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Killzone: Shadow Fall Multiplayer Discussion


I got a 7kill streak on some guy because when I killed him he would always try to revive right infront of me with that flying robot thing, it was hilarious.


I've yet to see any type of "shield" worked into a shooter and me actually like it. Just had a round where my side had half as many players and the other team just posted up shields and sat behind them aiming at entrances. Not a good look in 2013.

On the plus side though, the maps are much better than KZ3.

rdrr gnr

These maps are terrible. Too many encounters boil down to a group of teammates and a group of enemies both peeking around opposing corners to see who can get a cheap kill in. So much territory goes unused and a number of maps have no sense of direction. I just want 10 different variations of Tharsis Depot.
These maps are terrible. Too many encounters boil down to a group of teammates and a group of enemies both peeking around opposing corners to see who can get a cheap kill in. So much territory goes unused and a number of maps have no sense of direction. I just want 10 different variations of Tharsis Depot.

I blame the spawn beacons -__-

Placing a spawn beacon near their base and it's pretty much a firefight in that spawn area lol. I'm guilty of this, actually...
I blame the spawn beacons -__-

Placing a spawn beacon near their base and it's pretty much a firefight in that spawn area lol. I'm guilty of this, actually...

I really don't mind when spawn campers, like you*, do this. There typically is an alternative path out of the base that isn't covered and then I can find a way to flank around the group camping and throwing up a spawn beacon. Then my team can spawn behind you and mow you and your fellow campers down like the deplorable scum you are.

I too love throwing up spawn camping spawn beacons


I'm not going to lie, I had a tactic in KZ2 where I would intentionally deploy a spawn grenade between the enemy home base and an objective, so as to not only cause distraction (e.g. during S&D Attack), but also as meat shields. 90 seconds of that buffer always helped, their sacrifices not in vain, haha.

Of course the same can be done in this game only the point isn't indestructible, but the same tactics still work great.
Had a lot of fun last night on 24 player mode. Some classic matches and I am starting to learn the classes/abilities, guns, and maps more. If it wasn't for the dreadfully shity UI the multiplayer would be almost perfect. I can't even tell what the exact score is in TDM (just he bars) and how I am personally doing during the match. It took me awhile to figure out how to switch classes and loadouts and that there were more guns if you just keep moving cursor to the right.


I'd be in the dick
These maps are terrible. Too many encounters boil down to a group of teammates and a group of enemies both peeking around opposing corners to see who can get a cheap kill in. So much territory goes unused and a number of maps have no sense of direction. I just want 10 different variations of Tharsis Depot.

I actually really like the maps. Tons of pathways and flanking options without many camping opportunities.
yeh, i was actually surprised how many good maps there are ... there are at least 3 really good maps. That forest map tho ... ugh.

I actually like the forest map for whatever reason. The one I don't like is the one with the trenches, yet it seems to constantly be in rotation.
started playing MP last night and promptly got my ass handed to me. My kill to death ratio is .68

That said, I did have fun, particularly with the support class.


I waited until I beat the single player to finally hop into MP, which I did last night and I had a lot of fun. I used the 7 day trial that came with the game because I don't have a plus account. I only played TDM to get a feel for the maps and classes and ended up mainly playing support. I wish there was some scenario CoOP missions, like in resistance 2. I cant wait to get home and waste my weekend drinking beer and playing MP.


I waited until I beat the single player to finally hop into MP, which I did last night and I had a lot of fun. I used the 7 day trial that came with the game because I don't have a plus account. I only played TDM to get a feel for the maps and classes and ended up mainly playing support. I wish there was some scenario CoOP missions, like in resistance 2. I cant wait to get home and waste my weekend drinking beer and playing MP.

I think there is Coop dlc coming/announced. (not free)
I think there is Coop dlc coming/announced. (not free)
Really, that would be awesome. Is there an article about this somewhere?

edit, Nevermind, they talk about it in a PSblog post
"No, the campaign will not have a co-op mode. However, we’re planning to release a separate Online Co-op Expansion Pack after launch; it will add a new wave-based game mode, in which up to four players take on hordes of enemies in special arena maps."
I love the multiplayer gameplay wise, but there are some issues I have which I believe are holding it back.

User interface: menus aren't intuitive at all. I'm used to them at this point, but the design decisions here are baffling. Why can't I see how many deaths/assists I have during a match? (Yes, I know points are what matter, but it's always nice to see). Why is loadout customization in the "career" section rather than "personalization"? For a while I thought you could only edit your loadouts mid game because of this. Why doesn't a final score window pop up right when the game ends?

Drones and turrets are almost twice as powerful as they should be.

Wall hack should never be in a multiplayer game, even though it's not as bad here as it in most.

The sticky grenade things seem useless to me, maybe I'm using them wrong? Take way too long to detonate.

Maps have too many choke points.

With the absence of xp bars (which is fine with me), I wish there was a ranking system.

An obvious one: team voice chat. This one is crazy to me. I remember in Halo 2, ya know, the first really popular online multiplayer console game 10 years ago, had infinitely better chat. Team chat, proximity chat for the opposing team so you could talk shit? How have we gone so far backwards in 2 generations? No chat at the beginning and end of matches? Ugh.
started playing MP last night and promptly got my ass handed to me. My kill to death ratio is .68

That said, I did have fun, particularly with the support class.

I really like the support class. Can help the team out with revives and respawn stations are essential when the other team inevitably camps your spawn exit.

I have some big reservations over the balance of this game. Spawn exit camping, turrets/sentries are completely over-powered and are bullet sponges, random one-shot kill sniper rifle, pea-shooter assault weapons, debatable map design. I really want to love the online component.


I almost played with gaf last night..game was full..played a tdm...got tired...went to sleep.

Anyone want a 4yr old and 2yr old human to care for...they are exhausting little creatures.


For those who unlocked the Grenade Launcher attachment on their Assault class, what is it like? Just a typical GL, one-hit kill with good splash damage? How many grenades does it have?
For those who unlocked the Grenade Launcher attachment on their Assault class, what is it like? Just a typical GL, one-hit kill with good splash damage? How many grenades does it have?

3 grenades. Typical good old GL. Love the thing.

The only issue is firing behind down people, by cover, and in small hallways. You might think you have clearance, but you don't.
So. Story time.

This online community is probably pretty small at the moment because I had a series of matches yesterday with a guy I played with/against on day one. I can't remember the name right now, but I would if I saw it. He seemed like a fairly competent player even then but not especially memorable beyond his name and consistent success. Anyway, that's not the interesting part. What was interesting to ME was his stats. After 6 days, this mothafucka had amassed:

~887/1000 completed challenges
~7,368 kills
~2,917 deaths
a few hundred wins
2.-something KDA


Now. I feel like I've been playing a lot of KZ online MP, and I have. A bit over a day in hours. But the only way my numbers could match his numbers (if I was trying and had a similar 2.-something kda like him from the beginning) is if I had played for 126 hours already. That's over 5 straight days with no breaks, guys. The game has only been out for 6 days and we were at similar numbers on launch night. What the fuck. I don't like to judge people because I like to play a lot when I can too...but I need some help understanding how/why.

He's the only person I've come across in MM that had a challenge completion score so much higher than mine (462) and his name was memorable (something like kinggolem, but I'd know it if I saw it again). I mean, I love me some KZSF, but that's a lot of fucking love for KZSF...

Anyway, I really really dislike this camping meta. Push a team in, drop a couple of beacons and camp for 10 minutes. Not that it always results in a win because it most certainly doesn't (I've won several matches where my team was being perma-camped and lost some when my team was doing the camping), but the fact that it's so do-able is seriously obnoxious. It really saps the fun out of TDM (the biggest offender). It's now being done or attempted in 95% of the time, in every TDM map in games I join. And even though most maps have a multitude of options to flank teams trying to camp, the lack of ability to communicate (no mics) and/or organize scuttles what are real ways to scuttle the camping meta. If 4 or 5 guys could group up and take the exit least camped, they could break through that group, then come behind the larger group camping and annihilate them before they even knew what happened. Instead, what happens is one or two guys go and have mixed results. Maybe get a pickoff or two, but nothing special and the camping tends to continue. I don't think the problem is the maps yet...but without a way to communicate, the maps and spawn approach in the game just hurt. IDK. Sigh.


Just started jumping into MP last night. Wow, this game brings me back to the golden KZ2 days. I was tearing it up like a mofo.


So, is this game a campers wet dream?

All I'm doing is camping using the really, really overpowered LS70 Fors to kill people from across the map, and then teleporting away when things get hairy for me. I wouldn't doubt that I've made plenty of people rage because of that weapon/ability combo. I'm like a ghost, nobody can touch me.
So, is this game a campers wet dream?

All I'm doing is camping using the really, really overpowered LS70 Fors to kill people from across the map, and then teleporting away when things get hairy for me. I wouldn't doubt that I've made plenty of people rage because of that weapon/ability combo. I'm like a ghost, nobody can touch me.
Does your team win the matches? Or is it just padding your K/D?
So, is this game a campers wet dream?

All I'm doing is camping using the really, really overpowered LS70 Fors to kill people from across the map, and then teleporting away when things get hairy for me. I wouldn't doubt that I've made plenty of people rage because of that weapon/ability combo. I'm like a ghost, nobody can touch me.

Yes, it can be a campers wet dream. It will be awhile yet before people figure out how to properly counter and dislodge campers from their areas.

Lack of microphones really REALLY hurt in this regard because you can't tell teammates where people are or construct strategies to get to them and manage them for the rest of the match.

Even then, yea Emergency Teleport is pretty broken. I think they need to up its cooldown. Shit is too good.
So. Story time.

This online community is probably pretty small at the moment because I had a series of matches yesterday with a guy I played with/against on day one. I can't remember the name right now, but I would if I saw it. He seemed like a fairly competent player even then but not especially memorable beyond his name and consistent success. Anyway, that's not the interesting part. What was interesting to ME was his stats. After 6 days, this mothafucka had amassed:

~887/1000 completed challenges
~7,368 kills
~2,917 deaths
a few hundred wins
2.-something KDA


Now. I feel like I've been playing a lot of KZ online MP, and I have. A bit over a day in hours. But the only way my numbers could match his numbers (if I was trying and had a similar 2.-something kda like him from the beginning) is if I had played for 126 hours already. That's over 5 straight days with no breaks, guys. The game has only been out for 6 days and we were at similar numbers on launch night. What the fuck. I don't like to judge people because I like to play a lot when I can too...but I need some help understanding how/why.

He's the only person I've come across in MM that had a challenge completion score so much higher than mine (462) and his name was memorable (something like kinggolem, but I'd know it if I saw it again). I mean, I love me some KZSF, but that's a lot of fucking love for KZSF...

Anyway, I really really dislike this camping meta. Push a team in, drop a couple of beacons and camp for 10 minutes. Not that it always results in a win because it most certainly doesn't (I've won several matches where my team was being perma-camped and lost some when my team was doing the camping), but the fact that it's so do-able is seriously obnoxious. It really saps the fun out of TDM (the biggest offender). It's now being done or attempted in 95% of the time, in every TDM map in games I join. And even though most maps have a multitude of options to flank teams trying to camp, the lack of ability to communicate (no mics) and/or organize scuttles what are real ways to scuttle the camping meta. If 4 or 5 guys could group up and take the exit least camped, they could break through that group, then come behind the larger group camping and annihilate them before they even knew what happened. Instead, what happens is one or two guys go and have mixed results. Maybe get a pickoff or two, but nothing special and the camping tends to continue. I don't think the problem is the maps yet...but without a way to communicate, the maps and spawn approach in the game just hurt. IDK. Sigh.

Sounds like DehMuffinMan.

He's pretty much crazy. On launch day he had like 400 challenged done. I thought I've played a lot (a day and a half), and have around 550 challenges done.


Did anyone else notice how it notes that <insert map> was created by Guerilla Games? Does that mean there's potential for custom maps down the line?

Also there's the DS4 icon next to your PSN ID sometimes. Maybe that means Move or M/KB support were considered.


Sorry if this has been asked earlier, but do challenges have to take place during a single warzone?

I'm trying to unlock some attachments.

No, it's accumulative across games. So to unlock the holo sight for example, get 25 kills total across all games killing an enemy down the normal sights.
Anyway, I really really dislike this camping meta. Push a team in, drop a couple of beacons and camp for 10 minutes. Not that it always results in a win because it most certainly doesn't (I've won several matches where my team was being perma-camped and lost some when my team was doing the camping), but the fact that it's so do-able is seriously obnoxious. It really saps the fun out of TDM (the biggest offender). It's now being done or attempted in 95% of the time, in every TDM map in games I join. And even though most maps have a multitude of options to flank teams trying to camp, the lack of ability to communicate (no mics) and/or organize scuttles what are real ways to scuttle the camping meta. If 4 or 5 guys could group up and take the exit least camped, they could break through that group, then come behind the larger group camping and annihilate them before they even knew what happened. Instead, what happens is one or two guys go and have mixed results. Maybe get a pickoff or two, but nothing special and the camping tends to continue. I don't think the problem is the maps yet...but without a way to communicate, the maps and spawn approach in the game just hurt. IDK. Sigh.

I'd say now that spawn camping has become much more commonly used, SF really asks for players to have decent communication among each other to work around. I can't think of a map that doesn't have potential flanking pathways, but without in-game mic support, I get paired with teams while soloing (or have fought against opposing teams) that simply try to brute force their way through the main entrance that is being watched by the enemy team.

I mean I would probably re-balance some things like support drones and the like, but I think the game gives you enough tools to fight against the kind of camping that has been happening. And on the topic of maps, I pretty much enjoy all of them right now. I don't recall one that I've disliked.


I'd be in the dick
I'd say now that spawn camping has become much more commonly used, SF really asks for players to have decent communication among each other to work around. I can't think of a map that doesn't have potential flanking pathways, but without in-game mic support, I get paired with teams while soloing (or have fought against opposing teams) that simply try to brute force their way through the main entrance that is being watched by the enemy team.

I mean I would probably re-balance some things like support drones and the like, but I think the game gives you enough tools to fight against the kind of camping that has been happening. And on the topic of maps, I pretty much enjoy all of them right now. I don't recall one that I've disliked.
I agree. Once you know the maps there are a lot of nooks and crannies you can exploit to root out campers but the lack of voice chat makes it tougher than it should be.


Guys, I would love to play with more Gaffer's online! Have already played with a few of you and it's been a blast. I'm not the best player in the game, not even close, but I use a mc and communicate! I generally play the support role now.

Add me! Cheska19
So. Story time.

This online community is probably pretty small at the moment because I had a series of matches yesterday with a guy I played with/against on day one. I can't remember the name right now, but I would if I saw it. He seemed like a fairly competent player even then but not especially memorable beyond his name and consistent success. Anyway, that's not the interesting part. What was interesting to ME was his stats. After 6 days, this mothafucka had amassed:

~887/1000 completed challenges
~7,368 kills
~2,917 deaths
a few hundred wins
2.-something KDA


Now. I feel like I've been playing a lot of KZ online MP, and I have. A bit over a day in hours. But the only way my numbers could match his numbers (if I was trying and had a similar 2.-something kda like him from the beginning) is if I had played for 126 hours already. That's over 5 straight days with no breaks, guys. The game has only been out for 6 days and we were at similar numbers on launch night. What the fuck. I don't like to judge people because I like to play a lot when I can too...but I need some help understanding how/why.

He's the only person I've come across in MM that had a challenge completion score so much higher than mine (462) and his name was memorable (something like kinggolem, but I'd know it if I saw it again). I mean, I love me some KZSF, but that's a lot of fucking love for KZSF...

Maybe he does what the wieners in Uncharted do and shares the account with multiple people?

That way, the account is pretty much playing 24/7.

Or, he's a robot?..
I'd say now that spawn camping has become much more commonly used, SF really asks for players to have decent communication among each other to work around. I can't think of a map that doesn't have potential flanking pathways, but without in-game mic support, I get paired with teams while soloing (or have fought against opposing teams) that simply try to brute force their way through the main entrance that is being watched by the enemy team.

I mean I would probably re-balance some things like support drones and the like, but I think the game gives you enough tools to fight against the kind of camping that has been happening. And on the topic of maps, I pretty much enjoy all of them right now. I don't recall one that I've disliked.

Fuck, this is what I hated most about Killzone 2, especially Radec Academy. A competent team could easily trap the opposing team in its spawn. Even if I was on the competent team, it wasn't fun at all. I was hoping this wouldn't be an issue in Shadow Fall. Maybe when voice chat goes live, base trapping won't be so bad.


Sounds like DehMuffinMan.

He's pretty much crazy. On launch day he had like 400 challenged done. I thought I've played a lot (a day and a half), and have around 550 challenges done.

You play too much... get a life

So you gonna be on tonight? This is heaven btw.
Played Resogun ALL day and then came back to see what's new in Killzone.

Search and Destroy only mode is fun...I hope we see more customization in the future expansion packs to allow things like tie breakers/sudden deaths though.

Really like playing just SnD, and it was a 3 on 3 match, which was a nice, tactical change of pace.


Maybe he does what the wieners in Uncharted do and shares the account with multiple people?

That way, the account is pretty much playing 24/7.

Or, he's a robot?..

Probably as frat house lol

Anyone playing now? Tried going lone wolf last night and it was horrible. Need GAF party!

PSN: Flo_evans
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