I am getting a real kick out of this tavern brawl. It makes me giggle.
I just hope I'm not getting Knuckles, Krul, Noggenfogger or Madam Goya as my legendary. Kinda with with the rest.
My first opponent RNG-killed his own minions for the first 4 turns. Felt bad for him since mine kept playing buffs on themselves.
I just hope I'm not getting Knuckles, Krul, Noggenfogger or Madam Goya as my legendary. Kinda with with the rest.
You know how I said that it's like learning a new language?
I got about a third of this, I think.
Ladder is ranked, not arena, right?
And Zoolock is a Warlock deck that has a lot of cheap minions?
I have mostly been using Shaman, but have no idea if the deck I use is good. (It's actually a Reno deck, I'm a sucker for Indiana Jones-y things). It works ok, and I got up to level 17 without having to edit, but then I lost about 10 in a row and went right back to the bottom.
I've seen people throw around the term "Midrange". What is that?
You would think people at rank 10 wouldn't be spamming Shaman and Face hunter on the last few hours of the season and right before the new expansion, but you would be wrong.
Not even sure if you can blame this on "quests" tbh.
oh ya lookup some zoolock decks but replace Leroy jenkins with another charge minion
lookup hunter midrange deck but those want LoE expansion. secret hunter wants karazhan expansion. I forget I did have to craft 2 x Call of the Wild which made me cry cause 800 dust was all i had back then lol
Shaman deck kinda wants Karazhan but you can still get by just fine with class cards
Note my aggro murloc pally I speak earlier was in Casual (not Standard Ladder).
Got a warlock quest right now and doing good just beat a golden rogue player but forgot to check for legendary card back but never expect anyopne to use it since its super ugly. I do run Jaraxxus whereever possible tho for some endgame fun
Thanks for the help. I've actually got LOE and Karazhan, so I might not have to replace too much stuff.
My big issue is that whenever I look up a deck I've seen mentioned most of the ones I find are the crazy tons of legendary ones, it's hard to find ones I can actually build.
maybe they just like the decks?
Ok this was weird. I was grinding this 30 class card Warlock quest. Was up against one of those Charge Enrage 0tk Warriors. He has me on the ropes and just concedes. I mean he literally had lethal right there while he had me on the ropes waiting for the final blow. lol never seen that before
This was Casual ofc
They nerfed Charge so that the buffed minion can't attack face that turn.
My deck just 30-0'd a priest!
He ran out of shadowword deaths and already spent 1 entomb.
They nerfed Charge so that the buffed minion can't attack face that turn.
wow all those dragons. priest was doomed
Has it been confirmed that if you wait until after the expansion launches to login and check your rewards, you could receive some Gadgetzan cards?
There's going to be so much aggro tomorrow morning. Aggro paladins, aggro pirate warriors, aggro pirate rogue, aggro murloc decks.
I'm really not a big fan of "hating" decks and complaining about it, but if "they just like the decks" then why isn't there an equal representation?
I'm not even saying you are wrong, but doesn't anyone like playing Priest, Rogue, or Paladin? Even druid is extremely low representation tonight. That is fun as hell to play and it is very strong.
The obvious answer is people just going to play the strongest decks in the meta no matter what.
My point is there is very little risk at low ranks to experiment with something even slightly different today of all days. These people aren't all racing from rank 10 to Rank 5 in the last 5 hours are they?
I don't even care if it is Mid-range shaman with Malchezaar. Just try something slightly different. We've been playing these same decks for months. Now is your last chance to try an off meta deck before they are obsolete.
Anyone know exact release time? If it's in the morning/afternoon then I will be missing out on it because of work.
Bit on the 50 for $50 preorder, fuck it.
Gonna focus on Control Warrior as usual and also find a Warlock (or Druid/Rogue) deck to climb ladder/farm the golden.
I'm not sure Control Warrior is even going to survive after tomorrow.
Brawl with full board vs. 1 minion, guess what happens.
Thing from Below should've been nerfed initially.
I think right now people are looking towards Dragon Priest to be the answer to Midrange Shaman in MSG.
That and Face Warrior because Face Warrior is just going to try to finish the game before Midrange Shaman gets anything going. But Midrange Shaman has built in counters to early game Patches aggression.
Yeah I don't either. Maelstorm Portal, Storm, Spirit Claws, early minions etc. ends up stopping it in my experience. Shaman can just tech in some heals and weapon removal to beat Pirate Warrior cold if they want to but they don't need to do it so they don't.I never felt good about face warrior against shaman. They have spirit wolves, thing and taunt totems to mess you up.