So, only 30-50 people play 24-player Warzone every day...
I don't think it helps that they offer no description of what each playlist actually is.
For example, I had no idea there was a 24-player Warzone...
So, only 30-50 people play 24-player Warzone every day...
So, only 30-50 people play 24-player Warzone every day...
I prefer the mini gun when I'm playing the defensive support role, I find it's easier for me to hit my target. Though the no crouching and not being able to melee are kind of shitty.The Voltage is awesome. One burst to kill an enemy, two for a nano shield, and it's pretty fast at killing sentries and turrets too. Why do I see so little people using this?
The Voltage is awesome. One burst to kill an enemy, two for a nano shield, and it's pretty fast at killing sentries and turrets too. Why do I see so little people using this?
I'm enjoying it, but don't remember Killzone 3 MP being so slow. Am I remembering correctly or was that just as slow?
Some times I feel like I'm the only one who places spawn bacons and revives >_>
hell, i played warhawk for years with less than 1000 players online EVER and it was the highpoint of my gaming fun.
God, I miss that game. It was such an awesome mix of things. Is BF4 anything like warhawk? It seems like the closest thing. Oh, and the sound in that game... I haven't been able to crank up KZ yet, but Im waiting for some alone time to do it.
Spawn beacons people!! The lack of use of these drives me insane in mp, one of the reasons I need to play with a party. in game chat needs to happen so we can at least coordinate what bomb/c+h point to go after.
Also support revives help a lot to to get you back in the action quick, just hope your support are smart enough to revive you. Another reason for chat (I need a medic!)
Add in game voice, clans and maybe a squad type idea and this game won't leave my ps4 until infamous.
This is one of my gripes honestly because to unlock certain perks, I must use a air drone and turret to get the sufficient number of kills, but most of the time I would much rather use the beacon. Feel like I'm gimping my team just to unlock an item I want, and thats just one example.
I've browsed through and seen other items I want to unlock, but the changes to loadout and playstyle I have to adapt feel like I'm not using my class to its fulliest potential.
Hopped on quick last night to play a team deathmatch warzone match. Man, people are really spamming the shit out of those flying drones.
I've been branching out with the Fors, Keyzer, and the Pulver with nice success. I'm also trying to plant some beacons as well because I rarely see players that do.
But man, I do not understand why I can't find any luck with the Sickle shotgun. It feels very inconsistent to me, yet a ton of people use it really well. Hell, I'm not even one to use snipers in other shooters, but I have been enjoying the Fors.
I'm just floored by how many medics hover over/run straight past me. I mean WTF!!!
Started making my way through adding you guys on the spreadsheet, haha.
Anyone else bothered by the fact that you can't see the scoreboard mid-game?
I saw on the shadowfall site where they let you voice suggestions, that they have marked the "voice chat" as a 'planned' update, meaning its happening. Clan support was still marked investigating, but they tweeted that was coming right?
cloak and stab if old.
GG has the worst menu designers in the biz. They brought back that moving menu garbage from KZ2, plus nothing is organized in a logical manner. It took me minutes just to find custom warzones.
Party on going for anyone wanting to play a bit of KZ MP.
Room for 4 more.
Add me: Crusocus
I'm just floored by how many medics hover over/run straight past me. I mean WTF!!!
GAF solution whenever they dont like something: Fire somebody.
Anyone playing tomorrow at 12pm EST? I only have a 4 hour shift tomorrow so I'll be on early.
Had a really great game of Warzone with some gaffers but I had to pull out since I have work early. This game is so much better with actual teamwork. It was my first time really getting into Support and I'm digging the class now that I've gotten used to the Pulver.