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Horizon: Zero Dawn | Review Thread

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I love how this forum goes from hating to loving IGN depending on the moment.

I don't hate any media outlets. I don't normally watch/read videogame reviews but i watch movie reviews. I did block chris stuckkmann as he's boring as batshit (movie reviews).

I don't see how "I am this forum" as you seem to like to generalise - you saying Gaf Hivemind? Okayy.

I watched their video and I thought it echoed my experience with the game very well. So I recommend watching that one. So there.


If you've played it's previous entries, you might not have been so enamoured, especially with the gameplay.

I'm on about the first, but I do agree, I think it's a big reason Infinite left so little of an impression on me, good by early last gen standards, but there was so many great shooters last gen it just felt stale by the time it released, with it not really improving much.


It wasn't a good review at all, but you know the default is for arrogant gamers to accuse anyone critical of a obviously shit review of being a fanboy. I don't knock her for having issues with the game. Her review was legitimately poor and doesn't primarily address any of the games strengths other than the visuals. It doesn't give me any good insight to the game play, which is one of the strengths this has against other major action RPGs that have been released to date.

Maybe she just wasn't the proper person to review if she doesn't like the genre. That's of no help for people who are long time fans of the genre. This is not a perspective issue at all. As I've said, I didn't get anything insightful from that review, lol...

There is no such thing as a "proper" person to review a game, and a review from someone who doesn't like or care for the genre may end up being more insightful because that may be an indication of how noob friendly the game is or how it's a good gateway game for the genre.

That said I was surprised by some reviewers who I would have thought were tired of open world games was refreshed by this one, so both ends of the spectrum are appreciated.


There are some things I like about Lucy's style of reviews, and some things I don't. I do appreciate that she's usually critical, can be harsh, and stands by what she likes and doesn't like on a consistent basis, but I do find some of her cons in reviews weird sometimes.
Been interesting following this game for release. I rarely buy AAA games. Well, not true, I've been buying way more AAA games since getting a PS4, but I rarely buy them at launch. Only Uncharted 4, Titanfall 2, Gravity Rush 2, Resident Evil 7 (and The Last Guardian if you count that).

But I havent actually been involved in the preview and review and early impressions threads, and all that, since The Last of Us. It's rare for a AAA game to get me excited in such way. Probably speaks to how cool Horizon seems


There is no such thing as a "proper" person to review a game, and a review from someone who doesn't like or care for the genre may end up being more insightful because that may be an indication of how noob friendly the game is or how it's a good gateway game for the genre.

That said I was surprised by some reviewers who I would have thought were tired of open world games was refreshed by this one, so both ends of the spectrum are appreciated.

Well unfortunately this one wasn't insightful.


At least now people can blame it for holding the score down from a 89. It's one person's opinion, which they're allowed to have, the fact that there's only one or two reviews that low is a good thing.

feel like metacritic should probably do something to just discard outlier scores, positive and negative.
feel like metacritic should probably do something to just discard outlier scores, positive and negative.

they can keep it in. It is what it is. But one should read the review (as you should) if you're going to gauge if the game is for you. This one is poorly written and offers no real insight to how Horizon plays as a game or its mechanics. It's rubbish.
feel like metacritic should probably do something to just discard outlier scores, positive and negative.

Discarding them is probably a mistake, but I could see a system where outliers are given less weight if there are few and far from the average. This would also hurt average games though that score in the 60s-70s range but get a couple of 9-10 scores as well. It's a hard thing to balance.


No review should ever be disregarded. Even if it might be badly written or doesn't fall in line with most other reviews. It is just one opinion out of dozens. Also a random number on the internet that is either 88 or 89 won't change the quality of the game.

Kazuo Hirai

I really want everyone to know how much more Titanfall 2 sold than Nioh. It was a staggering amount.
Guys, calm down , look the US Gamer Reviewer:
60 average score
6 games reviewed
16.67% of games recommended
Scores 16.83 points lower than the average
She isn't a veteran reviewer, couldn't blame too much
Horizon is a new ip, so US gamer undervalue it and ask a noob reviewer to review it
Horizon is unfortunate ,but no one is evil


We should start a change.org petition to strongly encourage them to remove any reviews that hurt our feelings.

no they should still index the review it just shouldn't count towards the score, which has been used to decide things like developer compensation before.

I mean honestly, do you want some plant review or somebody who just didn't get it deciding the score? Like I'm talking about discarding outliers according to mathematical.
Maybe like a Standard Deviation or inter-quartile range,

It might also be nice to summarize the uniformity of those review scores, ie. indicate the difference between two games where one recieved half 10s and half 0s and the other received all 5s

But no It's totally ridiculous and I'm just some butthurt fanbabby you can troll on the internet.

Discarding them is probably a mistake, but I could see a system where outliers are given less weight if there are few and far from the average. This would also hurt average games though that score in the 60s-70s range but get a couple of 9-10 scores as well. It's a hard thing to balance.

A game that scored like that may resonate very well with very few people. for most, disregarding the 9 or 10 may produce a more representative score for a general audience. I mean ideally you might not even have A metacritic score you might have an individual score for the game based on some sort of per user weighting scheme, possibly all the way down to weighting individual reviewers as well as outlets.


How are people still hung up on this one fucking review score? We should not only welcome heterogeneity of opinion about works of art, but question a lack thereof. If you don't feel like someone articulated their criticism well, that's fine, but a failure to articulate does not negate the opinion.

And think of all the interesting conversations that could have lived in the space consumed by this hand wringing about review scores! Engage with the text, not the number.


no they should still index the review it just shouldn't count towards the score, which has been used to decide things like developer compensation before.

I mean honestly, do you want some plant review or somebody who just didn't get it deciding the score? Like I'm talking about discarding outliers according to mathematical.
Maybe like a Standard Deviation or inter-quartile range,

It might also be nice to summarize the uniformity of those review scores, ie. indicate the difference between two games where one recieved half 10s and half 0s and the other received all 5s

But no It's totally ridiculous and I'm just some butthurt fanbabby you can troll on the internet.
Review consensus is lame. You guys being mad about one or two points are weird.
Been interesting following this game for release. I rarely buy AAA games. Well, not true, I've been buying way more AAA games since getting a PS4, but I rarely buy them at launch. Only Uncharted 4, Titanfall 2, Gravity Rush 2, Resident Evil 7 (and The Last Guardian if you count that).

But I havent actually been involved in the preview and review and early impressions threads, and all that, since The Last of Us. It's rare for a AAA game to get me excited in such way. Probably speaks to how cool Horizon seems

Last gen, when Sony's first party studios started pumping out quality and weird games at a consistent rate, it was basically my favorite thing in video games. It's been a while now but I think they're starting to approach that area with the PS4 now, while not entirely as fast of a pace.
no they should still index the review it just shouldn't count towards the score, which has been used to decide things like developer compensation before.

I mean honestly, do you want some plant review or somebody who just didn't get it deciding the score? Like I'm talking about discarding outliers according to mathematical.
Maybe like a Standard Deviation or inter-quartile range,

It might also be nice to summarize the uniformity of those review scores, ie. indicate the difference between two games where one recieved half 10s and half 0s and the other received all 5s

But no It's totally ridiculous and I'm just some butthurt fanbabby you can troll on the internet.

A game that scored like that may resonate very well with very few people. for most, disregarding the 9 or 10 may produce a more representative score for a general audience. I mean ideally you might not even have A metacritic score you might have an individual score for the game based on some sort of per user weighting scheme, possibly all the way down to weighting individual reviewers as well as outlets.

Man, I made my sarcastic post earlier, assuming you were joking. Yikes. It's not fucking Metacritic's job to make sure devs get their bonuses. Holy shit.



I mean... you do want to change up whatever formula they're working with just because of one mediocre review, so...

It's not about one horizon zero dawn review score. It's about the question of what a metacritic score wants to be and how well it achieves that goal in the general sense.

Note that this is also not about how you feel about metacritic scores

Man, I made my sarcastic post earlier, assuming you were joking. Yikes. It's not fucking Metacritic's job to make sure devs get their bonuses. Holy shit.

Why would you assume I was joking? I can only assume you're being disingenuous.
There is bad data in the world everywhere, statistical information that often gets pruned why should metacritic's data be a sacred cow? It might not be their job to ensure devs get their bonuses but if they position that score as some sort of general opinion or consensus then they should want to see that it is accurately reflected.


Last gen, when Sony's first party studios started pumping out quality and weird games at a consistent rate, it was basically my favorite thing in video games. It's been a while now but I think they're starting to approach that area with the PS4 now, while not entirely as fast of a pace.

I agree with you for the most part, but I think Sony's missing those "weird" or artsy games right now. There's nothing in the same as those weird and artsy games like Tokyo Jungle, The Last Guy, Rain, Journey, Flow, Flower, The Unfinished Swan or Fat Princess, except for Dreams and the Patapon, Parappa and LocoRoco remasters (and Knack I guess).

They have the triple A first party games down, but are severely lacking in the lower budget, artsy and weird area that they excelled in last generation.

It won't make or break anything, but it's a gaping hole in the first party lineup for sure.


Why would you assume I was joking? I can only assume you're being disingenuous.
There is bad data in the world everywhere, statistical information that often gets pruned why should metacritic's data be a sacred cow? It might not be their job to ensure devs get their bonuses but if they position that score as some sort of general opinion or consensus then they should want to see that it is accurately reflected.

I am convinced you are joking now but you know we are talking about a video game right? Whether or not someone likes a game is never going to be a science.

Also publishers that handle bonuses based on Metacritic numbers are bullshit. That's a problem with the publisher though, not the way we review video games.


I agree with you for the most part, but I think Sony's missing those "weird" or artsy games right now. Dreams is on the horizon, but apart from that, there's nothing in the same as those weird and artsy games like Tokyo Jungle, The Last Guy, Rain, Journey, Flow, Flower, The Unfinished Swan or Fat Princess.

They have the triple A first party games down, but are severely lacking in the lower budget, artsy and weird area that they excelled in last generation.

It won't make or break anything, but it's a gaping hole in the first party lineup for sure.

I'm counting the Last Guardian as a fairly weird game, but yeah, you're absolutely right in this regard. I'm impressed that they've got their more AAA pipeline working out finally.

Echochrome is legitimately one of my favorite games. Would love to see some more smaller games from Japan studio too, but feeling pretty blessed that we did get Gravity Rush 2 as well. I think thatgamecompany wants to go multiplatform with their next game, so they probably aren't working with Sony.


I'm counting the Last Guardian as a fairly weird game, but yeah, you're absolutely right in this regard. I'm impressed that they've got their more AAA pipeline working out though finally.

Echochrome is legitimately one of my favorite games.

Oh shit I forgot about Echochrome. I hope that if the Parappa/Patapon/LocoRoco remasters do well, we'll get a remaster of Echochrome and some of the other games I mentioned in my post, as well as remasters of UnJammer Lammy, Patapon 2+3 and LocoRoco 2 + Midnight Carnival.


It won't make or break anything, but it's a gaping hole in the first party lineup for sure.
I just want to push back a bit on this. We're definitely still getting these games—more of them than ever. I'm not sure it's particularly important if Sony is publishing them or merely hosting them on its platforms.

In my ideal world, SIE (and every other AAA publisher) would be devoting just as many resources to smaller titles as they do to big action games. That said, if I'm understanding your criticism, you feel like there are fewer of these games now than in the past, and I just don't think that's true. Sony may currently be less invested in fostering small projects, but there has never been a better time for indie/alt games.


Oh shit I forgot about Echochrome. I hope that if the Parappa/Patapon/LocoRoco remasters do well, we'll get a remaster of Echochrome and some of the other games I mentioned in my post, as well as remasters of UnJammer Lammy, Patapon 2+3 and LocoRoco 2 + Midnight Carnival.

Well, now I need all of this to happen. Good job.

I wonder if there's potentially a place to make an Echochrome 3 but for VR? I didn't play Echochrome 2 but I know it did a lot of the Move stuff.

anyways I still listen to the echochrome soundtracks about once a week
I just want to push back a bit on this. We're definitely still getting these games—more of them than ever. I'm not sure it's particularly important if Sony is publishing them or merely hosting them on its platforms.

In my ideal world, SIE (and every other AAA publisher) would be devoting just as many resources to smaller titles as they do to big action games. That said, if I'm understanding your criticism, you feel like there are fewer of these games now than in the past, and I just don't think that's true. Sony may currently be less invested in fostering small projects, but there has never been a better time for indie/alt games.
While I absolutely agree about the indie scene never being better from a consumer standpoint, I do miss Sony's PS3 era Japan studio smaller sort of releases a lot.


Because the idea of Metacritic discarding review ouliers from their average score is one of the most ridiculous things I've read in a GAF review thread and I couldn't imagine you were actually being serious.

you've completely failed to articulate why it's supposedly ridiculous though. unless you're just trolling in which case keep on keeping on.


There are various people on these forums with various opinions whether good or bad.
Apparently the bad ones are supposed to go to OT, according to a few in this thread.

To be fair, just because some hate on IGN doesn't mean everyone does
Of course, I'm more noting the theme of with us or against us going on in this thread. Look at the reaction to waypoint. During the preview thread, their opinion was mischaracterized into a strawman and dismissed. Now with the review, instead of engaging their points, they go back to the same strawman to dismiss the review. Then they had a podcast with Klepek, where he goes further into the reasoning, and no one will even acknowledge it.
I joined the spectrum and did a review of a review on this aswell http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=230685984&postcount=4348

It's also looking more likely that the usgamer review is going to keep the game from a 90 on metacritic. Well, unless Edge of course
Look at this post and the link, they don't even respond to the criticism, just reframe it and hand wave away the point, when the point is that this game does things well and others, not so much. Some folks genuinely are tired of certain things being repeated in games. And if the game hangs on something they don't like, it's well within their right to speak to it. That's why we have more than one review so you can pick and choose and make up your own decision.
Anyone in the UK had their Simply Games order dispatched? Mine went from 'in despatch' yesterday to 'authorised' this morning. Was hoping to have it today as they've had it in stock since yesterday.


you've completely failed to articulate why it's supposedly ridiculous though. unless you're just trolling in which case keep on keeping on.
Well, practically speaking, discarding outliers would mean disproportionately discarding low scores. This is because AAA games (the ones that get topics like this) generally fall between 7.0 and 9.5 on scales that cap at 10. If a game's score distribution has a mean of, say, 8.0 and a standard deviation of 1.0, you're cutting everything above a 10 (not possible) and below a 6. What you've functionally done is eliminated any negative opinions.

Speaking more generally, it's ridiculous because excluding dissenting opinions about a work of art is fucking stupid, wholly unproductive, and antithetical to the project of critical discourse.


You won't get special treatment from me, sorry. : p

lol. Just laughing as thats totally useless for a person.
Edit: Unless they find themselves agreeing always with me.
Which...should never happen lol

As for the game.
Its great. Yep has issues but really fun and just highly enjoyable.


Just woke up and the game is now so close to an 89 on metacritic. Would be nice to see it make it.

I can see it jump to 89, just to drop again to 88 after the next attention seeking 2.5 review comes in. XD

Anyway, I'm getting ready to pick up this beauty later today:


The Limited Edition is already being delivered to stores in Germany.
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