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Horizon: Zero Dawn | Review Thread

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The one who submits the score actually decides if its rotten or fresh. I have seen 6/10 reviews that are counted as rotten.

I didn't know that, and I use RT quite often. Makes sense since the little quotes sometimes don't jive with whether it's fresh or rotten. That said, do the reviewers choose their quotes?


I'll probably just go for Very Hard, then, if there's a way to turn down the difficulty at whim if I get stuck. There's very few open world RPGs that I don't end up finishing on Very Hard for the first run, as they all fall off in difficulty if you do the side content.

Same here!
Umm nope, nothing to think about.

Wow, ok, I guess I have to spell it out for you...

You can't quantify anything without numbers. Quantify, quantity, measurement.....fuck, nevermind.

What he meant to probably say was quality, not quantity. Numbers don't really qualify anything.

Either you don't realize this very obvious thing, or you do and just want to hate on me or troll me.

In any event that says more about you, than it does about me.


I think most would agree that this is at least an ~8/10 (great) game for anyone IMO. But for me it's at least a 9/10 (amazing).

I'm saving 10/10 for Horizon 2 lol[/b]

Thanks for the review and ongoing impressions. I wish everyone who has a chance to play a game to be such passionate and willing to just enjoy the experience before thinking about how to criticize or undermine any aspect of the game cuz literally I can criticize ANYTHING and find imperfections in just about everything if that's my primary goal but when my opinions matters, it becomes my responsibility to support developers and encourage people to enjoy a worthy experience if the game delivers. From what I saw and heard HZD delivers on its promises
Wow, ok, I guess I have to spell it out for you...

You can't quantify anything without numbers. Quantify, quantity, measurement.....fuck, nevermind.

What he meant to probably say was quality, not quantity. Numbers don't really qualify anything.

Either you don't realize this very obvious thing, or you do and just want to hate on me or troll me.

In any event that says more about you, than it does about me.

Sigh, on the ignore list you go. I was talking about with regards to comparing two different games directly like that, it's meaningless, not overall,, Jesus.
Sigh, on the ignore list you go. I was talking about with regards to comparing two different games directly like that, it's meaningless, not overall,, Jesus.

I highlighted a very specific sentence. Typically, one would give the other the benefit of doubt, except when you don't like the other person, in which case you just assume the worst and shitpost away.

I don't dislike anyone here, but boy do I see a lot of torches and pitchforks when I post. It's crazy.

Finally you have proven my point. If Metacritic is supposed to be a measure of something and yet you can't take Game A and Game B with a similar or exact score and compare them, what good is it? that's been my entire argument that you disagreed with and yet you just proved it.


I think he's just being deliberately stupid. Can't be a slight when everyone knows Nioh is amazing!

Nioh and Souls-ish games bring out the stupid hyperbole in everyone 'round these parts. Some guy was complaining about how easy Nioh is/was, but died over 200 times during his playthrough.

Just... what.


A 5/5 from Jeff Gerstmann. Hype overload.



If a movie critic rates it 2.5/5 or more, it's "fresh".

Anything less than that is "rotten".

The tomatometer is what the percentage of fresh/rotten is. So 100% would be 100% fresh 0% rotten for instance.

In movies a 3 star out of 5 is considered ok. a 3/5 for a video game is considered bad. If you read the US Gamer review I would describe it as rotten. I lumped all "Mixed" reviews as rotten, as others have pointed out there are only fresh and rotten on rotten tomatoes and people submit those distinctions.


Between Halo Wars 2 and Horizon: Zero Dawn, it'll be hard for any other month this year to get me this excited (for game releases, at least). March may come close, but HW2 scracthes my RTS itch for the meantime (and the constant demand for a sequel from the fanbase) and Horizon: ZD covers the big new IP that I needed for the year.

It's really too bad Scalebound got cancelled, it and Horizon: ZD could've conquered this year as the two big new IP of the generation (assuming that Scalebound would've been good at release).
In movies a 3 star out of 5 is considered ok. a 3/5 for a video game is considered bad. If you read the US Gamer review I would describe it as rotten. I lumped all "Mixed" reviews as rotten, as others have pointed out there are only fresh and rotten on rotten tomatoes and people submit those distinctions.

I've always thought 3 out of 5 was solid more than ok. Though maybe that's because I'm so used to 3 out of 4 stars for movies meaning it's good. I didn't mind the move to 5 star movie ratings; I wish more game publications would move from 10 to 5. Would make it a bit more consistent with movies (and music?). No one really uses the bottom half of the scale when it goes to 10 unless they really have something pointed to say.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
It feels weird people are positive over a GG game.

Like killzone 2 was actually good as hell. It's biggest mistake
other then the infamous e3 stuff people were expecting
was the fact they launched it the same window as MW2. Nothing survived Modern Warfare 2 that holiday season FPS wise.

If they would have launched killzone 2 in the early spring of the following year like they are with this game it would have done great imo.

Radacs Academy servers were too good to me. Not too many console shooters had good server browsers last gen. GG gets some love for that.

Huh? KZ2 came out Feb/09, and MW2 launched Nov/09. I believe you have your wires crossed lol.

Edit: Already pointed out.


The different tribes seem like the game would be ripe for MP.

Open world team-based Battle Royale with robot dinosaurs in the mix

save that for horizon 2
with GG experience from KZ
i'm not even the least bit worried about MP.
if they do implement it, lol GOTG right there


I'm sorry for posting earlier in this thread my impressions from two review sites I care about, I get why people reacted like this after reading through a few pages. There's a lot of guile posts around.
Why are we comparing the order to Horizon? LIke the situations could not be more different. Horizon will sell more launch week then The Order did LTD.


As a PS4 owner I am happy that this is yet another great PS4 exclusive.
Too bad Zelda launches 3 days later. I don´t have the time for two great, huge open world games. :/

Will buy Horizon when its cheaper.
Why are we comparing the order to Horizon? LIke the situations could not be more different. Horizon will sell more launch week then The Order did LTD.

I've read most of this thread and haven't seen many of these comparisons. Unless it's a bunch of people, it would be helpful if you quoted the posts you're talking about.

EDIT: Oh, I see. You're talking about Realeza's post. When you said "we," I thought you were saying the discussion in general, and I didn't see much of that. Maybe it's better to just ignore it if it's not very relevant.


I've always thought 3 out of 5 was solid more than ok. Though maybe that's because I'm so used to 3 out of 4 stars for movies meaning it's good. I didn't mind the move to 5 star movie ratings; I wish more game publications would move from 10 to 5. Would make it a bit more consistent with movies (and music?). No one really uses the bottom half of the scale when it goes to 10 unless they really have something pointed to say.

solid and ok both work. I personally prefer the 5 star system, no half stars. When i finally get a review up on my site it's the method i'm using. It's basically the Netflix rating system. 3 is like, 4 is really like and 5 is "love it"
solid and ok both work. I personally prefer the 5 star system, no half stars. When i finally get a review up on my site it's the method i'm using. It's basically the Netflix rating system. 3 is like, 4 is really like and 5 is "love it"

I'd rather Not Recommended/Recommended/Essential (Or some variant of this).

Putting an arbitrary number on games is dumb.


I highlighted a very specific sentence. Typically, one would give the other the benefit of doubt, except when you don't like the other person, in which case you just assume the worst and shitpost away.

I don't dislike anyone here, but boy do I see a lot of torches and pitchforks when I post. It's crazy.

Finally you have proven my point. If Metacritic is supposed to be a measure of something and yet you can't take Game A and Game B with a similar or exact score and compare them, what good is it? that's been my entire argument that you disagreed with and yet you just proved it.

Don't bother, he puts everyone disagreeing with him in Horizon threads on his ignore list.


I don't dislike anyone here, but boy do I see a lot of torches and pitchforks when I post. It's crazyt.

It feels highly political when you selectively pick a specific review thread, like this one, to begin a massive tirade about how meaningless aggregate review scores are - the implication being you feel reviews for this game are irrelevant/meaningless. I know you didn't say that; it's the implication. That's why people get aggravated. It's aggravating me and i don't even care what you think. (With all respect.)
It feels highly political when you apparently selectively pick a specific review thread, like this one, to begin a massive tirade about how meaningless aggregate review scores are - the implication being you feel reviews for this game are irrelevant/meaningless. I know you didn't say that; it's the implication. That's why people get aggravated. It's aggravating me and i don't even care what you think. (With all respect.)

Then he turns around and argues there is nothing wrong with comparing metacritic scores directly between two games , it is clear what his motives are. Please don't quote him though, got him on ignore.
solid and ok both work. I personally prefer the 5 star system, no half stars. When i finally get a review up on my site it's the method i'm using. It's basically the Netflix rating system. 3 is like, 4 is really like and 5 is "love it"

Yeah, I like the five stars better than the four stars. I'm old school, but was always confused with the four star movie rating system. That said, I'd agree with onemanasylum that the recommended/not recommended/essential is probably better. Forces people to look at the review. Though it does make it harder to compare with numbers, and people *love* to compare.

Part of it comes down to whether you want to give people want they want (easily digestible takeaways like numbers that can also be used to compare) and increase your visibility, or to take the more nuanced road and force people to read your reviews. Wouldn't be an easy decision for me. Good luck on your site and hope it comes together well.
Between Halo Wars 2 and Horizon: Zero Dawn, it'll be hard for any other month this year to get me excited (for game releases, at least). March may come close, but HW2 scracthes my RTS itch for the meantime (and the constant demand for a sequel from the fanbase) and Horizon: ZD coveres the big new IP that I needed for the year.

It's really too bad Scalebound got cancelled, it and Horizon: ZD could've conquered this year as the two big new IP of the generation (assuming the Scalebound would've been good at release).

Those two, Mass Effect, and For Honor make these two months pretty great for me. I'm not a Nintendo fan but I imagine the Switch will be a hit for fans aswell. Brilliant start to the year all round.
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