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Killzone: Shadow Fall Multiplayer Discussion


As a somewhat casual player - I noticed a weird problem - nobody plays The Divide on the official GG rotations. Every single game goes back to the usual 4 maps or so.

I had to resort to joining custom warzones to get in on a game for the trophies - it also took a few tries since the majority of the playerbase still seem to be on the official GG ones playing the same few maps.


I made a request to implement proxy chat (being able to hear/chat with the enemy team based on AOE) like KZ2. Can you guys sign in with you're PSN accounts and lend three votes to the cause?


Looks like clan support, better hip fire, and Team VOIP will be a sure thing. All are the top suggestions ATM. Also believe fixing the scoreboard and better sized MP icons/text is already in the works.

You can also suggest your own things. You have 7 points total to spend.
+3 Votes. Excellent suggestion.
Just came across the elusive 'DehMuffinMan'.

Level 1008... OKAY THEN.

Yeah, I played about 4 matches with him straight, i'm glad he was on my team. We had about 4 guys that were legit at the game. It was murder. I wonder if that was a coincidence or if they were rolling in a pack.


Added myself to the spreadsheet and I've starting throwing out requests. I'll just throw my tag out here too. Haikira__

Can't wait to get up and going on the 29th. Unsure what class I'll be going for, but I tend to gravitate towards anything in a supporting role, so It'll more than likely be the Support class.


I really don't like the multiplayer on this game. Some aspects of it are good, but I have some problems:

-No voice chat

-I play Team Deathmatch, and the scoreboard at top just says 0-0 THE ENTIRE TIME. Why would they count it like a mission? It's stupid. I want to know what the score of the two teams. And the player list when you hit the touchpad is stupid. I want to see an easy-to-read player list with score from both teams, and instead you just get list of everybody and who's doing best.

-Nobody plays! I was just on, and there's about 500 people playing. About 4 Warzones are active. Here I was gettting excited about this "custom warzones" system where there will always be a bunch of interesting and unique game modes to play, but instead everybody only play Classic Warzone, Team Deathmatch, and that's about it.

-No free-for-all option. You may say that's not the style of game Killzone is, but it was in Killzone Mercenary and it's awesome there.

-Framerate isn't at all what I thought it would be. I thought we would be getting at least "Call of Duty style" 60fps, if not a perfect 60fps, but I've been watching my brother play Ghosts on his PS4 and it's consistently much smoother than KZ:SF. It may occasionally be 60fps, but it's not very often. I feel gimped, because that one Guerilla guy said it would only drop below 60fps if something like all 24 players threw a grenade at the same time. No. That's not remotely true. It seems to be below 60fps about 75-80% of the time.

Ugh, I'm just mad. I wanted this to be THE go-to multiplayer FPS on PS4, and I really thought it was going to be.


-Nobody plays!

Its only out in NA, you were logged on during a weekday during schooland work hours there.

PS4 has a very small install base..who knows how many of the consoles sold are xmas gits as well. There may be less than 750,000 PS4s plugged in right now.

The game peaks into the thousands of players at night now, trending upwards.

Wait till post europe launch and black friday, but really wait till post xmas to see the numbers jump.

I do wish theyd make the tdm score easier to read, we dont need a mission count on TDM.

and they are working on putting chat back in...thankfully.

frame rate hasnt bugged me at all, i dont notice the drops unless its like a total grenade spamfest at a choke point.
-Framerate isn't at all what I thought it would be. I thought we would be getting at least "Call of Duty style" 60fps, if not a perfect 60fps, but I've been watching my brother play Ghosts on his PS4 and it's consistently much smoother than KZ:SF. It may occasionally be 60fps, but it's not very often. I feel gimped, because that one Guerilla guy said it would only drop below 60fps if something like all 24 players threw a grenade at the same time. No. That's not remotely true. It seems to be below 60fps about 75-80% of the time.
Yeah, I played some 24 player deathmatches last night and they were nowhere near 60fps. Didn't feel like it even maintained 30fps minimum. It was playable but a serious letdown after all the pre-release hype.

And yeah, the game needs voice options, stat.

Any word on the horde mode? Or any post-release work? Patches? Anything?


Starting to really get into the multiplayer. I can't remember the name of the weapon, but the support gun that you use a lot in the single player with the charging alt fire mode is so satisfying. I'd love to get into some GAF parties. I feel like we could have some serious success given the low install base right now.


Sorry guys I haven't been on if have added me as a friend! Been busy with work/playing Mario and Zelda, haha.

Soon, though! Stoked to play with some of you guys!


I really don't like the multiplayer on this game. Some aspects of it are good, but I have some problems:

-No voice chat

-I play Team Deathmatch, and the scoreboard at top just says 0-0 THE ENTIRE TIME. Why would they count it like a mission? It's stupid. I want to know what the score of the two teams. And the player list when you hit the touchpad is stupid. I want to see an easy-to-read player list with score from both teams, and instead you just get list of everybody and who's doing best.

-Nobody plays! I was just on, and there's about 500 people playing. About 4 Warzones are active. Here I was gettting excited about this "custom warzones" system where there will always be a bunch of interesting and unique game modes to play, but instead everybody only play Classic Warzone, Team Deathmatch, and that's about it.

-No free-for-all option. You may say that's not the style of game Killzone is, but it was in Killzone Mercenary and it's awesome there.

-Framerate isn't at all what I thought it would be. I thought we would be getting at least "Call of Duty style" 60fps, if not a perfect 60fps, but I've been watching my brother play Ghosts on his PS4 and it's consistently much smoother than KZ:SF. It may occasionally be 60fps, but it's not very often. I feel gimped, because that one Guerilla guy said it would only drop below 60fps if something like all 24 players threw a grenade at the same time. No. That's not remotely true. It seems to be below 60fps about 75-80% of the time.

Ugh, I'm just mad. I wanted this to be THE go-to multiplayer FPS on PS4, and I really thought it was going to be.

The game was initially a 1080p 30 FPS, so I can understand. Maybe next time.


Yeah, I played some 24 player deathmatches last night and they were nowhere near 60fps. Didn't feel like it even maintained 30fps minimum. It was playable but a serious letdown after all the pre-release hype.

And yeah, the game needs voice options, stat.

Any word on the horde mode? Or any post-release work? Patches? Anything?

Yeah the 24 player TDM games aren't going to be a high framerate. If you play Classic Warzone (which everyone should be playing anyway) then the framerate is very nice.
I actually prefer the 24 player count as a lot of maps seem too large for only 14 players. I do wish they would have made it warzone and not TDM though. TDM gets boring
Yeah the 24 player TDM games aren't going to be a high framerate. If you play Classic Warzone (which everyone should be playing anyway) then the framerate is very nice.
Its too bad, because the maps feel better and more exciting with 24 players. You get really pronounced front lines with heavy action and deployed shields, turrets, drones, etc. with you sneakier, more personal skirmishes happening along the flanks. Feels a lot more alive, but the framerate brings it down.


I swear to god if im put on another shitty team again, I swear ill break something

My team as lost 8 GAMES IN A ROW 5-0

Now, you might be saying, "oh jarate, you're just bad" but literally, in all of those games I was the highest scoring player on my team.

In all of the games, I was the only who scored more points then the lowest player on the opposite team. You guys dont understand how frustrating this is.

Literally 8 games in a row of this bullshit. This shit is literally making me not want to play this game.

Anyone else having this problem, or am I just in the midt of some really awful luck?
I swear to god if im put on another shitty team again, I swear ill break something

My team as lost 8 GAMES IN A ROW 5-0
That scoring looks like a full party taking on randoms. Are people on your team even reviving, placing defenses, spawns?

One quick way to tell if your team is going to lose is if you only have the one spawn point, and you can watch yourself bleed out while support troopers just walk on by, oblivious.
Lost 5 games in a row yesterday and that's when I realize I shouldn't play with a team of randoms any more. I've won the majority of my games by teaming up with GAF and coordinating.


I swear to god if im put on another shitty team again, I swear ill break something

My team as lost 8 GAMES IN A ROW 5-0

Now, you might be saying, "oh jarate, you're just bad" but literally, in all of those games I was the highest scoring player on my team.

In all of the games, I was the only who scored more points then the lowest player on the opposite team. You guys dont understand how frustrating this is.

Literally 8 games in a row of this bullshit. This shit is literally making me not want to play this game.

Anyone else having this problem, or am I just in the midt of some really awful luck?

You might be playing against people in parties. Whenever I play in a GAF party we steamroll match after match. Communication is the key to winning and what makes GG decision to leave voice chat out so confusing.
I swear to god if im put on another shitty team again, I swear ill break something

My team as lost 8 GAMES IN A ROW 5-0

Now, you might be saying, "oh jarate, you're just bad" but literally, in all of those games I was the highest scoring player on my team.

In all of the games, I was the only who scored more points then the lowest player on the opposite team. You guys dont understand how frustrating this is.

Literally 8 games in a row of this bullshit. This shit is literally making me not want to play this game.

Anyone else having this problem, or am I just in the midt of some really awful luck?

Unless they are a giant party, I dont understand why GG can't mix up the teams each round. Take the top two guys on one team, and put them on opposite teams for the next round, or something.

I know most players are really new and casual, and it's really unfortunate that I can't find games where teams are evenly match. Everything is there for a solid competitive game... Are we ever going to have a GAF night where 24 of us can just play? I feel like that would be the most fun


That scoring looks like a full party taking on randoms. Are people on your team even reviving, placing defenses, spawns?

One quick way to tell if your team is going to lose is if you only have the one spawn point, and you can watch yourself bleed out while support troopers just walk on by, oblivious.

I mean, generally we gave a shit ton of support (I will play support if no one is playing) but its just my team was ineffective. Maybe I was going against stacked teams, but this was in 4 different sessions of playing over like 7-8 days

Lost 5 games in a row yesterday and that's when I realize I shouldn't play with a team of randoms any more. I've won the majority of my games by teaming up with GAF and coordinating.
I would love to play with Gaf, but I generally like to play during the day time before my adhd meds wear off so I can do better (if you are ever in esports, aderall is like steroids guys). Generally gaf plays at night, where im generally doing something else or having friends over

Also, my router is fucking shit, im getting a new one tomorrow since I cant run my wired connection to the ps4. But shooting at people is a frustrating battle. It takes around 50% more time killing someone then it did through wired.

Ive gotten incredibly good at meleeing and using grenades

The grenade physics in this game are incredibly wonky though, as they just dont give a shit. Idk if its the hitbox being to large or some shit, but man they like to freak out all the time.

Also, if you want to do something fun, flank the enemy and use the sanic ability. Youll chan melee kills like no ones business
All games need Mercenary (no party) playlists.

If this game is yet another party-only affair it will limit the game's community as randoms WILL get tired of getting beat down in wholly imbalanced matchups.

Is there any semblance of matchmaking for skill or balance in Playstation games? Or is that purely an Xbox thing? I'm not sure I've ever played a PS game only and felt there was any real logic at work to the matchmaking besides finding people with a pulse and throwing them into a room. Would love to be wrong here - but that's the impression.

One ace in the hole for GG is the free map support. That removes a significant barrier to entry for new players down the line, so if GG can truly monitor and tweak the game over time, this could have some real legs.

The grenade physics in this game are incredibly wonky though, as they just dont give a shit. Idk if its the hitbox being to large or some shit, but man they like to freak out all the time.
Also true. One of the worst I've ever seen. Its 50/50 whether it'll arc towards my target or take some random tangent and end up at my feet.

They should steal whatever they used for Uncharted 2's multiplayer. Those were grenades that went where you wanted them to.


Also, if we're talking weapon balance, ill throw my two cents in

Get rid of the grenade launcher. This weapon attachment I believe will eventually ruin the multiplayer

Nerf the sentry gun, and nerf the air support HARD. They dont really add anything to the game

Make it so everything is unlocked from the start. Its taking way too long to unlock shit, and nobody likes unlocking the mods and shit for weapons.

Do not let those revived get all their ammo back, also give us a way to kill people who are on the groud



Also, if you guys are looking for a really god hip fire weapon, the 3 round burst sniper weapon's reticule never increases when you shoot. The gun might still need a biff, but I want to see the gun get used more in a hipfire fashion in multiplayer.


I'd be in the dick
From 300 to 600 players in Warzone... can't wait >_>

But seriously it needs to go up in the thousands.

I've usually seen about 600 players in Warzone and 400 in TDM at once. Still low but not that bad considering PS4 has a small install base, it's up against CoD and BF, isn't the biggest IP, and PS+ is behind a paywall now.
Nerf the sentry gun, and nerf the air support HARD. They dont really add anything to the game
Those defenses provide a LOT. They help establish front lines and guard deployed spawns and objectives.

But I agree 100% with the worry about the grenade launcher attachment. Hard to say a game is balanced with all the weapons unlocked when that kind of stuff is still an unlockable.


Those defenses provide a LOT. They help establish front lines and guard deployed spawns and objectives.

But I agree 100% with the worry about the grenade launcher attachment. Hard to say a game is balanced with all the weapons unlocked when that kind of stuff is still an unlockable.

I meant to say, air support doesnt add anything to the game

Sentries are just a wee bit too strong for my taste. But air support to me was just put in because they thought it would sound cool (i feel tht most modern fps game design is based around, OH MAN THIS WEAPON WOUKD BE REALLY COOL instead of actual game design)


Its only out in NA, you were logged on during a weekday during schooland work hours there.

PS4 has a very small install base..who knows how many of the consoles sold are xmas gits as well. There may be less than 750,000 PS4s plugged in right now.

The game peaks into the thousands of players at night now, trending upwards.

Man I really hope you're right. This was supposed to be the "system seller" on the first party side. I haven't seen anything more than 1500 players anytime I've tried playing. I think BF4 and COD have substantially more players. What's considered good in terms of number of online players? I know COD can number in the hundreds of thousands at launch.


Man I really hope you're right. This was supposed to be the "system seller" on the first party side. I haven't seen anything more than 1500 players anytime I've tried playing. I think BF4 and COD have substantially more players. What's considered good in terms of number of online players? I know COD can number in the hundreds of thousands at launch.
1500 players is good for a game that most people will get for the single player. Cod and Battlefield are both games where people will get them for the multiplayer, Killzone is the opposite


I meant to say, air support doesnt add anything to the game

Sentries are just a wee bit too strong for my taste. But air support to me was just put in because they thought it would sound cool (i feel tht most modern fps game design is based around, OH MAN THIS WEAPON WOUKD BE REALLY COOL instead of actual game design)

Turrets and air support can be taken out with one shot by support's missile and it even locks on so you never miss. They are only a problem if the other team has 3-4 people rolling support and yours has none. They do suck when your team is made up of everyone playing Recon and one or two assaults.
Psn: Octavion_Rex
the online is awesome but I found a few problems with the people playing as support class. NO ONE uses spawn beacons but me and no one seems to care to heal.....

Is their anyone out there that works for the team? People playing like its call of duty....i just want to scream gtfo. Only when i'm losing do I care, of course haha
Turrets and air support can be taken out with one shot by support's missile and it even locks on so you never miss. They are only a problem if the other team has 3-4 people rolling support and yours has none.
Or your team hasn't unlocked that yet.

I swear, what was the logic behind making all the guns unlocked from the get-go again? Because I'm not seeing the difference when you can just call them "attachments".


Psn: Octavion_Rex
the online is awesome but I found a few problems with the people playing as support class. NO ONE uses spawn beacons but me and no one seems to care to heal.....

Is their anyone out there that works for the team? People playing like its call of duty....i just want to scream gtfo. Only when i'm losing do I care, of course haha

lack of voice chat really makes it hard. i think a lot of people don't really know what they are doing...myself included. if there was like a "squad leader" that gave me advice on what i should be doing i think i'd be able to play better/more correctly lol
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