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Horizon: Zero Dawn | Review Thread

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Why not? Making comparisons is a foundation of having discussions.

It's because you can't compare Horizon beast against the grape. GG Horizon is in the whole different ball park.

it's a shame that GG seems to have done a great thing and insecure fanboys want to overshadow that

Got em bad.

I feel the two games are linked more by their release than anything else. Sony should have budged when Nintendo announced the date. The reason I paid extra to get it early is so that I can enjoy Horizon fully before zelda. Most people that are buying both won't be able to do that and I am going to assume if you buy both most people will drop Horizon and play zelda and come back to Horizon later which is unfair to it. It's a terrible release date.

It's the other way around, many ppl will be buying and playing Horizon first.

Sorry, got really tired with Zelda comparison.


Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
It's the other way around, many ppl will be buying and playing Horizon first.

Yep, outside of Nintendo diehards anyway.

Many more PS4s in the wild than Wii Us and Switch seems pretty short stocked at launch.

Easier for people to just go a buy a game for their PS4 than track down a Switch and Zelda near launch if they're not a diehard who preordered and don't have a Wii U.

I'll play Zelda on Wii U, but after Horizon and Mass Effect at the earliest.


I feel the two games are linked more by their release than anything else. Sony should have budged when Nintendo announced the date. The reason I paid extra to get it early is so that I can enjoy Horizon fully before zelda. Most people that are buying both won't be able to do that and I am going to assume if you buy both most people will drop Horizon and play zelda and come back to Horizon later which is unfair to it. It's a terrible release date.

which people? The Wii U owners or the day 1 Switch buyers?
Unfortunately it's been pretty common in both Zelda and Horizon threads from what I've seen. I'm not quite sure if it's actually crazy fans of either game, or just people looking to stir shit up.

People go into Zelda threads to talk about or compare it to Horizon? I wouldn't know, but I'd like to know.
I feel the two games are linked more by their release than anything else. Sony should have budged when Nintendo announced the date. The reason I paid extra to get it early is so that I can enjoy Horizon fully before zelda. Most people that are buying both won't be able to do that and I am going to assume if you buy both most people will drop Horizon and play zelda and come back to Horizon later which is unfair to it. It's a terrible release date.
I don't see why Sony should've budged. They set their date first, as far as I remember, and the crossover between the two games is likely very low. Sticking with the date despite Zelda being released a few days later also shows confidence in the game. At least that's my take on it.
People go into Zelda threads to talk about or compare it to Horizon? I wouldn't know, but I'd like to know.

Not really, no. A bit here and there but it's mostly the few crazies who do it the other way around as is sufficiently evidenced by this thread much earlier in its lifespan.

I feel the two games are linked more by their release than anything else. Sony should have budged when Nintendo announced the date. The reason I paid extra to get it early is so that I can enjoy Horizon fully before zelda. Most people that are buying both won't be able to do that and I am going to assume if you buy both most people will drop Horizon and play zelda and come back to Horizon later which is unfair to it. It's a terrible release date.

Most people buying Horizon aren't going to care about Zelda.
Unfortunately it's been pretty common in both Zelda and Horizon threads from what I've seen. I'm not quite sure if it's actually crazy fans of either game, or just people looking to stir shit up.

idk I don't go into Zelda threads because I'm not interested in the game. But every Horizon thread I go into I have to read about Zelda lol


How possible ?!
These two games are two exclusives on two different platforms.
How could an exclusive game from another platform be a threat for Horizon with +50 millions PS4 on the market ?
Nintendo fans are a dedicated and die hard bunch (if you couldn't tell lol).

Attach rate promises to be near 1:1 on Switch (with the hardware being sold out, it wouldn't even surprise me if Nin announced they sold -More- Switch Zelda BotW than hardware it can be played on tbh.

Add the Wii U to the mix (13m), past history, and you'll see that Zelda has a very high ceiling of upward of 10-11m units (lifetime).
That is, unless the franchise takes a stumble like some other have.

Otoh Horizon, as a new IP on a platform with a much more eclectic base, probably has a 3-4m lifetime ceiling (possibly 5-6m if there was a ww bundle).

I hope both do great, even if personally I have little to no interest in botw.


I don't even understand. Instead of being excited and hyped about two potentially amazing games and experiences - the knee jerk reaction is to make it a pissing contest of which one is optically better? Yikes.


It's because you can't compare Horizon beast against the grape. GG Horizon is in the whole different ball park.

Comparing does not mean putting two identical things next to eachother. Comparing means find two differing things, and noting the significance of their similarities and differences.
Zelda fanboys just can't give it a rest lol

Yep, I got flamed in the Zelda thread for making a graphics comparison of BotW to older gen hardware. Just because i didnt jizz my pants and only praise the game, i got ran out of town over there. Its funny because i'm getting BotW, and was just trying to discuss weather it was the intended art direction or if there was hardware limitations for such a large game that the graphics had to be the lower res style (which isnt a bad thing).
I don't even understand. Instead of being excited and hyped about two potentially amazing games and experiences - the knee jerk reaction is to make it a pissing contest of which one is optically better? Yikes.

I know what a terrible time to be gaming! Too many good games are coming out at the same time!

It's awesome!
I don't even understand. Instead of being excited and hyped about two potentially amazing games and experiences - the knee jerk reaction is to make it a pissing contest of which one is optically better? Yikes.

yup but we are humans after all

we do it with sports, countries, shows, cars... well anything

I just hope the WiiU version of BoTW runs and looks well


Horizon Zero Dawn is an important - and successful - release for Guerrilla Games. While the Killzone games were always a sight to behold, the series played second fiddle to the more popular first-person shooter franchises. Shadow Fall sold exceptionally well by all accounts, but it didn't break through to establish the series as a contender against Call of Duty or Battlefield. By moving to a new genre and a different world, Horizon feels like a breath of fresh air. Its characters are immediately more engaging and the gameplay itself is more refined and exciting. And in terms of the core gameplay, the Dutch studio has a real winner on its hands.

As expected, Guerrilla's level of technical accomplishment is simply sensational. Its ability to produce striking visuals has never been in question but the Decima engine has reached new heights with Horizon. This is a powerful toolset that serves as a solid foundation for future games and one that is seemingly very flexible, bearing in mind what we've seen of the engine's utilisation in Killzone Shadow Fall and in Supermassive's Until Dawn - not to mention the hints of Death Stranding revealed thus far. An earlier Decima iteration even formed the base of Killzone Mercenary on PlayStation Vita, based on a PC-orientated OpenGL fork of the engine, no less.
I feel the two games are linked more by their release than anything else. Sony should have budged when Nintendo announced the date. The reason I paid extra to get it early is so that I can enjoy Horizon fully before zelda. Most people that are buying both won't be able to do that and I am going to assume if you buy both most people will drop Horizon and play zelda and come back to Horizon later which is unfair to it. It's a terrible release date.

Nah there about 60 million PS4 owners most of them not going to care about Zelda .
There only 13 million Wii U owners and some of them going to upgrade to Switch .
Plus HZD date was set first and the marketing Sony seem to be doing is big.
So i don't see why they would worry about Zelda when it is not a super massive IP .

Who is going digital here? *raises hand*

Me , Pre order the HZD DE months ago.


Yep, I got flamed in the Zelda thread for making a graphics comparison of BotW to older gen hardware. Just because i didnt jizz my pants and only praise the game, i got ran out of town over there. Its funny because i'm getting BotW, and was just trying to discuss weather it was the intended art direction or if there was hardware limitations for such a large game that the graphics had to be the lower res style (which isnt a bad thing).

You compared the graphics to a ps2 game. They didn't flame you because you didn't jizz your pants and praise the game. Nice try playing victim though.


People go into Zelda threads to talk about or compare it to Horizon? I wouldn't know, but I'd like to know.

There are mostly just these two scenarios that I noticed:

1) Zelda fan comes into Horizon thread and starts to put down Horizon.
2) Zelda fan is in Zelda thread and starts to put down Horizon.

Right now they are at it again over in the BotW preview thread. :/


I was going to, but honestly I just really want a physical copy of this game.
As someone whom 'officially' switched to digital (permanently) just a couple of months ago I definitely had some urges (sweet boxart) but no... the convenience of digital is supreme.


How possible ?!
These two games are two exclusives on two different platforms.
How could an exclusive game from another platform be a threat for Horizon with +50 millions PS4 on the market ?

Thankfully, good games don't "cancel each other out," as much as people sometimes treat it that way in discussion.
Yep, I got flamed in the Zelda thread for making a graphics comparison of BotW to older gen hardware. Just because i didnt jizz my pants and only praise the game, i got ran out of town over there. Its funny because i'm getting BotW, and was just trying to discuss weather it was the intended art direction or if there was hardware limitations for such a large game that the graphics had to be the lower res style (which isnt a bad thing).

You were being hyperbolic, what did you expect?

I don't even understand. Instead of being excited and hyped about two potentially amazing games and experiences - the knee jerk reaction is to make it a pissing contest of which one is optically better? Yikes.

Yup. It's unfortunate


Yep, I got flamed in the Zelda thread for making a graphics comparison of BotW to older gen hardware. Just because i didnt jizz my pants and only praise the game, i got ran out of town over there. Its funny because i'm getting BotW, and was just trying to discuss weather it was the intended art direction or if there was hardware limitations for such a large game that the graphics had to be the lower res style (which isnt a bad thing).

You were the guy that said it had "PS2" graphics right? So... no shit people would dogpile you, myself included.
i think it's safe to say there won't be a whole lot more review outlets on this game

i think angry joe is gonna review it too, he said he didn't receive a copy from sony but planned on reviewing it, though i'm not 100% sure on that
You were the guy that said it had "PS2" graphics right? So... no shit people would dogpile you, myself included.

Since when are comparisons "NOT ALLOWED"? Just because you dont agree? Look at this entire thread right now, comparisons being made. Im not even shit talking Zelda, i think its going to be great.
There are mostly just these two scenarios that I noticed:

1) Zelda fan comes into Horizon thread and starts to put down Horizon.
2) Zelda fan is in Zelda thread and starts to put down Horizon.

Right now they are at it again over in the BotW preview thread. :/
I saw someone mention botw makes horizon look bland. Lol wtf seriously.

Anyways, I really really hope amazon delivers my copy on launch day, but I'm worried I'll have to wait a few days more :/


Since when are comparisons "NOT ALLOWED"? Just because you dont agree? Look at this entire thread right now, comparisons being made. Im not even shit talking Zelda, i think its going to be great.

If you say it has PS2 graphics, no one is gonna take you seriously, because whatever point you were trying to make got undercut by your humorous hyperbole. Not much else to say, sorry.
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