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Killzone: Shadow Fall Multiplayer Discussion

God, the 24-player TDM mode is already the most popular. What a shame.

I'm really surprised GG didn't dedicate a proper TDM mode. Like, in Battlefield, they get rid of the bases and just have a traditional TDM with traditional spawning around the map.

I bet lots of people are frustrated with the spawn camping in TDM, but it really seems that this mode would inevitably be popular.

...And I wish they still called it Bodycount haha.


When will people learn that they need to use spawns? :|
One of the most annoying things I find occurs in this game. I seem to always be the only person putting down the beacons, sometimes there are others, the 24-player games seem to be better, but still end up being only two of us a lot.
So I played a bit of multi and I love it. So glad there's no aim assist. So awesome of Guerilla. One thing though... I can see how many kills I got but where are my deaths?


How do the spawn work? I use them a lot but in what direction do you spawn? The direction I am standing when I deploy it? Opposite like the spawn grenade? Random?


I shouldn't be able to hip fire a guy across the map like in KZ2

I loved that about killzone 2, I NEVER used the sights and was a sharpshooter, so I was hating the guns in ShadowFall at first.. At first I thought the standard rifle in ShadowFall (Pulver?) was a little under powered or the fire rate was too slow, but since I unlocked the ACOG scope I have been dominating.

I still think the game could use a strong patch. Tone down the blur and bloom little bit. Nerf the turret and drones a little bit(people will be more inclined to play different roles). Add voice chat and parties, add your damn in game KDR.. The core gameplay is good but the game is way too bare bones. Hopefully they patch it up soon because the community is already pretty small as is.


Great games today guys.

Here's that rage message I got about killing one guy randomly with the Buddy Drone, pretty amusing:


If only there was a hack for buddy kills... thing is so damn useless 99% of the time, lol.

Almost done though now, after 3 days of countless games...


Weekend was a blast though, full parties for both days pretty much all day from afternoon to midnight, pretty sweet!

leng jai

Why is drone kill assist not a thing? Lost count I've unloaded a full clip into one of them and received zero credit for it.
I'm really surprised GG didn't dedicate a proper TDM mode. Like, in Battlefield, they get rid of the bases and just have a traditional TDM with traditional spawning around the map.

I bet lots of people are frustrated with the spawn camping in TDM, but it really seems that this mode would inevitably be popular.

...And I wish they still called it Bodycount haha.

Yep its a shame it's the most popular mode. Lmfao too cos I'm a noob and I played this mode purely to upgrade a pistol with a flashlight - @ 2 minutes in I must have died 10 times which has put my kd:ratio to abysmal levels! I didn't give in though and swap guns but nobody really wants to know what my eventual deaths were! - let's say I had to have a few games before I got that flashlight after which I was just as shit with it on lol!

The games were almost a total clusterfuck from beginning to end - I got plenty of revives though :)

Sounds like a great idea for the random spawning and would improve the mode x100! Surely this can't be that hard to implement? How about an option?

It also goes to show that a free-for-all mode would also have been appreciated by a lot of gamers and I even think it would have helped it compete with others fps released much more. Let gamers have a ffa mode and hopefully the increased numbers will downstream to the team play modes.


Are there any general tips people would like to share to FPS/Killzone beginners (ie, me)? I've been sticking to support so far and trying to place spawn beacons near objectives and on higher grounds, but still doing kinda bad.


Are there any general tips people would like to share to FPS/Killzone beginners (ie, me)? I've been sticking to support so far and trying to place spawn beacons near objectives and on higher grounds, but still doing kinda bad.

Like every shooter, positioning is the most important skill. Especially KZ:SF where communication is pretty limited. Keep the action in front of you by sticking to walls or map edges where it's difficult to be flanked. Be prepared to aim chest to head height anywhere an enemy is likely to appear. Don't expose more of the character model than you have to by using cover when available. Try to not run or reload unless you're sure nobody is around. Above all don't get discouraged if it takes a bit to get used to the maps and guns and try to have fun. :p

And support with spawn beacons is a fine choice and one that I guarantee your teammates appreciate. Even indirectly adds to your k/d stats by keeping the other team from comfortably setting up camp at objectives.
Still playing this pretty consistently since launch and I'm loving it. This is really a return to form for Guerrilla. With KZ3 I feel like half of my playtime was spent thinking about things that needed to be patched, whereas SF feels surprisingly balanced and well designed from the very beginning. There are a few minor issues here and there but overall it's a seriously impressive effort. It's just a shame more people aren't into the MP, I really think this is good enough to hang with the best of them (and in many cases, surpass them).

Also, M55 Rumbler for life.


I'd be in the dick
Still playing this pretty consistently since launch and I'm loving it. This is really a return to form for Guerrilla. With KZ3 I feel like half of my playtime was spent thinking about things that needed to be patched, whereas SF feels surprisingly balanced and well designed from the very beginning. There are a few minor issues here and there but overall it's a seriously impressive effort. It's just a shame more people aren't into the MP, I really think this is good enough to hang with the best of them (and in many cases, surpass them).

Also, M55 Rumbler for life.

I think this game will wind up having a small but dedicated fanbase for MP, much like RFoM.


Im on chapter 8. I thought the freefall section was great i dont know what people are complaining about.

However, im stuck on the mobile scan unit section after that elevator shaft where the elevator comes crashing down on you and the building falls down outside.

I have no idea how to disable it.
I put the capacitor in the slot thats connected to the mobile scan unit and blow it up, but it doesnt do shit and then it starts firing at me and summons ATACs.
What am I missing?
Im on chapter 8. I thought the freefall section was great i dont know what people are complaining about.

However, im stuck on the mobile scan unit section after that elevator shaft where the elevator comes crashing down on you and the building falls down outside.

I have no idea how to disable it.
I put the capacitor in the slot thats connected to the mobile scan unit and blow it up, but it doesnt do shit and then it starts firing at me and summons ATACs.
What am I missing?
There are two slots you need to put capacitors into. Also, I'm pretty sure the freefall section was patched which is why it probably didn't bother you as much as it did most people.

By the way this is the MP discussion thread, you'll probably get some more discussion if you post this in the OT.
Im on chapter 8. I thought the freefall section was great i dont know what people are complaining about.

However, im stuck on the mobile scan unit section after that elevator shaft where the elevator comes crashing down on you and the building falls down outside.

I have no idea how to disable it.
I put the capacitor in the slot thats connected to the mobile scan unit and blow it up, but it doesnt do shit and then it starts firing at me and summons ATACs.
What am I missing?

It was patched a few days ago. Delete the patch and then try to play it, you might pull your hair out :p

There are 2 capacitors, not one. You need to disable both of them.


Great games today guys.

Here's that rage message I got about killing one guy randomly with the Buddy Drone, pretty amusing:


If only there was a hack for buddy kills... thing is so damn useless 99% of the time, lol.

Almost done though now, after 3 days of countless games...


Weekend was a blast though, full parties for both days pretty much all day from afternoon to midnight, pretty sweet!

Fun times dude. Pity I suck balls at this game. Need to buy a better headset too.


Like every shooter, positioning is the most important skill. Especially KZ:SF where communication is pretty limited. Keep the action in front of you by sticking to walls or map edges where it's difficult to be flanked. Be prepared to aim chest to head height anywhere an enemy is likely to appear. Don't expose more of the character model than you have to by using cover when available. Try to not run or reload unless you're sure nobody is around. Above all don't get discouraged if it takes a bit to get used to the maps and guns and try to have fun. :p

And support with spawn beacons is a fine choice and one that I guarantee your teammates appreciate. Even indirectly adds to your k/d stats by keeping the other team from comfortably setting up camp at objectives.

Thank you for your advice!


Great games today guys.

Here's that rage message I got about killing one guy randomly with the Buddy Drone, pretty amusing:


Are there any punishments in place if you report him? Seems like there should be. I disable others from being able to send messages to me unless they are a friend to avoid that kind of grief.


The direction you are standing when you deploy it.

Oh wow, I totally didn't know that. I kept assuming it was all about which direction the little dish was pointing lol. This will make my spawns so much better.

Goddamnit. Warzone should be the ONLY option.
Yeah it's so expected that people would gravitate to the spamfest TDM option, just like KZ2. It's a real shame since we can make our own playlists but that'll never take off as an option since everyone funnels right into TDM or Classic Warzone.

I'd love to see active playlists that are more specialized. I'd also like to try out a friendly fire room. But who am I kidding, that's never going to happen.
God, the 24-player TDM mode is already the most popular. What a shame.
I bounce between team deathmatch and warzone depending upon my mood. Sometimes you just want to focus on taking the other team out, and sometimes you want to sprinkle that with objectives.

I can't decide - they're both great, and its nice to see that each class still brings something to the table in either mode.
Only played the MP briefly so far, but seems pretty hard to handle with randoms. . . I've added my PSN ID (Das_Mookid) to the spreadsheet and sent out a few requests to folks in this thread. Please feel free to add me if you'd like to get some games going.


How can people NOT think
"Hmm those extra spawnpoints are great! I will plants those when no one else does"
"Wow getting revived is very useful! I should revive other people too!"
when they are playing with me! I feel a bit forced playing Support since no one else does. But I am loving it soo no harm done really =)


How can people NOT think
"Hmm those extra spawnpoints are great! I will plants those when no one else does"
"Wow getting revived is very useful! I should revive other people too!"
when they are playing with me! I feel a bit forced playing Support since no one else does. But I am loving it soo no harm done really =)

I prefer playing assault, and usually when I join randoms most are playing support. If no one is playing support or not spawning/reviving, I switch.
Shame. Seems like people just want to make sure the KDR is as high as possible. Who cares? Working as a team in Warzone to complete objectives and outsmart the opposition is way more fun.

I don't think that's it. I think it's the reality that Warzone is frustrating as all fuck without reliable in-game chat. It just fucking is. Nothing's more infuriating in this game than wanting to tell your teammates, "hey we need a couple more engineers so we can get some beacons and turrets up to push that objective"...and not being able to. Or seeing that the team has waaay more snipers than are needed but not being able to express that to the team.

TDM is the only option where you can expect everyone to understand how to play it and how to win.

If mic support was built in day 1, Warzone would still be the most popular mode. The fact that it wasn't in 2013 still bothers the fuck out of me.
after seeing 1000+ people on TDM last night, i tried it out.

ended up with a 32+ kill game (dont know my kd) and got the gold skull icon.

shame the footage didnt get recorded :|
can you party up easily with your friends in this game? i'm really looking for something to play where it's easy to party up and people actually talk while playing. i'm really tired of gaming online in silence with no communication/strategy. these types of games are so much better when the team is working together.
Finally caught up with the thread. Been working on weapon unlocks, got them all except the last scope vulture sniper (Which is my favorite rifle anyway) and pistols. Now I can get back to playing the way I would normally.

feel free to add me psn zerostrife

I'm on the spreadsheet and have a few games but I always look to see if anyone is playing killzone before I jump into any other game.

What is the size limit on psn chat groups (not parties)? If we all joined one together it would be easier to set up games, but I've been so busy playing games I haven't even really checked out a lot of ps4 features yet. I haven't even used the share button lol
Man, 24 player Warzone is where it's at! At least on the bigger maps. Good teamwork and common sense....


After using the rocket launchers, they are a piece of cake to take down (and quite satisfying too). Air support will be literally useless if they decide to nerf it, considering it has a strong counter in the support class.

If they do nerf it, I expect them to have stronger armour as the only thing balancing the 1-hit takedowns from rockets is their high kill rate.


I don't think that's it. I think it's the reality that Warzone is frustrating as all fuck without reliable in-game chat. It just fucking is. Nothing's more infuriating in this game than wanting to tell your teammates, "hey we need a couple more engineers so we can get some beacons and turrets up to push that objective"...and not being able to. Or seeing that the team has waaay more snipers than are needed but not being able to express that to the team.

TDM is the only option where you can expect everyone to understand how to play it and how to win.

If mic support was built in day 1, Warzone would still be the most popular mode. The fact that it wasn't in 2013 still bothers the fuck out of me.

Good point.
Are there any punishments in place if you report him? Seems like there should be. I disable others from being able to send messages to me unless they are a friend to avoid that kind of grief.

To be fair, the dude is spot on. ref is a one shot hack pussy. If anything there should be a Like button on messages, because I'd like the shit out of that.


Hnnng. Had some good games of Killzone today with friends. I really want people to learn to use spawns though. It gets boring when you end up base humping the enemy because no one on their team is using spawns or teleporting out to do anything about it.

Shame there are no clan features to get some good organized play going.


Is anyone else having problems making out players on the screen?

I am not sure if its a motion blur issue, but enemies just blend into the background and its kind of frustrating and disorienting.

Something I have to get used to I guess.


Ilúvatar;92181202 said:
It looks like that is one of the most voted for features on their boards, so hopefully we'll be seeing that soon(ish)

Hope so. Killzone needs needs needs needs, clan support. The game is designed for organized play, it's a shame they didn't launch with it.
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