You don't play that card in Beast Druid.
This is not a good design. The 5 drop slot is super crowded in Beast Druid and this does not curve well into Menagerie Warden.
It's very good otherwise but due to circumstances and constraints of the deck you don't play this.
At this pace I should hit 3k gold before the new expansion all that with so little play that I've not climbed higher than 10 this month. Has Hearthstone become gratuitous?
I have not completed a single 40g quest since new quests were rolled in. Always roll into something better, I roll 50g ones too. I haven't looked at the math but I think chances are higher you get another 50g or something better now rather than a 40g one.
how many 5 drops you can even play in beast druid. doesn't seem good enough.
Is Wildwalker that bad? It doesn't seem like a bad 4-drop: can give a health buff to Druid of the Flame (if you pick 5/2) or Mounted Raptor to get a favourable trade. Also a decent 4/4 body. Then again I'm cheap and won't craft Savage Combatant.
I am pretty sure Rogue has a healing ability in WoW and I don't even play Warcraft.
Another card that destroys Freeze Mage, lol.give your hero stealth until next turn, 1 mana spell card.
you can still die to rag or steady shot, but minions can't go face, you can't fireball face either. done. it's like a weaker iceblock.
give your hero stealth until next turn, 1 mana spell card.
you can still die to rag or steady shot, but minions can't go face, you can't fireball face either. done. it's like a weaker iceblock.
there is no neutral card that can heal for more than 4 beside Reno or Alex. That's probably the ceiling they have for neutral heals. I don't think we get any where there. It has to be a class card.
The best neutral heal is Bolf right now!
It has better stat allocation than houndmaster. Far superior stat allocation that the lack of taunt isn't a big deal at all imo. The taunt is more important on houndmaster to protect the houndmaster itself imo. This 5 hp minion needs a lot less protection.
I think it's a good card. You're getting a pretty good buff and a decent body, 6/7 worth of stats so it exceeds value of an ordinary 5 drop. It's not a beast itself, so there is some anti-synergy going on to be that good.
I'm sure someone will make it work. It's far better than wild walker or whatever it's called... 4/4 + 3hp to a beast.
It's not better stat allocation than Houndmaster, because it costs one more. I'd prefer to have a 4/3 4 drop over a 4/5 5 drop. As was pointed out above, it's more comparable to Menagerie Magician than Houndmaster.
New card is a Rogue minion.
2 mana, 2/3
Combo: Return a friendly minion to your hand.
Wtf is this bs![]()
Kinda of like Youthful Brewmaster but you sort of get a choice if you want to return something to your hand or not.
Why did this have to be a combo? A 2/3 Brewmaster effect as a class card is definitely not over powered.
Menagerie Magician is a good card. It's actually overstated because it fits into an archetype that relies on 3 different tribes to be maximized. But I don't think that is an apt comparison, since hitting one target with magician is not the same strength as hitting 1 target with sensei.
On the other hand, hitting 1 target with houndmaster provides 11 stats total, and taunt. Hitting 1 target with sensei gives 13 stats total. 11 stats is equivalent to a 5 drop and 13 stats is equivalent to a 6 drop.
Now why would 4/3 be preferred over 4/5? 3 health is dealt with much much easier than 5 health. Most 2 mana damage removal hits for 3. Many more AOEs hit for 3. Meanwhile 5 health requires typically 4 mana to deal with, or more. That is a difference of 2 mana between the 2 stat allocations. Costing 1 more to play is pretty good.
Does that card have any potential in Mill Rogue?
Maybe that's the point: give Rogues a way to do nothing but bounce Jade Golem cards back to their hand, and that's an entire deck archetype.Mill Rogue already skips out on Youthful Brewmaster doesn't it? Gang up and Shadowstep do that job just fine.
The card looks pointless knowing what we know now. I'm not sure why Blizzard would print a card like this unless they had a specific plan in mind and we aren't seeing all the pieces yet. It's not like there are zero possible universes where a card like this sees play. Attach the Jade Golem effect to a cheaper battlecry minion and the Rogue Jade Golem deck might be some bounce shenanigans where you keep playing and bouncing back a minion to generate more and more Jade Golems.
Or maybe they think Jade Spirit is that card already, which I dunno....