max mana doesn't give excess... same with nourish for mana. Astral communion does, because it otherwise gains nothing.


Unconfirmed Member
Minions with equal health and attack to their mana cost aren't that great of targets to evolve, but I guess the minions that create Jade Golems would have a lot of evolve value.
Didn't know Astral Druid was still a thing. Had a perfect curve for my Beast Druid but he Innervates and Coins out Astral Communion T1, drops a Bog Creeper followed by Ironbark, and I just scoop.


seems like jade golems comes down to golem density in the deck. how many golems can I summon in a game and how do I not get run over while I'm powering them up?

not getting run over seems pretty simple, 1 mana 2/2s and aoe clears and a bit more healing and you're probably fine.

How many golems can you make though? Seems like a lot when you start popping off like
aya blackpaw > ancestral spirit > n'zoth
1 on the summon, first body dies, second body dies, n'zoth 2 bodies and they die for 2 more golems, that's 5 golems just on that
3 cards, 18 mana, minimum 40/35 of stats.

of course it takes a minimum of 3 turns to set up but I think there's something that can be made to work in shaman with this.


You are already playing somewhat slow cards, adding situational cards like evolve on top seems like a bad idea. I don't see the appeal in mixing them.

we could get some sick Kun into jade golem combos


Its seem they design rock-paper-scrissor scenario here

Kabal beat goons, Jade lotus beat Kabal, goons beat Jade lotus?

I'm dead sure kabal reno deck gonna got rekt by Jade Golem deck


goons are not beating jade unless it's just aggro/face deck which they are not really. They're midrange. Maybe aggro paladin.

The problem with goons is that they have to align the right cards and if they manage that, they still lose to clear or removal. I can't see that ever being good. Paladin one is the best one and it's the only mechanic paladin got, it's probably decent but with the other two class seems experimental at best.


Unconfirmed Member
Its seem they design rock-paper-scrissor scenario here

Kabal beat goons, Jade lotus beat Kabal, goons beat Jade lotus?

I'm dead sure kabal reno deck gonna got rekt by Jade Golem deck

Yeah this fits with how Reno decks have worked in the past as well. If you can't muster up the removal/board clears then you just lose to a deck that can run lots of large threats. This applied to warriors in the past, but seems to be pretty applicable to Jade Golems once they get above like a 5/5 or so. At some point you'll have to use premium removal on them and there is only so much of that to go around.

The golem stuff is really great against decks like Control Warrior as well for this reason. Can't remove every golem in the deck (assuming there are enough of these cards to run), and also be able to remove stuff like Sylvannas, Ragnaros, etc.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The Jade Lotus decks look mostly proactive. Seems like they would crush any control or Reno deck because you just generate way too many efficient threats over time. But any kind of aggro deck will run over them because they just ignore the jade golems and go face.

Kabal has a lot of board clears and reactive spells and heals. I think they will generally be very strong against aggro decks, especially once Reno comes down.

Grimy Goons is hard to evaluate. Taking an early hit to build up strong minions later seems like the kind of thing a midrange deck might want to do. It promotes minion trading but the snowball effect isn't as efficient over time as jade golems. I don't know if Grimy Goon decks are really that much faster than Jade Golem decks? It seems like you have to go all in on the super synergy cards like Dopplegangster or the Dispatch Kodo and hope that you can blowout a jade golem deck before they get too big. Not super convinced that these guys can beat faster aggro.decks like zoo whatever. But maybe Kabal decks will be so popular that standard aggro has a rougher time and the Kabal will struggle against the goons?

I don't know if any of these archetypes can deal with Midrange Shaman.


Kabal deck beat mis shaman for sure IMO.. and I can't see goons deck can be designed to beat kabal effectively either.

I wonder if Shaman is the go to for Jade Golem deck if their mid totem shaman became less effective.


reno lock already isn't bad against mid shaman. the board clears do work. Priest is even better actually.There is a anti shaman list floating around, it just doesn't beat anything else lol.

Thijs card looks like a druid spell interacting with jade. that should give us some idea what kind of stronger jade cards they're making.


Yeah Reno lock already decent vs shaman

And with potentially adding up to 3 board clear?

I guess you should never count out one of best deck ever
Blizzard introduces a new way to Curvestone and people get excited. ZzzZzz.

On the other hand, Eternal is a blast right now. The game is so goddamn generous that it just gave me a fully functional competent deck with multiple epics in it, and it's going to give out another one over the next four weeks. Get in on that now!
Blizzard introduces a new way to Curvestone and people get excited. ZzzZzz.

On the other hand, Eternal is a blast right now. The game is so goddamn generous that it just gave me a fully functional competent deck with multiple epics in it, and it's going to give out another one over the next four weeks. Get in on that now!

Aya is probably a card you play on curve. And the mana ramp, but removal, especially combo, aren't cards you just curve out with.


The Jadegolems remind me of the Naga fight in LoE, where it would summon a Naga each turn that gained 1/1 more than the last. It's certainly a more interesting theme than Grimy Goons so hopefully it will be powerful enough to make an impact. I wonder if it will be even possible to reach that 20/20 golem art.


Unconfirmed Member
I DE'd the uber shit 3 drop.. dont even remember the name anymore. Robert? Wallace?

Moroes. Yeah he's bad. Even in Standard after the rotation I can't see him being good. Like even in a world where Imp Master is good (which we are most definitely NOT in), that card is still bad. Infinite 1/1s is just not good enough when you can't attack with the main body for fear of breaking Stealth. Just a bad card overall, good dust to reclaim for crafting whatever broke stuff comes out of MSG.
qq moar skrub

The quality fanbase.

Aya is probably a card you play on curve. And the mana ramp, but removal, especially combo, aren't cards you just curve out with.
It seems to me like a Jade Golem deck is going to have a lot of these cards to capitalize on the Jade Golem growth feature - otherwise they're weak. So the decks will end up being a bunch of abilities you play on curve that create progressively stronger Jade Golems, and thus the decks will be typical midrange curve with a twist. I felt like Old Gods had more interesting ideas than what we've seen so far - 2/3 of the factions will either end up underpowered and useless or they will curve so hard it will become the meta. Personally, I hope it's the former. I'd rather the game not change than become even more degenerate.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Aya is a 5/3 she dies to aoe together with a Jade golem that's less than an x/3. Look at justicar are you ever afraid of her body?

She's sticky as heck kind of like Piloted Sky Golem and she buffs future jade golems. Let's say her Battlecry puts down a 3/3. That puts her just 2 health below a Faceless Summoner, and then her Deathrattle puts a 4/4 down. That's very, very good.


@Karsticles, I keep getting this creepy feeling when you post like you want us all to jump ship to the next new CCG. Instead I wonder why cant you just go play those games since every other post you feel like you gotta smash Hearthstone.

Sure there is some things I don't like bout the game but if I got to the point where I call it a 'bad game' rest assure you won't see me posting in the thread anymore lol trust that I value my time too much and you should as well


Unconfirmed Member
My worry with the Jade Lotus decks is that it'll be really, really bad against aggro. Decks can have weak spots, but they can't be absolutely terrible against all aggro or all control decks.

Remember, snowballadin can start ramping on turn 1 and can curve out against aggro that way. I think for lotus clan you're going to need something like prep or innervate to start building your golems up before turn 3.
@Karsticles, I keep getting this creepy feeling when you post like you want us all to jump ship to the next new CCG. Instead I wonder why cant you just go play those games since every other post you feel like you gotta smash Hearthstone.

Sure there is some things I don't like bout the game but if I got to the point where I call it a 'bad game' rest assure you won't see me posting in the thread anymore lol trust that I value my time too much and you should as well

Karsticles secrets loves hearthstone. After all, he plays some curvestone then quits and plays the same game, curvelyst :)

Playing Tempo Mage, puts me against three Freeze Mages in 4 matches.

Switch to Control Warrior, puts me against three Renolocks in 4 matches.

Don't be so transparent about it Blizzard lol.

Sometimes I go a little tinfoil too, but then I remember... my opponents aren't getting randomly matched bad so why would matchmaking single me out? lol
Playing Tempo Mage, puts me against three Freeze Mages in 4 matches.

Switch to Control Warrior, puts me against three Renolocks in 4 matches.

Don't be so transparent about it Blizzard lol.


I was tryna do a Rogue quest on Asia server during lunch.. rank 18... thought it'd be easier... faced 5 Shamans in a row who all curved out perfectly.

Great meta, blizzard. I can't wait until new cards come out and ladder is only 98% Shaman instead of 99%.


@Karsticles, I keep getting this creepy feeling when you post like you want us all to jump ship to the next new CCG. Instead I wonder why cant you just go play those games since every other post you feel like you gotta smash Hearthstone.

Because those games have no real community and probably never will no matter how good they are. That was the story of WoW and its competitors. Even with card games being a versus game, community aspect of HS is huge and no other game has anything like it. It will feel lonely there.

Playing Tempo Mage, puts me against three Freeze Mages in 4 matches.

freeze mage is like free win for tempo mage, I'd be happy if that happened to me.

Even if they freeze your board, your missiles still go face, you can put the freeze mage so low so fast, it's incredibly hard to win.


Damn, my 30 Battlecry deck was eating through real decks, but then I met the dreaded Alarm-o-Bot Resurrect Priest.

We almost made it to fatigue before he got a Deathwing.
Someone explain to me how what we've seen of the jadegolems so far is "curvestone" ? Getting a 1/1 and an effect on turn 3 is not a strong curve. These decks will probably struggle with existing decks that just play best in slot cards at each mana cost. And on the flipside some of these cards are going to be excellent when played off curve and the fixed progression of +1/+1 helps you run more low cost cards precisely because you are less worried about curving out in the mid and late game.


So, Jade Golems...

First off, I was hoping for something slightly different. Kabal pretty much got amazing cards. Grimy goons, while boring, got some hella consistency when it comes to future and existing cards. Expected the same for Jade Lotus, not this niche mechanic that is going to be forgotten in the next X-pac. Maybe it'll help me forget Blizzard dumping the Tri-Class mechanic on top of that.

The Tri-Class card is quite slow. For your main reservoir of Jade Golems, it sure feels lackluster. Compared to Kabal Chemist, who might as well say "Get a random AoE Spell" on the text.

The act of summoning Jade Golems should either be in every card released or don't even bother. Because the more you summon, the more you stack. C'Thun had SO many cards dedicated to it. What're the classes going to get? Like... 4?

That said, IF they work off of an internal counter -- like C'Thun -- and you can mock-summon your own, then it becomes WAY more interesting. Like Ancestral Spirit, Resurrect (in Wild), Kel'Thuzad (in Wild), etc. etc. That's why the summon neutral needed a constant effect rather than a Battlecry.

And also, Aya Blackpaw... the first ever Shaman Deathrattle minion! Yay!


Karsticles secrets loves hearthstone. After all, he plays some curvestone then quits and plays the same game, curvelyst :)

Yeah I remember reading some article like this about MMOs where players would quit World of Warcraft but would descend on the next mmo demanding a lot of the same features.

Because those games have no real community and probably never will no matter how good they are. That was the story of WoW and its competitors. Even with card games being a versus game, community aspect of HS is huge and no other game has anything like it. It will feel lonely there.

Yeah its quite odd the other card games have such tiny communities in comparison.

I guess I am turning into a rabid fan I need to step back myself a little lol. Going to blizzcon, meeting some pro players, and being around the excited fans might have made me a bit too defensive. I think in bout a year's time I'll be more practical.

That Shaman probably thought he was a smooth operator playing a Reno with me only having 4 cards left in my deck......but I had Maly, Emp, sinister strikes, Shivs with an Auctioneer already on the board!
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