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Horizon: Zero Dawn | Review Thread

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well, of course it is. And its from US Gamer, one of the most tradional outlets

the things some of you say when a review is different from others are quite surprising...

Surprising?. If everybody says one thing is orange except for one that says is pink, the surprising is the last claim.
You can't really compare them to Zelda. Don't do that, you will be dissapointed. They are fun extra's.

Good, yes. Some wooden acting and open doors prevent it from being great imo. But the second half def. had me on the edge of my seat!

This game had my curiosity, but now it has my attention.

Strong combat with a compelling story is the recipe of a game that will be hard to put down.

I will preorder.


Its Scrawnton thats all you need to know
Hates pretty much everything Sony
Wow. Okay so I'll just throw away my PS3, Vita, PS4 Pro, and PS4 because I hate Sony. I'll delete all my platinum trophies and lvl 18 trophy score (which admintadely isn't that high but high enough). Im excited for Horizon but I had concerns about some of it's open world content and me not really liking the character design. I'm glad it turned out to be great and I'm going to get the game, but probably not until Spring break from work.

Lmao, Gorilla Games. Thank you for that.
Haha holy cow. I need to start putting my glasses on the moment I wake up. Autocorrect in combination with no glasses makes embarrassing mistakes.
What is the consensus performance review for standard PS4?

Someone posted this, i think its the only face to face posted so far in the thread.

I like the game .. have played for some 20+ hours (not finished it yet, so no verdict). The game is beautiful .. like amazingly beautiful.

I have played on my normal PS4, and on my Pro (1080p TV).

- Vanilla:
- runs fine.
- crashed on me once (the game froze).
- there is some pop in.
- the PS4 gets LOUD during this game.. The fans go crazy.

- PRO:
- Game runs better than on Vanilla, it is easily noticeable.
- Pop-in is better.. but still present.
- Looks a lot more "crisp"
- My PS4 Pro is surprisingly silent during this game, I never noticed the fans. Strange, because some other games make the fans rev up.
There's a reason they remove the highest and lowest scores when judging diving and figure skating. So a consensus can be achieved without the influence of outliers.

Removing an outlier review does not mean it doesn't worth as much as other reviews, it's just acknowledging that it is an outlier and does not represent the consensus.

Agree, the highest and lowest should be removed imo, it makes sense and is fair.


There's a reason they remove the highest and lowest scores when judging diving and figure skating. So a consensus can be achieved without the influence of outliers.

Removing an outlier review does not mean it doesn't worth as much as other reviews, it's just acknowledging that it is an outlier and does not represent the consensus.

this is not a competition though...


Finally the moment has come where I regret selling my PS4 about 6 months ago.
I really want to play this game now...
Looking at Sony franchises:

Bloodborne: Dystopian end times setting
The last of us: Post apocalyptic
HZD: Post apocalyptic
Days Gone: End of world setting

Are they trying to tell us something?

The whole post-apocalyptic setting is getting a little played out now for sure. At least Horizon seems to be doing something different with it, what with the inclusion of robot dinosaurs and everything, but Days Gone. Ehhh, that game just looks super workmanlike to me.


From Telegraph's review:



It's an effortlessly satisfying experience for curious explorers. There’s so much to see and do. Errands, side quests, tutorial quests, and main quests (obviously) are just the beginning. Striding across the landscape are the exhilaratingly-climbable Tallnecks, who you can override to download map locations without exploring every inch yourself. For those who prefer combat to story, hunting challenges abound for you to win medals, or if you want a really challenging fight, dangerous Cauldrons lurk in the mountains - mysterious robotic wombs that seem more organism than machine. That’s not even mentioning the ruins textured with secrets about the past, the collectables to find, the bandit camps to eradicate… the variety of choice is overwhelming.


Looking at Sony franchises:

Bloodborne: Dystopian end times setting
The last of us: Post apocalyptic
HZD: Post apocalyptic
Days Gone: End of world setting

Are they trying to tell us something?
Sony execs are probably low-key sadists.



Nzyme32 hasn't posted once in this thread and as far as I can tell has nothing to do with anyone in it. People are searching for his post to laugh at it, like he did something wrong. So, uh, yeah, going with GameFAQs-level troglodyte behavior on this one.
Well Nzyme32 didn't do anything wrong as after all people have a right to their opinions it was just an enlighting post that I found interesting because for the most part if you had so much as a mild interest in the game it was mostly going to be due to the fact you were easily swayed by marketing or that it was the next big game you would use to cheer your favourite console along.
From Telegraph's review:


This is definitely true. I've died quite a few times by biting off more than I could chew. Very challenging fights in this game.

The worst that can happen is you are already fighting a powerful enemy and the fight moves (because the enemy pushes you to a place or you follow it) and more enemies are alerted and then you really have to move your ass away from the fight or you will die.

Also it takes a lot of time to learn the best strategies per enemy and what weapons to use.


The whole post-apocalyptic setting is getting a little played out now for sure. At least Horizon seems to be doing something different with it, what with the inclusion of robot dinosaurs and everything, but Days Gone. Ehhh, that game just looks super workmanlike to me.

I understand that.
But the sheer amount of Zombies on screen, coupled with their speed still makes me a bit interested, gameplay wise.
I'm not surprised at the difficulty, KZ2 and 3 weren't walk in the park on normal like most FPS games at that difficulty. Fking Radec fight still gives me nightmare.


The whole post-apocalyptic setting is getting a little played out now for sure. At least Horizon seems to be doing something different with it, what with the inclusion of robot dinosaurs and everything, but Days Gone. Ehhh, that game just looks super workmanlike to me.
Horizon is post post apocalypse though, which is a nice change.


Looking at Sony franchises:

Bloodborne: Dystopian end times setting
The last of us: Post apocalyptic
HZD: Post apocalyptic
Days Gone: End of world setting

Are they trying to tell us something?
Yeah, that game devs are creatively bankrupt
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