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Horizon: Zero Dawn | Review Thread

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Great reviews, And kudos for GG for taking a big risk creating a game in a genre new to them.

This game was always going to get salt from certain people, Whether it was Witcher fans, PC fans, Graphics whores etc.

On my 4K set, This will be bobby roode style glorious.


I hope so, that was my prediction :D

Can't wait to hold this in my hands.

this game will come with two steelbook for me .
Dunno which one i prefer
Caesar, Arcade Gannon, The King, Benny, the NCR as a whole. Listen, you're not going to go far trying to make New Vegas look bad. But, I agree is is derailing the thread. Suffice to say that Brandon Jones and the USGamer review went in-depth in speaking about the narrative and their impressions didn't bode well for my interest in the game.

LMAO at those being as well aticulated and written as Joel or ellie, Please.

What about the rest of the reviews that don't agree with US gamer? Why are you only fixated on the one negative review?


did u just made that up on spot?

I was wondering the same.. Maybe he's just thinking about how Miyazaki said he didn't want to do any more Souls game.. But for Sony to let BB franchise go is just stupid and I doubt they'll let a cash cow like that go away.

Horizon Zero Dawn is going to make other open-world developers sick with envy.

It is The Witcher 3 of post-post-apocalyptic robo-dino adventures; it is the sort of thing Ubisoft will wish you had never seen if it dares to release another time-sucking, glitch-filled Assassin’s Creed.

This is very probably the most flawless open world game ever made.

Damn that is some praise.

Grats to GG!


The list of games this is compared to is massive. Tomb Raider, Red Dead Redemption, Monster Hunter, Witcher 3, Zelda, Far Cry, Enslaved, Metal Gear Solid V, Mad Max... the list goes on.

But at the same time it feels like something completely fresh. It's everything that's been done before, put together in a way that's never been done before.


For the sequel: Please take all the time you need.

This sounds super satisfying in how a complete package it is with all the gameplay elements, content and the story concluding yet leaving just enough for a sequel to tap on.

I don't want to see Horizon 2 before spring 2020.
LOL, that's an egg on face moment for Back to Black

Or I made the comment specifically because I knew this. One writer does not make a well written game. Any dumb COD game where they get some big Hollywood screenwriter could tell you that.

LMAO at those being as well aticulated and written as Joel or ellie, Please.

What about the rest of the reviews that don't agree with US gamer? Why are you only fixated on the one negative review?

Two reviews. And, the collective impressions of the rest.
Pleasantly surprised at all the 5/5 scores. Never would have expected almost a 90 average.

I had anticipated a good, but overhyped game. Guerilla did unbelievably well on their first try.


Congratulations to Guerilla for the scores! This is their highest scoring game since Killzone 2 back in 2009, and their second best scoring game in history.


I do have to say - I usually dont compare games a lot in reviews but Horizon almost FORCES you to compare it to other games because it wears its inspirations on its sleeve.

There were so many times I was thinking "this is like the best bits in The Witcher, the best bits in Enslaved, or the best bits in Red Dead Redemption, or in Far Cry 3", etcetera. The combination of all those different influences creates a new, unique product and it just works.

So I really understand the comparisons, I am making them myself. The beauty of it is that when compared to those classics, Horizon shines just as brightly.

Its really understandable to compare those games, but my original point was for people who loves X game so much that they wish Y game turns bad.

OT great scores for Horizon.


Gold Member
I think what's special about Horizon is it succeeds both being an open world action adventure and a RPG game with actual great gameplay.
I mean like is there any good RPG game besides Dragon's Dogma and SoulsBorne series with actual great gameplay? I can't think of any.

I enjoy the gameplay in the Witcher 3 as well.

*runs for cover*


Caesar, Arcade Gannon, The King, Benny, the NCR as a whole. Listen, you're not going to go far trying to make New Vegas look bad. But, I agree is is derailing the thread. Suffice to say that Brandon Jones and the USGamer review went in-depth in speaking about the narrative and their impressions didn't bode well for my interest in the game.

What about the rest of the reviews that praise the narrative as one of the game's standout positives though?
I don't understand the mentality of "I adore W3 or Zelda, Horizon has to be worse than both..it shouldn't be better at all!"

Why does everything has to be compared to other games?

Horizon being better/worse than those games has zero effect of the brilliance of W3, Zeld or even FC3. You won't magically stop enjoying Zelda because Horizon reviewed better. You should be happy to add another great game to your collection.

I just woke up and read some of Eurogamer review but I didn't like that it compares Horizon with The Witcher III quite often... The Witcher III is a 250hs game, cmon.


Absolute incredible praise. Never saw this coming.

Absolutely crazy. I kinda still don't believe it until I'll play it next week. It's just that Witcher 3 is a masterpiece in storytelling and world design. It's on another level concerning open world games. I didn't think there would be a game so soon that could come close to it's brilliance. If Horizon can do that, oh boy are we in for a treat.

Unbelievable reviews.
Really happy for GG. I feel like they cop a lot of flak on Gaf for things that other devs get more of a free pass for.

Dunno if I'll pick this up, as I'm so burnt out on anything open-world, but I hope it sells well.
Someone in the impressions thread.


"The story is one of the best AAA big budget plots in years. It's detailed, consistent, emotional and very satisfying until the very end. That's important to me because most big budget scifi games have laughable stories when you compare them to good stuff like SOMA. Plus the collectible side materials like diaries and voice logs are also great.:

Aligns up with most reviews, but lets focus on US gamers lol.



Horizon Zero Dawn is going to make other open-world developers sick with envy.

It is The Witcher 3 of post-post-apocalyptic robo-dino adventures; it is the sort of thing Ubisoft will wish you had never seen if it dares to release another time-sucking, glitch-filled Assassin’s Creed.

This is very probably the most flawless open world game ever made.

DAMN bruh.
I like this. No prisoners taken.


This whole business of "serving crow" to people who said they weren't interested in the game is about as pathetic as throwing a fit over a negative review (which has also appeared several times in this thread).

This is about console wars, right? People usually don't give a shit this much.


Most reviewers seem to love it. Read the quotes in the OP.

You really need to stop worrying about that. It doesnt feel like a Ubisoft-game at all.

The story is okay in the first half, and got me on the edge of my seat in the second half. Some nice world building in it.

Now I'm very tempted.
Btw why are there so many good games coming out recently? RE7, Nioh and now HZD.
What is happening.


Caesar, Arcade Gannon, The King, Benny, the NCR as a whole. Listen, you're not going to go far trying to make New Vegas look bad. But, I agree is is derailing the thread. Suffice to say that Brandon Jones and the USGamer review went in-depth in speaking about the narrative and their impressions didn't bode well for my interest in the game.

Didn't Brandon Jones praise the side characters and the writing you get about them and the main story from data/pages lying around? If I'm not mistaken, his gripe was with the main quests middle, with the best writing and more interesting moments being at the end of the main quest.

Sounds kinda similar in structure to NV, honestly.
amazon uk selling the game with the steel case for an extra £1. It's a no brainer. Preordered

I never preorder. Jim sterling and jeff gerstmann's reviews are enough for me to pull the trigger
Zelda shaking in it's boots ;).

I still need to think if I wanna get this before pricedrop since I'm a lil burned out on open world sandboxes. I still hope it does well so Sony realizes (if they haven't already) that Guerilla is way too talented to be wasted on rushed launch games (shadowfall) or just a testing ground for whatever the new gimmick/rage is (killzone 3, I mean holy shit. I refuse to believe anyones actual creative vision was to take the excellent KZ2 and cram 3D, move controls, co-op, call of duty ect. to it. At least it still turned out ok).
I bet he is. Horizon should have been their third big new franchise, but seeing how 1886's situation turned out, and the rumors of BB not continuing as a franchise, it's their first of the PS4 gen.

We don't really know anything about Bloodborne's likelihood as a franchise at this point. Miyazaki has stated that he doesn't like doing sequels, but on the other hand it's extremely likely Sony signed From up for three games, and at least one of those would be a Bloodborne sequel if it was successful (my guesstimate would be that it's between 2.5-3 million sales by now).
I am so, so happy this game is receiving such glowing critical praise but in this case especially so for the following reasons:

1. It's a new i.p made by a developer who is venturing into a completely new genre. Guerilla games have always been maligned for making mediocre games (sometimes unfairly) and I am so glad their gamble payed off.

2. Sony's first open world exclusive and one that they are clearly going to be turning into a franchise. Off to an amazing start then and the sequel should be even more incredible.

3. Some of the shade thrown towards this game has veered into the ridiculous territory. Not saying caution for how a game will turn out to be is a bad thing (it's actually how I approach almost all games), but some of the 'concern' has been insincere and clearly exacerbated because of the games ps4 exclusivity. I got the impression that some of these people wanted the game to fail.
These reviews must be painful for them, lol, and I am a bit embarassed to admit that I will be reveling in their dismay.

The Pope

For the sequel: Please take all the time you need.

This sounds super satisfying in how a complete package it is with all the gameplay elements, content and the story concluding yet leaving just enough for a sequel to tap on.

I don't want to see Horizon 2 before spring 2020.

This cannot be said enough! Guerrila and Sony listen to this man.
This whole business of "serving crow" to people who said they weren't interested in the game is about as pathetic as throwing a fit over a negative review (which has also appeared several times in this thread).

This is about console wars, right? People usually don't give a shit this much.

I don't think it's that serious. It's just some gentle ribbing, like winning an innocent bet against friends.
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