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Horizon: Zero Dawn | Review Thread

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This review is really good, he expands on aspects of the story and gives concrete examples of the gameplay that has me really intrigued about the game. Maybe useful for those people who still want to know more.


Thanx but i wish i didn't watch this. It ruined moments i wish i experienced while playing.
But yes, good review until the point i closed the window because i feared i was going to be spoiled even more.


Looks like Sony's got another winner in their hands. Always great to see established developers succeed with their new ips.

Congrats Guerrilla!


Damn, people put a lot of stock in the combined meta critic scores. It's like a really basic barometer to tell you if a game is 'good' or 'bad' and not much more. Definitely won't tell you if you'd actually like it.


well, of course it is. And its from US Gamer, one of the most traditional outlets

the things some of you say when a review is different from others are quite surprising...

Did you read the review? The only thing he said there is that he was bored and the game is boring. Didn't even fault any gameplay mechanic beyond being boring. That was one of the least professional reviews I've read in a long time. Check out UG, it wasn't glowing but at least is was somewhat informative. Less sarcasm and ambivalence are needed if your intention is to criticise something.
I like it a lot that, instead of going straight for post-apocalyptic, GG took Horizon more in a post-post-apocalyptic bent. It's a very underexplored genre.


So it manages to distance itself from the Ubi formula that the trailers show?

Added to wishlist.

I'm gonna wait for some reviews and impressions from my usual preferred sources, but I do hope that it lives up to these 8/9/10 scores people seem to be giving.

The Ubi formula everyone seems to be copying has really hurt my enjoyment of great open world games and fatigued me of the entire genre thanks to years of mediocre and bad open worlds.
Looking at Sony franchises:

Bloodborne: Dystopian end times setting
The last of us: Post apocalyptic
HZD: Post apocalyptic
Days Gone: End of world setting

Are they trying to tell us something?

They have been preparing us for Trump's presidency!



Colin Moriarty says this is better than the entire Uncharted Series. My hype is now in dangerous levels.

I knew it would be good, but the review scores and KFG suggest this is a very special game.
Largely everyone echoing the great story is the most surprising thing to me. If you told me that a little while ago, I wouldn't believe you.

Can't be emphasized enough. This is definitely the biggest positive takeaway from these reviews. Yes, a few reviewers didn't like the story, but stories are one of the most subjective aspects in games and you will never get a consensus there.


Wow fantastic reviews! I was cautiously optimistic but a part of me was still apprehensive as I'm not much of a Killzone fan. Glad to hear Guerilla could successfully branch out from their comfort zone!
I'm gonna wait for some reviews and impressions from my usual preferred sources, but I do hope that it lives up to these 8/9/10 scores people seem to be giving.

The Ubi formula everyone seems to be copying has really hurt my enjoyment of great open world games and fatigued me of the entire genre thanks to years of mediocre and bad open worlds.

What is the UBI formula If I may ask?
I'm gonna wait for some reviews and impressions from my usual preferred sources, but I do hope that it lives up to these 8/9/10 scores people seem to be giving.

The Ubi formula everyone seems to be copying has really hurt my enjoyment of great open world games and fatigued me of the entire genre thanks to years of mediocre and bad open worlds.

Why are people still bringing up Ubisoft, it is clear Horizon is much more then a ubisoft copy.

Genuinely expected this to bomb, and I'm pleasnantly surprised that it's reviewing so well.

Will pick it up at first decent price drop. Next week is Switch week, but Horizon will get its day. I'm excited to play it.

Then you weren;t paying attention.

So this has scored even with RotTR? I thought RotTR was boring, badly-written trash, so I'm really not sure what to make of this. I get the impression is going to be better, but I don't know what that says about the state of the critical industry...

What does this have to do with anything?


Genuinely expected this to bomb, and I'm pleasnantly surprised that it's reviewing so well.

Will pick it up at first decent price drop. Next week is Switch week, but Horizon will get its day. I'm excited to play it.

Prithee Be Careful

Industry Professional
So this has scored even with RotTR? I thought RotTR was boring, badly-written trash, so I'm really not sure what to make of this. I get the impression is going to be better, but I don't know what that says about the state of the critical industry...


Ubisoft did not invent open world activities. I think the problem people have with some Ubi open world games is that the core of the game (combat, story,ect) are not compelling so it seems like the gameplay is filling percentage bars.

Horizon does not have that problem for most reviwers.


Did you read the review? The only thing he said there is that he was bored and the game is boring. Didn't even fault any gameplay mechanic beyond being boring. That was one of the least professional reviews I've read in a long time. Check out UG, it wasn't glowing but at least is was somewhat informative. Less sarcasm and ambivalence are needed if your intention is to criticise something.

I did (and its a she not a he) and I agree that is not very well written, but that is a reflection of how her time with the game was, and that is not a reason for have it removed from MC.

And if the review is badly written and lazy, justified backlash will fall on her, and thats not helping the reviewer either so I doubt people do that on purpose just to be sarcastic and edgy...


Oh damn. Those scores!

Never in a million years would I have expected a RPG about robodinos from the makers of Killzone of all things to be a critical success. Grats, Guerilla!


Bloodborne 92, Overwatch 90, Horizon Zero Dawn 88.
Three strongest IP debuts this generation.

Honorable mention: Nioh 87.


Damn, people put a lot of stock in the combined meta critic scores. It's like a really basic barometer to tell you if a game is 'good' or 'bad' and not much more. Definitely won't tell you if you'd actually like it.

They're also skewed by outlets that use a five point scale without any additional nuance.
Can't be emphasized enough. This is definitely the biggest positive takeaway from these reviews. Yes, a few reviewers didn't like the story, but stories are one of the most subjective aspects in games and you will never get a consensus there.

It's a great feeling for me personally as my expectations for the game were largely centered around the combat. It looked like a different take on bow combat in MH in an open world setting with a bunch of cool things.

Then finding out, hey, the rest of the game is pretty good too.

Feels good.


I must also address one common misconception that certain players may have with Horizon Zero Dawn. During the first few hours, the game may feel like it’s too similar to other open world games out there. Obviously there are elements that are common…crafting, leveling up, scouting areas and unlocking various skills but once you get past the first few hours, Horizon Zero Dawn distinguishes itself with its amazing and extremely intelligent cast of machine beasts, intriguing boss battles and an excellent story.

Guerrilla Games have outdone themselves with Horizon Zero Dawn. A studio that was known for delivering linear first person shooters took a risk with developing an open world game, a genre which is over-saturated at this point. Horizon Zero Dawn is right up there with the best and is easily one of the best games of this generation. Guerrilla Games not only managed to provide a world that is a wonder to explore but they have raised the bar for open world games development.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
If you can't take the piss a little out of a bunch of PC enthusiasts claiming they don't understand the hype for a big PS4 exclusive in a community thread revolving around Steam, what can you take the piss out of?

I wasn't hyped for the game either (although I am interested in purchasing it now at some point due to the superlative reviews), but writing "many are looking forward less to the game itself and more to the platform in question (in this case, the PS4) having another feather in its cap" is just eye-rolling.

Since I made that post, allow me to clarify that I was speaking broadly and not with regard to GAF specifically (I did respond to "Still do not understand the hype surrounding Horizon Zero Dawn" and made no allusions to GAF, after all). I don't think that making a general comment on the landscape of "platform wars" is incendiary -- if you (as in the royal "you") are genuinely looking forward to playing the game, then you've no reason to feel slighted as you obviously don't fall into that group. And I realise that, yes, many if not most are genuinely looking forward to playing the game -- that's exactly why I prefaced the meat of my post with "to some extent". It was absolutely was not "lol stupid sony ponys game looks like shit they just want more exclusives lolololol", and indeed I phrased my post in such a way that it can be applied not only to consoles but any platform, PC included.

I freely admit that the PC is my primary gaming platform (for what little of it I do these days) and I tend to be a recurring voice in Steam/Valve-related threads, largely owing to the fact that I'm knowledgeable about their respective histories and how they're operated, however I don't consider myself an elitist. Video games are to be enjoyed, regardless of how you choose to play them. I've no dog in the war some wage for platform supremacy.

Edit: I should also note that "many" and "most" are not adjective synonyms, so I wasn't saying that the majority of people looking forward to the game are those with an emotional attachment to their PS4. This post has already been lost in the shuffle, but hopefully you stumble upon it at some point and it clears things up.
Sounds like a Guerrilla game from the tone of the Easy Allies review. I'm a bit disappointed that they weren't impressed with the plot or characters and found the script to be "shallow", I was afraid this would be the case.
I'm sure it'll still be enjoyable, I'll get around it to eventually.


If Uncharted 4 is 93 on Meta and this should at least stay at solid 90 i looked at almost all of the big reviews and most of them agrees that this is even better then the UC4.


Since we're on the subject of crow eating, feast your eyes on this discussion about the game in the Steam community thread from a few weeks back (post 11183 onwards).

Didn't know it came to Steam :p

There is no way there will be enough crows in the world to serve all those Horizon doubters.

Bahaha. That's pretty embarrassing.

That chamber is still echoing...

That post from Nzyme32 is a real eye opener. At least us folks into "that kind of thing" get his/her blessing ������.

Is it an echo chamber or is it purely the fact that some people really dislike many third person action adventures despite critical acclaim. There are many exceptionally highly rated games of this type that I personally hate, including the latest Tomb Raiders and the Uncharted series. Meanwhile equally, there are exceptional games that are handled differently that I absolutely love, such as the Last of Us and MGS (despite hating the way exposition is handled). HZD looks like it will still fall into the former for me, and things like God of War (2017 I assume) and Last of Us Part 2, will likely be in the latter.

Nzyme32 hasn't posted once in this thread and as far as I can tell has nothing to do with anyone in it. People are searching for his post to laugh at it, like he did something wrong. So, uh, yeah, going with GameFAQs-level troglodyte behavior on this one.

Thanks for the vote of confidence. Not really sure what I have done wrong other than express my opinon on games I know I'll likely hate, and those I'll likely love


So this has scored even with RotTR? I thought RotTR was boring, badly-written trash, so I'm really not sure what to make of this. I get the impression is going to be better, but I don't know what that says about the state of the critical industry...
RRoTR sits at 86 though...
In any case, they are two completely different games


What is the UBI formula If I may ask?

Towers to climb for a vantage point they expands the map

Meaningless and tedious collectables

Copy paste missions

Spread out interesting content

Dense uninteresting content

There's more. It's just so common that I and others have seen from many open world games, mainly Ubisoft titles.

It's lazy, and it does a disservice to the potential of the game. Holding back, instead of expanding it.


Well, it's typical that even great reviewed games have few lower scores, and there is nothing wrong with that. I would be glad if we used the full range a lot more than we do in games currently.
But a 5/10 from US Gamer sure is a bit on the extreme side. I mean if they would be a site that generally very strict with reviews, that would be one thing, but going by their average ratings, this game with 5/10 is further away from being a average game 7.6/10 (according to their score average) than an average one is from being a perfect 10/10 one.

Of course the reviewers etc may differ etc, but this doesn't really seem consistent with their other reviewing, or they really think it is offensively bad.

Well not that this itself is a problem, but it surely sticks out a little from their usual reviewing.
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