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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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neojubei said:
Sucks there is no Japanese subtitles.

Has anything come out with Japanese subtitles yet? That seems so odd to me. Wonder if it's a by-product of America and Japan sharing the same region.
Zoe said:
Has anything come out with Japanese subtitles yet? That seems so odd to me. Wonder if it's a by-product of America and Japan sharing the same region.

I am pretty sure that is the reason, it is pretty much the only way to guarantee that the japanese versions of movies and english versions both sell.


DarkJediKnight said:
You're supposed to accept that Achilles is God-like. He has to stand out. I thought him as Achilles was fine. A stark contrast to the more rugged, "soldier-like" Hector, who IMO was the star of the movie. My biggest complaint was that pansy Legolas as Paris. I can't stand that jackass! He ruins everything he's in. The best is to NOT LET HIM SPEAK MUCH - something Ridley Scott figured out in Blackhawk Down and Kingdom of heaven.

OT: You still work for EA games right?


DarkJediKnight said:
You're supposed to accept that Achilles is God-like. He has to stand out.

ya but thats where i thought pitt fails where other actors in similar roles havent, i.e. Maximus in Gladiator, Leonidas in 300, Arnold as Conan in Barbarian, and Mel as William Wallace
yacobod said:
ya but thats where i thought pitt fails where other actors in similar roles havent, i.e. Maximus in Gladiator, Leonidas in 300, Arnold as Conan in Barbarian, and Mel as William Wallace

Yea, I agree. But honestly, look at the lines he was given. "You sack of wine!" "Touch her and you won't see home again, brothers". His delivery was terrible and just wasn't up to what Eric Bana was doing. Maybe that's the point - to show him as a spoiled brat with a temper. But, really, he had nothing relevant worth saying all movie other than I'm not excusing Pitt. I'm not a fan of his work at all. The only performance I liked was Snatch.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
I like Pitt in almost everything i have seen him in, the Ocean movies, Snatch, Spy Game, Mr and Mrs Smith, Babel, fight Club.
I have seen troy but not recently enough to remember his performance, i do remember Orlando Bloom being a huge douche though.

"A Diversion"
DarkJediKnight said:
You're supposed to accept that Achilles is God-like. He has to stand out. I thought him as Achilles was fine. A stark contrast to the more rugged, "soldier-like" Hector, who IMO was the star of the movie. My biggest complaint was that pansy Legolas as Paris. I can't stand that jackass! He ruins everything he's in. The best is to NOT LET HIM SPEAK MUCH - something Ridley Scott figured out in Blackhawk Down and Kingdom of heaven.

Considering Paris is a pansy pretty boy, who's even more of a jackass in the original tale, he is fitting then.

Anyway, the Hector versus Achilles fight is badass. Does the director's cut extend it in anyway?


has calmed down a bit.
Just to comment on 300:

I've seen the HD DVD version like 4 times now, and I'll have to agree with hidefdigest: It's just not a good showpiece for high definition. It looks good enough, but the grain and color crush that was used (which I know was intentional and gave it a very unique aestethic) simply take away from the "pop" you expect from top tier HD movies like King Kong and Matrix. The movie itself I found amazing and I personally liked the stylized imagery, but it failed to impress in two viewings I set up for friends and family. First on a 60 inch. (or so) rear projection behemoth and then on an equivalent size image from a projector I borrowed. It didn't help that when we flipped over the combo disc to compare, Warner made sure the dvd side looked great as well. The HD DVD side was clearly better imo, but it just wasn't as obvious because of the heavy grain and crush.

The special features are awesome though, and the PiP blue screen is incredible. It goes shot for shot EXACTLY as it happens on the screen, which I didn't expect. Plus, the director's comments are pretty insightful and witty.

I also bought Meet the Parents, and was disappointed by its "soft" image, so I'll have to disagree STRONGLY with hidef digest on that one, since 40 Year Old Virgin looked excellent, and they gave Meet the Parents a higher video quality score. Maybe it was the projector. Both clearly looked better than SD DVD though:


I plan on picking up TMNT and Blood Diamond this week. Too bad I can't find any special deals here in Chicago. I also haven't found any Blockbusters that carry HD DVD, though I did find one in Berwyn that rents Blu-Ray and they had a pretty large selection.



Warner Home Video Breaks Another High Definition Record with ``300,'' the Fastest Selling Title with More Than 250K Copies Sold in Its First Full Week
BURBANK, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today Warner Home Video (WHV) announced that it has the fastest and highest-selling high definition title in the market with the epic action-adventure, “300.” Since July 31, 2007, “300” has sold more than 250,000 copies to consumers on HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc.

“300” provides another high definition milestone for Warner Home Video which was the first studio to break the 100K sold mark with “The Departed.” Overall WHV has six of the top 10 selling high definition titles with “300,” “The Departed,” “Superman Returns,” “Planet Earth - The Complete Collection,” “Batman Begins,” and “Happy Feet.” Warner also has the highest grossing high definition title with the dual-format release of “Planet Earth.”

“‘300’ is an amazing film, and the high definition sales we are seeing underscores the positive business benefits of supporting both HD DVD and Blu-ray,” said Ron Sanders, President of Warner Home Video. “This phenomenal response to ‘300’ is the latest proof that our approach makes the most sense in today’s market and has enabled Warner Home Video to continue to lead the market in high definition sales.”

As a result of its dual format strategy, WHV has more than 30% market share of DVD sales in the high definition market, selling more high definition product and releasing more titles than any other studio. Because of two competing high definition formats in the market, it is widely recognized that hardware prices for both Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD have fallen faster than would normally be expected at this stage in the product cycle. However, research organizations, such as ABI Research(a), predict that further price reductions of hardware are needed to fuel mass adoption of high definition formats.

Based on the stylized graphic novel from icon Frank Miller (“Sin City”), “300” is an epic action-adventure about the 300 Spartan warriors led by the heroic King Leonidas who challenged Xerxes and his massive Persian army at the ancient Battle of Thermopylae. Leveraging the capabilities that the high definition formats enable, “300” on HD DVD incorporates exclusives interactive features. Any HD DVD player connected to the internet can take advantage of the web enabled features, which include the ability for viewers to pick their favorite scenes to assemble montages and share them with friends. Users can also rate scenes within the Warner connected community as well as purchase and collect wall paper and ring tones for mobile phones. Both Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD formats include additional bonus material.

Warner Home Video HD DVD and Blu-ray Discs offer resolution six times higher than standard definition DVDs, as well as extraordinarily vibrant contrast and color and beautifully crisp sound. The new formats also provide a higher level of interactivity, with instant access to extra features via a seamless menu-bar where viewers can enjoy features without leaving or interrupting the film.

With operations in 90 international territories, Warner Home Video, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company, commands the largest distribution infrastructure in the global video marketplace. Warner Home Video's film library is the largest of any studio, offering top quality new and vintage titles from the repertoires of Warner Bros. Pictures, Turner Entertainment, Castle Rock Entertainment, HBO Home Video and New Line Home Entertainment.

(a) ABI Research, January 2007, “There will be downward pressure on prices for players of all types: ABI Research believes that prices will have to drop below $200 before true mass adoption takes off.”


has calmed down a bit.
The image is slightly bent (trying to fit it between the posters on my brother-in-law's room), plus the camera angle. Plus the fact that its taken with a 2MP camera phone. :D


has calmed down a bit.
It would've been great if they'd provided the breakdown, but that should be relatively easy to do once we get the top ten with the percentages.

It seems like Warner is loving their dual format strategy. I wonder if exclusive studios are taking note?


YagizY said:
Put me down for +1 HD-DVD 300. With the 360 add-on reduced in price and with the offer with 5 free HD-DVD I couldn't stand aside and watch the format wars anymore.

And it begins... On a serious note, it really appears that the lowered price and 5 free discs offer is spurring significant sales. Last time I was at Best Buy, I saw two HD-DVD drives purchased before my eyes, with around four or five movies each.

rubso said:
I couldn't resist the new price, i've ordered it + 6 HD-DVDs + 5 free HD-DVD offer.

Welcome YagizY and Rubso to the Red Side! : ) We are an embattered bunch, but it seems we buy more movies than the blue side. Mostly because we have more money left over after the player purchase. :lol What disc's did you pick up?

I already have 10 discs, and I've only had the thing for two months. My wife looks on my ever increasing collection with concern. :D


OokieSpookie said:
I am pretty sure that is the reason, it is pretty much the only way to guarantee that the japanese versions of movies and english versions both sell.

Don't Japanese movies always include English whenever possible though?


VanMardigan said:
Just to comment on 300:

I've seen the HD DVD version like 4 times now, and I'll have to agree with hidefdigest: It's just not a good showpiece for high definition. It looks good enough, but the grain and color crush that was used (which I know was intentional and gave it a very unique aestethic) simply take away from the "pop" you expect from top tier HD movies like King Kong and Matrix. The movie itself I found amazing and I personally liked the stylized imagery, but it failed to impress in two viewings I set up for friends and family. First on a 60 inch. (or so) rear projection behemoth and then on an equivalent size image from a projector I borrowed. It didn't help that when we flipped over the combo disc to compare, Warner made sure the dvd side looked great as well. The HD DVD side was clearly better imo, but it just wasn't as obvious because of the heavy grain and crush.
You should have got / used Hot Fuzz or Planet Earth as showoff pieces. The former really shows it's strength when you pause it. I just walked away from it to put my dishes in the sink, and when I came back I was shocked at the screen. It was a chase scene where the background was dof blurred, but the character in the purple tracksuit was jaw-droppingly clear and detailed. It's a cut above something like King Kong.

I guess you can put me in the red camp too, though I'll probably go purple when I pick up a PS3 this holiday season.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Marty Chinn said:
Does it give head too? It better at that price....



Sorry to go a little off topic, but does anyone know if the Spiderman boxset will be released on regular old DVD? I don't own any of them on DVD and I'd be nice to snag them all at once.


thaivo said:
And it begins... On a serious note, it really appears that the lowered price and 5 free discs offer is spurring significant sales. Last time I was at Best Buy, I saw two HD-DVD drives purchased before my eyes, with around four or five movies each.

Welcome YagizY and Rubso to the Red Side! : ) We are an embattered bunch, but it seems we buy more movies than the blue side. Mostly because we have more money left over after the player purchase. :lol What disc's did you pick up?

I already have 10 discs, and I've only had the thing for two months. My wife looks on my ever increasing collection with concern. :D
I already have Ultimate Matrix Collection, The Departed, Troy and Batman Begins which I'll re-buy it cuz i gave it to my friend who bought the HD-A2 from me =)

the HD-DVDs i've ordered with the add-on are Shaun of the Dead, 300, Hot Fuzz, Bourne Identity, Bourne Supremacy, Batman Begins, and the King Kong Movie which is free and bundled with the add-on i guess?
I was going to order Darkman, but I'll buy it with Heroes Season 1.


rubso said:
Disney and Fox should go neutral cuz it's more profitable than being exclusive to one format, amirite? ._.

no deal!

one studio from each side, Universal goes nuetral, then Fox goes neutral, that's fair.

Oni Jazar

Congratulations to WB for being able to maximize both sides. I still strongly feel, however, that this is a short term success at the expense of what would be a huge boost in install base with only one format. By next year I hope to see million unit sellers instead of 250k.

Can't wait till friday!


cvxfreak said:
Don't Japanese movies always include English whenever possible though?

But it's almost always guaranteed to be more expensive in Japan, so Americans wouldn't want to buy those editions anyway.
Petrarca said:
agree, so I can have my Bourne movies on the blu-format sooner

I want the following from Universal:

Battlestar Galactica
Dawn of the Dead
Jurrassic Park 1
Back to the Future 1,2,3

That's it.
Anyone want to predict the 300 split?

I can't tell if it's 250k sold to consumers or retailers. Let's assume it's to people's hands.

170k Blu-ray. 80k HD DVD.


Forsete said:
What happens friday?

sales chart, it's the hi-def version of NPD or media create :D

it's currently the format wars trophy and bragging rights. It's on weekly basis and so far in 2007, the blu-boys have been spanking the red-boys 31-0

Oni Jazar

DarkJediKnight said:
Anyone want to predict the 300 split?

I can't tell if it's 250k sold to consumers or retailers. Let's assume it's to people's hands.

170k Blu-ray. 80k HD DVD.

Unfortunately since it sounds like 300 was a virtual sell out on both versions, I think this week's numbers will only show the supply side and not the demand. I'd be hard to guess but it I would say a 2:1 difference.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
DarkJediKnight said:
Anyone want to predict the 300 split?

I can't tell if it's 250k sold to consumers or retailers. Let's assume it's to people's hands.

170k Blu-ray. 80k HD DVD.
I highly highly doubt its to consumers hands. But i would be willing to bet its at least 2:1 in favor of blu-ray.

I wouldnt be surprised if this christmas we start seeing consistent 100k to 250k sellers Spidy 3 would have a great shot if they werent splitting sales between a box set and a standalone.


has calmed down a bit.
DarkJediKnight said:
I want the following from Universal:

Battlestar Galactica
Dawn of the Dead
Jurrassic Park 1
Back to the Future 1,2,3

That's it.

But don't you already have an HD DVD player? You already have access to these.

one studio from each side, Universal goes nuetral, then Fox goes neutral, that's fair.

Rejected. Give me Pixar/Disney AND Fox. Universal has been a stud for HD DVD, while Fox and Disney have been mostly absent. It wouldn't be a fair trade. Or, how about this: In addition to Universal, I'll tell Warner to stop yanking your chains and release Batman Begins plus every other title they held out on, plus stop gimping the Blu Ray version for stuff like 300. That seems like a fair trade for Fox and Disney, who've really let you guys down anyway so far in terms of steady releases.

LOL, I doubt it. Universal has more to gain with the larger installed base.
Considering Universal controls a majority of the software sold on HD DVD, I'd say it's stalwarts like Fox and Disney and their half hearted release schedule that have more to gain. Less titles spread across a 40% larger user base.


VanMardigan said:
But don't you already have an HD DVD player? You already have access to these.

one studio from each side, Universal goes nuetral, then Fox goes neutral, that's fair.

Rejected. Give me Pixar/Disney AND Fox. Universal has been a stud for HD DVD, while Fox and Disney have been mostly absent. It wouldn't be a fair trade. Or, how about this: In addition to Universal, I'll tell Warner to stop yanking your chains and release Batman Begins plus every other title they held out on, plus stop gimping the Blu Ray version for stuff like 300. That seems like a fair trade for Fox and Disney, who've really let you guys down anyway so far in terms of steady releases.

Maybe he doesn't want to waste his money on HD-DVD

One studio from each side, take it or leave it. Blu-ray doesn't need any agreement, it's winning, as of now might as well be no agreement and kill HD-DVD for good


has calmed down a bit.
Petrarca said:
Maybe he doesn't want to waste his money on HD-DVD

One studio from each side, take it or leave it. Blu-ray doesn't need any agreement, it's winning, as of now might as well be no agreement and kill HD-DVD for good

He ALREADY "wasted" his money on the hardware, that's the point.

*walks away from imaginary agreement*

Ps3 will be $399 by mid next year anyway.
VanMardigan said:
But don't you already have an HD DVD player? You already have access to these.

Honestly, at this point, I'm having a REAL hard time gathering up the courage to buy a HD DVD movie. I'm gonna get Heroes, no matter what, but I do wish it was available on Blu-ray. CES 2008 isn't all that far away. If Universal does go neutral there, I can wait a few months for stuff that isn't "must have".

My initial reason for purchasing the XA2 was that I felt that I'd enjoy it for HD DVD and DVD upscaling, and eventually, if Blu-ray wins, there will be a lot of Combo players, so I can play my discs in one machine.

However, the Denon announcement pretty much cemented the fact that combo players are not going to be that common, especially a good one that fully utilizes both formats. If anyone could've made a cool combo player, it would have been Denon. Them going Blu-ray only on their flagship speaks volumes for where the CE industry is headed.
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