I was so on the fence on picking this up as I have built my own PC for the past 13 years now.This...this is actually a good deal. Wow.
Given that the case is small and the PSU is still unknown to myself, if you have a tower already and we're looking to upgrade, this seems like thing to get. I assume the mini isn't soddered on like some fell manufacturers do, so the transition so be easy.
My plan with this computer (as I did order it) is to use it as is for at least a year as is, then pick up my own components minus the GPU and CPU and just use them for the base of my next build. Might even get a new GPU at that point in time, but we will see.
Basically I figure I paid $500 for the motherboard, PSU, ram, HDD's (I got 1 SSD and one regular), case, and Windows, and I will upgrade them all (probably reuse the HDD's) next year.
Looking at it like this, this really was one hell of a deal.