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I just saw the last Hobbit movie AKA The Hobbit: TBOTFA Spoiler Thread *SPOILERS*

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Kills Photobucket
I'm surprised that Jackson thought it'd be a good idea to show 92 year old Christopher Lee being a ninja action hero.

Even more surprised at how lazy he was with hiding the stunt double.

I thought they did a pretty good job of it. Guy was the right height, and with the heavy robes you couldn't make out the build. Most the shots were from behind, and the wig and beard made sure you couldn't see him.


Yeah I had no problem with that scene. We're not meant to be seeing frail old Christopher Lee up there fighting and moving like that, we're meant to see a non-human Istari several thousand years old and the most powerful of wizards. Why can Gandalf fight like that but not Saruman? The stuntman wasn't best hidden but it was a scene with so many fast cuts and camera angles chosen specifically so that you don't see his face, there isn't really any problem with it.


My experience:
If the Hobbit wasn't going off of HFR and was R instead of PG13, I would have enjoyed it a lot more than I did. There are just too many times where the sets and CGI are almost insulting. It's called Battle of the five armies yet it really doesn't even feel like a battle yet alone five fucking armies. It's just some poor cgi guys fighting with no tension or climax. The rest of the movie is trying to get me to care for people who have no proper characterization and spends way too much time on people who aren't even important to the movie. The fights are choreographed extremely poorly, and the story it's way too mumbled. I really wanted to like this one too. :(


I am Korean.
Even if it's Bilbo's story, the dwarves are a major part of that story and Jackson devotes very little time to actually developing most of them despite having more than enough time to do so do to getting three whole movies to tell his version of the story.

It's a valid complaint in the face of the awkward scene in the end of Four Armies because Bilbo saying goodbye to the dwarves falls flat.
Gotta fit the elven fanfic in there somehow.


Just came from this.

Wow, pretty disappointing. Weak third outing. This REALLY shouldn't have been three movies. They stretched everything thin as they possibly could have.

Doesn't hold a candle to the LOTR trilogy, but I guess that's common knowledge.

Renegade Yeti

Neo Member
Just got back from seeing it, ive never been so conflicted over a film before. There was elements and certain scenes i just adored mainly the dialogue revolving around Bilbo as many people have said previously , also i thought the final fight sequence between Azog/Thorin was gorgeous. (is it me or has Azog's CG improved throughout the films?)
I honestly didn't mind the whole Taurial/Kili love triangle and thought she came across as a pretty cool character.
Really solid performances by all involved especially Ian/Martin/Richard.

Then there were bits that just straight up annoyed me, i was so hyped to see Billy Connolly as Dain and ended up with some weird ass CG looking geezer (he looked like something out of goddamn polar express) , reaaaaly jarring when every other character on-screen looks normal.
Again like everyone else i thought Alfrid was a huge waste of sceentime, should have been devoted to Beorn/Dain.
Ropey CG in places- dwarven rams looked a bit dodgy as did all the trolls

Side note- I thought the line about Galadrial was that she "brought down the walls of Dol Goldor" i kind of expected her to go full on dark phoenix and expected her to level the fortress, im not sure if that's in keeping with what the lore says she can actually do?


From Reddit


BotFA funeral scene. Wonder if it'll make it to the EE.
It should.


Kills Photobucket
Just got back from seeing it, ive never been so conflicted over a film before. There was elements and certain scenes i just adored mainly the dialogue revolving around Bilbo as many people have said previously , also i thought the final fight sequence between Azog/Thorin was gorgeous. (is it me or has Azog's CG improved throughout the films?)
I honestly didn't mind the whole Taurial/Kili love triangle and thought she came across as a pretty cool character.
Really solid performances by all involved especially Ian/Martin/Richard.

Then there were bits that just straight up annoyed me, i was so hyped to see Billy Connolly as Dain and ended up with some weird ass CG looking geezer (he looked like something out of goddamn polar express) , reaaaaly jarring when every other character on-screen looks normal.
Again like everyone else i thought Alfrid was a huge waste of sceentime, should have been devoted to Beorn/Dain.
Ropey CG in places- dwarven rams looked a bit dodgy as did all the trolls

Side note- I thought the line about Galadrial was that she "brought down the walls of Dol Goldor" i kind of expected her to go full on dark phoenix and expected her to level the fortress, im not sure if that's in keeping with what the lore says she can actually do?

A few of the Nazgul returned to occupy Dol Goldur in the years following Sauron fleeing it. They continued to assault Lorien and Thanduil's realm, but were always held at bay.

Now, Gladrial did go to destroy the fortress entirely after the one ring was destroyed. That's where the lien of her bringing down it's walls is from. I don't think the White Council's assault on Dol Goldur was written with any specifics other than it happened, and Sauron fled.


ehhhhhhhh it was okay I guess

EDIT: Part I liked most was the tension between the elves, men and dwarves, Alfred was the Jar-Jar of this film and the CGI was garbage. The fight at the end went on for far too long, it was bland and drawn out. Sometimes it is better to have very brief fight scenes between characters.


That was the worst movie I've seen all year. Every shitty cameo and CGI fight scene was embarrassing. It was like watching a video game for the space of two hours. Return of the King came out eleven years ago and it looked eleven times better than this movie.

I don't even want to talk about the script. Or the new characters. Or the music. Or the death scenes. Or everything else about this movie that sucked. I just can't believe that this was the same director who gave us the LOTR trilogy. It's obvious he stopped giving a fuck about these movies some time ago. There's no way a filmmaker of his talent would have willingly birthed something as awful as this. It's still his fault for making it a trilogy.
Is it safe to say that the first Chronicles of Narnia movie had more heart than any of these Hobbit films? I think if I were ever given the option, I'd choose Narnia every time.
Man, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing when Legolas was literally walking on air.

My god.

Didn't much care for the movie as a whole. It all felt rushed and the ending was so completely unsatisfying. Why not show the funeral? The movie needed that key scene to bring the journey of Thorin to a close.

It's not like they were hurting for time, this was probably the shortest Hobbit/Lord of the Rings I've seen. Entire scenes felt butchered.


Man, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing when Legolas was literally walking on air.

My god.

Didn't much care for the movie as a whole. It all felt rushed and the ending was so completely unsatisfying. Why not show the funeral? The movie needed that key scene to bring the journey of Thorin to a close.

It's not like they were hurting for time, this was probably the shortest Hobbit/Lord of the Rings I've seen. Entire scenes felt butchered.

We nearly fell laughing at that scene as well.


I did not like it. I thought it was the worse of the three (second being the best). The only thing I liked really was the Wraith fight. In fact, the only thing I really liked about the whole trilogy was anything to do with the Necromancer/Sauron.

Overall I am glad Peter did it to keep the continuity between The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings (so we didn't get a different vision of the world or different actors) but between all the changes and filler to make a 300 page book span 9 hours of footage I am glad this journey is over and we will never experience this again.
Until it is rebooted in 10 years with all 6 movies shot consecutively.
So had Saruman gone over to the dark side at this point or is this supposed to be where he goes off and is instead turned bad later before the original Trilogy?


Hunky Nostradamus
Didn't much care for the movie as a whole. It all felt rushed and the ending was so completely unsatisfying. Why not show the funeral? The movie needed that key scene to bring the journey of Thorin to a close.

It's not like they were hurting for time, this was probably the shortest Hobbit/Lord of the Rings I've seen. Entire scenes felt butchered.

Exactly! The entire film was essentially one big fight sequence, so it's not like they couldn't have trimmed some of it out to include the, you know, actual important story beats.


From Reddit


BotFA funeral scene. Wonder if it'll make it to the EE.

The ending of this trilogy felt really abrupt, this would have been a nice addition. I don't get cutting it
Azog and Throin die, War concludes in background, Goodbye Other Dwarves, Return to Shire


For an example of how Bilbo's role is diminished, they removed him telling the thrush (and by extension, Bard) about Smaug's weakpoint.
After seeing this film, I wonder why Frodo and company didn't simply throw rocks at the orcs all the way to Mount Doom?
Seriously, is Bilbo a Major League pitcher? The guy could have beat the entire orc army on his own with enough time and rocks.


Kills Photobucket
Legolas and Orlando Bloom are pointless in general

I didn't mind him in Desolation of Smaug. As Thanduil's son, his presence seemed totally appropriate. But I wish they had left it at that. Just like they showed restraint to not bring Gollum back after the first film.


I didn't mind him in Desolation of Smaug. As Thanduil's son, his presence seemed totally appropriate. But I wish they had left it at that. Just like they showed restraint to not bring Gollum back after the first film.

I was expecting (and hoping) for a small Gollum scene in this one where we see him leaving the Misty Mountains in the search for "Baggins".
For an example of how Bilbo's role is diminished, they removed him telling the thrush (and by extension, Bard) about Smaug's weakpoint.

Hopefully someone with more patience than I will go back and see how much stuff he directly helps throughout the book VS what they cut from the film to add more shite filler.


I didn't mind him in Desolation of Smaug. As Thanduil's son, his presence seemed totally appropriate. But I wish they had left it at that. Just like they showed restraint to not bring Gollum back after the first film.
I don't even mind him being in it beyond that.

I mind how much focus he got to the point that the main cast got less time. I mean, fuck, we got Legolas being told to go track down Aragorn instead of Thorin's funeral.


I didn't mind him in Desolation of Smaug. As Thanduil's son, his presence seemed totally appropriate. But I wish they had left it at that. Just like they showed restraint to not bring Gollum back after the first film.

I feel at times Jackson maybe tried too hard to tie it in to LOTR, like with Legolas, rather than let it more naturally happen with more suble allusions.


I'll never understand the Eagles complains

They're in the books too.

And no, they can't bring them to the Lonely Mountain and no, they can't bring the ring to the Mount Doom.


sparkle this bitch
Such trash. It's amazing how bad the film was and how Jackson really has become a one note wonder. People comparing him to Lucas I think are being unfair, to Lucas. He at least got American Graffiti out too. Jackson on the other hand, every movie has been progressive worse than the previous since FOTR

The one thing I really can't understand is how progressively worse the action even got compared to the original trilogy. An entire film dedicated towards a battle and even then, it felt hollow and looked the same.


well not really...yet
Such trash. It's amazing how bad the film was and how Jackson really has become a one note wonder. People comparing him to Lucas I think are being unfair, to Lucas. He at least got American Graffiti out too. Jackson on the other hand, every movie has been progressive worse than the previous since FOTR

The one thing I really can't understand is how progressively worse the action even got compared to the original trilogy. An entire film dedicated towards a battle and even then, it felt hollow and looked the same.
Jackson made plenty of good stuff before LOTR.


Such trash. It's amazing how bad the film was and how Jackson really has become a one note wonder. People comparing him to Lucas I think are being unfair, to Lucas. He at least got American Graffiti out too. Jackson on the other hand, every movie has been progressive worse than the previous since FOTR

The one thing I really can't understand is how progressively worse the action even got compared to the original trilogy. An entire film dedicated towards a battle and even then, it felt hollow and looked the same.

One note wonder? Jackson pre Rings is best Jackson.
Also the action of the third Rings film is its worst aspects. The character stuff is good in the battles but too much time is spent lingering on the battle of Gondor when it's solved with magic fairy dust.
Cutaways from my viewing

Editing in first half was bad...mood changes too quick

Too many cg orcs, or they at least looked cg, so that was lame

Thought the whole thorin gold quicksand scene was silly


There werea lot of moments that made me laugh that were not supposed to

Legolas upped the elephant slide with that rock jump



There werea lot of moments that made me laugh that were not supposed to

Legolas upped the elephant slide with that rock jump

It reminded me of some good old Super Mario games.

The 'romantic' scene were cringe worthy, but overall movie was ok mainly because i like battle scenes. Plot was almost non-existent though, and i can understand how people would hate it.
Just finished it. This was probably the least middle earth feeling middle earth movie of the 6. Felt so rushed as if I was being kicked out of the books rather than slowly ushered out of an era. I enjoyed the scenes having to do with Sauron and the connections being drawn to the Fellowship at the end. That's about it honestly.

Edit: one last thing, my favorite part of this whole trilogy was Martin Freeman, I think he did phenomenal even working with such a weak script.


I'll never understand the Eagles complains

They're in the books too.

And no, they can't bring them to the Lonely Mountain and no, they can't bring the ring to the Mount Doom.

My only complaints about the Eagles is that there weren't enough of them :(

They are supposed to be a full army, but the movie just has a couple :(

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I sat through two hours of this goddamn movie to see Bilbo get home and discover the Sackville Baggins' had taken his spoons

And I got that at least


The movie did actually feel like it ended abruptly, especially being the bookend to the series. It felt quick coming from Thorin's death to Bilbo coming back to see the Sackville-Baggins taking his stuff.

Complete opposite of the ending for Return of the King, without that huge "my friends, you bow to no one" scene.


Bitches love smiley faces
I enjoyed it more than the first movie, but I wouldn't say it's a good movie. It's really weird. You can feel a lot of bits were edited out or where there was a fair bit of padding.

These last two movies really suffered from making two movies into three.
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