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Horizon: Zero Dawn | Review Thread

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Incredibly Naive
Gravity Rush 2
Yakuza 0
Persona 5
Gran Turismo Sport
Uncharted Lost Legacy
Knack 2
Ni No Kuni 2

Maybe one of the following for Q4?
Days Gone
God of War

I've removed the remasters even the Crash remake. And the lineup is still insane. For me personally Horizon and Uncharted Lost Legacy and Persona 5 make the year. Also note I haven't included super niche games like Tales of Berseria or indie exclusives

Again I agree with you and in fact I'd keep crash because it's more of a full-blown remake than just a touchup like 2.8 or even when people were including gow3r or tlour .

I may have remembered wrong though isn't no no Kuni going to PC?


Hope they make a sequel with Aloy.

Would they have a separate team to be able to have them work on Killzone with what they learned from this game?

Feel like a open world style third person killzone game with tactics could be really cool in the killzone universe especially if they take it to other planets with alien life.

or after this game being a success which I'm certain it will, are they done with that for a while and concentrating on this series if it does continue?

If this is a sales success no doubt Guerrilla will make 2 more sequels at the least. Horizon has a expansive world and alot of lore. I'm sure they can milk this IP way more. We all thought Last of Us was going to be a standalone game but sales success has managed to make Naughty Dog make a sequel.


Incredibly Naive
If this is a sales success no doubt Guerrilla will make 2 more sequels at the least. Horizon has a expansive world and alot of lore. I'm sure they can milk this IP way more. We all thought Last of Us was going to be a standalone game but sales success has managed to make Naughty Dog make a sequel.

I think tlou2 was always being considered.

Edit- also I'm glad for GG to get this chance. Honestly they needed to move on from kz imo. I got to talk with a few of them at a bar after the reveal and they were so confident and excited to show what they had in store.
I'm confused did I miss a console war Should i go back a few pages? What was the point of this

not at all. just showing both sides of the coins. there are people who believe one console has crap and the other has a wealth of games. the reality is both have plenty of good games for everyone. look at the post i replied to ;)
D4, Gigantic, Dead Rising, Record, Ryse were below average. Halo 5 and Gears haven't reviewed as well as Uncharted 4.

Peoples aren't listing games like Tales of Berseria, Killzone Shadowfall, inFamous Second Son and The Order to make a point.

People are listing games like Bloodborne, Persona 5, Nioh, Horizon to state that Sony are releasing not only more exclusives bit higher reviewed exclusives.

I never said what was good or bad. it's all pretty subjective. I was just replying to someone who said "unlike MS who only focuses on one game "halo"

Even if the output is bad in someones eyes, it's still a wide variety of stuff.

The system wars posts on here are ridiculous. IDK why people can't enjoy one thing without putting down another

Personally As someone who has a PC, PS4, and XB1 i enjoy all the variety and games I get. IDK why others can't be that way

Horizon Zero Dawn is going to make other open-world developers sick with envy.

It is The Witcher 3 of post-post-apocalyptic robo-dino adventures; it is the sort of thing Ubisoft will wish you had never seen if it dares to release another time-sucking, glitch-filled Assassin’s Creed.

This is very probably the most flawless open world game ever made.


That is some incredible praise, and beautiful shots fired haha.
Aren't those all coming out on PC too?

None of the titles listed here hold a candle to Sony's exclusive catalogue, at least from category-defining, industry-shifting standpoint. That is what Microsoft needs to find.

What is the point of this? You are only highlighting the differences between the two.

u know what, never mind. you guys keep doing what you do. I'm just throwing all the fanboys on ignore so i can enjoy the forums and discuss games with actual gamers


Incredibly Naive
u know what, never mind. you guys keep doing what you do. I'm just throwing all the fanboys on ignore so i can enjoy the forums and discuss games with actual gamers

Man just don't even get into it. The console wars are everywhere I've learned to just let it go. To them seeing games review well or turn out great isn't about great or fun games, it's to stroke their ego which is for whatever reason tied to their console of choice.


I've been playing Guerrilla games since the first Killzone so these reviews are amazing to see. So glad to see them getting the recognition they deserve.


Incredibly Naive
Depends on what you liked about TW3. The side quests here are not as creative and the game is not as long as TW3.

Pretty much everything in tw3 tbh, but yeah the side quests in there were unreal. No fetch quests or filler, each quest was engaging and fun. Most of the time sidequests can be a drag in games. Infamous imo was a good series held back from great by awful fetch quests and repetitive stuff.


Depends on what you liked about TW3. The side quests here are not as creative and the game is not as long as TW3.

...But the world is more interesting and the combat is light years better.

I'm not sure TW3's side quests are even that creative either really. They just wrapped them in some really nice narrative.


Since the game seems to be around 30 hours I will probably buy it on release. Im happy a game with such aesthetic and style exists bow :)
Man just don't even get into it. The console wars are everywhere I've learned to just let it go. To them seeing games review well or turn out great isn't about great or fun games, it's to stroke their ego which is for whatever reason tied to their console of choice.

yup. i just added all them to ignore. it's that easy. I'll ignore the irrational fanboys. they are pretty easy to spot. then I can enjoy conversing with actual gamers. I'm sure most of them will get banned eventually anyway
Is this thread about to devolve into a dumb list war, or has it already?

Depends on what you liked about TW3. The side quests here are not as creative and the game is not as long as TW3.

I'm guessing for me, combat alone in Horizon will put it above TW3 just going off reviews and impressions.


Always knew it was more akin to TW3.

Give it to me, GG.

Mikey Jr.

Yeah, the Witcher 3 combat was poor.

I always dreaded when I had to fight something. Also, it didn't run great on PS4 out of the gate. Took a couple of patches.

Also, its Witcher THREE. Give Guerilla a chance, haha. Witcher 1 was terrible.
If this is a sales success no doubt Guerrilla will make 2 more sequels at the least. Horizon has a expansive world and alot of lore. I'm sure they can milk this IP way more. We all thought Last of Us was going to be a standalone game but sales success has managed to make Naughty Dog make a sequel.

No we didn't. I always thought a sequel would happen, especially once we found out Uncharted 4 would be the last Uncharted game Naughty Dog would make.

The Lamp

FYI the Collector's Edition is back up on Amazon.

I reinstated my pre-order. I love this game so much I want to buy a collector's copy at launch.


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
Sorry, I got sidetracked responding to Servbot24's reply.

I think your examples of inexcusable content are likely to result in a game failing to get the relevant certification to even be released. Do you think that a game that tackled those themes in an inexcusable way would get as far as being reviewed?

Thanks for you response and sorry for the late reply.

In relation to certification (I hope that) we can always have the PC ecosystem that support self publishing for better or worst.

Games like Hatred were published before and will continue to be made. It has almost 50 reviews registered on Metacritic, and one of them is a 7 out of 100. That to me is almost the same as a 0. The "positive" quote is this one:

Hatred, as a piece of transgressive art, is a failure. It's dull, its violence crass and unconvincing, and its understanding of humanity shallow at best. But it's worth looking at, if only to understand why, and if only to interrogate what, if anything, could be gained from peering closely at something so horrible.

If you read the whole review you'll see that the reviewer make a lot of good points and explain really well why reviewing the game is important, even if the score is almost null.

But, I think there is a grey area there: What about Manhunt? Technically competent? What about the morality of the game? What about GTA? Ethically dubious? How many points do we deduct?

The amount of points deducted is determined by each person. I may have a bigger aversion to a theme than you, because of personal preferences, life background, etc. Games aren't ever like "I like open world/I dislike FPS" and that's it.

I doubt we're going to agree, and I don't want to have a bad-tempered argument. I just think that a 0/10 review needs something solid on a technical front to back it up. Opinions are one thing, reviews are another.

As I said, personally I have no problem with the scores of reviews, for me what needs to be judged is the content of it. if the person can articulate why he thinks the game deserves a high, low, perfect or zero score that's all that matters.

And don't worry about it turning into a bad-tempered argument, it's great to debate with others that have a different view about a subject (at least not because of me).

Reviews are opinions. If you want a review to be nothing but facts it would no longer be recognizable from what we call reviews. And even taking your point into consideration, that the review needs to tackle the technical aspects of a game, that too would be opinion. Some people have zero problems with framerate drops and others find games that do completely unplayable.

Whenever you ask someone to review a product and give a score, it's in the opinion of the person who reviewed said product.

I mostly agree with this.

Even pc parts reviews generally devolve into opinion territory. If reviews were 100% objective they would be simple feature sheets.
Yeah, the Witcher 3 combat was poor.

I always dreaded when I had to fight something. Also, it didn't run great on PS4 out of the gate. Took a couple of patches.

Also, its Witcher THREE. Give Guerilla a chance, haha. Witcher 1 was terrible.

Not only that. Its their first open world action rpg and they seemed to have knocked it out of the park.


Some high praise

Horizon Zero Dawn is an instant classic: tough, challenging, huge, incredibly fun to play. It's the new definition of the videogame in the most classical way, where the center of the experience is the genuine entertainment of the player. There are some minor flaws here and there, and the narrative isn't as strong as it could've been, but nonetheless, it's the best action game of this generation.

Even of it wasnt in and open world game the combat sounds amazing.


I am salty as fuck because I kept telling myself
"This game gunna suuck, I can gladly sell my ps4 and only play PC and switch from here on now, I only have to borrow a ps4 for uc4 dlc and tlou 2. The rest sucks dick and PC master raaace, and this gonna be a perfect symbol of a good looking but hollow POS game...go eat a duck ps4 pro"

(Bear with me, I didnt went to rl friends or any internet boards or comment sections and shat on their favourite console. I kept the struggel quiet lol. Unitl now. Well, now I want to write out why I feel that way. Not that I have an "actual" point why people shouldnt enjoy their console, far from it. )
(Also switch is gonna be alright for me because I see it as a handheld, so it is okay to exist besides my PC)

So yakuza 0 is fantastic, nioh is fantastic, horizon is fantastic and this bothers me, because after I switched to PC I noticed how much more the system fits me. How awesome discord is, how awesome it is to use a good PC for all my gaming needs, that I can use e.g. every music streaming service I want, not just spotify and the overall comfort and "freedom" is a thing a classic console cannot provide me with.

Because of this I secretly wish every game comes to PC and console exclusives are bothering as hell to me ATM.

Of course this is on the one hand petty, I mean pure pettyness. On the other it is my....uh..lustfull desire to stay on PC and feel like a champ doing it, still with a corporate thump up my bum, but less pronounced as when I am on ps4.

The newer exclusive titles for ps4 are ridiculous good and I am looking forward to play them as soon as I get to have time for them, but with a tear in one eye and a smile in the other.

TL;dr: I want to shit on ps4 because good ps4 exlusives give me the feeling that PC as a gaming platform is less awesome as I wish it could be but I know this is stupid behavoir so I dont do it, but I wish I could, I need an anonymous help therapy or something.
STILL: Congrats gg on this achievemnt and the technical praise also exites me. Good times for gaming!

And I hope this doesnt come across as trolling because it is meant to be the polar opposite. More of a self analysis

Mikey Jr.

If this is a sales success no doubt Guerrilla will make 2 more sequels at the least. Horizon has a expansive world and alot of lore. I'm sure they can milk this IP way more. We all thought Last of Us was going to be a standalone game but sales success has managed to make Naughty Dog make a sequel.

They are making Horizon 2. GG said just as much when they said Aloy might not be the protag in part 2.


Incredibly Naive
Wait...what the..that is some patronizing, hateful stuff. And to think, I was defending Nzyme earlier, based on the fact that he is usually quite a sensible poster. Not in that thread it seems.
The highly positive reception to the game must be annoying the hell out of them. Silly people.

Are you really getting bent out of shape about this? The thoughts were split with some people saying it looked good, others saying it looked like a generic open world game. Hell nzymes post was completely benign. How is he not being sensible? He basically said he's not into that type of game but good for those who are.
...But the world is more interesting and the combat is light years better.

I'm not sure TW3's side quests are even that creative either really. They just wrapped them in some really nice narrative.

You're right on the creative thing about The Witcher III, they're expertly written though. But you still have some quests of chasing goats and retrieve pans that I personally hate in every video game.


I am salty as fuck because I kept telling myself
"This game gunna suuck, I can gladly sell my ps4 and only play PC and switch from here on now, I only have to borrow a ps4 for uc4 dlc and tlou 2. The rest sucks dick and PC master raaace, and this gonna be a perfect symbol of a good looking but hollow POS game...go eat a duck ps4 pro"

(Bear with me, I didnt went to rl friends or any internet boards or comment sections and shat on their favourite console. I kept the struggel quiet lol. Unitl now. Well, now I want to write out why I feel that way. Not that I have an "actual" point why people shouldnt enjoy their console, far from it. )
(Also switch is gonna be alright for me because I see it as a handheld, so it is okay to exist besides my PC)

So yakuza 0 is fantastic, nioh is fantastic, horizon is fantastic and this bothers me, because after I switched to PC I noticed how much more the system fits me. How awesome discord is, how awesome it is to use a good PC for all my gaming needs, that I can use e.g. every music streaming service I want, not just spotify and the overall comfort and "freedom" is a thing a classic console cannot provide me with.

Because of this I secretly wish every game comes to PC and console exclusives are bothering as hell to me ATM.

Of course this is on the one hand petty, I mean pure pettyness. On the other it is my....uh..lustfull desire to stay on PC and feel like a champ doing it, still with a corporate thump up my bum, but less pronounced as when I am on ps4.

The newer exclusive titles for ps4 are ridiculous good and I am looking forward to play them as soon as I get to have time for them, but with a tear in one eye and a smile in the other.

TL;dr: I want to shit on ps4 because good ps4 exlusives give me the feeling that PC as a gaming platform is less awesome as I wish it could be but I know this is stupid behavoir so I dont do it, but I wish I could, I need an anonymous help therapy or something.
STILL: Congrats gg on this achievemnt and the technical praise also exites me. Good times for gaming!

And I hope this doesnt come across as trolling because it is meant to be the polar opposite. More of a self analysis

What the hell did I just read


I am salty as fuck because I kept telling myself
"This game gunna suuck, I can gladly sell my ps4 and only play PC and switch from here on now, I only have to borrow a ps4 for uc4 dlc and tlou 2. The rest sucks dick and PC master raaace, and this gonna be a perfect symbol of a good looking but hollow POS game...go eat a duck ps4 pro"

(Bear with me, I didnt went to rl friends or any internet boards or comment sections and shat on their favourite console. I kept the struggel quiet lol. Unitl now. Well, now I want to write out why I feel that way. Not that I have an "actual" point why people shouldnt enjoy their console, far from it. )
(Also switch is gonna be alright for me because I see it as a handheld, so it is okay to exist besides my PC)

So yakuza 0 is fantastic, nioh is fantastic, horizon is fantastic and this bothers me, because after I switched to PC I noticed how much more the system fits me. How awesome discord is, how awesome it is to use a good PC for all my gaming needs, that I can use e.g. every music streaming service I want, not just spotify and the overall comfort and "freedom" is a thing a classic console cannot provide me with.

Because of this I secretly wish every game comes to PC and console exclusives are bothering as hell to me ATM.

Of course this is on the one hand petty, I mean pure pettyness. On the other it is my....uh..lustfull desire to stay on PC and feel like a champ doing it, still with a corporate thump up my bum, but less pronounced as when I am on ps4.

The newer exclusive titles for ps4 are ridiculous good and I am looking forward to play them as soon as I get to have time for them, but with a tear in one eye and a smile in the other.

TL;dr: I want to shit on ps4 because good ps4 exlusives give me the feeling that PC as a gaming platform is less awesome as I wish it could be but I know this is stupid behavoir so I dont do it, but I wish I could, I need an anonymous help therapy or something.
STILL: Congrats gg on this achievemnt and the technical praise also exites me. Good times for gaming!

And I hope this doesnt come across as trolling because it is meant to be the polar opposite. More of a self analysis

You can do what I do.

Buy a capture card with no delay and play the ps4 on PC. All the comfort and multi tasking of PC with the ps4 library.

It's the best of both world. Ps4pro waiting for Horizon :D Discord running in background. Audio streamed to pc. =)



Horizon Zero Dawn is going to make other open-world developers sick with envy.

It is The Witcher 3 of post-post-apocalyptic robo-dino adventures; it is the sort of thing Ubisoft will wish you had never seen if it dares to release another time-sucking, glitch-filled Assassin’s Creed.

This is very probably the most flawless open world game ever made.

Really, gg should never touch killzone again and build their reputation un this IP.

Also, lol at that ubi slap
I'm caught off guard buy the comments that the game is "tough, challenging," but everything else sounds utterly fantastic. I'll probably pick this up.

I'm really glad the game is reviewing well. I was hoping it would be a winner.
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