Raylan is putting it together.
- 'Justified' EP Graham Yost talks Drew Thompson reveal in our weekly postmortem *some spoilers*
Indeed, though he gives away a lot and I stopped reading after a few responses.Sounds like there's some awesome stuff coming up.
"I should have killed her myself."
Yes that was a really startling thing for her to stay, and made me think how desperate she now is to settle down with Boyd. I was quite shocked.
BTW - when they were looking at houses today I realized we hadn't seen her house out in the country for quite some time. Is it a safe assumption that's where they are all still living?
Kinda lame the writers didnt know who Drew was until episode 405. You figure they had it planned out a while back.
so I missed why Drew Thompson was so valuable.
and wanted by so many factions.
can somone spoiler tag and explain to me. I saw the first episode this season of his arrival.
I'd love to see more of Shelby/Drew Thompson, but with the marshals service, Boyd, and Theo Tonin all after him, I don't see how they'd be able to stretch it out very long.With Drew now being uncovered, I really hope they keep him around as the main antagonist for next season.
One thing I don't understand is why Shelby/Hunter offed Arlo. He kept his mouth shut for what 15 years and didn't take a deal. There was no reason i can see for killing him.
I'd love to see more of Shelby/Drew Thompson, but with the marshals service, Boyd, and Theo Tonin all after him, I don't see how they'd be able to stretch it out very long.
Yup, that sounds right. Here's Yost:I think that was Hunter taking some initiative to close a loose end, even if Arlo was very unlikely to ever say anything. Plus, I think Hunter hoped it would destroy his own chance at a deal and get the Marshals off his back about Drew Thompson.
EW: What did Hunter mean when he told Shelby, “Sorry about Arlo, it should have been clean and easy?”
Yost: Hunter killed Arlo on his own initiative. That wasn’t something that Drew had asked for. He was just doing it to protect him. There’s a question still in our mind, because Shelby hadn’t reached out to Hunter and said, “Would you kill Arlo for me,” whether it was something Shelby even thought would be necessary. But Hunter seeing how things were going thought it would be. It was just the depth of their bond. We call that scene in the backseat [where Shelby said goodbye to Hunter] the love scene. It’s these two middle-aged, balding bearded men, and if they’d kissed, I wouldn’t have been surprised. No. It was a sweet scene, and we needed that scene to accomplish a lot — which is to understand the depth of the feeling between these two guys that went back 20+ years.
:lolOh, really?
"Valar Morghulis."
"Who's Drew?"
My five favorite shots from JUSTIFIED S4 E9 "The Hatchet." Dir: Lesli Linka Glatter. Look her up! She's amazing!
#5 Super-tight closeup of Colt right after he shoots up; brings you right into his desperation & soul-deadness.
"It's like a storybook!" Ava says; scrim over windows makes lush backyard look almost "painted."
Super-low angle fish-eye lens shot in trailer, ceiling in frame. Very TOUCH OF EVIL.
Boyd threatens Colt. Theatrical mid-distance profile framing is iconic. A pulp novel cover.
Red police lights strobe-light Raylan's face, symbolizing the rage that drives & limits him. On/off, on/off.
From a couple different places:Many here called Shelby = Drew, so good on you. But perhaps I wasn't paying close enough attention - what breadcrumbs were left that people picked up on? I can't really recall anything.
Sepinwall said:At the moment my money would be on Shelby, whose interest in the case is starting to get really intense, and whose now-constant stories of his early career, failed marriage, etc., play like the words of a man who wants you think of him as someone with a real history and a real identity, and not someone who assumed that identity 30 years ago. A line like Shelby's "I think if you pretend to be something long enough, it's not pretending" in the middle of this particular story arc isn't there by accident.
Onion A|V Club said:I cant take any credit for the revelation that the long-lost Drew Thompson may well have remade himself as Shelby Parlow, since some of you fine commenters first suggested this a couple of weeks ago. But everything about Shelbys demeanor and dialogue in this episode made the Drew-connection seem so obvious that I was hoping Outlaw would just go ahead and end with Shelby confronting Eve, and her saying, Hello, Drew, or something along those lines. I could be wrong, of course, and it could be that the writers mean for us to think that Shelby is Drew, and that theyre about to pull the rug out. But with Shelby talking this week about how his wife left roughly 25 years ago (or 30, according to Eve), and him telling Ellen May that, If you pretend to be something long enough, its not pretending, it sure seems like the matter is meant to be settled, which means that teasing it out for another episode or two is fairly pointless.
I was getting some SERIOUS Sheriff Bullock vibes during that part.
With Drew now being uncovered, I really hope they keep him around as the main antagonist for next season.
Ava is looking hotter than ever.