Damn, that sucks. No way they do anything about it for people who already opened their packs tho.
EU release date delayed by 1 day thanks to the bug.
This expansion has been very poorly handled by Blizzard, they really need to step their game up.
First there was no unique cardback for preorders then during the reveal we had those stupid bars and now this tri-class bug with the packs.
28 Kabal Chemist
25 Jade Spirit
3 Kazakus
Thanks Blizzard.
Does arena now drop mean streets of gadgetzan as the pack?
Uh so I should be buying packs right now or not?
Why not?
Riot incoming.
Jade Druid is kinda bull shit son. Control decks are now officially dead.
I am playing Malygos Druid with a single copy of Jade Idol... demolished two control decks with a single card. I don't have to care about over drawing in match ups, I got max ham with Gadgetan.
because it currently gives too large of a bonus to opening tri-class cards.
Is there a normal bonus for opening 'class' cards? Is it possible tri-class cards triple this bonus accidentally?
Oh lame... I got like so many tri class cards too... and no legends in 39 packs.
Oh lame... I got like so many tri class cards too... and no legends in 39 packs.
EU release date delayed by 1 day thanks to the bug.
Uh source? Couldn't find this info.
Also Blizzard should really refund some of the money at least, i mean it's like the NA is beta testing this shit.
That seems like really awful luck for you two. I'm pretty sure the max packs you can open without a legendary is 39 due to the pity timer.
Cant find the preorder button on the eu store...
What timer?
Uh source? Couldn't find this info.
Also Blizzard should really refund some of the money or give free packs at least, i mean it's like the NA is beta testing this shit.
Somebody said on Kripp's chat that with Mayor Noggenfogger, even your emotes are chosen randomly.
Hilarious if true.
Somebody said on Kripp's chat that with Mayor Noggenfogger, even your emotes are chosen randomly.
Hilarious if true.
Lmao this is the best card ever made.Somebody said on Kripp's chat that with Mayor Noggenfogger, even your emotes are chosen randomly.
Hilarious if true.
I wonder if the packs have a boosted chance of opening class cards and thus the tri-class cards get three boosts added together.