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Justified - Season 4 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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Wonder how Boyd's gonna wriggle out of that. Sucks he wasn't even trying to actually do anything wrong. Not like he can explain it though. Could he somehow get time for whatever that was and that'll ruin his and Eva's happy family dream?


"I should have killed her myself."

I am now firmly out of "Team Ava" and on "Team I Hope Ava and Boyd Die in the Worst Way Possible."
Great drama tonight. The word "great" gets thrown around an awful lot, but tonight it's the God's honest truth.

I admit, my take on the Ellen May situation was completely wrong. That was evident after we found out Shelby had her under his watch. Even after their discussion about identities last week I wasn't sold, but I'm completely back to feeling bad for her. Shelby, now Drew, has her in more than one persons crosshairs and she has kept her mouth shut. 4 episodes to go and I hope Boyd doesn't end up offing her.

Constable Bob's involvement was much needed because it brought some levity to the serious tone, even if it was a quick diversion for a couple of minutes. I knew someone would make a gif (multiple at that) from that segment and I expect more from Uproxx and elsewhere.


"I should have killed her myself."

Yes that was a really startling thing for her to stay, and made me think how desperate she now is to settle down with Boyd. I was quite shocked.

BTW - when they were looking at houses today I realized we hadn't seen her house out in the country for quite some time. Is it a safe assumption that's where they are all still living?
Yes that was a really startling thing for her to stay, and made me think how desperate she now is to settle down with Boyd. I was quite shocked.

BTW - when they were looking at houses today I realized we hadn't seen her house out in the country for quite some time. Is it a safe assumption that's where they are all still living?

At first I was going to say the last time we saw her house was after the season two shooting and the fallout that caused. Then I remembered that the last time was during Boyd's arrest in the season three finale. Ava has been in Boyd's quarters this entire season.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Kinda lame the writers didnt know who Drew was until episode 405. You figure they had it planned out a while back.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Kinda lame the writers didnt know who Drew was until episode 405. You figure they had it planned out a while back.

A lot of great shows are "making it up as they go", like Breaking Bad. That writing technique is really only a problem if they fail to stay true to characters and the situations that have come before. Some would say it's a good way to have a more organic story.

Like most writing processes, it can be done to great effect or it can be sloppy. It depends on the talent and dedication involved.


Hunky Nostradamus
Great episode. Shelby turning out to be Drew Thompson wasn't a surprise, as I was actually able to figure it out a few episodes ago when he started popping up in every episode delivering backstory about himself and others. So yay me.

Ava (not Eva, Burt. How many times do I have to tell you? >:p) and Boyd were great, especially in the beginning. I loved when Boyd said "Ava, honey, maybe real estate agents are like new houses: you shouldn't fall in love with the first one." and then Ava's "Thank you very much, but we don't need your shit. You have a nice day!" I fucking love those two, though I just know something is going to happen to Ava. ;____;

And fuck, even Sepinwall thinks something bad is going to happen to her.

Ugh. I need to start mentally preparing myself for it.



This was an excellent episode. The bitterness in Raylan's voice when he talked about Arlo tonight was palpable. I was also surprised when Tim showed restraint with Colton; I thought he was going to snap after Colton's derisive fake coughing. And man, I love scenes where Art is angry like that.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
What's the over/under that Drew/Shelby stole the constable's bug-out bag that he was bragging about in the season premiere, while Raylan was still piecing it all together?


so I missed why Drew Thompson was so valuable.
and wanted by so many factions.

can somone spoiler tag and explain to me. I saw the first episode this season of his arrival.
so I missed why Drew Thompson was so valuable.
and wanted by so many factions.

can somone spoiler tag and explain to me. I saw the first episode this season of his arrival.

He witnessed Theo Tonin, a major Detroit gangster, murder a government informant, and also shot him in the eye. (Theo Tonin was also Quarles' boss). Government wants him to testify, Tonin has hired Duffy, who hired Boyd, to find and kill Thompson.


O.K. so why did Arlo die again? Because it seems like in the end the Hunter and Thompson respected him a little.

The more I think about it, it looks like it was Raylan's fault for insinuating that Arlo was going to talk, when in reality he was not going to say anything.


With Drew now being uncovered, I really hope they keep him around as the main antagonist for next season.
With Drew now being uncovered, I really hope they keep him around as the main antagonist for next season.
I'd love to see more of Shelby/Drew Thompson, but with the marshals service, Boyd, and Theo Tonin all after him, I don't see how they'd be able to stretch it out very long.


I like pissed off Art, and Tim's response to him was priceless. Always nice to see more Constable Bob, his shootout with the Clover Hill guys was quite amusing. And as always, Raylan and Wynn together makes for amazing television, short though it was.


Great episode tonight though after reading this thread the "twist" was obvious.

One thing I don't understand is why Shelby/Hunter offed Arlo. He kept his mouth shut for what 15 years and didn't take a deal. There was no reason i can see for killing him.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
One thing I don't understand is why Shelby/Hunter offed Arlo. He kept his mouth shut for what 15 years and didn't take a deal. There was no reason i can see for killing him.

I think that was Hunter taking some initiative to close a loose end, even if Arlo was very unlikely to ever say anything. Plus, I think Hunter hoped it would destroy his own chance at a deal and get the Marshals off his back about Drew Thompson.
I think that was Hunter taking some initiative to close a loose end, even if Arlo was very unlikely to ever say anything. Plus, I think Hunter hoped it would destroy his own chance at a deal and get the Marshals off his back about Drew Thompson.
Yup, that sounds right. Here's Yost:
EW: What did Hunter mean when he told Shelby, “Sorry about Arlo, it should have been clean and easy?”

Yost: Hunter killed Arlo on his own initiative. That wasn’t something that Drew had asked for. He was just doing it to protect him. There’s a question still in our mind, because Shelby hadn’t reached out to Hunter and said, “Would you kill Arlo for me,” whether it was something Shelby even thought would be necessary. But Hunter seeing how things were going thought it would be. It was just the depth of their bond. We call that scene in the backseat [where Shelby said goodbye to Hunter] the love scene. It’s these two middle-aged, balding bearded men, and if they’d kissed, I wouldn’t have been surprised. No. It was a sweet scene, and we needed that scene to accomplish a lot — which is to understand the depth of the feeling between these two guys that went back 20+ years.

Oh, really?

"Valar Morghulis."
"Who's Drew?"

I'm going to have a tough time reconciling what I think of Shelby vs what he might do as Drew Thompson. He came across as a rare decent person in Harlan, though as he said “I think if you pretend to be something long enough, it’s not pretending.” I just wonder how easy it'll be for him to flip that switch back to how it used to be.

Funky Papa

Best episode of the season? I think it may be. Colton is going down, either by Gutterson or Boyd's doing, and there's a chance that Ellen May will bring back some heat towards Ava. Sounds like a great setup for a great finale.


I was getting some SERIOUS Sheriff Bullock vibes during that part.
Matt Zoller Seitz with his five favorite shots from this week:
My five favorite shots from JUSTIFIED S4 E9 "The Hatchet." Dir: Lesli Linka Glatter. Look her up! She's amazing!

#5 Super-tight closeup of Colt right after he shoots up; brings you right into his desperation & soul-deadness.

"It's like a storybook!" Ava says; scrim over windows makes lush backyard look almost "painted."

Super-low angle fish-eye lens shot in trailer, ceiling in frame. Very TOUCH OF EVIL.

Boyd threatens Colt. Theatrical mid-distance profile framing is iconic. A pulp novel cover.

Red police lights strobe-light Raylan's face, symbolizing the rage that drives & limits him. On/off, on/off.


That was my favorite of the season so far. Great episode. Really loved Raylan's emotions getting the better of him when he beat Hunter around a bit. Many here called Shelby = Drew, so good on you. But perhaps I wasn't paying close enough attention - what breadcrumbs were left that people picked up on? I can't really recall anything.
Many here called Shelby = Drew, so good on you. But perhaps I wasn't paying close enough attention - what breadcrumbs were left that people picked up on? I can't really recall anything.
From a couple different places:
Sepinwall said:
At the moment my money would be on Shelby, whose interest in the case is starting to get really intense, and whose now-constant stories of his early career, failed marriage, etc., play like the words of a man who wants you think of him as someone with a real history and a real identity, and not someone who assumed that identity 30 years ago. A line like Shelby's "I think if you pretend to be something long enough, it's not pretending" in the middle of this particular story arc isn't there by accident.
Onion A|V Club said:
I can’t take any credit for the revelation that the long-lost Drew Thompson may well have remade himself as Shelby Parlow, since some of you fine commenters first suggested this a couple of weeks ago. But everything about Shelby’s demeanor and dialogue in this episode made the Drew-connection seem so obvious that I was hoping “Outlaw” would just go ahead and end with Shelby confronting Eve, and her saying, “Hello, Drew,” or something along those lines. I could be wrong, of course, and it could be that the writers mean for us to think that Shelby is Drew, and that they’re about to pull the rug out. But with Shelby talking this week about how his wife left roughly 25 years ago (or 30, according to Eve), and him telling Ellen May that, “If you pretend to be something long enough, it’s not pretending,” it sure seems like the matter is meant to be settled, which means that teasing it out for another episode or two is fairly pointless.


I shot people I like more for less.
Another thing is Shelby had that St. Christopher necklace and they made a point of having him mention that he is, among other things, the patron saint of pilots. He was also super fixated on Eve after Raylan mentioned her. Those things and the above quoted stuff really drove it in.
Fuck, what an amazing episode.

I've always liked Shelby (and Jim Beaver) so seeing him getting a meatier role this season has been great. And now that he's Drew Thompson (as a lot of people suspected last week), I'm so hooked on what he's gonna do. Loved the scene with Boyd and Ava in the house. Very sweet (this will not last). Also, more Tim is awesome. I really did think Colt was about to get his brains blown out. Well, in due time. I wonder if Tim and Preacher Girl will become a thing. Raylan's always getting all the action.

Hunter was great this episode. I really wanted to know why Arlo and Hunter were so fanatically devoted to Drew, and at least now I get why Hunter is. Wonder if the Dixie Mafia will still try to kill him now that Drew's identity is blown. Loved the scene of Raylan losing it and whaling on Hunter. Lol, too bad for Deputy Birthday Bow.

Also, Constable Bob! Fucking awesome.

With Drew now being uncovered, I really hope they keep him around as the main antagonist for next season.

Why would be he be an antagonist? How would that even work now that his identity is blown and everyone's out for his blood?

Shit, next episode's gonna be so intense.


Constable Bob needs to be upgraded to Deputy Marshal Bob and get permanently instated as Raylan's partner. Patton Oswalt is too good.
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