Hmm almost like
quantum break (cinematic 3rd person action)
Recore (ARPG)
Sunset Overdrive (open world RPG)
Forza Motorsport (sim racing)
Forza Horizon (open world arcade racing)
halo (FPS)
Gears (TPS)
Ryse (action Adventure)
Crackdown (sandbox open world RPG)
Sea of Thieves (shared world MMO type game)
Dead Rising (open world RPG/Zombie survival)
State of Decay 2 (MMO/zombie survival)
D4 (story pick your adventure style game)
Gigantic (MOBA)
Halo Wars 2 (RTS)
hmm yup never mind i must be wrong it's a halo box only just for FPS players/Sarcasm
D4, Gigantic, Dead Rising, Record, Ryse were below average. Halo 5 and Gears haven't reviewed as well as Uncharted 4.
Peoples aren't listing games like Tales of Berseria, Killzone Shadowfall, inFamous Second Son and The Order to make a point.
People are listing games like Bloodborne, Persona 5, Nioh, Horizon to state that Sony are releasing not only more exclusives bit higher reviewed exclusives.