GaaS as a highly successful model (beating profitability of everything else) is 21 years old.I personally think its this desire to push GaaS down our throats.
Is the most high demanding/ power hungry useless graphical upgrade we ever had ... no amount of reflexes in puddles or pretty lights will convince me it is worth the trades for perfomance in 90% of the hardware avaible .. specially in console gaming... is trend chasing and graphic whoring at peak stupidityConsumers lapping up shit then wondering why the industry has gone to the dogs.
All the sinners didnt buy Spec Ops The Line then wonder why devs arent willing to make darker storylines.
They skip out on Mirrors Edge and Mirror Edge Catalyst then say EA has become soulless.....well when they gave a fuck you didnt support them, what did you expect?
EA tries again doing something remotely interesting with TitanFall and TitanFall 2......again consumers would rather NOT play these games.......are we really surprised publishers arent willing to take chances?
Weird take considering Ubisoft almost exclusively makes whats called Ubisoft games of infinite markers, their games started a whole new genre........ignore Ubi and the industry is fine.
Saying they are ruining the games industry when they make one type of game thats relatively easy to skip is really reductive.
Shut your whore mouth.
RTGI/DDGI is the shit, and realistically is the only implementation of RT i actually actually care about.
Im fine with screenspace, planar and highres cubemaps........but pheasant!
RT has it's purposes, problem it was kind of tacked on on consoles at the last minute and most of its uses have been redundant.Is the most high demanding/ power hungry useless graphical upgrade we ever had ... no amount of reflexes in puddles or pretty lights will convince me it is worth the trades for perfomance in 90% of the hardware avaible .. specially in console gaming... is trend chasing and graphic whoring at peak stupidity
One word
People do have different tastesIt baffles me how anyone enjoys those kind of games unless they have deep pockets...?
I'm always right. Here's my checklist:
Here fixed it for youMicrosoft
Jaded gamers
Cancel culture
Exactly... I wont say I dont see the difference and I do ... I just think is useless in real gaming activities outside of staying still and trying to find the beauty on its effects which arent many .... but as far as console games go they are bad optimized right now and aiming this for a weak console box It is just a waist of time and resources that could be utilized for a better perfomance/optimization from the get GO and shorter development times... we have games coming out that 6 months later have the option to turn off this shit and immediately the perfomance boost is enormous...RT has it's purposes, problem it was kind of tacked on on consoles at the last minute and most of its uses have been redundant.
It's not warrior tactics to just acknowledge reality. Nintendo does a lot of overpriced remakes, but they aren't ruining the industry. MS doesn't really have tons of huge AAA games, and pushes a lot more AA stuff and experimental titles, and a sub model that allows people to try that stuff for little financial risk. Sony is pushing the biggest AAA stuff in the industry.Avoiding warrior tactics, it’s game developers that are ruining the industry. They’re creatively bankrupt and falling back on remasters/remakes, as well as creating budgets that are bloated for no reason. We get indie dev teams making great games that look and play great, with 1% of the staff and budget.
I’d fire every current AAA game directors and producers and start over. It’s time. The game industry is fucking stupid these days.
It's not warrior tactics to just acknowledge reality. Nintendo does a lot of overpriced remakes, but they aren't ruining the industry. MS doesn't really have tons of huge AAA games, and pushes a lot more AA stuff and experimental titles, and a sub model that allows people to try that stuff for little financial risk. Sony is pushing the biggest AAA stuff in the industry.
Here fixed it for you
Yes, to an extent.So Sony are ruining gaming?
For the record I don't think anyone is ruining gaming. I have a mountain of stuff to play.Yes, to an extent.
Yes, to an extent.
No, thats the thing. RT could improve development times. It essentially does most of the lighting work for the developer, which happens to be a very time consuming aspect of game dev. Also, it can be used in highly dynamic enviroments, whereas "normal" lighting tech can be cumbersome to implement in such a scenario, if not impossible without looking ugly.Exactly... I wont say I dont see the difference and I do ... I just think is useless in real gaming activities outside of staying still and trying to find the beauty on its effects which arent many .... but as far as console games go they are bad optimized right now and aiming this for a weak console box It is just a waist of time and resources that could be utilized for a better perfomance/optimization from the get GO and shorter development times... we have games coming out that 6 months later have the option to turn off this shit and immediately the perfomance boost is enormous...
Most of the issues (even DEI nonsense, etc) come down to the problem of scale.
When games require massive numbers of employees to create, it just turns into an HR-fueled pipeline of 9-5 jobs by talentless idiots, nanny middle managers who have nothing of value to contribute to the world or the medium so they hone in on trying to raise diversity or "representation," and cynical leads & company heads who care for nothing but pandering to the latest trends in pursuit of $$$.
The only way games can be great is when they are passion projects of small groups of like-minded guys, as the classics were. A small group making exactly what they want to make, and answering to no one regarding the themes or character designs or anything else in their vision. Once you invite a lot of middle managers, 9-5 types, female HR nannies, and all the rest into the equation... it's already dead, none of it can produce anything of worth.
Its not that simple- say for every 1k players who are normal/avg u got 1 whale(rich kid or some other mofo who can spend say 10k usd/month for gaming), this guy will buy all the premium stuff/skins/p2w shit and everything else coz he can, 999 avg/normal players can only stop playing but thats it, they cant "not buy" premium coz they didnt buy it in the first place anyways.The consumers.
It really is that simple. If none of you bought these get rich quick schemes then they wouldn’t do them.
We have only ourselves to blame.
To be precise - its almost 40 years for gaas (MUDs) and 22 years for f2p gaasGaaS as a highly successful model (beating profitability of everything else) is 21 years old.
I mean you can say it's ruining the industry 'very slowly' - but that's kind of like coffee as a slow poison theory.
Its oversimplifying of thingsAvoiding warrior tactics, it’s game developers that are ruining the industry. They’re creatively bankrupt and falling back on remasters/remakes, as well as creating budgets that are bloated for no reason. We get indie dev teams making great games that look and play great, with 1% of the staff and budget.
Exactly, wasn’t that the purpose of the thread? My original post was stating my opinion. You quoted it obviously taking offence. You got a problem?Further corrections:
Microsoft (according to Duellist)
Jaded gamers
Tribalism(See above)
Cancel culture
I agree to an extent. Sony are one of the if not the biggest publisher of single player games, and they've set the precedent when it comes to production quality as far as budgets go to an unsustainable level. I don't think they're ruining gaming either, but acting like they don't dictate or create market trends is a little silly.For the record I don't think anyone is ruining gaming. I have a mountain of stuff to play.
All I see on here though is jaded people complaining about the exact same trends that Sony pushes more aggressively than anyone. AAA, GAAS, DEI, lack of communication, the death of fun showcases and hype trailers. Literally everyone else is doing just fine playing on PC, Xbox or Switch and don't complain a quarter as much. It's a bunch of jaded people that seem locked to PS, can't hardly see anything but AAA sequels, then complain about them after buying them over and over. It's literally their own fault. There's a nearly infinite amount of great games to play.
My point in this thread is that the only people that think anything is ruined seem to be mostly on PS. Most everyone else is fairly excited about the future, and the present.
I don't think other studios are exempt from criticism but I think Sony's criteria for certain games to fit a specific profile has had long term consequences not only for themselves but the industry as a whole. Can't level a case against Nintendo or Microsoft the same way because they're not spending $300 million odd on a single game consistently.That's not what's being said though and you know it.
Edit: right on cue, see above. Basically in his opinion all the negative stuff is from Sony while everyone else are doing great things. If you want to agree with that then...
Even the Dreamcasters are happy.Alternate headline: "PlayStation-leaning forum wonders why gaming is ruined."
I really don't see this sentiment much from Nintendo gamers, PC gamers, or Xbox gamers. Nintendo fans are happy. Gamepass fans are usually just short on time to play everything. PC gamers have never been in a better position.
Apple is at the root of all this..It all came from how they introduced and developed the App Store. Pretty much everything else came into being very naturally as a result.I personally think its this desire to push GaaS down our throats. Then there's lootboxes and microtransactions. And finally, battlepasses.
I'm just generalizing for the industry, even though there are successful IP who manage all these aspects well.
I would consider Ubisoft, the worst company now, even though I love some of their older IP. Kotaku the worst journalistic piece on this front. And fucking "influencers" who just hype anything for money.
Ugly on the inside and the outside.What the deuce!