So, Jade Golems...
First off, I was hoping for something slightly different. Kabal pretty much got amazing cards. Grimy goons, while boring, got some hella consistency when it comes to future and existing cards. Expected the same for Jade Lotus, not this niche mechanic that is going to be forgotten in the next X-pac. Maybe it'll help me forget Blizzard dumping the Tri-Class mechanic on top of that.
The Tri-Class card is quite slow. For your main reservoir of Jade Golems, it sure feels lackluster. Compared to Kabal Chemist, who might as well say "Get a random AoE Spell" on the text.
The act of summoning Jade Golems should either be in every card released or don't even bother. Because the more you summon, the more you stack. C'Thun had SO many cards dedicated to it. What're the classes going to get? Like... 4?
That said, IF they work off of an internal counter -- like C'Thun -- and you can mock-summon your own, then it becomes WAY more interesting. Like Ancestral Spirit, Resurrect (in Wild), Kel'Thuzad (in Wild), etc. etc. That's why the summon neutral needed a constant effect rather than a Battlecry.
And also, Aya Blackpaw... the first ever Shaman Deathrattle minion! Yay!