Maybe that's the point: give Rogues a way to do nothing but bounce Jade Golem cards back to their hand, and that's an entire deck archetype.
I wish Paladin had gotten jade golem instead.
Maybe that's the point: give Rogues a way to do nothing but bounce Jade Golem cards back to their hand, and that's an entire deck archetype.
I'm going to make a wild prediction that such a deck that relies on bouncing back lots of cards and play them again would be really bad, inconsistent at best.
We've already seen some evidence that the Druid Jade Golem deck will use fatigue as their win condition. Maybe the idea is that each of the three classes has a distinct way to utilize their jade golem deck. Druid fatigues. Rogue uses bounce shenanigans to generate multiple golems per turn. Shaman.... does something else.
I think they wanted to avoid giving it to Warrior, Priest, or Paladin because they could presumably survive an incredibly long time and consistently churn out ridiculous golems.
they did print that Druid card OTOH. Also druid has some of the most versatile healing in the game since they can heal and armor up
Druid importantly doesn't have good removal to go along with that healing/armor though.
It's arguably the safest survival class to put this mechanic on because of that.
Assuming there's a 1 mana jade golem card Rogue can play -
[1] jade golem -> [0] shadow step -> [1] jade golem -> [2] brewmaster -> [1] jade golem -> [2] ferryman COMBO -> [1] jade golem
4 card 8 mana combo for a 3/2, 2/3, 4/4
If you want to solve the consistency problem, there are only 2 minions plus a legendary so far you can play in rogue that summon a jade golem. That's not enough.
The Jinyu are one of the races from Pandaria: mean, I guess that card has the advantage over Youthful Brewmaster, that you could play it early without needing to return a card to hand. I don't think people would run it though. Maybe if it was a 2/4 or 3/3.
Also, why isn't the card a Pandaren Brewmaster of some sorts? It being some weird fish thing doesn't fit thematically.
You will notice a lot of Hozen (monkey people) in the cards as well.WoW Wiki said:The Jinyu are a race of fish-like humanoids native to Pandaria. They are considered wise creatures even among the pandaren, as they have the ability to converse with the land. The jinyu were once murlocs that evolved when exposed to sacred pools in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Alliance players who arrive at the Jade Forest will be trying to sway the jinyu into siding with the Alliance.[1] The rampaging hozen have caused much destruction to jinyu settlements and have been historical enemies.
I think replaying a Jade Golem would only just replay it, and not buff the Jade Counter, but I guess we can't be sure of the exact interaction unless Blizard Says or until the expansion comes out.
Why...they could have at least had it add some sort of discount like Shadowstep so it doesn't feel like a totally unimaginative and pointless card.![]()
Kinda of like Youthful Brewmaster but you sort of get a choice if you want to return something to your hand or not.
What? It's exactly the same strength. They both give +2/+2. The only difference there is the magician having 1 less health. And a card that never sees play is generally not a good card.
When you play understatted cards, it's better to have higher attack than health. These cards generally gain value through their text, so all you want from the body is for it to not die for free. Either trading into something yourself or soaking up removal from the opponent or threatening damage. For instance, everyone would take a 2/1 loot hoard over a 1/2 loot hoarder, because the latter is much less likely to be able to anything.
You also keep ignoring the fact that the 4/3 is on turn 4 and the 4/5 is on turn 5. That's a big difference. Imagine a 3/2 3 drop that gave +2/+2 or a 2/1 2 drop that gave +2/+2. As you go down in mana this gets better and better because the effect isn't changing.
Wtf this bullshitjust go back to leeroy being 4 mana so Rogue can become good again. please blizzard
4 mana 3/5
Your Combo cards can be activated whenever.
3 mana 2/4
Your Combos trigger twice.
You can make whatever archetype you want if you print blatantly broken cards.If you want to build a new rogue deck, one that is minion based, it needs a new drawing engine.
here. 3 mana 2/2 stealth. whenever you summon a minion, draw a card.
new rogue archetype, done.
You can make whatever archetype you want if you print blatantly broken cards.
That's exactly how every archetype works in this game, the reason to play that deck is usually a broken concept. You want to do something strong not just play vanilla curve minions.
That's true every for existing meta deck since forever. If you want something new to break into the game, it needs to be extremely powerful in its own way, otherwise you just play the existing broken thing.
With your "balanced" mindset, nothing in this game would exist.
Rogue has been the loser of every setRogues are definently the losers of the set.
Only 3 cards left and the best card so far is the freaking coin.
Combo is such cool mechanic, but apperently blizzard hates it.
Seriously, the last good combo card we got was in GV fucking G.
Aggro Paladins seems to have a good chance at becoming a decent deck, but yeah control is fucked.I'll fight you on that rogue at least has a viable archetype benefiting from new cards contrary to paladin.
Aggro Paladins seems to have a good chance at becoming a decent deck, but yeah control is fucked.
They got like what, 1 anti aggro class cards and maybe a few neutrals?
We have already seens 4 neutral and 3 fraction legendaries, which means only neutral 3-4 legendaries are left.
Consistently bottom 2 class in terms of card output since BRM.Rogue has been the loser of every set
Why make all those 1 drops for rogue then?
Rogue is in a position where aggro is the direction it's going to take. What you think coin will actually do?
It's for all in aggro deck that wins in 4-5 turns, it's not for miracle the way you're used to see.
Look at their pirate rogue deck in blizzcon, it's not a good deck right now but you can actually see what they are trying with the class. It's the direction Blizzard is pushing the class to with no board control/no heal card, I think we will be there sometime next year.
Some lists right now in top legend don't even have gadgetzan, it's all in conceal strat. Amnesiac plays it quite a bit. It's quite appropriate for the class flavor actually.
While people have bitched about Priest for a while, Rogue has been the worst class in the game since TgT IMO.
Well yeah, no.While people have bitched about Priest for a while, Rogue has been the worst class in the game since TgT IMO.
That is most likely and sadly the case.Malygos is over after Emperor and Tomb Pillager rotate out, coin isn't going to help that deck.