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How Much It Would Cost To Build A PC As Powerful As The Xbox One X? (2019 edition)

And yet you've still done nothing to counter the point that Xbox live gold adds value when the original post I was responding to was about how its $60 a year just to play online multiplayer games. It's an old, tired argument pointing out that the games are not actually free. It's $40 a year. PC players need to stop acting like it's a even playing ground between having to deal with 15 different launchers and having the convenience, security, etc of a unified ecosystem. Dat shit ain't free.
Free multiplayer is multiplayer where I spend $0 to play online. If you have to pay money to play multiplayer, then it’s not free regardless of whether value is added through perks. The perks are of little significance in the context of “Can I play online without needing to pay money?” and “Can I use that money I saved to pay for other software or upgrade my PC?”

Even if I “only” pay $40/yr assuming it even stays at that price, you’re still talking about $240-$280 spent for a console generation. I can still get a decent GPU or I can upgrade my CPU. For context, I got my 2700x for $265 during the holiday season.
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Can you prove those keys are stolen? You do realize those keys were free right? How do you know if people didn't create a bunch of emails to get the keys to resale? Nope, I pay for new games full price. If there was a cheaper option, you can bet that i'll pick the cheaper option. Let me know where I can buy new games for $5 since you seem to know everything about buying stolen goods. Feel free to PM me your windows 10 receipt where you paid full price.
And you can prove these keys were not stollen? 100$ that's the price if you want to buy windows 10 legally, so it should be obvious to you these 4$ keys are from some suspicious source.

Yes, I have paid 100$ for my windows 10. I have a receipt, certificate of authenticity (COA), and license label on CD case. MS can use this informations to verify my product license is indeed mine. If you buy windows 10 for 4$ you will receive just a key without any licence and microsoft dont sell windows 10 legally that way (you can even read it on their site). You have no license, because you are using someone else product! That's why you get it so cheap.
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all pawel has managed to do is to convince me not to buy a xbox one x
I'm not a xbox fanboy and I dont need to convince you to buy this console. I consider PC a much better platform overall, but of course if you want to play games at better settings compared to xbox x then you need really good PC and that's the point. On GPU like 1080ti it's possible to surpass xbox x settings in games (for example use 4K native instead of dynamic 4K, and sometimes even 60fps is possible like in Gears Of War 4), but the thing is, 1.5 year ago I have paid more money for 1080ti alone (so without CPU, motherboard, windows 10 and other components costs) than for entire xbox x.


And you can prove these keys were not stollen? 100$ that's the price if you want to buy windows 10 legally, so it should be obvious to you these 4$ keys are from some suspicious source.

Yes, I have paid 100$ for my windows 10 license. I have a receipt, certificate of authenticity (COA), and license label on CD case. MS can use this informations to verify my product license is indeed mine.

If you buy windows 10 for 4$ you will receive just a key without any licence and microsoft dont sell windows 10 legally that way (I have read it on their site). You have no license, because you are using someone else product! That's why you get it so cheap.

I don't have to prove anything, you're the one thats making the claim that its stolen so the onus is on YOU. Where's the receipt?

Edit: I hope you guys complaining about stolen keys knows that you don't even need to pay for Windows 10, and no its not even piracy, go look it up.
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Likes moldy games
Buy a game on day of launch. PC, play it stuck with it. Xbox, play it fuck it off, get some money back. Buy a game on Steam sale, play it.stuck with it. Xbox, buy a game on sale, play it fuck it off get some money back. Only got to do that on 2-3 day one releases per year and that saving cancels the cost of Xbox live per year. Buy more games than that per year and PC costs you more.
And if you want to be even more anal PC's cost more electricity per year to run than Xbox. :messenger_winking_tongue:
Buy a game on day of launch. PC, play it stuck with it. Xbox, play it fuck it off, get some money back. Buy a game on Steam sale, play it.stuck with it. Xbox, buy a game on sale, play it fuck it off get some money back. Only got to do that on 2-3 day one releases per year and that saving cancels the cost of Xbox live per year. Buy more games than that per year and PC costs you more.
And if you want to be even more anal PC's cost more electricity per year to run than Xbox. :messenger_winking_tongue:

Games are cheaper on pc.
Theres also better sales.


Likes moldy games
Games are cheaper on pc.
Theres also better sales.
But your stuck with them . What ever game is on sale on PC what is available Xbox i can go and buy 2nd hand (excluding digital only releases) play it and fuck it off and some money back. You ain't doing that on PC.
Example, a quick search only tho, Black ops 4 PC CDkeys £24. Xbox Ebay £20, I can resell Xbox version on Ebay or walk in to Cex a get £10 for it.
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I don't have to prove anything, you're the one thats making the claim that its stolen so the onus is on YOU. Where's the receipt?

Edit: I hope you guys complaining about stolen keys knows that you don't even need to pay for Windows 10, and no its not even piracy, go look it up.
I find it entertaining that some people don’t realize that Microsoft, themselves, offer Windows for free albeit without customization options.


I don't have to prove anything, you're the one thats making the claim that its stolen so the onus is on YOU. Where's the receipt?
Here you can read how these keys are obtained, and none of these ways is legal.

These keys just aren’t legitimate. By purchasing them, you may be supporting criminals who steal credit card numbers. Or, you may be rewarding people who abuse programs set up to help students and encouraging the shutdown of these programs.

We all know it: There’s no way a $12 Windows product key was obtained legitimately. It’s just not possible.
Very well said, it's a common sense, yet guys like you still think buying products for 4% of it's price is perfectly normal :D.

I have my recepit somewhere, but why I even need to show it to you? Do I need to prove you something? Anyway I have HUNDREDS of various receipts, and because I would probably spend one hour to find it so I will just link you my order history instead (and without my personal and payment method data, because I dont want anyone here to see it)

As you can see in 2017 I have paid more than 100$ for my windows 10 copy, 429zł in 2017 it was probably like 130$ in my country.

Here's what legally bought windows 10 should have

If you buy 4$ windows, you have only key number without the certificate of authenticity and product ID, and even on this MS page it's clearly written the product key should not be purchased separately, while that's exactly how these 4-10$ windows 10 are sold.
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Here you can read how these keys are obtained, and because none of these ways is legal.

Very well said

I have my recepit somewhere, but why I even need to show it to you? Do I need to prove you something? Anyway I have HUNDREDS of various receipts, and because I would probably spend one hour to find it so I will just link you my order history instead (and without my personal and payment method data, because I dont want anyone here to see it)

As you can see in 2017 I have paid more than 100$ for my windows 10 copy, 429zł in 2017 it was probably like 130$ in my country.

Here's what legally bought windows 10 should have

If you buy 4$ windows, you have only key number without the certificate of authenticity and product ID, and even on this MS page it's clearly written the product key should not be purchased separately, while that's exactly like all these 4-10$ windows 10 are sold.

lol, goodjob paying $100 when you can get it for free from microsoft.


This right here. Some people just wanna get home and enjoy their games on a reliable and hassle-free console. Even if you put the PC on your TV for couch-gaming, it's still a hassle to do everything with just a controller, like setting a music on Spotify, choosing something on Netflix, selecting audio-output, etc.
Minor things, but they can be a bother to some people.
The thing is, this thread is not about what you prefer.......I have no problems with persons preferring consoles...I prefer consoles too, but I game on both, my PC is my XBOX atm.....The problem with the OP is that he asked, what it would take to build a system like the XBOX.......Truth is, he went way overboard on what it would truly cost......You don't need 16Gb of ram at 2666 MHz, you don't need a Ryzen 3 to go against the jaguars, 2 core 4 thread athlons and pentiums are more powerful CPU's and they clock much higher, which many games prefer....A keyboard and mouse for $44 was a big :messenger_hushed:.....A case for $39 was too much and nobody in their right mind is buying windows 10 for $139.....So these were just ways to heighten the price for PC components (that would match XBONEX) hardware, and it was not a genuine parts list with his request in mind....

I think the persons asking why would you buy an athlon or pentium when buying a PC are missing the point.......This is not a balls to the wall, rock your world gaming PC...It's simply an entry level, low budget build that matches or exceeds XBONEX, just what the OP asked.....This is why I provided him with the list I did.....

Now some people are being disingenous and saying I listed "used" parts, meaning plural, when I only listed one refurb.....Yet I said that if I wanted to I could get a 1TB HDD within the range of the refurb...It is so easy to get several new HDD's close to the $37 refurb i listed....Truth is, I just like seagate, all my HDD's are seagate, so I used that.....

Yet it doesn't take me a second to get several new 1TB drives all on one page on Amazon, and I'm pretty sure you can get some of these parts cheaper elsewhere, you don't have to buy all your kit on Amazon, but I just want to show that you don't even need to do that, I can get all my parts on AMazon without much shopping around for the cheapest parts.... So for all those saying I listed used parts....

Here are several brand new 1TB HDD's in the $38-39 price range, just $1-2 over the refurb I listed.....So here goes..





I'm sure I could get them cheaper on the net elsewhere, but why bother,the point is made....The only part that was a refurb is now brand new...Just add $1-2 to my final cost depending on what you choose, so again, what does it change really in the bottomline.....?

Unlike many people here I'm not Playstation or even Xbox fanboy (I game on every popular platform, and I have uploaded many screenshots from xbox x/PS4P/PC games here on neogaf). Because of that I'm not blind to facts. I can see xbox x CPU is weak as 100 years old man ;), but I can also see it's GPU is faster than people like you are willing to admit.
If you're going to start a post by saying you're not biased, then you are, it's as simple as that......You don't have to prove you're not biased to me, you don't have to post your game library or any thing like that, just discuss the merits of the thread genuinely...

I've noticed one thing in my years of forumning, if you are quick to call someone a fanboy, it's most likely you are the fanboy, I don't call people fanboys.....I have my preferences based on delivery, nothing more....I purchase any thing gaming if I think there is merit to it....The only XBOX console I missed out on was this one, because I have a PC.....where I can play 98% of XBOX exclusives even better.....That's no knock on an XBOX gamer, I will never tell anyone not to buy an XBOX or not to enjoy his games there, but we have to ensure the facts are straight how we present them, don't lie/obsfucate your way in presenting the XBOX in a better light than it is or as a more value oriented product than it is......So as far as this thread goes, if you want to build a PC matching XBONEX, it won't cost you $827.99...That was my entire point with my listed parts and I corroborated my take on it...I didn't just say you can build XBONEX level hardware cheaper than the OP stated, I showed him and I'm still showing the price I could get a new 7200rpm HDD 1TB for those who had issue with the refurb part I listed....

I have made extensive research in regards to PS4P and xbox x tech, so dont worry about that :). Xbox x GPU has indeed some vega features if you havent know that (delta color compression from vega for example improve memory bandwidth on xbox x), so maybe you should do your own research better next time before you suggest other people to do it for you.

With vega features like memory compression and dx12 processor build into hardware level on top of that it should be obvious to you xbox x GPU is more like RX 580 on steroids at this point (polaris RX 580 GPU has none of these said features).
You have to do better than that.....DCC has been a feature since GCN 1.2 on Fiji cards....


I know even Nvidia spoke a storm about it sometime in 2016 for Pascal.....Hey what do you know, found the article..2 seconds later...


DCC has grown over the years, but it's not a unique feature to Vega.....Also, DX12 on XBONEX is just to free up some cpu cycles at runtime......The XBOX-ONE family's OS drains more out of the CPU than competive OS's on consoles, so the DX12 logic helps with drawcalls, so DX12 is implemented somewhat in the logic of the command processor....Yet as I said, they had to do that to somewhat mitigate existing issues they had on vanilla XBOX-ONE, and yet, I'm not sure it's even enough.....You remember how the 4A devs had several issues with the prior API and how much overhead it had, that's just that, trying to mitigate an issue people complained of and that was clearly losing them some perf in games, their OS and API was bloated, so they used this measure in their mid-gen box, but how is this making the XBONEX GTX 1070 level hardware? This is insane, it's just a pipe dream for the hardware to reach such levels......Even in DX12 titles, the RX 580 does not beat a 1070, to think an XBOX already cashstrapped with a worse CPU is going to do so is just wishful thinking.....

MS's OS is a CPU drain, why do you think it's so slow at times? Then when you get into games, why do you think Apex is struggling moreso when the whole map is being drawn in as you parachute down from an XBONEX or anytime you become airborne?....Had they not put that locgic into the CP, it would be alot worse......There's a reason PRO is doing a bit better in a few open world games with lots of draw....Everything can be explained, yet, you have to want to know the answer instead of obsfucating it, all of this because you're trying very hard to validate a piece of kit that you own....

Thanks to these architecture changes on xbox x GPU is able to double PS4P GPU results with only 1.8 TFLOPS more! Red dead redemption 2 runs on xbox x with twice as many pixels compared to PS4P so that should show everyone how important these architecture improvements were on xbox x console.
No, Red Dead is still a bad CB implementation, we know rockstar hardly fixes things, in two years they'll probably say on a Sony stage, "you can now play RDR2 at 4k 60fps with enhancements on a PS5"........As opposed to just fixing their HDR and making the PRO version native 1620p or 1800p, where it would look much sharper......Hell, even 1440p will look sharper as a low ball effort from what they have now, because though it would be fewer pixels, the aspect ratio would be in scale to our TV's and upscaling to 4K would be a thousand times better on 4k screens. It would look better than what they have now and perform better as well...Will they do it? Ha, these guys could not even bother to PRO patch GTA5...The La Noire remaster leaves alot to be desired, just the same.....

I guess for RDR2, the sales ratio on PS4 was so high, close to 70% in the UK, and I'm thinking the same or even higher for GTA5....So they're probably saying, no need to spend more resources on PS......These guys don't care about rez, they'll purchase the games in droves anyway, lets save our money and put all our resources into the next GTA....We'll remaster RDR2 come PS5/XB2 and they'll buy 20 million copies again.....PS5 owners will have more incentive to buy and full our coffers yet again because they will want or will be thirsting for a non-blurry image.....So yes, rockstar knows business, it's not the hardware preventing RDR2 from being sharper and not as blurry on PRO......That aspect ratio upscaled just murders IQ and they know it.....I guess something to look out for on PS5 eh!.......I tell you, that's why I wish Sony would invest in The Getaway again for next gen , we need another Getaway game stat.....

You say there's nothing to suggest xbox x GPU can be compared to 1070, yet I have seen many games on xbox x with performance like 1070 (and if not better). On top of that some developers even compared xbox x GPU performance to 1070, and warthunder developer in particular compared it even to 1080.
NO there's nothing......So you're saying an XBONEX also matches a 1660ti which is in line with a 1070? ....I mean come on man..

Don't even need to show videos on the 1070....This is a 1060 in Soul Calibur at max settings...It runs better than XBONEX and looks better...at the same rez

Yet on that GTX 1070, I had to address that didn't I......

So you're saying, you're seeing equivalent performance and settings to these games on your X. Notwithstanding, there's no resolution lower than 4k here, no settings on low or medium, no dynamic resolution which most games have on the X, and still, the X with lowered settings fall below 30 fps or 60fps or it's target settings, sometimes with tearing in many cases....Even these days, many games use Checkerboard Rendering which Phil said you would never see on the X....Is that what you're saying? That this XBONEX piece of kit in question matches settings/visuals and perf at locked 4k with just as much aplomb as the GTX 1070 in the video below?

I remember one GTX 1060 user here on neogaf, who have argued with me his 1060 can match xbox x results in forza 7, but when I have asked him to provide recorded gameplay from one rainy stage in particular he had dips there to around low 50 fps, and that was with high settings only (I bet xbox x settings are matched at this point, if not even better). With maxed out settings and 4xMSAA forza 7 dips to low 40 fps on GTX 1060 (on YT MaDz gaming channel there's gameplay video with dips like that and MaDz even admitted his 1060 6GB was not able to match xbox x results in this game).
The XBONEX does not run Forza 7 at 4k max settings....The 580 performs better in that title than the 1060 due to DX12, so the masher I put together on the first page will run this title at 4k max settings......with an RX 580 installed...

Besides forza there are also other games that shows much better performance compared to 1060. Games like metro exodus, and wolfenstein 2 in particular are very interesting. Wolfenstein 2 runs on xbox x in 4K dynamic at 55-60fps and close to high settings. 1060 even with 2GHz OC runs the same game at 45-55fps at 4K dynamic and that's with LOW and medium settings mix (RX 580 results are only 2-3fps better in this game compared to 1060). So even with worse settings both 1060 and RX 580 cant match xbox x results.
No, the 1060 and 580 runs the game much better than XBONEX...FYI, XBONEX is running lower volumetrics than the PRO, lots of the quality settings on XBONEX are certainly not on Ultra, so at XBONEX settings, the PC runs this game much better.

GTX 1060

RX 580

It's funny, but if people are willing to list stolen products prices because they see nothing wrong with it, then I'm guessing people can also buy stolen xbox X console :D. Guys, I have no idea how much stolen xbox x could cost, but I'm guessing it's probably lower than 300 :D?
The only reason why you brought this into the conversation is because you want to heighten the price of buying windows........The truth is, windows can be bought for $4 on ebay, no matter how many times you say the keys are stolen won't make it true......The onus is on you to prove this....Why isn't ebay shutting these vendors down or MS not shutting them down for that matter? On the flip, MS is the master OS builders, surely, they would tell me I just bought a stolen key, try a key you know to be stolen and see if it will go through MS servers?.....So yes, .I want you to prove what you're saying here....This is too desperate an attempt to put XBOX in a better light....$139 for windows 10 to boost up the price of building a cheap PC, $44 for a mouse and keyboard...Pfftt...I want you to prove that my key was stolen....


I'm not a xbox fanboy and I dont need to convince you to buy this console. I consider PC a much better platform overall
I find that hard to believe and dont' worry, you weren't going to convince me of anything. The fact you have to consider PC as a better platform is quite the telling story.
all pawel has managed to do is to convince me not to buy a xbox one x

Same here, people seem to be not-convincing me to buy an One X at all by coming up with info that isnt correct.
A 1060/580 with about any CPU will match the one x, those GPU's came way before the One X even released. They are relatively inexpensive GPU's even when they launched. You can also do much more with the pc.
Wow....Hunert Smo.....I mean Voost kain......Why do you need to spend all that money, if you're just trying to build similar XBONEX hardware????...

Go to Amazon

CPU: Athlon CPU $52 or you can get an intel Pentium
Memory: 8 GB Corsair Vengeance at 2400Mhz for $46
HDD: Seagate 1TB HDD refurb for $37
GPU: XFX RX 580 GTS $189
Case: Rosewill Microt ATX Mini-Case $23
Keybaord and Mouse: Amazon Basics K&M combo $14
Power Supply: Thermal Take 500W PSU $40
Motherboard: Gigabyte AM4 Micro ATX $64
Windows PRO Key $4 average

Total $469.00

Now come on now, I bought another windows key for $3.11 on Ebay a few days back.....It's the PRO version 32/64bit...Home? Who's buying that anyway @ $139.00???? Come on Voost...

You can run your games at 16xAF or run it at 1080p/60fps ultra or high settings......If I'm missing anything, let me know..

AND? The Xbox one X was $330 on mass genie 2 weeks ago... It's cheaper, you can't build an X beating PC for $370 (if you want to include the sale price of Live). And you'll have games to play with gold your first month. BTW, Xbox is my third, or even 4th option. I built a PC and continued to upgrade it to play destiny 2 at >144fps.

If I only had $330 to spend the X is almost impossible to beat. That's what this topic is about. That's why you're wrong.


I have i5 2500K, GTX 970 4G, 8gig DDR3, and i think it's really close and even better than X.
It can't run locked 60fps in some games because CPU is bottleneck it, new Far Cry and Metro is not running 60fps no matter what.
But there are lot's of new games that run locked 60fps even in 1440p and easy 30fps 4K.

If you are willing to go with the seconhand, those parts are not that expensive, we are talking maybe 250€ + motherboard, case. Legal Win 10 is about 8€ in EU if you know where to look for.
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lol, goodjob paying $100 when you can get it for free from microsoft.
Microsoft allows people to download Windows 10 for free and install it without a product key, but there are restrictions I dont want to see.

BTW- In order to buy windows 10 I had to spend my single day salary, so if you think I feel sad because I had to work one day in order to support developers for their hard work then you are wrong. I dont want to support thieves like people who buy stolen keys.

thelastword thelastword
No, Red Dead is still a bad CB implementation, we know rockstar hardly fixes things,
Sure, there are multiple games on xbox x that push twice as many pixels, yet as always you blame bad implementation on PS4P. You are trying to blame everything, just to not admit facts.

you are quick to call someone a fanboy
I'm quick to call you a fanboy? I'm familiar with your posts since I'm here on NeoGAF. Before I was always neutral when the vast majority of people here on NeoGAF called you the biggest playstation fanboy and in fact I have even upvoted and defended you when you were indeed right. You say you are not a fanboy, so please dont act like one. For some strange reason the vast majority of your comments here (90% if not more) are only hateful comments in regards to MS console, and you try your best just to defend playstation no matter what. So I'm not quick to judge you, I have seen enough of your comments here on NeoGAF during the last 12 months to make my mind in regards to you. As I remember you were banned lately and can you tell me for what reason? Can you surprise me? Let me guess, you were innocent and it was only moderator fault?

I think it's important to talk about problems on all gaming platforms. Without people who are willing to talk about issues, big players like MS/SONY/Nintendo (not to mention game developers) will never improve their products. That's the reason why here on NeoGAF I have posted many honest opinions in regards to different gaming platforms, I can see possitives in xbox X (BC, build qualiy, low noise level, good performance/price ratio for a console) but also negatives (Input lag issues, strange restrictions, sound problems, game crashes). The same with PS4P (build quality is very bad, noise level as well, but at the same time certain exclusive games like Uncharted 4 and the order looks better than many unreal engine 4 tech demos on PC). Basically speaking I'm neutral, because I like games, and I also like all of my gaming platforoms. You can call me xbox fanboy, ps4p fanboy and even PC fanboy :), but one thing for sure, unlike you I'm not a hater who is here just to attack some particular gaming platform.

When it comes to forza7, I know xbox x is not using maxed out settings, but it's still very close, and it's above high settings for sure. The problem is, even at high settings game is diping to low 50 fps on 1060, and what's funny sometimes even 1060 users are admitting they cant match xbox x results (for example MaDz on his YT gaming channel). I have asked few months ago GTX 1060 users here on NeoGAF to record me their forza 7 gameplay from the most demanding racing scenario, and because one user had 50fps dips even at high settings, so it was a proof my estimations in regards to xbox X specs were correct.

Your 1060 gameplay video from metro exodus shows medium and low settings mix, and the least demanding location in entire game, so 30fps is not that much surprising there. Video from my link shows taiga (the most demanding location) and high settings (similar to xbox x). Performance dips there to around 13 fps on 1070, and your video doesnt change that fact.

What's interesting "Santiago" also have wolfensten 2 gameplay on his YT channel
LOW-MEDIUM settings, (I think xbox x version is using higher settings), 4K dynamic (the same) and his 1060 6GB with 2 GHz OC still run the same game with worse performance 45-55 fps (instead of 55-60 fps like on xbox x). Radeon RX 580 is not that much better in this game, so both GPU's cant match xbox x result.

I can link you other YT gameplays on GTX 1060 or RX 580 like that, and if these GPU's cant match xbox x results in many scenarios, then conclusions for me are obvious. Sometimes Digital Foundry also admit 1060 or 580 cant match xbox x results (like for example in their Far Cry 5 tech analysis). Since so many games shows performance problems on these GPU's (in fact even 1070 cant match xbox x in every scenario) so I have no reason to change my mind in regards to xbox x performance estimations.

Anyway right now GTX 1070 is not some high end GPU on PC, so if xbox x can match 1070 it's not something impressive. If someone will game on really good GPU like 1080ti or 2080/ti then it's even possible to double xbox x results. For example on 1080ti I could play gears of war 4 at 60fps instead of 30fps (and without input lag problems like xbox x version), the same with the rise of the tomb raider and forza horizon 3, so if people can afford a good gaming PC, then there's no question what version to choose. Personally I bought xbox x mainly for BC feature, and also I wanted to play forza horizon 2, and Halo MCC finally, but besides that if you have PC and PS4/P there's really nothing you can miss on xbox x that much (at least that's my opinion).
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Microsoft allows people to download Windows 10 for free and install it without a product key, but they are restrictions I dont want to see.

BTW- In order to buy windows 10 I had to spend my single day salary, so if you think I feel sad because I had to work one day in order to support developers for their hard work then you are wrong. I dont want to support thieves like people who buy stolen keys.

That's fine but you're in a thread thats comparing prices. TLW can even take away the $4 license key since you can play games with the free install.
RX580/1060 matching atleast or even outperforming One X says enough for me. Nothing strange either as One X gpu is basicly the 580 in most ways.
But your stuck with them . What ever game is on sale on PC what is available Xbox i can go and buy 2nd hand (excluding digital only releases) play it and fuck it off and some money back. You ain't doing that on PC.
Example, a quick search only tho, Black ops 4 PC CDkeys £24. Xbox Ebay £20, I can resell Xbox version on Ebay or walk in to Cex a get £10 for it.

Nice you found one game.
Now dont forget to add xbox live gold, so you can utilize the multiplayer portion of that game.


RX580/1060 matching atleast or even outperforming One X says enough for me. Nothing strange either as One X gpu is basicly the 580 in most ways.
Yes, XBONEX is a 580 downclocked with no Vega features, it's memory bandwidth is shared between CPU and GPU......So when you heard XBONEX had all this bandwidth and it was going to do this and that, it's now frequently using checkerboarding just like PRO, a far cry from what Phil suggested, and th e thing is, I like Phil, because he said framerate is king....Just that in the case of DMC5, PRO is using it's CB hardware so there's less of a performance penalty on PRO...The reason why PRO is using just TAA in that title is because TAA works in tandem with CB, it's an auto implementation...

I'm quick to call you a fanboy? I'm familiar with your posts since I'm here on NeoGAF. Before I was always neutral when the vast majority of people here on NeoGAF called you the biggest playstation fanboy and in fact I have even upvoted and defended you when you were indeed right. You say you are not a fanboy, so please dont act like one. For some strange reason the vast majority of your comments here (90% if not more) are only hateful comments in regards to MS console, and you try your best just to defend playstation no matter what. So I'm not quick to judge you, I have seen enough of your comments here on NeoGAF during the last 12 months to make my mind in regards to you. As I remember you were banned lately and can you tell me for what reason? Can you surprise me? Let me guess, you were innocent and it was only moderator fault?
Why are you so stuck on all this fanboy and ban talk? Shows your true agenda here....Tbh I don't even remember you beyond a few weeks back, when you were so adamant that you defended me...Truth be told, I don't need a defense team in these here parts, I don't post for popularity or for affiliations, I don't post as a gang or a unit, my thoughts are mine....I'm not aligned or in consort with Sony fans, all you see from me is all me, just me...

Stop personalizing things is my advice, perhaps I disagreed with you on some subject before, move on, it's not that serious, don't let it consume you.....I don't know why you are so enamoured with my prior or recent bans....I was not banned recently for anything I said in any thread btw....My Vgtech thread before the ban was mod edited, but guess what, Anthem was proven to use Checkerboarding and dynamic resolution, now confirmed by all outlets who said differently before....I don't post lies, I post facts and valid data...The people most annoyed by that are persons who would rather wallow in untruths to protect their piece of plastic.....You have never seen me declaring PRO to be more than what it is......I will never say PRO is functioning as a GTX 1070 or even a full on RX 580 decked on a PC....I don't see the need to resort to such antics... If PRO has better framerate over X, that's a fact, stats don't lie, if XBOX has better framerate then so be it......The reason why so many Xfans are so distraughht is because the XBONEX was much overhyped by MS and it's fans....and it's proving to be not as ambitious or as powerful as they thought...

In any case, you have not proven that the XBONEX is even close to a GTX 1070, because these are just delusions or wishful thinking...


No one would ever build a PC to run games at 30fps. And no one would build a PC to run 4K with only medium settings.
Yes they would.

I built a pc years ago with a 290x and lock most games to 30 and play them on my tv via steam link.

The only time I ever go above 30 is when everything is maxed out and I have headroom.

In general though I don't go above 30 as I find controls feel too loose and I can't see the difference unless I'm watching white squares go side to side on a black background.
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Likes moldy games
Nice you found one game.
Now don't forget to add xbox live gold, so you can utilize the multiplayer portion of that game.
It's not hard, you say any game available on both and most times i'll find it cheaper on Xbox,and like i said yes you can get new release game cheaper on PC but you ain't getting anything back, i can sell my Xbox game what i've paid £5-£10 more on release day in most cases.
Never paid more than £30 for Live, most times £28. You'll pay more than that in electricity per year. I've basically said all this already but you seem to struggle with elementary maths and a little imagination.


Likes moldy games
What's up with all the desperate Xbox shilling on this board lately?
I'd say it's been set up by a PS fanboy as it that easy to rip to bits. I was going to set up a the thread for the Ps4 Pro but i can't find a GPU with the power of in between a RX460 and RX470.
It's not hard, you say any game available on both and most times i'll find it cheaper on Xbox,and like i said yes you can get new release game cheaper on PC but you ain't getting anything back, i can sell my Xbox game what i've paid £5-£10 more on release day in most cases.
Never paid more than £30 for Live, most times £28. You'll pay more than that in electricity per year. I've basically said all this already but you seem to struggle with elementary maths and a little imagination.

That means you would have to resell every single game you buy, otherwise it goes all out of the window. I doubt the average console gamer does that. And if you hold on to it for too long, the resale value might decrease eve more.
You also forgot that you can buy cheap codes from people who got it with their gpu, on pc. Those are even cheaper.
Electricity really isnt that big of a factor, unless you live in a country where it is not cheap.
Regional pricing is also a factor in this.
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Boot up the xbox one x and you get 4k or near 4k at generally 30 fps no drop .. buy a 1070 or rx580 and load up the same game you generally wont get 30 fps no drop until you lower the settings and customise it. ( to similar xbox one x settings.. maybe slightly above). If your happy with 1080 p 60 fps and want a console xbox one x is your best choice or one of the above gpus for pc ( more games support this res and fps on pc due to faster cpu).

In aus rx580 = 370$ and a xbox one x is about $570. So if you can buy ram hds mboard ps and cpu for 200$ ( good luck ) you can match it ..

This is just the truth .. dont both watching youtube fanboy videos just go to the trusted pro benchmarking sites like i quote for unbiased information.

Beware death by spamming in this thread.


Yes, XBONEX is a 580 downclocked with no Vega features, it's memory bandwidth is shared between CPU and GPU......So when you heard XBONEX had all this bandwidth and it was going to do this and that, it's now frequently using checkerboarding just like PRO, a far cry from what Phil suggested, and th e thing is, I like Phil, because he said framerate is king....Just that in the case of DMC5, PRO is using it's CB hardware so there's less of a performance penalty on PRO...The reason why PRO is using just TAA in that title is because TAA works in tandem with CB, it's an auto implementation...

Why are you so stuck on all this fanboy and ban talk? Shows your true agenda here....Tbh I don't even remember you beyond a few weeks back, when you were so adamant that you defended me...Truth be told, I don't need a defense team in these here parts, I don't post for popularity or for affiliations, I don't post as a gang or a unit, my thoughts are mine....I'm not aligned or in consort with Sony fans, all you see from me is all me, just me...

Stop personalizing things is my advice, perhaps I disagreed with you on some subject before, move on, it's not that serious, don't let it consume you.....I don't know why you are so enamoured with my prior or recent bans....I was not banned recently for anything I said in any thread btw....My Vgtech thread before the ban was mod edited, but guess what, Anthem was proven to use Checkerboarding and dynamic resolution, now confirmed by all outlets who said differently before....I don't post lies, I post facts and valid data...The people most annoyed by that are persons who would rather wallow in untruths to protect their piece of plastic.....You have never seen me declaring PRO to be more than what it is......I will never say PRO is functioning as a GTX 1070 or even a full on RX 580 decked on a PC....I don't see the need to resort to such antics... If PRO has better framerate over X, that's a fact, stats don't lie, if XBOX has better framerate then so be it......The reason why so many Xfans are so distraughht is because the XBONEX was much overhyped by MS and it's fans....and it's proving to be not as ambitious or as powerful as they thought...

In any case, you have not proven that the XBONEX is even close to a GTX 1070, because these are just delusions or wishful thinking...

I don't even remember you beyond a few weeks back, when you were so adamant that you defended me..
I have changed my avatar a few times, but I remember when people here demanded a ban for you. Because you have upvoted my posts in regards to input lag problems on xbox x so I have defended you then.

But I'm no longer going to defend you in the future, because I can see now other people were right and you are indeed the worst playstation fanboy on this entire site who only provokes xbox owners on daily basis.

Because you like ignoring facts, so lets ignore facts. Xbox x renders games with 2x more pixels? That's of course must be developers fault and bad implementation across multiple games, because PS4P cant be that much slower right. Lets assume all architecture changes MS have made are not important, and it's just a pure luck xbox x with only 40% TFLOPS more compared to PS4P runs many games with 2x more pixels.


Articles list xbox x adventages over older AMD GPU? Of course let's ignore it

The bottom line is that Scorpio's six teraflops will almost certainly go a lot further than an equivalent PC
Digital Foundry made this conclussion because they are paid by MS right? It's such unbelievable thing to consider console components can be used with better results compared to PC parts, because everything is so perfectly optimized on PC platform right.

GTX 1070 dips to 13 fps in metro exodus at 4K on PC, lets ignore that and not to mention lets also ignore other games where 1060 or 580 simply cant match xbox x experience in GPU bound situations. GTX 1060 users like MaDz admit their GPU cant match xbox x experience and show a proof in their video (MaDz even tried different settings,high settings included), so of course lets assume they are lying, and let's belive the biggest playstation fanboy on this entire site, thelastword, who even gets bans for a coincidence.
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bad guy

as bad as Danny Zuko in gym knickers
It's not about the power, it's about the games. I'd prefer gaming on a WinXP computer than on an X1X.
Yes, XBONEX is a 580 downclocked with no Vega features, it's memory bandwidth is shared between CPU and GPU

In most situations it performs way better than a radeon 580, I wouldn't attempt to play that many games at 4k with a 580 in my PC (I have a 1070ti and a ps4 pro... No Xbox in my home, but this has nothing to do with the specs of the X).


Likes moldy games
That means you would have to resell every single game you buy, otherwise it goes all out of the window. I doubt the average console gamer does that. And if you hold on to it for too long, the resale value might decrease eve more.
You also forgot that you can buy cheap codes from people who got it with their gpu, on pc. Those are even cheaper.
Electricity really isnt that big of a factor, unless you live in a country where it is not cheap.
Regional pricing is also a factor in this.
No it doesn't. PC games generally £10 cheaper on launch day. i can sell just 6 of my brand new £40-£45 Xbox games out of 10 games i buy per year within a week or two of purchase if i complete or just don't want them anymore for £20- £30 each. It's not revolutionary what i'm suggesting, there's even shops that have traded games on the high street for over 25 years, Ebay and sell them to friends at work. If you don't want to sell your games yes PC if you like to buy your games on launch day.
But my point is to offset the cost of Xbox live, and i only keep 1 or 2 games a year and this is just a option what lots of people do else there would be any 2nd hand games in shops or Ebay would there.
And it does cost more electricity to game on a PC with a RX580 that's a fact, so if people are nit picking i don't want to pay £28-£40 (£40 if you can't be arsed to look around) i'd say £5- £20 a year on more electric is just worth a quick shout out.


Likes moldy games
That's fine but you're in a thread thats comparing prices. TLW can even take away the $4 license key since you can play games with the free install.
And anyone looking at doing this or buying a cheap code be aware . These are alright for wanking but be careful for banking. My mate had is internet bank account hacked and is struggling to get is money back because he got a cheap code and it's flagged up. Still ongoing case though and don't know the exact details..
Honestly...i think unless you are on a really really TIGHT budget then you'd need to go out of your way to build a PC that is weaker than an XB1X.

Ryzen - best value CPUs right now and will annihilate not only the XB1X but next gen consoles.
RAM - not as cheap as it was a few years ago but returning to sane prices.
GPU - unless you buy an AMD card or last gen Nvidia card then you'll destroy the XB1X. the 1660 Ti which is currently Nvidia's newest GPU (below a 2060, 2070, 2080, 2080 Ti) will wipe the floor with the XB1X.

of course there are other parts. your case, motherboard, heatsink, psu, storage but those are after thoughts. your CPU/RAM/GPU are the most important components.

TL;DR: a cheap budget PC will easily defeat an XB1X in performance.

How much would it cost to build an X able to match the capabilities of a pc?
can't tell if you're being serious lol. the good thing about PC is that it can be as powerful as you'd like.

do you want the console experience of playing at 720p-1080p at 30fps? you can do that!
have you had enough of playing on consoles and want a better experience without breaking the bank? maybe you want to play at 1080p 60fps or 1440p 60fps. you can do that!
do you want to join the 1% club of the PC Master Race? cost is not an issue and you demand nothing but top performance! you'll accept nothing less than 4K 144Hz at Ultra. you can do that!
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I have changed my avatar a few times, but I remember when people here demanded a ban for you. Because you have upvoted my posts in regards to input lag problems on xbox x so I have defended you then.

But I'm no longer going to defend you in the future, because I can see now other people were right and you are indeed the worst playstation fanboy on this entire site who only provokes xbox owners on daily basis.
Why are you in this topic bringing up bans, upvotes and past issues......Why don't you stay on the topic at hand....I'm not interested in discussing bans and fanboyism.....Yet I'm sure there's a topic somewhere off topic or in community where you guys can discuss bans or my ban for that matter... So go there and discuss it with kageyK and Lort et. al or contact each other in PM's on how next you guys would try to get me banned, whatever floats your boat, but stop hijacking this topic with "people demanded my ban" and what not, it's not a good look after your arguments failed.....

You came into this thread and tried the windows keys stolen argument/accusation, it failed........You went on talking about Vega features on XBONEX, that failed and I told you why, you went on about DX12 hardware, when it's apparent you have no clue what it does or why it's there....."when it's only API invocations built into the logic of the Comman Processor " but it led you to declare your next failed argument in that the XBONEX is in GTX 1070's class, when it's not and far from it........

I have provided you with many videos already, I've shown you a load of analysis videos where the 1070 is doing the majority of games on high and some ultra at 4k settings, better than XBONEX, no dynamic resolution, no low and medium settings, no reduction to AF and post processing, no checkerboard rendering.....There's no need for me to provide you with any more proof.....The Onus is on you to show me how the XBONEX is matching the 1070 in games, but since everybody knows that this is impossible, you can at least concede, that you erred there......And no, it matters very little what Digital Foundry said, the XBONEX is no GTX 1070, not even close.....The evidence proves otherwise...
A RX580 generally outperforms the one x if it isnt matching it. Even a 970 comes very close.

The number one reason to have a console nowadays are its exclusives, which are getting less and less. PS2 had much more exclusives and thus a better value.
A RX580 generally outperforms the one x if it isnt matching it. Even a 970 comes very close.

The number one reason to have a console nowadays are its exclusives, which are getting less and less. PS2 had much more exclusives and thus a better value.

to be fair, wolfenstein 2 is not the greatest game to use to compare performance. that game will run on a toaster.


Likes moldy games
A RX580 generally outperforms the one x if it isnt matching it. Even a 970 comes very close.

The number one reason to have a console nowadays are its exclusives, which are getting less and less. PS2 had much more exclusives and thus a better value.

That 970 outperforms the Pro. The X is more than 1440p on that game.


Likes moldy games

Really, One X is on par with a RX580 for the most according to devs. With dx12/vulkan optimization is good on both.

I would prefer the 580 though as it contains 8gb just for vram. Probably more then one x has left for vram.
Also with that 580, most are oced factory, one can push abit higher too. With the 580 you can choose to have 60fps/lower settings/resolution.
What's your point here sunshine, i think most people accept the 580 is very simalar to the X Gpu. Everyone knows you can ajust settings on PC. This is a price comparison.


Gold Member
But your stuck with them . What ever game is on sale on PC what is available Xbox i can go and buy 2nd hand (excluding digital only releases) play it and fuck it off and some money back. You ain't doing that on PC.
Example, a quick search only tho, Black ops 4 PC CDkeys £24. Xbox Ebay £20, I can resell Xbox version on Ebay or walk in to Cex a get £10 for it.

Tryna get some context here. I'm from the states so is the phrase "fuck it off" mean you play something then get rid of it? Or you forget about it? Cuz in US culture fuckit off can mean something super sexual. I'm not judging I'm just saying...there's a slang barrier here and I want to understand what you guys are saying here. I'm assuming "fuck it off" is a bad thing, regardless.


Likes moldy games
Tryna get some context here. I'm from the states so is the phrase "fuck it off" mean you play something then get rid of it? Or you forget about it? Cuz in US culture fuckit off can mean something super sexual. I'm not judging I'm just saying...there's a slang barrier here and I want to understand what you guys are saying here. I'm assuming "fuck it off" is a bad thing, regardless.
Sell it on, sorry i forget about that.
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In most situations it performs way better than a radeon 580, I wouldn't attempt to play that many games at 4k with a 580 in my PC (I have a 1070ti and a ps4 pro... No Xbox in my home, but this has nothing to do with the specs of the X).
Just look at this video with a 1060, and people want to compare XBONEX with a 1070.........And they are adamant about it too...

Just watch the entire video, now I find he was quite lenient in the two ties he gave because he highlighted technical advantages for the Masher PRO over XBONEX, but still gave ties anyways.....I think the video by and large puts everything into perspective....


I did some try...

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Pentium G4400 3.3 GHz Dual-Core Processor ($49.99 @ Newegg Business)
Motherboard: Biostar - TB250-BTC ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($45.00 @ Amazon)
Memory: GeIL - EVO SPEAR 8 GB (2 x 4 GB) DDR4-2400 Memory ($42.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Hitachi - Ultrastar 1 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($35.45 @ Amazon)
Video Card: MSI - Radeon RX 580 8 GB Video Card ($179.99 @ B&H)
Case: DIYPC - DIY-BG01 ATX Mid Tower Case ($30.96 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Corsair - VS 450 W 80+ Certified ATX Power Supply ($27.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $412.36
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-03-08 10:55 EST-0500

I was pretty close to $400 ;)
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