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Horizon: Zero Dawn | Review Thread

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WHY IS THIS AND ZELDA RELEASING THE SAME WEEK? GOD DAMN IT. I was secretly "hoping" Horizon would be mediocre so I wouldn't end up having to play it...

I have like 40 hours of Nioh left at least, then Zelda, then Mass Effect. Guess this will be put on the waiting list, might be a good summer game.


Some reviews praise the story and some don't. Kinda funny guy said it's second only to The Last of Us regarding plot coming from first party studios, but for me, I found The Last of Us story to be generic but with good writing. So, I don't get hyped when people say the story is as good as TLOU.

The story seems to be kinda hit or miss, like you'll either really like it or not at all. Though I've read far more hit than miss. Luckily seems the rest was more than good enough for those it miss for the most part.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I just saw the most explicitly ridiculous thing I've ever read on the board, which is that Metacritic has DAI at an 89? WTF. And I like that game.


Aloy is a wonderful hero to play as – she's courageous, determined, independent, and compassionate. She's also an underdog who often finds herself lost. She experiences loss, defeat, and has a raw vulnerability to her. The truth behind the concept of a ”strong female character" is that it's not about creating a female character that always smiles in the face of adversity – it's about creating one that has both virtues and flaws, strengths and weaknesses, and motivations and goals of her own. She's neither a damsel in distress nor an unrealistically invincible warrior – she's Aloy, who is multi-faceted and beautifully human.

While she's fierce both on and off the battlefield, her story of figuring out who she is and where she belongs is incredibly empowering. Aloy is the spearhead of this moving story, and despite all the numerous wonderful things it has going for it, Horizon Zero Dawn is the powerful experience that it is because of her. The game's final moments feel like a perfect culmination of all the things Aloy learns and experiences through her emotional and heartwarming journey, and few endings I have played through have felt so right.

I took approximately thirty-five hours to complete Horizon Zero Dawn's main story, but the first thing I did after I finished was dive right back in. There were still exciting quests to do, gorgeous places to discover, and fascinating characters to meet. I'm still falling in love with this world and all the magnificent things it has to offer. Guerrilla Games has created something truly impressive and memorable with their first dive into the genre, and I have only endless excitement for all that's in store for the future of this universe.
In that other thread, you quoted and agreed with another poster who stated the game is going to be mediocre.

You formed this opinion based on what, exactly?

It doesn't matter. People are allowed to dislike things. Just drop it. He's not really getting why he was quoted in the first place.


I can believe the story praise. Having see the intro, I can totally see it. Probably wouldn't have belived it otherwise.


WHY IS THIS AND ZELDA RELEASING THE SAME WEEK? GOD DAMN IT. I was secretly "hoping" Horizon would be mediocre so I wouldn't end up having to play it...

I have like 40 hours of Nioh left at least, then Zelda, then Mass Effect. Guess this will be put on the waiting list, might be a good summer game.

Now just secretly hope Zelda is mediocre.


Guys seriously, brace yourself for the spoiler trolls. I might have had the game spoiled for me just by being on twitter. I don't know whats up with fanboys but things are pretty nasty. I'm just warning you to make sure you don't get it bad.


I just saw the most explicitly ridiculous thing I've ever read on the board, which is that Metacritic has DAI at an 89? WTF. And I like that game.
Reviewers are harder on games as the gen goes on maybe? I loved DA:I but I wouldn't replay it over other RPGs now. Hopefully Horizon has the lasting power of TW3.


This will be the game that I'm gonna get a PS4 for. Looks awesome, glad it's reviewing well.

While you're at it: Get the Pro if you also plan to buy nioh in the future. I just switched from base to pro this weekend and the difference is huge. It looks better and the framerate is a lot more stable.


Does any one of these reviews come from someone who didn't like Far Cry 3 or 4 ? I need to know how this game compares to these two. I found them to be very superficial and shallow, and yet, they got very high scores. I really want Horizon to be better than them. So it would be very relieving for me to read a positive review from someone who shares my criticisms of the Far Cry games.

Jim Sterling looks like one.

Far Cry 4 - 6.5: http://www.thejimquisition.com/far-cry-4-review-2/

Horizon Zero Dawn - 9.5: http://www.thejimquisition.com/horizon-zero-dawn-review/


And how am I supposed to know that until the reviews come out?

I thought you have already gone through with some of the reviews, as you have said you are waiting for more of your preferred sources, So thats what i was clearing things Up.
Because non of the reviewers mentioned the points you have raised.If you haven't read the reviews than my bad.


WHY IS THIS AND ZELDA RELEASING THE SAME WEEK? GOD DAMN IT. I was secretly "hoping" Horizon would be mediocre so I wouldn't end up having to play it...

I have like 40 hours of Nioh left at least, then Zelda, then Mass Effect. Guess this will be put on the waiting list, might be a good summer game.

If cost isn't an issue then just play Zelda first, or juggle between them like I'm doing now with Yakuza, Tales of Berseria, and Gravity Rush 2.

I thought you have already gone through with some of the reviews, as you have said you are waiting for more of your preferred sources, So thats what i was clearing things Up.
Because non of the reviewers mentioned the points you have raised.If you haven't read the reviews than my bad.

I just have outlets that I feel match my tastes in games more than others and would prefer to wait and see.


I normally agree with most of what Eurogamer says, but I think I'll wait until I get both Giant Bomb and Kotaku (well as long as it's Kirk Hamilton, he's the only one I listen to).

Still, it's definitely a maybe for me. There are already a ton of amazing games out/coming out.
I took notice when Jeff Gerstmann gave it a 5/5 and my eyes practically bulged out of my head when I saw Jim Sterling gave it a 9.5/10. Two difficult-to-impress but lovable curmudgeons singing this game's praises? I'd pre-order it right now if I wasn't already spending money on the Switch launch.
I saw nothing up until now and the initial reveal that made me think otherwise. Every impression and trailer I saw made it look like a interesting premises with a generic world to explore.

But your reaction makes you sound overly defensive. Not everyone will like Horizon, and those who do may not think it's 10/10 material, and that's totally fine. I want every game to be 10/10 a experience, and every thing I criticize a game for is out of love.

Show me a review that aligns with it is a generic world? Criticism is fine, saying incorrect information to push a narrative isn;t

For the sake of my GAF browsing in the next 6 months this review score pleases me. Horizon fans are happy, derivative gameplay awareness types are happy that 90 is still sacred. there's a pretty good blockbuster for Sony fans and more importantly publishers need to continue to improve as derivative gameplay gets the magnifying glass treatment.

Happy gaming folks

Your saying Horizon is derivative? How so?


Lots of great reviews but Eurogamers closing paragraph made me scratch my head (just solely based on everyone elses glowing reviews).

Horizon Zero Dawn is a work of considerable finesse and technical bravado, but it falls into the trap of past Guerrilla games in being all too forgettable. For all its skin-deep dynamism it lacks spark; somewhat like the robotic dinosaurs that stalk its arrestingly beautiful open world, this is a mimic that's all dazzle, steel and neon yet can feel like it's operating without a heart of its own.

Makes it seem if they still used scoring theyd give it a 7-8 at best.


I just saw the most explicitly ridiculous thing I've ever read on the board, which is that Metacritic has DAI at an 89? WTF. And I like that game.

Dragon Age Inquisition was very lucky to come out pre-Witcher 3.

Now its score would be much, much lower.
I am so so glad that this turned out well. What even was the last big new IP? Last I remember is TLOU. Though yes, Bloodborne is technically a new IP, I see it more as an extension of the Souls franchise. Really hope this sells well.

are you just counting PS exclusives?
there are many big new IPs all the time.


Really glad the story gets high praise from many folks. I had a hunch the story would be quite good when I watched the panel at PSX 2016 with John Gonzales explaining how they created the lore and story behind the initial concept of robot dinosaurs. It really showed me they had a good approach to this.


I just saw the most explicitly ridiculous thing I've ever read on the board, which is that Metacritic has DAI at an 89? WTF. And I like that game.

i though that game was atrocious. and things like that are why i tend to just buy whatever i think looks good and ignore reviews. it's nice to get some confirmation bias going on when a game i like the look of does review well (such as horizon for instance) but if it reviewed horribly i would still buy it

DA:I i went against my gut and followed the reviews and was left massively disappointed. i''m just glad i played it before the witcher 3, otherwise i'd have an even lower opinion of it lol


And it still is reasonable if you read on to the rest of my posts. As above, this is my first time posting in this thread, and I am judging an extrapolation of what my likely experience would be from what I have read and seen, just as I do the same for God of War and Last of Us part 2 and conclude the opposite - that's my taste and opinion. As above. Sorry to upset you for my opinions.
Right but the point was the post you made in this thread you could have made it in the steam thread and I would have no problems like I do now that I know more about your preferences but instead you choose to attack the game based on it's marketing and it's release platform. Your original post in the steam thread gave little insight as to what your preferences could be. That original post I found a bit offensive as someone who had/has an interest in the game for it's world and is not "causal" or easily swayed by marketing.
For the sake of my GAF browsing in the next 6 months this review score pleases me. Horizon fans are happy, derivative gameplay awareness types are happy that 90 is still sacred. there's a pretty good blockbuster for Sony fans and more importantly publishers need to continue to improve as derivative gameplay gets the magnifying glass treatment.

Happy gaming folks
what are you trying to say here


Those duller moments are a footnote, however, and they did little to slow down the game's momentum and my interest in it. Horizon Zero Dawn thrums with the energy of a creative team finally allowed to explore something new. It builds on elements of open-world and loot-and-craft gameplay that we've seen before, but it does so within a context, a setting and a style that feel fresh. Horizon Zero Dawn discovers a stronger sense of its own personality in one game than Killzone ever managed across half a dozen. Guerrilla Games has long been developing some of the most buzzed-about games in the industry; with Horizon, it feels like it has finally found its own voice, one worthy of all that buzz.
Truly awful review thread as always but I'm happy the game turned out to be legit great. I was very worried about the combat in particular. Doesn't sound too bad despite concerns of clunkiness.

Meh, this thread is going well, Ubisoft/Far Cr has only been mentioned 15 times. We have not gotten to White Women, Crackers, and no one has said Aloy is Ugly. We are ahead of the game.
Seeing all these positive reviews colored me surprise, in a good way. Im definitely hyped to play this now. Watching the EZA review solidified my hype even more so.
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