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Horizon: Zero Dawn | Review Thread

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There are plenty of resources you can get that information from already. I would also presume that you're not paying the bill of this particular reviewer and don't have access to their job description.

Sorry, I think you may have misunderstood me: I wasn't referring to a particular review; I just responded to a post that I disagreed with.

I think a 0/10 score should really be for a broken game, or something completely unacceptable. An element of that has to be objective for the review to have value. There's always going to be some personal preference in there, but it has to be balanced with some objectivity.


Xbox don't got shit. I mean best new IP is oriented and the bling forest which was fantastic but that alone can't carry. Killer instinct is also good. But that system needs more.

Any way you spin it seems like an unfair comparison between ps4 and Xbox one. Matter of fact my Wii u provides more entertainment.

That is either a terrible typo or slam dunk autocorrect
I love my Xbox One and many of it's features over what Sony offers. But the PS4 kicks it's ass 7 days a week and twice on Sunday when it comes to exclusives. It is what it is.

Yeah, I don't think its even a discussion point anymore.

I think MS is still doing all kinds of awesome stuff. Their back compatibility effort this gen is awesome, and not something that should just be brushed off. Its really nice. And there are other cool things they do as well.

But man, the PS4 when it comes to exclusives just crushes Xbox, and I loved Gears 4 and Forza Horizon as much as everyone else. But just look at it, Sony has had more great exclusive games in the past 3 months than MS has had in the last year


It's not about that. It's not 'offending' anyone.
I just think it's a bit petty to just take sides like that representing a gaming news outlet. But that's just me. I don't like circlejerks.
The phrasing could be taken that way but I think it's a fair point, the exclusives war has got very one-sided in Sony's favour and reporters and critics shouldn't shy away from saying it.

Hopefully the result is that it puts pressure on Microsoft to up their game.


Attacking? You have an odd definition for attacking. You post is classic confirmation bias. If you are going to ignore 96% of reviews why even bother?

Well you know, you totally checkmated me and said I was biased, that's an attack.

Do you really think Edge out of all publications would always align with my confirmation bias? Give me a break. Gee.
indeed people can disagree that he as a top journalist shouldn't state such but the exclusive argument isn't really even a argument anymore but more a hidden truth

it is night and day with the PS4 and Xbox One

and MS seems to still be chasing after Sony in trying to do things Sony did a while back instead of actually focusing on their line up

I mean sure make Scorpio a very powerful console and what not but what point does that have if you don't have any diverse good games

plus the whole PC thing makes it minute since if all the games are on PC then what is the point of getting this "most powerful" console when your gaming rig can do better


Well maybe this reviewer uses the entire scale as opposed to the rest of the industry.

Also I never liked comparing it to a grading scale since there's no difference between 0 and 50, since it's only 5 grades, which is technically a normal 5 star system. It's all semantics anyways

They don't. Looking on their metacritic page, their score is actually a bit higher than the average reviewer. It's fine that they rated it a 5/10 (opinions and all), but it is certainly not average, even by their standards.


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
Sorry, I think you may have misunderstood me: I wasn't referring to a particular review; I just responded to a post that I disagreed with.

I think a 0/10 score should really be for a broken game, or something completely unacceptable. An element of that has to be objective for the review to have value. There's always going to be some personal preference in there, but it has to be balanced with some objectivity.

Why you didn't respond to my comment..... =/

Yeah that's fine and all but what good will Scorpio be if MS's state of first party games are in the same situation?

This "Scorpio" single post t's a GAF joke.


It's great to try and be even handed. There is a point where the gap in quality becomes so large that it becomes conspicuous to overlook it in the name of diplomacy.


I would just advise avoiding Youtube comments period. I would even be wary of Youtube thumbnails.
I generally do avoid them for things like this. I unintentionally looked over while clicking one of the similar videos on the right and caught a glimpse of a comment I didn't want to see, so just wanted to give a heads up for those checking out review videos. Hopefully it's just BS...


Scalebound being canceled just really killed my excitement for the exclusive front... I just hope they have something else planned besides Sea of Thieves because my One is getting dusty.
indeed people can disagree that he as a top journalist shouldn't state such but the exclusive argument isn't really even a argument anymore but more a hidden truth

it is night and day with the PS4 and Xbox One

if anyone reads down on his tweet - he clarifies it further. The fact that WIn10 games = no xboxone exclusives = gamers with a PC will get almost all content btw PS4+Xboxone = negates the need for a Xboxone.


Yeah. When MS were offering more Gears, Halo and Forza, games were wanting something new. Sony has been wise to not milk Infamous and Killzone and God of War and Uncharted to death and let devs offer something new and different to get a new audience excited and ensuring veterans don't die of franchise fatigue.


Great to see this game is reviewing so well! Horizon Zero Dawn was the game that made me want a PS4 and now that it's getting great scores I can safely assume I'll be buying a PS4 sometime before the end of the year to play it!
Scalebound being canceled just really killed my excitement for the exclusive front... I just hope they have something else planned besides Sea of Thieves because my One is getting dusty.

Yep, Scalebound's cancellation did it for me. Still pretty annoyed about it.


Good grief, some of y'all in here really need a ride on the relaxi taxi.

Nice to see the glut of such extreme positivity, especially Jeff dropping the 5-star. Time to put my order in and crawl back under my rock. One more week :D
MS has just made too many mistakes over the past few years. Given their relationship with Bungie Destiny should've been an Xbox exclusive if it wasn't for Microsoft's shortsightedness insisting they continue to churn out halo. I prefer the Xbox ecosystem but their exclusives have been disappointing this gen. I'm close to going back to PS4 because lack of exclusives and the worst version of all third parties is not a great value proposition.
I generally do avoid them for things like this. I unintentionally looked over while clicking one of the similar videos on the right and caught a glimpse of a comment I didn't want to see, so just wanted to give a heads up for those checking out review videos. Hopefully it's just BS...

If it's any consolation, it would very difficult to spoil any of this game's reveals in just a few words, and the ending in particular can't really be effectively spoiled without a lot of surrounding info/context.

So, without knowing what you saw, I doubt you have anything to be worried. And if somebody was just spouting the 4chan leaks from awhile ago, that's straight false.


if anyone reads down on his tweet - he clarifies it further. The fact that WIn10 games = no xboxone exclusives = gamers with a PC will get almost all content btw PS4+Xboxone = negates the need for a Xboxone.

Looks like someone has found the hole in Phil's plan. Again



well damn

New controller colors?


But for as good as the title is at ticking boxes, it also has plenty to say for itself. Indeed, those who chastised Guerrilla Games for failing to flesh out the Helghast's story may be surprised by just how much lore is crammed into this 50 or so hour epic.

As an outcast, the red-headed huntress serves as the perfect protagonist: her instinctive curiosity gives the game the perfect excuse to drip-feed you information about the world in which you exist, and you may be surprised by how engaging it all is.
And it's through the many main and side quests that you'll become attached to the character. Despite the mission design never quite reaching the astronomical highs of Geralt's most recent campaign, there's a lot to like: each short story has its own self-contained arc which either helps to expand upon your understanding of the world or enrich Aloy as a character. There is some poor voice acting – though nothing ever sinks as low as the now infamous Brom quest – and a couple of death scenes will make you cringe, but on the whole it's good stuff.


If it's any consolation, it would very difficult to spoil any of this game's reveals in just a few words, and the ending in particular can't really be effectively spoiled without a lot of surrounding info/context.

So, without knowing what you saw, I doubt you have anything to be worried. And if somebody was just spouting the 4chan leaks from awhile ago, that's straight false.
That's a relief, because what I did see was indeed just a few words.


Another one?

It seems like a new highly rated PS4 exclusive drops every week. Gotta get me a Pro but Ryzen is around the corner.


It will be the sama thing but now the same problem will be in 4K.
You cant say for sure. E3 will tell what they are up to. Unless youre ms. Cleo?
@OnemanAsylum cant say thats the truth because none of us know what Microsoft has following Scorpio release. If you dont see them pick it up following e3 and on then you can say "truth hurts".
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