Let me just take a moment to give Guerilla some props here...
I'm gonna take a sample selection of posts I've made recently in regards to my expectations
From the Most anticipated Games 2017 vote where I put it at 9
looks like a million bucks but I'm still waiting to see if Guerilla Games can deliver on the gameplay front
From the much more specific what do you expect from Horizon thread
A good game that feels like a first draft for something better, I'm expecting a lot of "it's good but..." particularly in regards to the combat.
And for the plot and all that to be rather donkey balls in the grand scheme of things, not like offensively bad or anything, more like something that takes up more time than it warrants.
On the whole though another solid PS4 title that keeps the ball rolling in this kinda crazy quality first quarter.
And as a bonus, when someone asked if anyone was picking it up in the wrestling thread of all places
If reviews/impressions are good I'll probably get it at that £20 sweet spot.
Not quite ready to board a guerilla games hype train, that's like betting on an underachieving midcarder to suddenly put on a five star match.
So safe to say I was pretty consistent with expecting something solid but not much more.
Heck even when a friend asked me if I was getting it last week I was like "looks good but I'm just not sure if Guerilla can pull this off"
And here we are now, it sounds like they pulled it off.
I'm not sure this qualifies as me eating crow but perhaps there's a few feathers there at least to munch on.
So regardless of how I end up felling about the game as whole when I get round to it, it's cool to see them take the ball and run with it after effectively being known as the Killzone guys for years now.