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Horizon: Forbidden West |OT| Red Head Redemption - II -

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
I've got a purple Bolt blaster upgraded to level 3 with Shock, Ice and plasma. Use my main hunter bow for Fire, Acid and whatever the heck purgewater is.
Still trying to figure out the tear ability of the boomerang weapon. I got the first from the Boom sisters in the desert but then found a better purple version soon after.
I have not bothered much with traps and tripcaster.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I need to try the bolt weapons. Was forced to try them in an arena match and man did that thing suck. Reload after long reload animation.

I got the legendary hunter bow but leveling this thing is going to take years. Ten tremor tusks lol come on.

I turned on easy loot now that I’m only a mission away from the ending. I can’t be bothered to be removing these parts before killing them. Easy loot adds all parts to the final loot pile.

Fox Mulder

I've got a purple Bolt blaster upgraded to level 3 with Shock, Ice and plasma. Use my main hunter bow for Fire, Acid and whatever the heck purgewater is.
Still trying to figure out the tear ability of the boomerang weapon. I got the first from the Boom sisters in the desert but then found a better purple version soon after.
I have not bothered much with traps and tripcaster.

I’ve barely used tripcaster when it was a very potent weapon in the first game. They killed it by really limiting the amount of wires you can throw down.

I don’t see the need to get that close anyways with the braced shot skill taking off massive health and I can be sitting in stealth grass.
Completed it over the weekend…the game didn’t really moved the needle at all for me…games like assassins creed Valhalla do a much better job of an open world feeling and have much better combat mechanics

The game also suffers being rooted to the base ps4 as interactions with environments that are not scripted (hiding in grass) are basic

I will say the story is much better and the climbing has improved and some of the enemy designs are pretty cool but overall I felt it’s pretty average and probably won’t replay it again unless their is dlc


Gold Journalism
Completed it over the weekend…the game didn’t really moved the needle at all for me…games like assassins creed Valhalla do a much better job of an open world feeling and have much better combat mechanics

The game also suffers being rooted to the base ps4 as interactions with environments that are not scripted (hiding in grass) are basic

I will say the story is much better and the climbing has improved and some of the enemy designs are pretty cool but overall I felt it’s pretty average and probably won’t replay it again unless their is dlc
I wish I could rate Valhalla as high as you did. I wish it was even 50% as good as HFW is. Had to quit the game after 15 hours. On the other hand, HFW has become one of my all-time favorite games.

I'll probably jump into ACV again after a few months -- otherwise it's just wasted $23 lol -- but I found it so boring. HFW has so much more going on at a much higher quality rate: animation, visuals, story quality, side quest quality, characters, distinct tribe culture, combat, side activities, etc.


Gold Member
Completed it over the weekend…the game didn’t really moved the needle at all for me…games like assassins creed Valhalla do a much better job of an open world feeling and have much better combat mechanics

The game also suffers being rooted to the base ps4 as interactions with environments that are not scripted (hiding in grass) are basic

I will say the story is much better and the climbing has improved and some of the enemy designs are pretty cool but overall I felt it’s pretty average and probably won’t replay it again unless their is dlc

I Platinumed Valhalla and I think it pales in comparison game play wise to HFW. In Valhalla, you are fighting the same boring people over and over but with higher stats. How this compares to HFW with its variety of enemies I'll never know.


Gold Journalism
I Platinumed Valhalla and I think it pales in comparison game play wise to HFW. In Valhalla, you are fighting the same boring people over and over but with higher stats. How this compares to HFW with its variety of enemies I'll never know.
True. The enemy variety in ACV is extremely limited. On top of it, you have a very limited set of moves, so combat mostly plays the exact same way almost all the time. While that is not an issue in the first few hours, it becomes stale very fast. Certainly not good enough to keep going for 70+ hours.


Gold Member
True. The enemy variety in ACV is extremely limited. On top of it, you have a very limited set of moves, so combat mostly plays the exact same way almost all the time. While that is not an issue in the first few hours, it becomes stale very fast. Certainly not good enough to keep going for 70+ hours.

Certainly no where the depth of having to analyze enemies and determine their weaknesses like with HFW. I know I've gone into battles a few times and realized I wasn't fully prepared as I didn't have the resources I needed against the enemies I had to face. For example, nothing sucks more than having to go against a Ravager and not having enough acid or purge water available and I ended up getting slaughtered. But with Valhalla.....as long as you've upgraded your sword, bow, armor and your level is near the level of the area.....same old boring shit.....you are good. Just do the same shit you've already done hundreds of times before. HFW adds a layer of depth to the combat that Valhalla or any other AC game simply lacks.

Awkward John Krasinski GIF by Saturday Night Live
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Neighbours from Hell
I’ve spent far more time doing side stuff than the main quest. I’m going to try and get back to it to unlock more stuff I need to fully explore. I have to say though, the open world gameplay loop of open world games does tire on me regardless of how much I like them. There’s just so many open world games these days. I started skipping dialogue for the smaller side quests and I feel kinda bad because you can tell they put a lot of work into the dialogue and quests to make them feel important but if I sit back and allow the dialogue for every side quest in this game, it’s gonna take me e like 100 hours to finish. There’s so many damn quests


*Refreshes biennially
25 hours in and I’m still fucking around in No Mans Land. Definitely taking my sweet time with this one. Game is amazing.

Game is packed with content. I clocked at 75 hours when the end credits rolled.

Yes, most of the side content is lame "go there, get X and return" but thanks to engaging combat it's still pretty rewarding.

And even if the stuff that you're doing is not that interesting the word itself is amazing to just be in.

I also strongly suggest to explore as much as possible before getting the ability to fly. It breaks the game.


Gold Journalism
I'm almost afraid to finish this, seeing as the only other games on the horizon (hehe) that I care about are all years away.
I was the same way. Delayed the end for a long time and finally ended it around the 70 hour mark. I'm still doing the side quests and activities so will end up playing for more than 100 hours in total.

While playing, I was making some of my best gaming memories. When it ended, I became real sad as I knew I wouldn't play another game of this quality for quite a long time. Horizon 3 would probably be 4 years away.

Looking forward to Horizon Call of the Mountain for PS VR 2 now.

Gordon Freeman

Gold Member
I’m at 82% trophies now! 49/59

The last 10 trophies! With the last being the platinum. Woooo!

Any recommendations for the trophies to kill all types of machines? It’s not difficult except I don’t know which I have and have not killed. Any way to find out? Otherwise ugh this will be painful. I got 2/4 of those and the last 2 I only need to kill 1 or 2 machines. It’s going to be annoying. And yes I beat the story so I killed those machines.
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14 hours in. Pretty fun so far. I need to stay focused as open world bloat tends to be a negative for me and make me lose steam, but that's a me problem lol.

However, I wish they were able to craft a more compelling cast of characters. They are all pretty flat and I think it brings down from what the game could be. Aloy feels pretty generic and the other NPCs barely register. Fun gameplay loop though
I Platinumed Valhalla and I think it pales in comparison game play wise to HFW. In Valhalla, you are fighting the same boring people over and over but with higher stats. How this compares to HFW with its variety of enemies I'll never know.
Both games are very simplistic when it comes to combat…hzd2 has some awesome enemy design but the basic fights revolve around scanning/using the weak elements and targeting the weak spots…rinse and repeat

I would agree the enemy variety in asv is pretty lacklustre but there is so much other crap to do ..I would probably say too much

Personal opinion I guess…hzd2 is a fun game but I really hope it breaks its last gen roots for part 3 as it’s setup for an interesting part 3 …maybe some sort of co-op mode and some proper interactive environments


The finale was disappointing as was the story in general imho, but aside from that it`s just a great game.
Not Witcher 3 great but great nonetheless.
88% completion speaks for itself. I put way more time into this game than I´d usually do..

Now...Elden Ring.
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Gold Member
Both games are very simplistic when it comes to combat…hzd2 has some awesome enemy design but the basic fights revolve around scanning/using the weak elements and targeting the weak spots…rinse and repeat

There is more to it than that though. It isn't a given that you will have the resources to target those weak spots. So resource management is much more a part of the game than it is in AC:V. Also, when taking on larger enemies, often times you'll need to plan ahead and place traps. The first time I faced a widemaw in a cauldron I was getting killed over and over until I put down some purge water traps. And even if I have all the resources I need, it may not be enough. With enemies such as the ravager, if you don't take out the guns you'll get mowed down repeatedly.

With AC:V, I could typically just look at the level of the enemy and know if I'm good as long as I weed out numbers since the enemy types do not vary nearly as much from the beginning of the game to the end. Don't get me wrong. I loved AC:V, but HFW offers a lot more depth in gameplay, imo.


Platinumed it yesterday morning. Thoughts in no particular order:

Game graphics are amazeballs. Cutscene structure and character dialog remind me a bit of Mass Effect. Facial animations were very good and every quest NPC didn't feel like it was a cut & paste template.
Some character dialog is super cringe-worthy. Several characters seemed almost autistic, especially the bomb maker's sister.
So much trivial side-content that a lot of the main story is told to you instead of shown. You see Regalia in the beginning, and not again for like 40+ hours depending on if you do side content. That said, Angela Bassett acted the shit out of her part perfectly.
New machines were cool.
Music score was great.
Vegas Wordsmith is best boy.
Far too many weapons & armor, and skills. Reminded me of Ghost of Tsushima. Sure there's 100 ways to kill this mob, but the impact bow that tears off components does the job in like 4 hits so I just didn't both with glue or other elemental stuff all too much. Most enemies had something to break on them that would half or fully kill them.
I like that each Tallstrider had a different feel instead of being just the same basic puzzle.
Climbing\glitch jumping up mountains was still really dumb. Better than the first game, but still very frustrating in which walls you could climb.
I both liked and hated the box puzzles. I should have been able to walk with the grappling hook attached to a box though. How was there no Tarzan rope swinging with that thing.
On several occasions the camera in underwater navigation in small areas made me physically ill.

I did not like how they handled Regalia's death and felt it should have been possible to save\redeem her somehow. You only get the extra dialog that really makes her a whole character if you bother going to the basement before the final battle.
I knew from the way the story objective of capturing half the subordinate AIs was going we'd have to wait on a third game to finish this story. BOO.
Finale with robots vs specteres was silly fun, rest of the ending was disappointing, The Zeniths were far too careless considering their power level and age. They can Superman fly... just like... leave. Guarantee next game will be "oh there were hundreds more Zeniths, Trinity lied to us."

Best advice though: don't try to do everything on the map and just power through story til you unlock flight...THEN go back and do side content. So much time just running from A to B. Sure it's through amazing environments, but too much empty space fighting with jumping\climbing bullshit especially along map borders.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
So I am curious how do you guys actually feel about the Cauldrons? I am not really a huge fan, they’re OK but they dont really add much to the game IMO. I feel like game treats them as a bigger deal than they are. They’re needlessly long and the reward for finishing them never felt worth it to me. Instead of machine overrides I’d much rather you get a weapon. I just never used machine overrides as I always found them to be more trouble then they’re worth.

How do y’all feel?


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I love Cauldrons because they are an ultra high tech and metal environment compared to the more primitive and tribal world.
Maybe I’d like them more if I took advantage of overriding. One time I did override a Ravager who shot down a Stormbird in Zo’s sidequest for making their gods sing. The Ravager tore everything up.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
And done. Spoiler free impressions below.

Wanted to finish off the main quest without delaying it too much because it has such great pacing in the third act that not playing the missions back to back might have ruined the tempo. Still finished off all the loyalty missions and finished at level 50 so it is not like i rushed but i must say that the campaign was simply phenomenal. This is the uncharted 1 to uncharted 2 leap I was expecting. At least in terms of story, storytelling, scale and setpieces this is a clear step up from the first horizon and one of the best ps4 games made by a Sony studio.

Its a shame that the graphics issues and combat changes distracted from the overall experience. I didn’t really fall in love with the game until the final few missions. The combat also only clicks when you finally have upgraded purple weapons which could be 30-35 hours depending on your playstyle. I still had trouble with some damn enemies who just wouldn’t stop moving or rather swaying.

I think they went a bit too far with the RPG mechanics. I thought HZD was lacking in RPG elements but clearly i was wrong because adding them only made things worse. Collecting loot and plants and parts just made things so much more tedious. I really don’t understand why you have to craft ammo in this game. Just get rid of all the crafting and you have a very tight game with fun combat. You never have to craft ammo in Uncharted and other third person shooters, so why is this game forcing crafting and collecting at every turn? It's a 50-100 hour game anyway. No need to pad it further.

With all that said, the combat is finally starting to click. The legendary weapons have some unique traits that could potentially make for some really fun builds. I have been having a blast killing things with Brace Shot and boosting it with the Critical Hit valor and the Chain Reaction valor. Unfortunately, the moment I run out of valor and weapon stamina, the game's combat becomes a slog. Hoping that the critical hit rate boost in the legendary weapons eliminates the need to rely on valor and weapon techniques. I already bought some instant Burn/Acid/Free coils and put them on one of my legendary bows with 5 slots and its hilarious to see every enemy get a debuff on every other shot.



Flashless at the Golden Globes
So I am curious how do you guys actually feel about the Cauldrons? I am not really a huge fan, they’re OK but they dont really add much to the game IMO. I feel like game treats them as a bigger deal than they are. They’re needlessly long and the reward for finishing them never felt worth it to me. Instead of machine overrides I’d much rather you get a weapon. I just never used machine overrides as I always found them to be more trouble then they’re worth.

How do y’all feel?
lol I did three cauldrons back to back last night and the tediousness bored me to death. They were never my favorite part of the first game, but here its mostly just busy work. Really dont care for the new pullcaster puzzles. They are not fun or clever. Just tedious.
Best advice though: don't try to do everything on the map and just power through story til you unlock flight...THEN go back and do side content. So much time just running from A to B. Sure it's through amazing environments, but too much empty space fighting with jumping\climbing bullshit especially along map borders.

This so much. Flying was the IT factor for me. It makes the game feel new and fresh, and exciting in ways none of the other new additions did. It's a shame they kept it for so late, the entire game shouldve been designed around it. Who cares if we explore the whole game on land or air? All the action is on the ground anyway so You will eventually have to land.

Far too many weapons & armor, and skills. Reminded me of Ghost of Tsushima. Sure there's 100 ways to kill this mob, but the impact bow that tears off components does the job in like 4 hits so I just didn't both with glue or other elemental stuff all too much. Most enemies had something to break on them that would half or fully kill them.
Yep. I think they shouldve focused on build variety instead of simply variety. I think Witcher 3 did a great job tying your build and play style to armor sets and weapon customizations. There is some of that here, but they dont really let you customize anything. It's weird but I think they were afraid that Weapon techniques and Valor Surges would break the game, and I think they kind do around 30-40 hours in, but the game shouldve been designed around them. Mass Effect Andromeda has this great system where abilities have cooldowns, but they also compliment each other and reduce or refresh the cooldowns. I dont know why I cant make a Weapon Technique/Valor surge build or a shooter only build if I dont really care to use L2+R1 skills every time I want to kill something.

They had five years to figure out these systems, and they released something that feels half baked in terms of role playing.


So I am curious how do you guys actually feel about the Cauldrons? I am not really a huge fan, they’re OK but they dont really add much to the game IMO. I feel like game treats them as a bigger deal than they are. They’re needlessly long and the reward for finishing them never felt worth it to me. Instead of machine overrides I’d much rather you get a weapon. I just never used machine overrides as I always found them to be more trouble then they’re worth.

How do y’all feel?

Yeah I don't care about machine overrides so I just skip the cauldrons. Plenty of other stuff to do!


Gold Member
I’ve just completed the game and I’m now watching the credits. That final boss gave me a torrid time of it until I figured out a good strategy. Brilliant game and probably my favourite PS5 game so far. Next up, Elden Ring and GT7. Let the good times roll.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
EDGE gave the game a 6 I believe, and literally, one of their complaints was that the graphics are too good. I shit you not. Getting harder to take these reviewers seriously everyday.

The visual upgrade is both a blessing and a curse when it comes to combat, too. The many additions to the roster of mechanised beasts with brilliant names such as - Snapmaw and Leaplasher, Slitherfang and Tremortusk - are imposing and gorgeously animated marvels of engineering. From the relatively diminutive Burrower (a recon bot that emits a high-pitched siren to alert other machines before retreating into the soil as you prepare to quieten it) to the huge, plesiosaur-like Tideripper that bursts from the surf, each provides a distinct challenge. Yet the avalanche of effects - not least the excess of dazzling lens flare, like having someone shine a laser pointer in your eyes - makes their attacks, which already cover a ludicrous amount of ground in some cases, harder to effectively read.

Yet, Elden Ring, looking like a Early PS4 game is A-ok and the game is 10/10. Get the fuck outta here with these clown opinions
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
The Red Wood area looks insane. With the Tall neck it looks like something out of Return of the Jedi

HFW is just the tip of the iceberg of what’s possible with these new consoles. They are incredibly powerful. Very satisfied with the visuals in games like this abs Ratchet.
The forest area looks simply incredible. I love their new tree rendering. Especially from the sky, it looks like that Avatar gif I always post. I remember you once said that Horizon FW looks as good as that Avatar gif and I was like no way, but after flying through that area, the lighting and the insane tree quality makes it look almost as good as that gif.

And it's still a PS4 game. With the PS5, the graphics will easily approach photorealism, and the flying speed would be much much faster. I still see some pop-in on occasion despite the slow flying speed.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
EDGE gave the game a 6 I believe, and literally, one of their complaints was that the graphics are too good. I shit you not. Getting harder to take these reviewers seriously everyday.

Yet, Elden Ring, looking like a Early PS4 game is A-ok and the game is 10/10. Get the fuck outta here with these clown opinions
Edge has always been extremely harsh to Sony games. They simply dont like the action adventure genre, or at least Sony's takes on it. You can look at their Halo, Gears and Zelda scores and they dont mind giving out 9s and 10s. Their standards become really high when it comes to Sony franchises.

That said, I see what they are saying. Too much visual overload can be a bad thing. However, I never had an issue with it in this particular game.

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
I wish they had given the sub functions more personality and conversations.
But then it might have strayed to far into Portals personality cores I guess.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
When/where do you get purple weapons?
First one I saw was in the desert tribe. You basically need to do the Death Door mission and then you will get three story missions you can tackle in any order. Each mission will take you to camps that sell purple weapons. Some might have part requirements that might need you to progress through the story. Some of the machines dont spawn until you encounter them in the story.

Just do the missions if you are at their recommend level. Dont put them off.
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First one I saw was in the desert tribe. You basically need to do the Death Door mission and then you will get three story missions you can tackle in any order. Each mission will take you to camps that sell purple weapons. Some might have part requirements that might need you to progress through the story. Some of the machines dont spawn until you encounter them in the story.

Just do the missions if you are at their recommend level. Dont put them off.

Ah ok. I unlocked those 3 quests like 10 hours ago, and I haven’t done any of them lol. I’m kinda torn, because I wanna explore each region thoroughly before moving on, but also want to have the best weapons while I explore. Also I STILL don’t have tearblast ammo.


I really need to stop playing games so literally. My favorite outfit in the game is a Carja outfit but I always take it off if I am dealing with the Tenakth because of the hostilities.

I've been using the same outfit for most of the game because I haven't found one that really helps my playstyle (hunter class). Right now I'm sacrificing resistances for skills and I'm not sure it's worth it. I've noticed that enemies are starting to do a lot more damage to me. It's fully upgraded too.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
I've been using the same outfit for most of the game because I haven't found one that really helps my playstyle (hunter class). Right now I'm sacrificing resistances for skills and I'm not sure it's worth it. I've noticed that enemies are starting to do a lot more damage to me. It's fully upgraded too.
Same. Used the same Purple outfit for pretty much my entire game. It doubled my stamina and increased my valor build up. There is only one other armor that does that and it only gives stamina increase on the very last upgrade. It also makes me look like a nurse practitioner.

I LOVE the look of the Legendary Osaram Armor you get for finishing all the Salvage Contracts but it is melee focused.


Gold Member
I wish they had given the sub functions more personality and conversations.
But then it might have strayed to far into Portals personality cores I guess.
Same, although i loved that very brief thing they say with that desperate voice before getting collected, it make you feel bad for them, they are basically scared puppies.
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