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Horizon: Zero Dawn | Review Thread

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60 average score
6 games reviewed
16.67% of games recommended
Scores 16.83 points lower than the average

This has "this is a bad reviewer" written all over it. This woman should probably not have been given this game to review, since she seems to dislike nearly everything she plays outside of one cyberpunk game I've never heard of, and scores certain games (I am setsuna, horizon, paper mario color splash) WELL below industry averages, citing "this is a chore to play" as the most common complaint.
Actually thats just a function of her writing for Kill Screen, since they rate games very low. Her reviews are fine.
EZA gave it a 4 out of 5 (lower than I was expecting from them)... but gave it tons of praise.
Kinda Funny says it's PS4's best exclusive, beating even Uncharted 4.

I. Cannot. Wait.


Forget the one bad review guys. It's an outlier. General consensus is extremely positive.

If you don't agree with a reviewer or their tastes you are free to disregard their opinion when it comes to your purchasing decision.
what was that one low review for UC3 that caused all of the meltdowns? folks are so fixated on this US gamer review

Outlier review scores always tend to draw the most attention. People seem to have trouble understanding how an opinion can deviate from the majority.


Why does he wear the mask!?
It never looked that interesting to me either. I've been critical of its Ubisoft-y aspects in the past. The difference is, I didn't express my opinions in a community thread that has nothing to do with the game.

Also, three weeks ago isn't a very long period of time.

Well for a game you're not too bothered about, it's humorous that you'd remember and reference posts from three weeks back.

The way the shell rolls down the hill, and the enemy faultlessly animates to repair itself is absolutely incredible to me

I'm sure its simple physics and I know that they somewhat fudge the animation by having the shell magnetise into a position for the canned animation to start, but it looks brilliant
what was that one low review for UC3 that caused all of the meltdowns? folks are so fixated on this US gamer review

Folk got salty and angry about certain reviews for Uncharted 4 too (and got banned in numbers as well).

Exclusives do weird things to folk, but Playstation exclusives seem to bring unusual levels of angst and unbridled hostility when it comes to reviews, especially dissenting ones.

It never looked that interesting to me either. I've been critical of its Ubisoft-y aspects in the past. The difference is, I didn't express my opinions in a community thread that has nothing to do with the game.

Also, three weeks ago isn't a very long period of time.

Umm, I'm pretty sure most people can tell when posters have an axe to grind. You had that crow on low simmer for weeks.
I think the bigger issue with USGamer's score is their choice of reviewer. I get that not everyone will like the same things, but it would be the same as if I was assigned a review for a racing game. I should recuse myself if I was at all a decent reviewer as I do not get any enjoyment from racing games. Having me give Forza or Gran Turismo a 5/10 as I'm bored after a race or two is pointless and really makes USGamer seem like a low tier publication.
See my edit. My feelings still stand. If anything it's unfortunate she's being given games to review that she doesn't enjoy much, but that doesn't make those reviews or the scores that were given invalid.

And if anything that average ZTD score is too high.

Which is the problem. Not every game is going to resonate with everyone. I don't like GTA at all as a series, but I'm not going to review the game and give it a 3/10 because "GTA is a chore to play" for me.

There's not a lot to go on since she doesn't seem to have a lot of reviews, but being persistently well below average for every game, usually with the same complaints is a problem. Hell, she gives the exact same complaints for Horizon as she does "I am setsuna" and scores them both as a 5/10 because she can't bring herself to care about the story.

As another poster pointed out- 4/10, 5/10 are extremely low scores- even within the same publications (Polygon, USgamer) so we don't have an "edge" situation where 5/10 is "average."
Folk got salty and angry about certain reviews for Uncharted 4 too (and got banned in numbers as well).

Exclusives do weird things to folk, but Playstation exclusives seem to bring unusual levels of angst and unbridled hostility when it comes to reviews, especially dissenting ones.

This is some slant, it is as bad for any exclusive period, it is not worst for PS exclusives, only difference is PS exclusives would prob garner a bit more attention with 25 or so more million players.

The way the shell rolls down the hill, and the enemy faultlessly animates to repair itself is absolutely incredible to me

I'm sure its simple physics and I know that they somewhat fudge the animation by having the shell magnetise into a position for the canned animation to start, but it looks brilliant

I believe this is the new standard for production value in an open world game. Previously held by Arkham Knight. Hate the game you want, but the game is polished as fuck. (Yeah, PC version, I know).


Why make a fuss over a single bad review? Yeah, that score is normally reserved for truly bad games, but that person just happened to not like it at all while 95%+ of the other reviewers did.

All you're doing is giving the people who desperately wanted meltdowns a reason to post a comment. Move on.


what was that one low review for UC3 that caused all of the meltdowns? folks are so fixated on this US gamer review
It's one thing to give a game that is universally praised a 7. It's a completely different thing to give a game that everybody is giving 8's & 9's a 5. That's a big gap and makes me question the reviewer cause. A 5/10 is usually the score given to a poor game.


It's one thing to give a game that is universally praised a 7. It's a completely different thing to give a game that everybody is giving 8's & 9's a 5. That's a big gap and makes me question the reviewer cause. A 5/10 is usually the score given to a poor game.

its an opinion


It's one thing to give a game that is universally praised a 7. It's a completely different thing to give a game that everybody is giving 8's & 9's a 5. That's a big gap and makes me question the reviewer cause. A 5/10 is usually the score given to a poor game.
Maybe they thought it was poor


I don't even like Zelda that much but there is a 0% chance that it'll get an average below 90.

I hope reviewers have Horizon fresh in their minds when looking at Zelda.

Horizon is a new IP with no preconceived notions or reputation around its quality and was reviewed as such.

I hope Zelda gets the same treatment and reviewers leave their rose-tinted glasses off and judge the game on its own merits and not just give it high scores because it has Zelda in the title.
People tend to pile on people here if someone calls out a review, but when 1 single review deviates from 70 + others so much, and says things counter to everyone else, I think there is a discussion to be had, within reason, no one should be attacked personally.

This is why imo, Meta critic should toss out the lowest, and highest score so the outliers don't influence the consensus.


I'm surprised at the reviews.
The game doesn't sell itself well, to me, in previews.

It went from a meh, to now I have to check this out.


I think the bigger issue with USGamer's score is their choice of reviewer. I get that not everyone will like the same things, but it would be the same as if I was assigned a review for a racing game. I should recuse myself if I was at all a decent reviewer as I do not get any enjoyment from racing games. Having me give Forza or Gran Turismo a 5/10 as I'm bored after a race or two is pointless and really makes USGamer seem like a low tier publication.

I kind of agree with this although I don't care about reviews mostly at all. But since Zelda is mentioned, say I was a reviewer and my boss was like hey review this Zelda game should I play it forced for a few hours then just give it a 5,6 and say it's not my cup of tea ? Or say to my boss hey I'm not interested in this game maybe you should send it to another reviewer ? On the one hand it's your job on the other if you review art do you still review art you dislike? I definitely see in other industries they review everything like a dumb comedy may often get a 2/10 but do 100 million box office.

ACE 1991

Man, Eurogamer's review cited all the problems I feared this game might have. Maybe I'll wait for it to get cheaper and give it a go, I'm so burnt out on all these similarly designed open-world games at the moment. Game sure is drop dead gorgeous, though!
Poor Kat. :[
Female icons friend, not female footnotes.

Half joking because I do like Kat.

Zelda always gets a pass despite it's shittiness.

Not agreeing with shittiness BUT in a world where Phantom Hourglass is one of the highest rated DS titles you're not entirely wrong either.
I have always felt that certain series like Zelda and GTA (coming to think of it, guess one of the other top rated DS titles!) have an almost guaranteed pass to the 90 plus realm, you can't match certain franchise fervour, hence why Hyrule Warriors can outsell some of the actual best WiiU games.
I think the bigger issue with USGamer's score is their choice of reviewer. I get that not everyone will like the same things, but it would be the same as if I was assigned a review for a racing game. I should recuse myself if I was at all a decent reviewer as I do not get any enjoyment from racing games. Having me give Forza or Gran Turismo a 5/10 as I'm bored after a race or two is pointless and really makes USGamer seem like a low tier publication.

I know Engadget isn't on MC, nor do they assign scores to games, but their reviewer isn't particularly fond of open world games, yet came away enamored by it. While I understand what you're getting at, there's nothing to suggest the reviewer doesn't play open world titles outside of what she's reviewed, so it's a flawed premise.

60 average score
6 games reviewed
16.67% of games recommended
Scores 16.83 points lower than the average

This has "this is a bad reviewer" written all over it. This woman should probably not have been given this game to review, since she seems to dislike nearly everything she plays outside of one cyberpunk game I've never heard of, and scores certain games (I am setsuna, horizon, paper mario color splash) WELL below industry averages, citing "this is a chore to play" as the most common complaint.

Who the fuck cares
Man, Eurogamer's review cited all the problems I feared this game might have. Maybe I'll wait for it to get cheaper and give it a go, I'm so burnt out on all these similarly designed open-world games at the moment. Game sure is drop dead gorgeous, though!

70 + reviews, let me see which one confirms my bias "Eurogamer"....


Too much harping on one poor review. Reviewer didn't like the game, and that happens. Vast majority love it, which is great.
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