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iPad Air


Coming from the ipad2 I am surprised to find the thing I am most impressed by is the screen. I didn't notice it that much when I moved to a retina iphone, but here the difference is very striking. Form factor is also a huge improvement. I decided in the end that the extra weight is worth it for the bigger screen, even though I love the way the mini feels. Feeling good about the decision now.


Here we go:



No idea why the damn pictures are rotated but it's the best I could do for now.

Have you ever used the old Smart Case? Does the new one feel as shitty as the old one (sharp edges, loose fit, etc.)?
Agreed. I've used the iPad 4 (we have them at work) but this is a huge upgrade over my iPad 3. I always thought the iPad 2 was the best one (lightest, great battery life, never got hot) and this seems to have it beat in virtually every category.
I'm glad to hear that. I've had mine since launch and it never felt as polished as the iPad 2 (I've never owned or used a 4). I mean, resolution was amazing at the time, but it's always felt slow and stuttery.


Agreed. I've used the iPad 4 (we have them at work) but this is a huge upgrade over my iPad 3. I always thought the iPad 2 was the best one (lightest, great battery life, never got hot) and this seems to have it beat in virtually every category.
If the battery life on the Air is truly comparable to the iPad 2, I'll be happy. The 3 and 4 just weren't up to my standards. I think I'll finally be upgrading soon. Poor iPad 2 is getting long in the tooth anyway.


What if they don't have the model you want?

The Best Buy I went to had an entire cage setup with probably a thousand iPad Air's with all the different models.

I came really close to getting the LTE model since I'm on T-Mobile and they have the 200MB free. But I really don't travel that much, and when I do, I have my phone.

Guess Who

Just bought mine. Screen's already broken. No, not accidental damage. Took it out of the box and there's fucking lines on the screen, kind of like this:

Not there all the time, it comes and goes, but I am hella pissed. Already have a Genius Bar reservation for this afternoon.


So not worth it
Just bought mine. Screen's already broken. No, not accidental damage. Took it out of the box and there's fucking lines on the screen, kind of like this:

Not there all the time, it comes and goes, but I am hella pissed. Already have a Genius Bar reservation for this afternoon.

Shit happens sometimes, you'll get a replacement and will be fine, so relax :)
I preordered my iPad Air at 2am Houston time and then went to pickup at 8am this morning at Memorial City Mall's Apple Store. At best, there were like 60 people in line, and everyone walked out with about what they wanted. There were no shortages.


Weird, Apple charged my card an extra $42 dollars on top of my grand total for the iPad and cover. They don't charge for in-store pickup, right?
Same thing happened to me and it's definitely not tax. It's the cost of a smart cover. Even though my grand total included a smart cover and tax. What is it?
Went to work totally not wanting to buy one and wait for the retina mini. Someone came in with it and my mind immediately changed. This thing is incredible. The lightness and thinness is INSANE.


Ok here is what I did.

Ordered online.

Went to bestbuy at 845, they had PLENTY of the wifi models. The cell ones were pretty much all gone, thats fine i wanted wifi.

Picked up my 32gig wifi, then asked if i could buy another for my GF's xmas present. They said no and i got into an argument because they literally had nobody in line for them

drove to walmart and they have them hidden behind the old ones. not very many though, maybe 5-7? And picked up a wifi 16gb for her.

So if you want a wifi only model i think bestbuy will definitely have them all day and night


The Best Buy I went to had an entire cage setup with probably a thousand iPad Air's with all the different models.

I came really close to getting the LTE model since I'm on T-Mobile and they have the 200MB free. But I really don't travel that much, and when I do, I have my phone.
I bought mine a hour ago. Waiting for Apple to call me for pickup.

The LTE version is tempting but with T-Mobile I already have hotspot tethering. Doesn't make sense to spend an extra $130 for it.


I've been out of the loop on iOS for the past three years or so, but here's my initial impressions. It'll include iOS7 impressions, so bear with me.

Initial impression. When it comes to manufacturing, there just is no equal. Coming from my Nexus 10, the feel of the iPad is second to none, especially with the new design. Its light, though my N10 was pretty light, so it wasn't as jarring as I thought it would be. Screen is fantastic, just holding the device feels great.

iOS7, still haven't got to dig in too deep, but so far, it just feels like iOS with a new skin. I guess that's what its supposed to be, but I thought there would be some big, sweeping changes. Its possible there could be more under the hood that I just haven't discovered yet. Already long pressed on the home screen to try and bring up my wallpapers. Gonna take some getting used to.

Its going to suck having a split ecosystem (Have an HTC One). But, I had my Nexus 10 now for a year, had the Nexus 7 the year before, and the app department never really improved. I know Google is working hard on changing this, but I just got tired of too many blown up phone apps, and the game selection not even being in the same ballpark, at least when it comes to tablets.


Going to try my Best Buy in an hour. I'm not 100% like I MUST HAVE THIS TODAY. My store opened up at 8am. Hopefully they got a good stock. If not, oh well.
Have you ever used the old Smart Case? Does the new one feel as shitty as the old one (sharp edges, loose fit, etc.)?

It definitely has no loose fit and everything feels smooth and well done. Is it worth the price? Perhaps. I for one loved the color and had the extra cash.


so if I go from ipad 3 to air, I could expect:

-better design ( I like the new design)
-overall faster ( a lot faster)
-more battery life


what I am curious is

-less heat? (ipad 3 got hot quickly)
-better screen? (I know its same retina display but perhaps brighter/better color?
-better multitasking? ( heard its same 1gb ram but I heard they used better ram. not sure)

And how is iOS 7 on Air? I heard iOS7 on iPad was bad (even on iPad4)


so if I go from ipad 3 to air, I could expect:

-better design ( I like the new design)
-overall faster ( a lot faster)
-more battery life


what I am curious is

-less heat? (ipad 3 got hot quickly)
-better screen? (I know its same retina display but perhaps brighter/better color?
-better multitasking? ( heard its same 1gb ram but I heard they used better ram. not sure)

And how is iOS 7 on Air? I heard iOS7 on iPad was bad (even on iPad4)

I've been on this thing non stop for over an hour, and no heating issues at all. Can't really speak on the screen since I never messed around w/ an iPad 3, but since its the same res, my guess is there's not much difference there.

iOS7, at least so far (again, its only a small size that I've used), is pretty fast and responsive.


so if I go from ipad 3 to air, I could expect:

-better design ( I like the new design)
-overall faster ( a lot faster)
-more battery life


what I am curious is

-less heat? (ipad 3 got hot quickly)
-better screen? (I know its same retina display but perhaps brighter/better color?
-better multitasking? ( heard its same 1gb ram but I heard they used better ram. not sure)

And how is iOS 7 on Air? I heard iOS7 on iPad was bad (even on iPad4)

Yeah I'm curious about the heat issue as well. I lay down in bed and use my iPad a lot to watch movies etc. Don't want this sitting on my chest if it's going to be that hot. The iPad mini never gets heated.


need 4th gen to Air impressions stat.....my 3rd gen 64gb is terrible with iOS7 & I just got a smaller GB 4th gen for $270 and it might be enough to hold me until they add Touch ID next year


Just bought mine. Screen's already broken. No, not accidental damage. Took it out of the box and there's fucking lines on the screen, kind of like this:

Not there all the time, it comes and goes, but I am hella pissed. Already have a Genius Bar reservation for this afternoon.

Why? Just return it and get another one. If it's defective like that brand new, you shouldn't be wasting time with them to repair it.
There were plenty at Best Buy. Got the 64GB wifi white/silver model and a black smart cover.

The white looks so good in person. Glad I went with my gut.

I've had both a mini and the full sized iPad, but coming from the mini it's a very smooth transition to the larger screen. It really does feel like a larger mini but still able to be used one handed. Seems like a perfect balance of screen size, portability and power.
Why? Just return it and get another one. If it's defective like that brand new, you shouldn't be wasting time with them to repair it.

Genius Bar can't repair screens. They just give you a replacement out of the replacement stock, which they should already have. I would be surprised if you couldn't just walk in today and get an immediate replacement though; for brand new stuff I'd imagine they hurry you along.


ok so i'm an idiot and forgot that they left the screen size the same but shrunk the sides in. So wasted money on ipad 3/4 screen protectors :(

bestbuy had an awesome case that i got, same one i used on my ipad 2 almost. but it was 49 :( still worth it
I did. Like I said I ordered 1 iPad and ONE smart cover. But it's charging me for two. Also, my total was $682.66. Thats for an iPad and smart cover and the tax. then they charge me an extra $41 dollars.

This is the exact thing that happened to me. I called them and they said the extra $42 would fall off later today or tomorrow. They prebilled for the smart-cover by mistake.


Any iPad 4 users make the jump to the Air? I have a 4 and I'm contemplating whether I should make the jump.

Just did.

Much lighter.

Actually able to play my tablet and cellphone killing 1080p 10 bit MKV with FLAC sound with a few frame drops here and there.

My iPad 4 going on Ebay sometime this weekend once I am sure that my Air has no defects, etc.
No heat output for me either yet. I need to try some games, but for a full system restore + browsing GAF it's still just fine. I guess you could say the difference is that it isn't "stone cold" like the iPad 2 could sometimes be. Heat isn't dissipating from my hands or my lap quite as fast. But it certainly is not warm like the iPad 3.

The best way to describe how thin this thing is, well, you know how the other iPads "look" thinner because of the edge shape? Well this is that thin, all the way across. Arguably the flat edge makes it look a little bit less impressive, but then it feels so damn light. The reduced side bezel is also great for typing; it's not quite the Mini but still a step up.
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