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Killzone: Shadow Fall Multiplayer Discussion

Team announcers are fucking weak now. I really miss the miserable, aggressive tone of the PS3 games. Taking away the propaganda dilutes the atmosphere too. Won a beacon round and the line was to the effect of:

"Well done. We have more beacons."


Good news is the game is satisfying me in all other ways. Harsh impressions had me worried, but this feels like the best in the series so far in terms of multiplayer mechanics. It's a shame spawn on squad leader is gone but generous spawn beacons makes up for it (when the team bothers).

The combination of now aim assist and the DS4's precision makes the shooting very, very satisfying.
To go from Colonel Radec and Admiral Orlock to this random Helghast dude is such a downgrade


For anyone who has the bug where Killzone crashes at the menu after leaving a multiplayer game I have a fix.

Backup your gamesave via cloud and usb to be safe.
Delete KZ game data, update data, and your gamesave.
Turn PS4 off, hold power button for 7 seconds to enter safe mode.
Rebuild database (took about 2 minutes)
reinstall Killzone
Download gamesave
download patch

This worked for me and I haven't experienced a crash since. (Played 5 hours last night)
Why are people saying hip fire is nerfed?

It's not. For short to mid range distances it will easily beat anyone bringing up ADS if you are skilled.

I hope GG doesn't fucking mess with it.

Which gun? Because this is simply not true. Hipfire is 100% unreliable, and ADS + Shooting seems superior always


Question about 24 player warzone, is there something different about beacon retrieval? It seemed like there were multiple beacons and I couldn't seem to return it. Also for the capture the area there appeared to be 5 areas but I could only see 2. Is it broken or is this the way it's supposed to be?


Question about 24 player warzone, is there something different about beacon retrieval? It seemed like there were multiple beacons and I couldn't seem to return it. Also for the capture the area there appeared to be 5 areas but I could only see 2. Is it broken or is this the way it's supposed to be?

I think 1 is beacon defense - where you have to defend your own beacon while stealing the other team's beacon. You need your team's beacon at your homebase in order to turn in the opposing team's beacon.

The other one seems to be a chain capture sort of deal. Capture C - B opens up to be captured. Capture B opens up node A.

I think if you are trying to capture B, but the opposing team takes C, then B deactivates until you recapture C again.
Yeah I agree. The hipfire doesn't seem as powerful as it use to be in previous killzones.

I don't really see the problem in this. Hipfire/point shooting requires you to completely design your game around it. Clearly this one was not. Scouts don't even have a gun when cloaked. Simply making this like KZ2 would be a disaster and GG knows that. Making hipfire ever so slightly better may help but it could also lead to other imbalances. It is the reason they just need to keep their game going and not fold to pressure. They have a nicely balanced game atm. They don't need to screw that up to satisfy some crazy KZ2 dudes living in the past.

This response in general is more for people that think hipfire should be viable at 10-20 feet. That is ridiculous imo unless you make the reticule dance quite a bit.

And even then we are talking about having to rebalance an entire game so some KZ2 dudes can hipfire? Fuck that. Half the guys that want this on the officials have KDRs in the 2-3 range. They don't need anything to help them out.
Question about 24 player warzone, is there something different about beacon retrieval? It seemed like there were multiple beacons and I couldn't seem to return it. Also for the capture the area there appeared to be 5 areas but I could only see 2. Is it broken or is this the way it's supposed to be?

They are variations on the original modes. Play bot mode to understand the game's modes


I gotta say, being able to load directly into an MP match from the PS4 OS is really great. Do any other games allow you to do this?

Agreed. This is awesome. And always so tempting when you fire your ps4 up and see a gaf kz party going. Love love love how it drops you right into the group if there is an opening.
Question about 24 player warzone, is there something different about beacon retrieval? It seemed like there were multiple beacons and I couldn't seem to return it. Also for the capture the area there appeared to be 5 areas but I could only see 2. Is it broken or is this the way it's supposed to be?

Beacon retrieval is CTF and the capture the area one is called Capture and Connect; you take one part and then have to capture the next one while holding the previous one. For example, you capture C, then move on to try and cap B while holding C at the same time.
Lets keep KZ2 in KZ2, that game is simply not fun. Although I do prefer the amount of classes in KZ2 to the simplified babby shit in KZSF. I have no Infiltrator you bastards at GG.

I created a KZ2 Nostalgia Warzone, didn't get much love from the players. Try it out.

I'm at 80. You may also want to experiment with having the vertical sensitivity one notch lower than horizontal.



I need gamertags for warzones ........ when you have a good team its sooo good, when you have a bad team it's sooooo frustrating


I think I was ont hne wrong end of a GAF beat down earlier..but I got a few kills on a couple of ya, and got brought home the b(e)acon.

such a good game...its totally deserving a sooogoood gif.
Never had connection issue...until 24 warzone started . Anyone have a guess as to why it keeps having connection issues?
hosts? me? or the servers?
GG needs to make better modes.

Warzone 7v7 is fine but everything else is kinda lame in the mission stuff. I want a full pistols match server all the time as well we should have some weekly things like shotties only and stuff like that. I guess for the future right.

That 24 warzone though is too short.


Not as deep as he thinks
I had a problem yesterday where every time I accessed the PS4 XMB and re-entered KZ, none of my button presses would register. It was like everything was frozen.


Drones are annoying and having way too many hit points. Probably the main thing I dislike about MP so far.

I just fear for when people have the maxed out, they will be airborne constantly, and doing damage.

Is there a limit to how many bots a team can have active?? (isnt there a turret and beacon limit?) If not, should be one.

OK, someone learn me on this party chat / join friends session. I saw Kilgore playing and hit join session, and it put me on the other team, likely since it was the only open slot.

In between games I wasn't autobalanced..but maybe he had 8 gaffers.

I never hit join party chat either.

So, Im safe in assuming joining a session is not going to auto join party chat, right?

but does not joining party chat, affect the team you are placed on if you only 'join session'??
Having a lot more fun with this than BF4.

Part of it is that BF crashes and glitches so damn much, but its also a matter of the smaller scale in Killzone that just feels so much better. An individual can make a lot more of a difference in KZ than BF, and drones aren't nearly the same kind of threat of those vehicles in BF. It doesn't waste you time, and you can still have a good time running solo.

Of course randoms going against parties in either game are going to get hammered, but you can actually put up some kind of fight in Killzone.


Any word on the co-op/horde dlc? Its the part of this game that most excites me but there doesn't seem to be any real info on it!
I'm working my way towards the "support king" challenge. I believe that's what it's called. Not sure don't have the game in front of me. Anyways, does completing this challenge unlock anything?


wow ok so I've been playing KZSF Multi heavy today after finishing the SP. Hilarious that people just sit there and get pushed all the way to the base whilst I'm laying down spawns for my team. People so dumb but whatever the game feels fantastic, can't wait to play it with some of my KZ3 friends.


I just realized that I don't think I've ever played in the slums. Is that just a really bad map or something? Nobody ever votes on it.


Been playing since launch and loving the MP but have a few petty gripes. Nothing major like the embarrasingly absent voice chat or annoying FOV, but I want to see what you guys think.

Spawn orientation - Is it just me? 90% of the time when I spawn in base, I'm either at the farthest point from an exit, facing a wall, or both. More than once in the Spire I spawned between those gold space sleeping bag looking things. Seriously, wtf?
Idle players - Nearly every game I play, there will be idle players in the base. I get it, we have lives and need to attend to stuff. When your team is down a player or two, you lose. There should be a an idle clock that kicks you after X amount of time and allows someone else to join who will actually play.
Joining losing games - I don't mind losing, I really don't. Look at my stats lol. It's annoying to constantly join games in progress that are 4-0 or 3-1 with less than 5 minutes to go, and it happens A LOT. Automatic loss for your stats whether you stay or leave.

Edit: I've been corrected on idle players; they are kicked.

No Love

Been playing since launch and loving the MP but have a few petty gripes. Nothing major like the embarrasingly absent voice chat or annoying FOV, but I want to see what you guys think.

Spawn orientation - Is it just me? 90% of the time when I spawn in base, I'm either at the farthest point from an exit, facing a wall, or both. More than once in the Spire I spawned between those gold space sleeping bag looking things. Seriously, wtf?

Idle players - Nearly every game I play, there will be idle players in the base. I get it, we have lives and need to attend to stuff. When your team is down a player or two, you lose. There should be a an idle clock that kicks you after X amount of time and allows someone else to join who will actually play.

Joining losing games - I don't mind losing, I really don't. Look at my stats lol. It's annoying to constantly join games in progress that are 4-0 or 3-1 with less than 5 minutes to go, and it happens A LOT. Automatic loss for your stats whether you stay or leave.

Idle players get kicked out after a couple mins. Happens to me all the time.


Finally tried this today and i didn't like it at all. I've played every Killzone game online and i still don't like the base respawn style. A team always manages to control a team by camping outside their base, also there was like 2k players only, seems awfully low for a weekend night.

It also feels too slow, and the maps have too much stuff going on and makes it hard to spot enemies at times. Gonna try it again tomorrow but i can't see myself coming back to it over CoD of Battlefield.
It stinks that once players start leaving, the multiplayer system doesn't migrate those players to be in matches where there would be a full team. Funniest moment so far was ending up alone against three dudes and winning a round of deathmatch on 'classic' warzone. Got a kill and then ran into my base to win the round with the only kill. Flawless victory.


Finally tried this today and i didn't like it at all. I've played every Killzone game online and i still don't like the base respawn style. A team always manages to control a team by camping outside their base, also there was like 2k players only, seems awfully low for a weekend night.

It also feels too slow, and the maps have too much stuff going on and makes it hard to spot enemies at times. Gonna try it again tomorrow but i can't see myself coming back to it over CoD of Battlefield.

Were you playing 24 Player Team Deathmatch? That seams to be the most popular warzone for some reason, and I just don't get it. That tends to have the most spawn camping I think because they concentrate only on the kills and not on any other objectives.

Foxix Von

Just added myself to the spreadsheet! I definitely need more folks to play with. Feel free to add me; PSN handle is Fireclad.

Started playing around with cloak earlier and it kind of sucks. I get spotted all the time and it's super lame that automata can spot you. Kind of feels like a mostly useless skill.

Drones and turrents are REALLY overpowered. Seems an easy fix would be to let cloak sneak past automata and deconstruct it. The stun missle the scout can unlock is a maaaaajor help for drones though, it's just a shame it's not part of the scout class' default set of tools. It seems like not many folks use the stun drone so no one unlocks it... Bleh

Not sure what people see in TDM. So many of these classes and maps are so focused on objective oriented team play that TDM is just... Well it's downright not fun to me. It strips away everything that makes this game unique to shooters.


Just added myself to the spreadsheet! I definitely need more folks to play with. Feel free to add me; PSN handle is Fireclad.

Started playing around with cloak earlier and it kind of sucks. I get spotted all the time and it's super lame that automata can spot you. Kind of feels like a mostly useless skill.

Drones and turrents are REALLY overpowered. Seems an easy fix would be to let cloak sneak past automata and deconstruct it. The stun missle the scout can unlock is a maaaaajor help for drones though, it's just a shame it's not part of the scout class' default set of tools. It seems like not many folks use the stun drone so no one unlocks it... Bleh

Not sure what people see in TDM. So many of these classes and maps are so focused on objective oriented team play that TDM is just... Well it's downright not fun to me. It strips away everything that makes this game unique to shooters.

Completely agree with you on TDM.

Does the stun stun everybody in area or just your enemies?

Heh....stun stun

Also I'll add you, Foxix!

My PSN handle is goodface87

Foxix Von

Does the stun stun everybody in area or just your enemies?

Heh....stun stun
Stun drone hits everything within a certain radius. The stun gun attatchment is short range single target and the stun missle is lock on only and is limited to use against automata.

Edit: Sorry, misunderstood. It's enemies only. At least so long as friendly fire is disabled. Not sure if that can change it.


I got to get around adding all the other people, I have a lot of you already, but gonna go through the thread and spreadsheet tomorrow and get the rest of you!

Good games tonight all.


Loving the MP on Shadowfall. Reminds me of the fun I had briefly in Killzone 2.

I do hope GG hold steady and don't bow to pressure over hip fire. Last thing we need is for the game to turn into some mindless CoD dribble.

If any fellow Oceania players want to add me my tag is DXPetti. I come from a Battlefield background so I enjoy doing the team thing (i.e. spawn beacons, heals etc...)
Loving the MP on Shadowfall. Reminds me of the fun I had briefly in Killzone 2.

I do hope GG hold steady and don't bow to pressure over hip fire. Last thing we need is for the game to turn into some mindless CoD dribble.

If any fellow Oceania players want to add me my tag is DXPetti. I come from a Battlefield background so I enjoy doing the team thing (i.e. spawn beacons, heals etc...)

The irony here is that CoD is the game that pretty much standardized the ADS. On that note, I'm not sure if people lurking back everywhere aimed down their sights 24/7 is better than running around being able to hip-fire. The problem with this game is that there's basically one way to play it properly with the high TTK and large map design.

Also 24 man warzone is way too laggy, I think I'm done with that playlist for good.
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