I am pretty sure Rogue has a healing ability in WoW and I don't even play Warcraft.Healing isn't thematic for Rogue, and each class should have some sort of weakness.
I am pretty sure Rogue has a healing ability in WoW and I don't even play Warcraft.Healing isn't thematic for Rogue, and each class should have some sort of weakness.
I am pretty sure Rogue has a healing ability in WoW and I don't even play Warcraft.
Killing a hunter on turn 5 with a turn 2 10/10 van cleef, feels like justice.
So no news on Amazon coin deals or something on HS?
Zero only likes face decks.
the problem with rogue in HS is that nothing strong is in their identity.
So no news on Amazon coin deals or something on HS?
the problem with rogue in HS is that nothing strong is in their identity.
minions with good stats, nope? can't have that. No taunts either.
AoE? not anymore.
healing? nope.
So well, you know, rogue is DPS class, give more burst at least? No way.
here have some janky gimmicky random ideas that will never work instead like 9 mana minions that will never make sense or thistle tea lol. So what you have left is that people playing the same old stuff that is designed to hopefully close the game by turn 10 at most. I'm not seeing Jade rogue being good so far, it has the same problem as N'Zoth rogue, it seems strong but it's so slow at actually closing the game that you can get smorced by control decks even and lose if they know what they're doing.
Hunter doesn't need healing because hunter is the aggressor in 95 percent of its games, you don't lose because of health, you lose because you run out of damage or cards. Even hunter has more AoE defensive options than rogue and hunter has aggressive taunts in houndmaster.
While rogues don't heal like paladins, they have ways to mitigate and evade damage. Maybe translate some of those into this game rather than junk that make no sense thematically in the class.
I think Blizzard had an amazing idea with Rogues when the game first launched. The Combo mechanic is interesting, fun, and provides a unique playstyle. Then, at some point, Blizzard decided that Rogue wasn't going to get many tempo cards anymore, it was going to get stuff like "stealing" even though Priests already had that (and WHY?).Rogue needs to take the combo mechanic farther to mimic WoW. Maybe accumulate a combo point resource or have "double combo" cards.
the problem with rogue in HS is that nothing strong is in their identity.
minions with good stats, nope? can't have that. No taunts either.
AoE? not anymore.
healing? nope.
So well, you know, rogue is DPS class, give more burst at least? No way.
here have some janky gimmicky random ideas that will never work instead like 9 mana minions that will never make sense or thistle tea lol. So what you have left is that people playing the same old stuff that is designed to hopefully close the game by turn 10 at most. I'm not seeing Jade rogue being good so far, it has the same problem as N'Zoth rogue, it seems strong but it's so slow at actually closing the game that you can get smorced by control decks even and lose if they know what they're doing.
Hunter doesn't need healing because hunter is the aggressor in 95 percent of its games, you don't lose because of health, you lose because you run out of damage or cards. Even hunter has more AoE defensive options than rogue and hunter has aggressive taunts in houndmaster.
While rogues don't heal like paladins, they have ways to mitigate and evade damage. Maybe translate some of those into this game rather than junk that make no sense thematically in the class.
Join Senior Designer Matt Place and Hearthstone big-league caster Dan Frodan Chou on November 28 at 10 a.m. PST for some family-versus-family Hearthstone matches against members of the design team. Tune in as the three crime families battle it out for control of Gadgetzan youre sure to see plenty of smuggled weapons, potent potions, and jade golems . . . as well as a number of new cards from Mean Streets of Gadgetzan!
Nov 28. that's soon. Please release next week. I'm thinking they're patching it next Tuesday.
They used to do these on Fridays before, that Dec 1-2 release seems probable.
Nov 28. that's soon. Please release next week. I'm thinking they're patching it next Tuesday.
They used to do these on Fridays before, that Dec 1-2 release seems probable.
Agreed with this. You can have damage mitigation that still hits thematically without outright being stats that heal you. Animated Armor will forever confuse me as that card seems designed for Rogue and was given to Mage.
The cards looks a bit underwhleming, unless the other shaman jade cards are crazy.![]()
Battlecry: Summon a Jade Golem. Give it Taunt.
If you get a 5/5 it's a worse Veklor (though Veklor is crazy good). Late in the game you want a big ass for taunt minions, a 4-5 butt might not save you.
But this speculation is hard because we still can't estimate how many golems you get on average.