people are going crazy over jade on reddit, just wait for meta to adjust. All of that will be pushed out. It's face warrior's turn to shine, just you wait.
people are going crazy over jade on reddit, just wait for meta to adjust. All of that will be pushed out. It's face warrior's turn to shine, just you wait.
So, when a Goon buffs cards in hand, they kind of shimmer until played. This is good for the other player but I don't think letting your opponent know which cards are minions and which are spells is a good thing. This could be a huge disadvantage for running these kind of decks. Why would they do this?
1) Aggro reigns supreme (either traditional Zoo-style aggro and/or Grimy Goons-based aggro) as it will counter Jade Golem decks.
2) Enough Jade Golem decks will hang around crushing traditional control decks (think Control Warrior and Control Priest) and most Reno decks (RIP Kabal).
3) Mid-range decks will take a back-seat to more aggressive decks but the mid-range decks won't disappear entirely, with Mid-range Shaman and some form of Demonlock showing up as a solid minority of the meta.
4) Freeze Mage will still maintain relevance.
5) Paladin will still be low tier. Priest will jump from gutter tier to mid-low tier. Shaman fall from S-tier to mid-upper tier. Whichever class has the strongest Jade Golem deck will be at the top of the tier list with one of the Kabal classes taking up the bottom of the tier list.
Keep in mind I've been playing since open beta but have never even hit Legend so I'm casual scum.
I guess it's time to decide if I should pre-purchase Gadgetzan or not. I have 5200 saved up for packs on Day 1 regardless and I have to think if I want about 2x that amount on day 1.
Kind of leaning towards yeah, doing it. I did not prepurchase any packs, for Old Gods. Over the course of the expansion I managed to get most of the cards but still have a few holes for niche decks I would have liked to try but lacked the materials to do so. Would be nice to get a jumpstart on the collection and make sure I have more of the cards early on.
if your definition of a meme is an image with white text on it, then i guess so? A meme can be used to mean 'an inside joke' in this case. Magma rager was notorious for being super awful and blizzard ran with that joke, that it's notoriously awful.
Oh yeah but that's pretty much just aldor peacekeeper and keeper of uldaman.
I need to stop calling it control pally since honestly paladin has next to zero tools for control. The disparity to Warrior is mindboggling, Warrior gets everything paladin has and some, direct damage, conditional removal, draw, armor / heal, aoe, weapons,...
if your definition of a meme is an image with white text on it, then i guess so? A meme can be used to mean 'an inside joke' in this case. Magma rager was notorious for being super awful and blizzard ran with that joke, that it's notoriously awful.
This is easily the least excited I've been for an expansion... ever. There's just nothing really sticking out to me as interesting and the tribe/faction stuff has always been pretty boring to me. I'm sure I'll manage some fun at least but I see myself dropping the game sooner after this expansion than any other...
At least there are some other good card games popping up to keep me busy in down times and the next expansion also includes the removal of some sets from standard so that'll be a huge refresh.
Also that paladin deck in the reveal stream was..interesting. I really hope some of the cards can push mid range paladin, but doesn't look that good so far.
The internet has abused the definition of a meme pretty heavily. The original definition was essentially a piece of information that was spread across generations of people. Sort of like genes, but with learnable information rather than instructions of DNA. So, "how to build a fire" is a meme. The idea of an axe is a meme.
Wrathion is +1 health and taunt for 1 mana over azure drake in decks that don't care about spell power much.
I could see it replacing one azure drake, or being put in as a third azure drake, to be less of a bad play against aggro. If nothing else, it's a second azure drake for reno decks.
Wrathion is +1 health and taunt for 1 mana over azure drake in decks that don't care about spell power much.
I could see it replacing one azure drake, or being put in as a third azure drake, to be less of a bad play against aggro. If nothing else, it's a second azure drake for reno decks.
Well, he didn't say it would be miracle. He was talking about Jade Golems being very reliable I think.
I'm not saying I agree or disagree either way. I was making fun at the lack of weapons for Rogue (because we all know what Blizz has said about that) and dropping Kripp's opinion too because I guess people love shitting on him here for some reason, so it seems kind of countering the idea that Rogue isn't getting much love.